March 15, 20156     

9:30 A.M.

City Council Chamber

 City Hall

117 W. Duval Street


Attendance: Council Members Doyle Carter (Chair), Sam Newby (Vice Chair), Katrina Brown, Reggie Brown, Garrett Dennis, Al Ferraro, Matt Schellenberg; Council Member Lori Boyer was in attendance;  Assistant General Counsel Paige Johnston; Assistant Council Auditor Kyle Billy; Jessica Baker, Mayor’s Office; Crystal Shemwell,  Legislative Services; John J. Jackson, Council Research Division.


The Chair called the meeting to order at 9:32 A.M.

Item/File No.




1.  2015-519

ORD-MC Amend Chapt 122 (Public Propty), Sec 122.461 (Donation for Residential Housing), Ord Code, to Increase Value of Propty City may Donate from $25,000 to $50,000 & Provide Addnl Criteria for Entities Accepting said Donation; Adopt Policy created by Housing & Community Dev Div to Evaluate & Apv Entities Eligible for said Donation. (Johnston) (Introduced by CM Lee, Jones, Bishop, Crescimbeni, Gulliford, Love, Anderson Co-sponsored by CM's Hazouri, Dennis, Ferraro & Morgan)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 8/11/15


1. 7/28/2015 CO  Introduced: F,RCDPHS,R


    8/3/2015 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer;    8/3/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer


    8/4/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 8/11/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; F, RCDPHS, R


    2/1/2016 F Sub/Rerefer 7-0


    2/2/2016 R Sub/Rerefer 7-0;    2/2/2016 RCDPHS Sub/Rerefer 7-0


3. 2/9/2016 CO SUBSTITUTE/ Rerefer; F, RCDPHS, R


    2/16/2016 F Amend/Approve 7-0


    2/17/2016 R Amend/Approve 6-0



Bill Summary                  F: Amend/Approve
















There was a lengthy discussion on this agenda item.


Council Member Matt Schellenberg inquired as to the status of this proposed legislation.


Assistant General Counsel Lawsikia Hodges explained the substitute and the amendments.  She explained that she had requested to meet with Council Member Reggie Brown to discuss issues that he had previously raised about the ordinance.  Council Member Brown had wanted an amendment that would give CHDO first right of refusal; the Administration was opposed to such an amendment.


Council Member Reggie Brown remarked that he had been out in the community, had met with CHDO representatives and Baptist ministers; they were all concerned that the Mayor’s proposed legislation would do away with CHDOs.  Council Member Katrina Brown was also concerned about the fate of CHDOs and felt that the ordinance should be deferred,.


Ali Korman Shelton explained tha it is not the intention of the Administration to diminish the role of CHDOs.  She explained that the Administration felt that the process that the proposed legislation entailed was the best way to provide affordable housing and economic growth in the areas impacted.  She had explained that this had been the position of the NICE Committee, as well.  She further explained that she had met with both Council Members Katrina and Reggie Brown.


Council Member Garrett Dennis, who chairs the NICE Committee, remarked that he wanted the bill to move forward, though he would be supportive of a one-cycle deferra;.


Council Member Reggie Brown said that there had been references to the fact that the proposed legislation had been around for a long time.  He felt that the length of time that a piece of legislation has been on the agenda should not be an issue.  The Chair, Council Member Doyle Carter, indicated that he was  in agreement.







2.  2016-7

ORD-MC Amend Chapt 744 (Street Constrn Regs), Sec 744.110 (Street Excavations; Permit) Ord Code; Add New Subsec (f) to Auth the Director of Planning & Dev Dept to Prosecute Violations of Chapt 744 & Amend Former Subsec (f) to Delete the Max Fine listed; Auth Abatemt by City with prior Notice; Amend Chapt 609 (Code Enforcemt Citations), Sec 609.109 (Applicable Chapts & Parts) to add Chapt 744 to Schedule "A", which lists Applicable Chapts & Parts. (Pollock) (Introduced by CM Wilson)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 1/26/16


1. 1/12/2016 CO  Introduced: F,RCDPHS,R


    1/19/2016 F Read 2nd & Rerefer


    1/20/2016 R Read 2nd & Rerefer;    1/20/2016 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 1/26/2016 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; F, RCDPHS, R



