Compiled by:  Research Division







Relative to a Council public hearing, revises proposed exception such that no speaker who is speaking on transferred time may speak for greater than 12 (rather than 9) minutes (allows transfer of time during public hearings at Council only); omits provisions allowing transfer of time during comments from the public; retains proposed addition of a second period of public comment, to be heard at the end of the Council’s regular order of business.






Provides for appropriation to an “Avenue B Area Landscape” account and specifies the appropriate account number.






Clarifies applicability of Chapter 15; requests for use of other locations for Council public meetings are to be submitted to both the City Ethics Officer and the Office of General Counsel Ethics Liaison, with a copy to the Council President, and written approval from either the City Ethics Officer or the Office of General Counsel Ethics Liaison, with a copy to the Council President and the other approving authority, is required; requires that certain minutes reflect the attendance of registered lobbyists; retains annual review by Council Auditor, and provides for additional filing of report with the Ethics Commission; provides for comment on the report; provides for annual Sunshine Law training for Council members and Executive Council Assistants in one training class, and revises provisions concerning such training; requires review based on complete data for the first year of each term, but allows review to be based on statistically significant samples in any other year if the previous year’s success rate has been at least 95%; retains section concerning recommendations for improved compliance.






Reduces appropriated amount from $249,500 to $119,304.36; reduces the appropriated amount to Davey Tree Company from $225,000 to $110,467; reduces appropriated amount for landscape design from $24,500 to $8,837.36; strikes various references to irrigation installation; provides for appropriation to an “Arboretum Landscaping” account; replaces reference to “shrubs planting and irrigation” with reference to “palms and planting;” provides for a Revised Exhibit 1 (cost detail); provides for a Revised Exhibit 2 (CIP project information sheet).






Revises title; revises proposed new provisions concerning Sheriff’s authority to enter into interagency agreements to require that such agreements provide for termination at will upon 90 day notice clauses and that a fully signed and executed copy or duplicate original is maintained by the Office of General Counsel; requires that the Sheriff provide to the Office of General Counsel, and that said office maintain, a fully signed and executed copy or duplicate original of all active cooperative law enforcement interagency agreements executed by the Sheriff.






Corrects date of Exhibit 1 minutes (February 3, 2010, rather than January 20, 2010).







(LUZ) Incorporates provisions of the Finance Committee amendment, but requires the Chief Financial Officer to make a recommendation to the Administration to increase the fee for a service provided by the City (rather than authorize the Chief Financial Officer to increase the fee for a service provided by the City); provides for the Chief Financial Officer to cause legislation to be introduced to codify and approve any proposed change to the fee structure (omits provision for filing of a request for a Special Committee report).






(Finance) Provides that the fees contained in the various sections are subject to the annual review of fees provision found in Section 106.112, Ordinance Code; requires the Chief Financial Officer to file a request for a Special Committee report pursuant to Council Rules regarding any change to the fee structure, with such fee increase to become effective upon the filing of the signed Special Committee report by the Finance Committee Chair; increases the fee for a notice of appeal relative to Historic Preservation and Protection from $250 to $550; relative to roofing, retains proposed BID permit fee of $10 (increased from $5.50), but strikes Resource Management and Landscape fee of $2.50 and Development Management/Zoning and Addressing fee of $2.00; deletes exclusion of vacant dwellings from imposition of a Solid Waste fee; removes proposed changes to Chapter 655 (Concurrency Management System); includes amendment of Section 656.141 (Notice of Appeal) relative to decisions of the Planning Commission or Downtown Development Review Board to provide a filing fee of $550 (increased from $150); requires that the Administration establish on the City of Jacksonville web page a list of all current fees as well as having all fees on file with Legislative Services; places on file the Municipal Fee Schedule; makes other technical and corrective changes.






Changes the stated approximate average annual salary amount from $44,805 to $44,807; makes average salary information applicable as determined by the State and strikes reference to average salary in the State effective as of January 1, 2010; provides for a revised economic development agreement.






States that a copy of the grant application overview is attached as Exhibit 1 and attaches said exhibit.






Clarifies that appointment is also to an unexpired term to expire September 30, 2010.






Clarifies that appointment is also to an unexpired term to expire September 30, 2010.






Clarifies that appointment is pursuant to Chapter 96, Ordinance Code.






Corrects numbering of terms (appointment to a third full term and succeeding fourth term rather than to a fourth term and succeeding fifth term).






Corrects a scrivener’s error (“Blasius” rather than “Blasis”).






Corrects Ordinance Code citing (Section 50.102 Members of boards and commissions, rather than Chapter 50.104 Vacancies; attendance; limitations on terms of service).













Contact:            Jeff Clements, Chief of Research  (904) 630-1405 or