January 3, 2012

10:00 a.m.


Council Chamber

First Floor, City Hall

117 West Duval Street




Attendance:  Committee Chair Bill Bishop; Committee Members John Crescimbeni, Lori Boyer, Johnny Gaffney, Ray Holt, Matt Schellenberg, and Clay Yarborough; Janice Billy and Sean Costigan, Office of Council Auditor; Jason Gabriel and Peggy Sidman, Office of General Counsel; Philip Zamarron and Rick Campbell, Office of City Council; Jessica Deal, Office of the Mayor; the Honorable Jerry Holland, Supervisor of Elections


The Committee Chair, Bill Bishop, called the meeting to order at 10:03 a.m., and the committee took the following actions:


1.  2011-89

ORD Approp $30,000 from Spec Council Operating Contingency Fund for City's 2012 Martin Luther King, Jr Parade; Auth Funds Carryover; Designate Oversight by Rec & Community Svcs Dept; Provide Spending Limitations. (Rohan) (Introduced by C/M R. Brown)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 2/22/11


1. 2/8/2011 CO  Introduced: R,RCD,F


    2/14/2011 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer;    2/14/2011 R Read 2nd & Rerefer


    2/17/2011 F Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 2/22/2011 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; R, RCD, F



Bill Summary


It was noted that neither the introducer of the legislation nor a representative of the organization was present.  Discussion included use of funds, the lack of a meeting between the event sponsors and the Council’s auditors, receipt of requested budget information this morning without allowance for thorough analysis, the appropriation to be done in advance and not as a reimbursement afterward, and apparent organizational problems.  Deferral was considered prior to moving the bill so that it could appear on the Council’s agenda, allowing the organization and sponsor time to address questions.


The proposed amendment revises the fiscal year reference and amount, identifies account and departmental oversight, attaches budget, and includes statement that funds will be used for parade and related Martin Luther King Day expenses.


A motion to AMEND/APPROVE failed of passage on a vote of 1-6 (Gaffney)



2.  2011-388

ORD-MC Amend Sec 55.306 (Admin of Progs), Ord Code, to Estab Limited Town Ctr Landscape Maint Responsibilities. (Rohan) (Introduced by C/M Crescimbeni & Co-sponsored by CM Gaffney, Boyer)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/28/11


1. 6/14/2011 CO  Introduced: R,F,RCD


    6/20/2011 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer;    6/20/2011 R Read 2nd & Rerefer


    6/21/2011 F Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 6/28/2011 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; R, F, RCD



Bill Summary


Deferral requested by C/M Crescimbeni to allow for noticed meeting.




3.  2011-440

RESO Recognizing (1) Importance of Council Rules, (2) Obligation of Council Member Attendance at Council & Committee Mtgs, (3) Harm to Public & Honor of Council when Members leave Committee Mtgs without Approval; (4) with Regret a Rules Comm Mtg of 6/20/11 where 4 Members Left without Notice or Permission of the Chair; Censuring the 4 Council Members who left the 6/20/11 Meeting without Notice or Permission. (Rohan) (Introduced by Council Rules Chair Lee) (Sponsored by C/M Johnson)


1. 6/28/2011 CO  Introduced: R


    7/18/2011 R Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 7/26/2011 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; R



Bill Summary




4.  2011-441

ORD Making Findings re Importance of Council Mtg Attendance; Recognizing Existing Council Rules 2.202 (Attendance; Voting) & 4.501 (Absence from Meetings); Amend Part 5 (Decorum) of Chapt 4 (Procedures), Creating New Rule 4.506 (Penalties) to Authorize Removal from Council Committees & Censure. (Rohan) (Introduced by Council Rules Chair Lee) (Sponsored by C/M Johnson)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 7/26/11


1. 6/28/2011 CO  Introduced: R


    7/18/2011 R Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 7/26/2011 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; R



Bill Summary




5.  2011-705

RESO Appt Joseph A Bastian as Member of Enterprise Zone Dev Agcy Bd, Replacing Dolly Sedwick, for Term 1/1/12 - 12/31/15. (Welsh) (Introduced by CP Joost)


1. 11/8/2011 CO  Introduced: R


    11/14/2011 R Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 11/22/2011 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; R



Bill Summary


Discussion included the appointee’s experience, and deferral to February was suggested to allow him to attend the January meeting of the board.





