August 17, 2010

3:30 p.m.


City Council Conference Room A

Suite 425, City Hall

117 West Duval Street


Attendance:  Committee Chair John Crescimbeni; Committee Member Don Redman; Jason Gabriel and Dylan Reingold, Office of General Counsel; John Crofts, Sean Kelly, and Folks Huxford, Department of Planning and Development; Merriane Lahmeur, Sharonda Davis, and Rick Campbell, Office of City Council


The Committee Chair, John Crescimbeni, called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.


He inquired as to potential deferrals of 10-373 and 10-389, and Mr. Reingold advised that deferral is being requested on both items at this time.  The Chair then asked Mr. John Crofts to take everyone through the marked agenda containing the suggested committee actions.


Changes, additions, and comments concerning the agenda as marked included:

10-373 Deferral anticipated; additional condition (floor plan) to be considered

10-389 Deferral requested by Council Member

10-496 Proposed amendment includes revised conditions; agent may not be present, but someone with the Elks Lodge will be available to speak at the meeting

10-499 Mr. Reingold clarified the request; staff has recommended denial

10-525 Item is on rereferral to review Council District; Mr. Reingold stated that it is all located in Council District 11

10-614 and 10-615 Presentations are scheduled, and a request has been made for early     consideration; in response to inquiry by the Chair, Mr. Reingold advised that public     comment is at the discretion of the Chair


As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:41 p.m.


Rick Campbell, Research Assistant

(904) 630-1679


Posted 08.18.10

9:45 a.m.