Bill Summary                  F: Defer





3.  2016-129

ORD-MC Auth Amendmt 1 to Contract with Fla Dept of Health for Operation of Duval County Health Dept (CHD) Contract Yr 2015-2016 for State's (1) Occupancy of 2,539.25 Sq Ft Ofc Space on 4th Fl, Ed Ball Bldg @ 1.80 per Sq Ft per Yr & 740 Sq Ft on Mezzanine Fl of St James Bldg; (2) Use of 16 Parking Spaces in Library Garage & 2 in the Ed Ball Bldg Garage & (3) Use of all Apvd City Facilities for CHD Operations subject to certain use Terms re Alterations, Maint, Insurances, etc; Estab CHD Facility use Terms for City Facilities Occupied by CHD; Designate Oversight by Public Works Dept; Amend Chapt 29 (Public Health Unit), Creating new Sec 29.103 (City Facilities & Equipmt). (Hodges) (Req of Mayor)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 3/8/16


1. 2/23/2016 CO  Introduced: F,TEU,RCDPHS


    2/29/2016 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer;    2/29/2016 F Read 2nd & Rerefer


    3/1/2016 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 3/8/2016 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; F, TEU, RCDPHS



Bill Summary                  Fact Sheet                 F: Amend/Approve                  TEU: Amend/Approve





4.  2016-130

ORD-MC Amend Chapt 150 (Adult Entertainmt & Svcs Code) to Create New Subsec (ll) of 150.103 (Definitions) & New Sec 150.413 (Display of Public Awareness Signs for Human Trafficking), Ord Code, to Estab County-Wide Requiremt to Post Human Trafficking Public Awareness Signs at Adult Entertainmt & Massage/Bodywork Establishmts, Pursuant to Sec 787.29, F.S.; Provide for Severability; City Council Exercising its Powers as Governing Body of Duval County. (Johnston) (Introduced by CM Hazouri & Co-Sponsored by CM Wilson)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 3/8/16


1. 2/23/2016 CO  Introduced: F,RCDPHS,R


    2/29/2016 F Read 2nd & Rerefer


    3/1/2016 R Read 2nd & Rerefer;    3/1/2016 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 3/8/2016 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; F, RCDPHS, R



Bill Summary                  F: Defer





5.  2016-132

ORD Approp $211,880 from Dept of Homeland Security thru Fla Div of Emerg Mgmt, No Local Match to (1) Purchase Personal Protective Equipmt & Detection Equipmt, (2) Repair & Maintain Prev Grant-Funded Equipmt & (3) Provide Training for Urban Search & Rescue (USAR) & HazMat teams; Auth Fed-Funded Subaward Grant Agreemt with Fla Div of Emerg Mgmt; Designate Oversight by JFRD. (BT 16-035). (McCain) (Req of Mayor)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 3/8/16


1. 2/23/2016 CO  Introduced: F,RCDPHS


    2/29/2016 F Read 2nd & Rerefer


    3/1/2016 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 3/8/2016 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; F, RCDPHS



Bill Summary                  Fact Sheet                   F: Approve





6.  2016-133

ORD Approp $47,349 ($35,512 from US Dept of Homeland Security - Port Security Prog & Local Match of $11,837 from Spec Law Enforcemt Trust Fund) to JSO for Twin Boat Motors for the JSO Marine Unit; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2016-2017. (BT 16-036) (McCain) (Req of Mayor)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 3/8/16


1. 2/23/2016 CO  Introduced: F,RCDPHS


    2/29/2016 F Read 2nd & Rerefer


    3/1/2016 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 3/8/2016 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; F, RCDPHS



Bill Summary                  Fact Sheet                    F: Approve





7.  2016-138

ORD Transferring $334,298.85 in Funding Recaptured from Hanna Park Improvemt Subfund (1D2) in FY 2015 Closing Process & Transferred to Gen Fund to (1) Eliminate Negative Cash Balance in Huguenot Park ($158,892.15) & (2) Fund Replacemt & Repair of Playground Equipmt at Hanna Park $175,406.70); Waive Sec 11.9 of Ord 2015-504-E (Budget) to Utilize $175,406.70 for said Repair at Hanna Park as Originally Intended rather than use to address Negative Cash Balance in other Subfunds. (BT 16-042) (McCain) (Req of Mayor)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 3/8/16


1. 2/23/2016 CO  Introduced: F,RCDPHS


    2/29/2016 F Read 2nd & Rerefer


    3/1/2016 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 3/8/2016 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; F, RCDPHS



Bill Summary                       Fact Sheet                        F: Approve



8.  2016-141

ORD Approp $2,060,742 ($936,701 from FIND & $1,124,041 from Grant Capital Projs - Interest) for 8 FIND Grant CIP Projs; Amend 2015-505-E (CIP) to fund "Pottsburg Creek-Dredge", "Sisters Creek Dock Redesign", County Dock Rd Boat Ramp", "Mayport Boat Ramp Lane Extension", "Metro Park Dock Replacemt", "Joe Carlucci Dock Extension", "Wayne B Stevens Dock Replacemt" & "Tillie Fowler Kayak Launch"; Designate Oversight by Parks, Rec & Community Svcs Dept. (BT 16-044) (McCain) (Req of Mayor)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 3/8/16


