Monday October 31, 2016     2:00 PM

Tape No.________________________



Council Chambers 1st Floor,  City Hall

Carol Owens, Chief of Legislative Services



Al Ferraro, Chair

Legislative Assistant:   Philip Zamarron

Doyle Carter, Vice Chair

Assistant Auditor:        Kim Taylor

Greg Anderson

Attorney:                     Paige Johnston

Anna Lopez Brosche

Research Assistant:    Yvonne Mitchell &

Reggie Brown

                                    John Jackson

John Crescimbeni

Planning Department: Laurie Santana

Reggie Gaffney

Administration:            Jordan Elsbury



Meeting Convened P.M.                     Meeting Adjourned P.M.


If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting, such person will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, such person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.


First and Third Monday at 2:00 p.m. and adjourn no later than 4:30 p.m.


The Committee shall consider matters relating to roads and streets; concurrency; mobility fees and mobility plan; Context Sensitive Streets; transportation; transportation planning; multimodal transportation issues; intelligent transportation systems (ITS); North Florida TPO; railroads; deregulation of utilities; ambulances; towing; vehicles for hire; transit; public utilities or utility-related services; JEA (water and sewer operations, chilled water operations, water supply planning, water re-use; sewer line extensions, and other non-budgetary issues, power generation and distribution); Public Works Department; refuse collection; environmental services; public parking; Stormwater Utility and drainage matters; Septic Tank regulations and phase-outs; Environmental Resource Management Department; landfills; Jacksonville Transportation Authority; Jacksonville Aviation Authority; Jacksonville Port Authority


PARKING: If you park in the Library Garage (Entry on Duval St, W/S of Main St),

please see the Council Receptionist, Room 425, for ticket validation.










NOTE: Today’s topic for the Special Meeting on TEU Matters is: The electrical grid and its effect on neighborhoods.

NOTE:  The next regular meeting will be held November 14, 2016



Item/File No.




1.  2015-127




At request of

CM Schellenberg






ORD-MC Amend Chapt 220 (Vehicles for Hire), Ord Code; Updating Regs re: Licensing, Background Checks, Min Standards for Vehicle Inspections & Insurance Requiremts; Creating Chapt 222 (Transportation Network Companies), Creating Regs for Operations Including Licensing, Background Checks, Min Standards for Operators, Vehicle Inspections, Min Insurance Requiremts, Records Retention & Confidentiality; Creating Code Enforcemt, Civil Remedies, Violations, Seizure, Impoundmt & Forfeiture Regs & Provide Authority to JSO, City Parking Div & Jax Airport Authority to Seize & Impound or Immobilize Vehicles used in Violation of Chapt 222. (Diebenow) (Introduced by CM Schellenberg) (CPAC #6 Apv)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 2/24/15


1. 2/10/2015 CO  Introduced: R,F,TEU


    2/17/2015 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer;    2/17/2015 R Read 2nd & Rerefer


    2/18/2015 F Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 2/24/2015 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; R, F, TEU


    3/2/2015 TEU Sub/Rerefer 5-0;    3/2/2015 R Sub/Rerefer 6-0


    3/3/2015 F Sub/Rerefer 7-0


3. 3/10/2015 CO SUBSTITUTE/ Rerefer; R, F, TEU



Bill Summary






2.  2016-359




At Request of CM Gulliford




ORD Amend Chapt 122 (Public Propty), Creating New Sec 122.110 (Skateboarding on Public Propty), to Prohibit Skateboarding on City Sidewalks in Certain Areas, Public Parking Garages & Public Access Ramps & Certain other Public Propty; Recognizing Exercise of County Powers. (Johnston) (Introduced by CM Gulliford)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/14/16


1. 5/24/2016 CO  Introduced: TEU,RCDPHS,R


    6/6/2016 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer


    6/7/2016 R Read 2nd & Rerefer;    6/7/2016 PHS Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 6/14/2016 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; TEU, R, RCDPHS (PHS 7/1/16)



Bill Summary






3.  2016-534







At Request of CM Dennis






ORD Renaming Robinson Ave to "Harry Frisch Way"; Waive var Subsecs of 745.105 (Changing Names of Public Sts by Ord; Honorary St Designations by Ord): (e)(2) re Persons who Honorary St Designation may be named after; (e)(5) re Requiremt that 90% of all Propty Owners on that Segment Consent to Renaming; (e)(3) Requiremt that the Person Reside within 5 miles of the St Name Change for at least 10 Yrs; (b) Requiremt that Historic Preservation Comm review the Request & make a Recommendation. (Dist 9-Dennis) (Diebenow) (Introduced by CM Schellenberg & Co-sponsored by CM's  Dennis, Wilson, Morgan, Hazouri, Anderson, Gulliford, Bowman, Carter, R. Gaffney)

