CHERYL L. BROWN                                                                                                         117 WEST DUVAL STREET, SUITE 425

            DIRECTOR                                                                                                                                                                                 4TH FLOOR, CITY HALL

   OFFICE (904) 630-1452                                                                                                                                                          JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA  32202

     FAX (904) 630-2906                                                                                                                                                                                                              



Land Use and Zoning Committee Agenda Meeting Minutes

March 6, 2012

3:30 p.m.


Topic:  LUZ Committee agenda meeting


Location:  Conference Room A, City Hall – St. James Building; 117 West Duval Street,

     Suite 425


In attendance:  Council Members Reginald Brown (Chair), Jim Love, Lori Boyer, Ray Holt and Don Redman (arr. 3:50)


Dylan Reingold – Office of General Counsel; Sean Kelly, Folks Huxford, Gary Kresel and Helena Parola – Planning and Development Department; Chris Hand – Mayor’s Office;  Mercedes Parker, James Nealis and Scott Wilson - ECAs; Merriane Lahmeur – Legislative Services Division; Jeff Clements – Council Research Division; Chris Warren – Chamber of Commerce; Karl Sanders, Ed Salem, Jonathan Oliff, Charles Mann, Carmen Goodwin, Laura Lavenia


Meeting Convened:  3:43 p.m.


Chairman Brown convened the meeting and asked Dylan Reingold to review the marked agenda which included 5 items to be deferred, 6 items ready for action, 10 public hearings to be opened and continued, and 6 items for second reading and re-referral.


2011-767 and -768 (appeals of Planning Commission final orders re: Kickbacks Restaurant expansion plans): the attorneys for the two parties have asked for a deferral.  The public hearing will be opened and continued.


Chairman Brown announced that he has a speaking engagement at a community meeting at 4:30 and will be back at City Hall as quickly as possible.  Vice Chair Holt will convene the meeting in his absence.


2012-14 (rezoning on Lane Avenue from PUD to PUD): defer pending the receipt of additional information and answers to pending questions.


2012-59 (rezoning property on New Berlin Road from RR to IL): Charles Mann representing the applicant said the project is a structure for the Homeland Security Department and is contingent upon receiving a federal contract.  Very little is known about the nature of the facility, but it may include some holding cells for prisoners.  Mr. Mann anticipated there might be some community opposition if that is the case.


2012-60 &61 (FLUM amendment and rezoning on Belfort Road): Sean Kelly announced that there would be a community meeting on the proposal on Monday, March 12th at St. Luke’s Hospital.\


2012-75 (designation of St. Nicholas Cemetery as a landmark site): Mr. Reingold announced that he had hand-delivered several items of information to the offices of the LUZ committee members earlier in the day.  Joel McEachin, Historic Planner for the Planning Department, has asked if this item could be heard early in the meeting.



Meeting Adjourned:  3:53 p.m.



Minutes:  Jeff Clements, Council Research Division

                 3.6.12   Posted 5:00 p.m.


Tapes:      LUZ agenda meeting– LSD



Materials:   Marked LUZ agenda; sign-in sheet - LSD
