

LUZ Special Committee Meeting Minutes

September 20, 2016

4:45 p.m.


Topic: System processes for zoning and land use matters


Location: City Council Chamber, 1st floor, City Hall – St. James Building, 117 West Duval Street


In attendance: Council Members Danny Becton (Chair), Jim Love, Doyle Carter, Al Ferraro, Reggie Gaffney, Joyce Morgan


Also: Folks Huxford, Kristen Reed and Bruce Lewis – Planning & Development Department; Susan Grandin – Office of General Counsel; Jessica Matthews – Legislative Services Division; Dan MacDonald – ECA Dist. 11; Yvonne P. Mitchell – Research Division


Meeting Convened: 4:50 p.m.


Chairman Becton called the meeting to order.


Chairman Becton stated the Planning and Development Department (PDD) would complete its presentation on the timeline of applications for all types of zonings and land use matters. Mr. Huxford began on page 5 of the original handout discussing Conventional Rezoning & Planned Unit Development (PUD) processes. Applications are completed online through the LUZAP (LUZ Application Portal). New applications are reviewed by PDD through an internal round table within the first and second week of the process. PUDs require an additional step outside of the conventional rezoning process. The PDD distributes a routing sheet to sister agencies to retrieve evidence and/or pertinent information such as  transportation and traffic impact in a certain area. The cost of a conventional rezoning is approximately $2000.00, and a PUD is $2330.00.


In response to inquiry by CM Gaffney, Mr. Huxford commented that the Planning Commission (PC) has the discretion to make determinations opposite of the PDD’s and/or Council Member. Per Mr. Huxford, the PC Bylaws require a request for deferral to be received by the Monday preceding the PC meeting. Therefore, if a request does not arrive on time, the PC may proceed as they deem appropriate. Additionally, it should be noted that the PC is restricted to 63 days to take action on an item; otherwise, it will be automatically discharged with a recommendation of denial to the LUZ committee. Mr. Huxford agreed to Chairman Becton’s request and will provide a matrix sheet of the actual time spent on applications received by the PDD.


Mr. Huxford provided background on the excessive applications for variances which setup the establishment of additional processes to better handle the request for various types of relief. The systems created were applications for administrative deviations, sign waivers, wavier of liquor distance, and wavier of road frontage. It should be noted that the sign waivers and waivers of road frontage are not heard before the PC. Chairman Becton shared he submitted a document to Ms. Grandin for her review which covers the various criteria for waivers. Ms. Grandin will add the rezoning criteria to document prior to distributing document to the committee.


Mr. Huxford provided a brief review of the different hearing levels:



It should be noted that if a project requires hearing from a lower level and higher level hearing, the applications are placed together and heard by the highest hearing authority.


A zoning exception is not a rezoning of the property. It is use that is permissible by request, if granted. The activity must be listed under the current zoning. Otherwise, if a request use not sufficient, an applicant should apply for a rezoning. The variance and exception process are identical. A variance is used to seek relief from the Zoning Code that is not a self-imposed hardship.


Administrative deviations are used to lessen certain requirements standards for parking standards, landscaping, height of fence, lot coverage, etc. This application is an internal process in regards to the calendar, staff report, and mailing notifications. The Zoning Administrator has 21 days to render a decision after the hearing.


Chairman Becton thanked the PDD for a thorough report. There being no further business, meeting was adjourned.


Meeting Adjourned:  5:25 p.m.


Minutes: Yvonne P. Mitchell, Council Research

             09.23.16   Posted 2:00 p.m.

Tapes:  LUZ special meeting– LSD


Materials: Community and Current Planning Process Charts handout



* The written minutes for this meeting are an overview of what was discussed. Please review the audio to hear the actual dialogue from this meeting.