TEU PH Pursuant to Chapt 745 Ord Code - 9/6/16, 9/19/16, 10/3/16, 10/17/16, 10/31/16

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 8/23/16


1. 8/9/2016 CO  Introduced: TEU,R


    8/15/2016 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 8/23/2016 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; TEU, R



Bill Summary






4.  2016-631

ORD Apv Transmittal of Proposed 2016B Series Text Amend to the Conservation/Coastal Mgmt Element of the 2030 Comp Plan to Eliminate Inappropriate & Unsafe Dev in Floodplains & Coastal Areas when Opportunities Arise & to add Objectives & Policies to Support same. (Reed) (LUZ)

LUZ PH - 11/1/16

Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3184, F.S. & Chapt 650, Pt 4 Ord Code - 10/25/16 & 11/9/16


1. 9/27/2016 CO  Introduced: LUZ, TEU, F


    10/3/2016 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer


    10/4/2016 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer    10/5/2016 F Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 10/11/2016 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; LUZ, TEU, F                                        Kristen Reed



Bill Summary






5.  2016-633

ORD Apv Transmittal of Proposed 2016B Series Text Amend to Future Land Use Element (FLUE) & Transp Element of 2030 Comp Plan for Incorporation of Policies re Compatibility of Lands Adjacent to Public Use/Civilian Airports Adding Definition of "Civilian Influence Zone", & Updating Map L-22 to include Civilian Influence Zone. (Reed) (LUZ)

LUZ PH - 11/1/16

Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3184, F.S. & Chapt 650, Pt 4 Ord Code - 10/25/16 & 11/9/16


1. 9/27/2016 CO  Introduced: LUZ, TEU


    10/3/2016 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer    10/4/2016 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 10/11/2016 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; LUZ, TEU                                               Kristen Reed



Bill Summary






6.  2016-634

ORD Apv Transmittal OF Proposed 2016B Series Text Amend to Transp Element of 2030 Comp Plan to update Map T-3B to show the 2040 Cost Feasible Plan Projs Consistent with Sec 163.3177, F.S. (Reed) (LUZ)

LUZ PH - 11/1/16

Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3184, F.S. & Chapt 650, Pt 4 Ord Code - 10/25/16 & 11/9/16


1. 9/27/2016 CO  Introduced: LUZ, TEU


    10/3/2016 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer    10/4/2016 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 10/11/2016 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; LUZ, TEU                                            Kristen Reed



Bill Summary






7.  2016-657


1. Correctly reflect ownership of each parcel

2. Attach Exh. 2- map of Brownfield designated site



RESO Designating Adjoining Parcels of 3946 & 4000 St Johns Ave as a Brownfield Area for Environmental Rehab & Economic Dev. (McCain) (Req of Mayor)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Secs 166.041(3)(c)(2) & 376.80  F.S. - 11/9/16


1. 9/27/2016 CO  Introduced: NCIS, TEU, F


    10/3/2016 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer;    10/3/2016 NCIS Read 2nd & Rerefer


    10/5/2016 F Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 10/11/2016 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; NCIS, TEU, F                                  Maurice Postal



Bill Summary            Fact Sheet               NCIS:




8.  2016-677





p. 2, line 11



ORD Transferring $175,000 in order to Re-Approp Funding from Rsv Line Item to an Operating Line Item within the Shipyards Environmental Cleanup Proj, to Complete Addnl Assessmt Work requested by FDEP, for Routine Semi-Annual Monitoring of the Groundwater at the Site, for Maint of the Protective Soil Cap & Fencing to Prevent Access to Certain Areas, & for Addnl Environmental Assessmt or Remediation Tasks that may be Required, & to Reclass the Existing $750,000 Approp to the Correct Subobject; Amend Ord 2016-505-E (CIP) to fund "Shipyards Proj - Environmental Cleanup" Proj; Designate Oversight by Public Works Dept. (BT 16-082) (McCain) (Req of Mayor)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 10/25/16


1. 10/11/2016 CO  Introduced: NCIS,TEU,F


    10/17/2016 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer;    10/17/2016 NCIS Read 2nd & Rerefer


    10/19/2016 F Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 10/25/2016 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; NCIS, TEU, F                                     Eric Fuller