6.  2011-740

RESO Conf Appt of Angelo Barrera as Member of Duval County Job Opportunity Bd, Replacing Roger S Williams for 1st Term of 1/1/12 - 12/31/14. (Welsh) (Introduced by CP Joost)


1. 11/22/2011 CO  Introduced: R



Bill Summary


Discussion included board funding, the appointee’s interests and preferences, and where his experience and willingness to serve could best be utilized.  Deferral was suggested to determine if there are any openings on the Council on Elder Affairs or another board.  




7.  2011-745

ORD Amend City Charter to Delegate Authority to Redistrict & Reapportion the 7 Duval County School Bd Dists from the City Council to the Duval County School Bd within 8 Months after Publication of each Official Fed Census of Duval County; Repeal Conflicting Ords & Require Enactmt of New Implementation Ords; Provide for Referendum Apv of this Ord; Provide for a Financial Impact Statemt to be Developed & Placed on Ballot; Estab Ballot Title & Official Ballot; Direct Supv of Elections to Place Referendum Question on Earlier of Either the 2012 Presidential Election Ballot on 11/6/12 or any Preceding County-Wide Spec Election. (Gabriel) (Introduced by CM Crescimbeni)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 12/13/11


1. 11/22/2011 CO  Introduced: R


    12/5/2011 R Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 12/13/2011 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; R



Bill Summary


Discussion included the current process locally and in other Florida counties, the consideration of School Board issues in redistricting, the potential for split precincts and how this is handled, the fact that School Board members are not term limited and how this might be used to favor incumbency, the frequency of school boundary changes, allowing the voters to decide the issue, and when the change could be implemented if approved.  The Supervisor of Elections was present to answer questions, as was Mr. Gabriel from the Office of General Counsel.


The proposed amendment inserts bill number.


AMEND/APPROVE 6-1 (Schellenberg)


8.  2011-747

RESO Conf School Bd's Appt of B.J. Laster to the Civil Svc Bd, Replacing Babette L Ashley, for Partial Term exp 6/30/12 & a 1st Full Term of 7/1/12 - 6/30/15. (Chastain) (Req of Duval Co School Bd)


1. 11/22/2011 CO  Introduced: R


    12/5/2011 R Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 12/13/2011 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; R



Bill Summary




9.  2011-766

ORD-MC re Chapt 185 (Junk Dealers, Secondhand Dealers & Precious Metals Dealers), Ord Code; Create new Part 5, Secondary Metals Recyclers; Providing: Findings & Definitions; County-Wide Application Limitations on Cash Transactions for Certain Restricted Regulated Metals; Proof of Ownership by Seller at Time of Sale; Exemptions; Electronic Transaction Records; Transport Permit when More than a Certain Amt; Penalties & Remedies. (Brunet) (Req of Sheriff)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 1/10/12


1. 12/13/2011 CO  Introduced: R,RCDPHS



Bill Summary            Fact Sheet



10.  2011-769

RESO re Council Support for Local Bill J-3 which Creates new Sec 24.14 of Article 24, City Charter, re JEDC, to Clarify that Consolidated Govt may Amend or Repeal any Portion of Article 24 by Ord without Apv by Referendum of Electors. (Germany) (Req of Mayor)


1. 12/13/2011 CO  Introduced: R



Bill Summary            Fact Sheet




11.  2011-770

RESO Reappt Christina L Salvatore as Member of the Enterprise Zone Dev Agcy Bd as a Zone Area Business Rep for 2nd Term exp 12/31/15. (Welsh) (Introduced by C/P Joost)


1. 12/13/2011 CO  Introduced: R



Bill Summary




12.  2011-771

RESO Honoring & Congratulating St Paul's Catholic School in Jax Beach on being named one of America's Blue Ribbon Schools for 2011. (Clements) (Introduced by CM Gulliford)


1. 12/13/2011 CO  Introduced: R



Bill Summary


C/M Schellenberg asked to be included as a sponsor.




