November 16, 2010

3:30 p.m.


City Council Conference Room A

Suite 425, City Hall

117 West Duval Street


Attendance:  Committee Chair John Crescimbeni; Committee Members Don Redman and Ray Holt; Cherry Shaw, Jason Gabriel, and Dylan Reingold, Office of General Counsel; John Crofts, Department of Planning and Development; Merriane Lahmeur, Sharonda Davis, and Rick Campbell, Office of City Council


The Committee Chair, John Crescimbeni, called the meeting to order at 3:31 p.m., and he asked Mr. John Crofts to take everyone through the marked agenda containing the suggested committee actions.


Changes, additions, and comments concerning the agenda as marked included:

10-326 In response to inquiry, the Chair was advised that C/M Hyde will provide an overview;      Mr. Reingold noted that the Planning and Development Department is making slight   modifications to its recommendation, and consideration of an LUZ Committee        amendment combining the provisions of the PHS Committee amendment with these          modifications would be in order

10-389 Community meeting scheduled; public hearing to be continued to January 4, 2011

10-670 Indefinite deferral has been requested by introducer

10-782 Revised written description and date to be included in conditions

10-784 The Chair asked if the parties would be present at 5:00, and was advised that their             preference was to be heard about 6:00; Mr. Reingold offered suggestions relative to   committee hearing procedure

10-847 Mr. Crofts advised that the Planning and Development Department will have a      presentation for the next meeting


Mr. Crofts informed everyone of a Savannah College of Art and Design exhibit beginning tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 in the Lynwood Roberts Room, with a project introduction at 3:00 p.m., concerning ideas for redevelopment of the shipyards area.


As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:41 p.m.


Rick Campbell, Research Assistant/(904) 630-1679


Posted 11.17.10/8:00 a.m.