1. 2/23/2016 CO  Introduced: F,RCDPHS


    2/29/2016 F Read 2nd & Rerefer


    3/1/2016 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 3/8/2016 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; F, RCDPHS



Bill Summary                    Fact Sheet                          F: Amend/Approve





9.  2016-142

ORD Approp $500,000 from Downtown Historic Preservation & Revitalization Fund to fund Renovation of the Bostwick Bldg at 100 East Bay St into the Cowford Chophouse Restaurant; Auth Downtown Historic Preservation & Revitalization Trust Fund Grant Agreemt with Foodonics Equities, LLC; Designate Oversight by DIA. (BT 16-045) (McCain) (Req of Mayor)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 3/8/16


1. 2/23/2016 CO  Introduced: F,RCDPHS


    2/29/2016 F Read 2nd & Rerefer


    3/1/2016 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 3/8/2016 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; F, RCDPHS



Bill Summary                   Fact Sheet                             F: Approve




Tom Daly, Downtown Investment Authority explained the ordinance.


Alexandria Klempf, Forking Amazing Restaurants, representing the owner of the restaurant, explained the status of the project and said that they are expecting 55 jobs to be created.  Council Member Garrett Dennis inquired about how the restaurants proposed to advertise potential employment opportunities at the restaurant and had some suggestions to offer.



10.  2016-144

ORD Approp $255,000 ($90,000 from Dist 14 Bond Funds, $75,000 from Countywide Parks - Upgrades/Maint Repairs Acct & $90,000 Donation from Friends of Jacksonville Parks) for Contribution toward Installation of Playscape at Corner of St Johns Ave & Van Wert Ave in Boone Park, 3700 Park St; Auth Agreemt with Friends of Jacksonville Parks for said Installation; Auth Agreemt with Kompan, Inc for said Installation; Designate Oversight by Parks, Rec & Community Svcs; Amend Ord 2015-505-E (CIP) to Increase Funding for "Boone Park South - Playground" Proj; Auth Funds Carryover into Subsequent FY's; Invoke Exception of 126.107(g) (Exemptions), Chapt 126 (Procuremt Code), Ord Code to Direct Contract with Kompan, Inc for the Playscape. (Dist 14-Love) (Sidman) (Introduced by CM Love)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 3/8/16


1. 2/23/2016 CO  Introduced: F,RCDPHS,R


    2/29/2016 F Read 2nd & Rerefer


    3/1/2016 R Read 2nd & Rerefer;    3/1/2016 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 3/8/2016 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; F, RCDPHS, R



Bill Summary                     F: Defer




11.  2016-159

RESO Auth Issuance by Jax Housing Finance Auth of its Homeowner Mortgage Rev Bonds of $50,000,000 for Purchase of Mortgage Loans Originated by Participating Local Lending Institutions to Finance the Purchase or Rehab of New or Existing Owner-Occupied Single Family Residences or Purchasing Securities evidencing Interests in or backed by a Pool of such Mortgage Loans or to Refund Outstanding Bonds Previously Issued for such Purpose; Auth Appl for Private Activity Bond Volume Cap Allocation from Regional Pool for Duval County; Determining Credit not being Pledged. (Hodges) (Req of JHFA)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 147(f), Internal Rev Code, held by JHFA - 2/12/16


1. 2/23/2016 CO  Introduced: F,RCDPHS


    2/29/2016 F Read 2nd & Rerefer


    3/1/2016 RCDPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 3/8/2016 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; F, RCDPHS



Bill Summary                  Fact Sheet                        F: Approve





12.  2016-170

ORD Approp $138,432 from Insured Prog Fund to Reimburse JSO for Equipmt Replacemt & Public Bldgs for Repairs for Water Damages from a Sprinkler System Failure at the 1087 Haines St Warehouse on 8/14/15. (BT 16-032) (McCain) (Req of Mayor)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 3/22/16


1. 3/8/2016 CO  Introduced: F,TEU,RCDPHS



Bill Summary                  Fact Sheet                        TEU: 2ND                       F: 2ND





13.  2016-175

ORD Estab a Festival Overlay Zone & a Festival Activity Period; Allow Addnl Uses in a Portion of said Zone during the Activity Period; Waive Chapt 368 (Noise Control), EPB Rule 4 (Noise Pollution Control) & Sec 154.108 (Consumption on Vendor's Premises), Ord Code, to allow for Outdoor Musical Entertainmt & Open Containers in the Designated Zone; Request 1-Cycle Emerg Apv. (Sidman) (Introduced by CM Gaffney)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 3/22/16


1. 3/8/2016 CO  Introduced: RCDPHS,R



Bill Summary   


EMERGENCY/APPROVE 7-0                                 



14.  2016-176

ORD Approp $1,885,074 from Jax Journey/Spec Events to support Neighborhood Stabilization, Teen Programming, Workforce Dev & Jobs, & Analytics; Auth Part Time Hrs; Request 1-Cycle Emerg Apv. (BT 16-050) (RC 16-097) (McCain) (Req of Mayor)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 3/22/16


1. 3/8/2016 CO  Introduced: F,RCDPHS,R



Bill Summary                   Fact Sheet                         F: Emergency/Amend/Approve



Council Member Reggie Brown had concerns that Charles Moreland, Mayor’s Office, addressed.


