April 15, 2013

5:00 P.M.



TO:                         Honorable Don Redman

                               Honorable Greg Anderson

                               Honorable John Crescimbeni

                               Honorable Warren Jones

                               Honorable Jim Love

                               Honorable Matt Schellenberg



FROM:                   Honorable Kimberly Daniels, Chair

                               Public Health & Safety Committee



RE:                        APRIL 15, 2013 PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING




The Public Health & Safety Committee meeting scheduled for today, April 15, 2013, was CANCELLED due to lack of a quorum.  All action items on the agenda have been deferred.


Please contact Juliette Williams, Legislative Assistant at (904) 630-1404 for additional information.





E-mail:              Council Members/Staff

                        Cheryl Brown, Director/Council Secretary

                        Dana Farris, Chief, Legislative Services

                        Jeff Clements, Chief of Research

                        Office of General Counsel


                        Media Box

                        File Copy

                        Electronic Notice Kiosk, 1st Floor, City Hall

                        Public Notice System, City Council Web