September 8, 2010

3:30 p.m.


City Council Conference Room A

Suite 425, City Hall

117 West Duval Street


Attendance:  Committee Chair John Crescimbeni; Committee Members Ray Holt and Don Redman; Dylan Reingold, Office of General Counsel; John Crofts, Sean Kelly, and Folks Huxford, Department of Planning and Development; Merriane Lahmeur and Rick Campbell, Office of City Council


The Committee Chair, John Crescimbeni, called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m., and he asked Mr. John Crofts to take everyone through the marked agenda containing the suggested committee actions.


Changes, additions, and comments concerning the agenda as marked included:

10-373 Deferral has been requested by District C/M (Council President Webb); Mr. David           Abraham, agent, asked that the item be considered tonight, indicating that he is not sure          why the item is being deferred and that he has been unable to obtain substantive          information in this regard; the Chair stated that the item will be deferred tonight, and he     asked Mr. Kelly to facilitate communication between the Council President and Mr. Abraham

10-447 Anticipate motion for substitution and rereferral; to be readvertised

10-551 Mr. Reingold advised that conditions may be revised slightly, with no substantive changes

10-584 PowerPoint presentation prepared

10-586 and 10-587 Deferral requested; however, opposition prefers consideration of 10-586          tonight in hopes that denial will be recommended

10-590 and 10-591 Mr. Reingold clarifying trustee/ownership issues; Chair will consider    appropriate action at meeting if information is not obtained

10-594 Deferral has been requested by C/M Jones

10-617 Amendment to be proposed to provide for revised ownership list

10-620 Proposed amendment to include conditions, revised written description, and revised site      plan

10-622 In response to a question concerning the written description, Mr. Reingold indicated that     he has what is needed

10-626 C/M Holt requested deferral

10-628 Deferral has been requested by District C/M

10-657 Setback information incorrect in agenda title; legislation to be checked relative to any         need for amendment

10-658 Proposed amendment to provide revised text language

10-670 Deferral has been requested by District C/M


As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:47 p.m.


Rick Campbell, Research Assistant

(904) 630-1679


Posted 09.09.10

9:00 a.m.