Council Member Lori Boyer explained concerns that she had with funding and the Jacksonville Children’s Commission’s plans for summer camps.  Both the Jacksonville Journey and the Jacksonville Children’s Commission had summer camps; she wanted to make sure that everyone was on the same page with regard to what the respective camps were offering and on funding issues.






15.  2016-179

ORD Approp $307,202.66 ($16,232.22 from Park St Drainage Improvemt Proj & $290,970.44 from a Pay-Go Rsv in the Stormwater Capital Improvemt Fund) to the Drainage System Rehab Capital Maint Proj to fund Drainage Projs. (Johnston) (RCDPHS)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 3/22/16


1. 3/8/2016 CO  Introduced: F,TEU,RCDPHS



Bill Summary                      F: 2ND                                  TEU:2ND





16.  2016-183

ORD re Chapt 118 (City Grants), Sec 118.804 (Priority Populations or Needs), Ord Code, Establishing 2016-2017 Priority Populations for Public Svc Grant Approp). (Stockwell) (Introduced by Council President pursuant to Sec 118.804, Ord Code)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 3/22/16


1. 3/8/2016 CO  Introduced: F,RCDPHS



Bill Summary                      F: 2ND





17.  2016-184

ORD re FY 2015-2016 Public Svc Grants Schedule; Amend Ord 2015-504-E (Budget) to Reapprop Funds Originally Approp to Ronald McDonald House Charities to the Clara White Mission, Inc, in Accordance with Chapt 118 (City Grants), Part 8 (Public Svc Grants) & Attach a 2nd Revised Schedule A2; Request 1-Cycle Emerg Apv. (Stockwell) (Req of Public Svc Grants Council)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 3/22/16


1. 3/8/2016 CO  Introduced: F,RCDPHS,R



Bill Summary                    Fact Sheet                       F: Emergency/Amend/Approve




-Reappropriates funds ($29,319) from Ronald McDonald House to Clara White Mission



18.  2016-186

ORD Auth Issuance by City of its Health Care Facilities Rev Refunding Bonds (Mayo Clinic) of $125,000,000 & Auth Loan to Mayo Clinic Jacksonville in amount Equal to Amount of Bonds, for Refunding Outstanding JEDC Health Care Facilities Rev Bonds (Mayo Clinic), Series 2006, which were Loaned to St. Luke's Hospital Assn & Financed Part of Acquisition, Constrn & Installation of Certain Health Care Facilities; Appt Bond Trustee; Auth Delegated Negotiated Sale of Bonds; Apv Conditions & Criteria for the Sale & Auth Economic Dev Officer of the City to Award Negotiated Sale of Bonds to the Underwriter. (Foley & Lardner LLP) (Req of Mayor)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 147(f), Internal Rev Code held by OED - 2/23/16

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 3/22/16


1. 3/8/2016 CO  Introduced: F,RCDPHS



Bill Summary                  Fact Sheet                      F: 2nd















19.  2016-198

ORD Approp $250,000 from Spec Council Operating Contingency to the Parks, Rec & Community Svcs Dept Acct to fund 13-Jax, Inc d/b/a/ Friends of Hemming Park (FOHP) for Operation & Mgmt of Hemming Park by FOHP; Auth 2nd Amend to Contract with FOHP. (Sawyer) (Introduced by CM Gulliford)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 3/22/16


1. 3/8/2016 CO  Introduced: F,RCDPHS


Bill Summary                  F: 2ND





At the end of the agenda items, Dr. Kelli Wells, Duval County Health Department, provided the panel with an update on Health Department initiatives.  She reported that 59 Zika cases had been reported in Florida.  She described a drug overdose issue in Duval County stemming in the spread of heroin and opiates.  She attributed the escalating use of opiates to the availability of prescribed painkillers that become addictive.  She said that a major initiative of the Health Department is getting information about the danger of these drugs out to the streets. She fielded numerous questions, including references to the onset of mosquito season.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:06 A,M..




John J. Jackson, Council Research Division (904) 630-1729



Posted: 4:00 P.M.