Bill Summary            Fact Sheet               NCIS:







9.  2016-679






1. Correct ref. to county consolidation to 1968

2. Attach Historic Preservation Board Minutes to Exhibit 1

3. Attach Revised Exhibit 2 to correct misspelling






ORD re Chapt 745 (Addressing & Street Naming Regs), Ord Code, to Clarify that the Correct Spelling of "Philips Highway" in Dists 5 & 11, Extending from John St on the North, to the Duval County Line on the South, should include a single "L"; Waive Sec 745.105(B), which requires Review by 911 Emerg Addressing Adv Comm; Waive Sec 745.105(c), which requires written Notification of street Name changes to Owners of abutting Proptys; Waive Sec 745.105(d), which requires Plan & Dev Dept to post signs Advertising both Public Hearings; Estab a Compliance Time Period to Require that all Citizens, Propty Owners, Business Owners & Govt'l Entities utilize the Correct Spelling of Philips Highway with a single "l" on any & all official Docs, Residence Addresses, Street Signs, Hwy Markers & Electronic Communications on or before 12/31/19; Directing Distribution of Ord. (Pollock) (Introduced by CM Becton & co-sponsored by CP Boyer)


TEU PH Pursuant to Chapt 745 Ord Code - 10/31/16

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 10/25/16


1. 10/11/2016 CO  Introduced: TEU,R


    10/17/2016 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer


    10/18/2016 R Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 10/25/2016 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; TEU, R                         CM Becton/CP Boyer



Bill Summary





10.  2016-680








ORD Closing & Abandoning &/or Disclaiming an Unopened & Unimproved R/W of Cynthia Place, S of Bermuda Rd bet Coral Dr & Annabell Place, at Req of Hassan Al-Khazrajy. (Dist 3-Bowman) (McCain) (Req of Mayor)

TEU PH Pursuant to Sec 336.10, F.S. - 10/31/16

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 10/25/16


1. 10/11/2016 CO  Introduced: TEU


    10/17/2016 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 10/25/2016 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; TEU            Stephanie Burch/Jim Morgan



Bill Summary            Fact Sheet







11.  2016-681




ORD Granting FDOT a Temp Constrn Easemt in, over & under Parcel 702 (Adjacent to RE# 076617-0000), needed for FDOT Signal Improvemts Proj along Kings Rd. (McCain) (Req of Mayor)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 10/25/16



p. 1, line 31



1. 10/11/2016 CO  Introduced: TEU


    10/17/2016 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer


2. 10/25/2016 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; TEU            Stephanie Burch/Jim Morgan



Bill Summary            Fact Sheet






12.  2016-697




ORD Approp $195,318 ($146,489 from U.S. Dept of Homeland Security - Port Security Grant Prog & Local Match of $48,829 from Fed Forfeitures Trust Fund) for Prog Period 9/1/16 - 8/31/19, to Purchase Emerg Preparedness Equipmt. (BT 17-018) (McCain) (Req of Sheriff)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 11/9/16


1. 10/25/2016 CO  Introduced: TEU,PHS,F



Bill Summary            Fact Sheet






13.  2016-701






ORD Approp $394,200 ($295,650 from U.S. Dept of Homeland Security (USDOHS) & City Match of $98,550 from Rsv for Fed Progs) to purchase (1) a 37' CBRNE Marine Vessel; (2) 6 Radiation Detectors; (3) a Multi-Gas Meter (All Capital); & (4) 6 Level B Flash Suits (Non-Capital) as part of USDOHS Port Security Grant Prog for 9/1/16 - 8/31/19; Auth Funds Carryover to Subsequent FY's; Auth Grant Agreemt with USDOHS; Designate Oversight by Emerg Preparedness Div. (BT 17-017) (McCain) (Req of Mayor)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 11/9/16


1. 10/25/2016 CO  Introduced: TEU,PHS,F



Bill Summary            Fact Sheet






14.  2016-706




ORD Apv a Mobility Fee Contract bet City, SWQ, LLC & Southwest Quadrant Joint Venture Co, for Memorialization of $3,728,335 in Mobility Fee Credits for use within Mobility Zone 1. (Dist 11-Becton) (Grandin) (Introduced by CM Becton)

TEU Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 655 Ord Code -

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166.041, F.S. & CR 3.601 -


1. 10/25/2016 CO  Introduced: TEU,F, LUZ


Bill Summary





NOTE: Other items may be added at the discretion of the Chair.