13.  2011-772

RESO Mourning the Passing & Celebrating the Life of Dr. Carolyn Williams, Univ of North Fla Professor of History. (Jackson) (Introduced by CM Lee)


1. 12/13/2011 CO  Introduced: R



Bill Summary




14.  2011-773

RESO Commemorating the Life & Civic Contributions of James E Tull. (Clements) (Introduced by CM Crescimbeni)


1. 12/13/2011 CO  Introduced: R



Bill Summary




15.  2011-774

RESO Mourning the Passing & Celebrating the Life of Mrs. Ruth Cotton Hicks. (Jackson) (Req of CM Daniels)


1. 12/13/2011 CO  Introduced: R



Bill Summary




16.  2011-775

RESO Conf Appt of Calvin Burney as Dir of Planning & Dev Dept. (McCain) (Req of Mayor)


1. 12/13/2011 CO  Introduced: R



Bill Summary





17.  2011-776

RESO Conf Appt of James Cole Cartledge as Dir of Central Operations Dept. (McCain) (Req of Mayor)


1. 12/13/2011 CO  Introduced: R



Bill Summary




18.  2011-777

RESO Commending & Thanking J. Wayne & Delores Barr Weaver for their Outstanding Contributions to the Jacksonville Community. (Clements) (Introduced by CM Joost) (Sponsored by CM Jones, Holt, Gaffney, Schellenberg, Bishop, Crescimbeni, Boyer, Clark, Lumb, Anderson, Daniels, Lee, Redman, Carter, Gulliford, Yarborough, Love & Brown)


1. 12/13/2011 CO  Introduced: R



Bill Summary




19.  2011-778

RESO Honoring & Commending Mary Virginia Terry for her Decades of Contributions to Educational, Artistic, Health Care & Civic Causes in Jacksonville. (Clements) (Introduced by CM Anderson)


1. 12/13/2011 CO  Introduced: R



Bill Summary




20.  2011-782

RESO Conf Appt of Raymond Williams, IV, Replacing Michael McCollum, to the Taxation Rev & Utilization of Expenditures Comm, for an Unexp Term exp 6/30/12 & a 1st Full Term exp 6/30/15. (Sidman) (Req of Mayor)


1. 12/13/2011 CO  Introduced: R



Bill Summary


Appointee not present for interview.




21.  2011-783

RESO Conf Appt of John Allen Newman to Jax Port Authority, Replacing David G Kulik, for 1st Full Term exp 9/30/15. (Sidman) (Req of Mayor)


1. 12/13/2011 CO  Introduced: R



Bill Summary




22.  2011-784

RESO Appt Ronald E Andrews to the Constrn Trades Qualifying Bd, Replacing Scott Douglas Milligan, as a Journeyman Craftsman (Plumber), for Unexp Term exp 9/30/12 & a 1st Full Term exp 9/30/15. (Sidman) (Req of Mayor)


1. 12/13/2011 CO  Introduced: R



Bill Summary





23.  2011-785

RESO Conf Appt of Charles Krise Mann to the Duval County Council on Elder Affairs, Replacing Frances A Padgett to a 1st Full Term exp 6/30/13. (Sidman) (Req of Mayor)


1. 12/13/2011 CO  Introduced: R



Bill Summary


Appointee not present for interview.




24.  2011-786

RESO Conf Appt of Charles C Appleby to JEA, Replacing Karen E Bowling, for Unexp Term exp 2/28/14. (Sidman) (Req of Mayor)


1. 12/13/2011 CO  Introduced: R



Bill Summary




25.  2011-787

RESO Conf Appt of David Christopher Hagan, Jr, Replacing Meredith Hines as Planning Dist 4 Rep, to the Planning Comm, for 1st Full Term exp 10/1/14. (Sidman) (Req of Mayor)


1. 12/13/2011 CO  Introduced: R



Bill Summary




26.  2011-788

RESO Conf Reappt of Ajani Nsilo Dunn to the Better Jax Plan Financial Administration Comm, for 2nd Full Term exp 3/31/16. (Sidman) (Req of Mayor)


1. 12/13/2011 CO  Introduced: R



Bill Summary




27.  2011-789

ORD Closing & Abandoning &/or Disclaiming Portions of Duval Rd bet Airport Center Dr & Main St, an Open & Improved R/W at Req of Plan & Dev Dept, Subject to Reservation to JEA of Easemts for Ingress & Egress & for all Utilities; Declaring Surplus; Waive Sec 122.422 (Sale of Propty thru Real Estate Div; Investigation of Need; Council Action), Ord Code, to Auth Quit Claim Deed at No Cost to Adjacent Propty Owners. (McCain) (Req of Mayor)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 1/10/12


1. 12/13/2011 CO  Introduced: R,TEU,F


Bill Summary            Fact Sheet




The meeting was adjourned at 11:44 a.m.


Rick Campbell, Research Assistant

(904) 630-1679


Posted 01.04.12

10:30 a.m.