CHERYL L. BROWN                                                                                                         117 WEST DUVAL STREET, SUITE 425

            DIRECTOR                                                                                                                                                                                 4TH FLOOR, CITY HALL

   OFFICE (904) 630-1452                                                                                                                                                          JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA  32202

     FAX (904) 630-2906                                                                                                                                                                                                              






December 3, 2013

1:00 p.m.


City Council Conference Room A

Suite 425, City Hall

117 West Duval Street


Attendance:  Council Members Lori Boyer (Chair), Robin Lumb, Jim Love


Also: Jason Gabriel – Office of General Counsel; Philip Zamarron – Legislative Services Division


See attached sign-in sheet for additional attendees.


Chairwoman Boyer called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. and reviewed the marked agenda which contained 19 items marked for deferral, 5 items ready for action (1 to be substituted and re-referred),  and 6  items for second reading and re-referral.


2013-335 and -336 (land use amendment and rezoning on Newcomb Road): will be deferred unless Planning and Development Director Calvin Burney has met with the applicant and/or Council Member Lee and obtained Ms. Lee’s approval for the bill to be considered.


2013-341 and -342 (land use amendment and rezoning on St. Johns Avenue): Steve Diebenow representing the applicant stated that it has been 8 months since the bill was introduced, the applicant has met numerous times with the district council member and with the neighborhood and agreed to numerous changes, and still the bill is being deferred.  His client does not want the bill to be deferred for another 6 weeks (due to the Council’s holiday break).  Chairwoman Boyer stated that tonight’s recommended deferral would be only the second deferral in LUZ, and pledged that the bill will be moved for action on January 7, 2014.


2013-493 (amendments to the off-site sign regulations): Jason Gabriel reported that after the bill is substituted it will need to be re-advertised for additional public hearings as if starting the process over. Ms. Boyer informed the Planning Department that she wants the staff report available at least 10 days before the substitute returns to the LUZ agenda.


2013-702 (rezoning on Lem Turner Road): Wyman Duggan representing the applicant stated that he was unaware of the request for deferral from the district council member until this meeting, and requested that the bill not be scheduled for action until the January 22nd LUZ meeting.


Ms. Boyer stated that the January 7, 2014 meeting has the potential to be extremely lengthy if 3 contentious items are all heard that night.  She asked the attorneys representing the 3 applicants to contact their clients to see if any would be willing to move their items from January 7th to a later date, and said that she would talk to the Council President about the possibility of scheduling an additional LUZ meeting during the first week of January to handle the overload.


Ms. Boyer reminded the group of the 4:30 workshop meeting prior to the 5:00 regular committee meeting.


There being no further business, the agenda meeting was adjourned at 1:15 p.m.



Jeff Clements, Council Research Division (904) 630-1404



Posted 12.3.13

3:00 p.m.


Attendance Record