

Special Committee on Transportation, Energy and Utilities Committee

Meeting Minutes

 August 1, 2016

2:00 p.m.


Topic: TEU Special Committee meeting


Location: Council Chambers, City Hall – St. James Building; 117 West Duval Street


In attendance: Council Members Al Ferraro (Chair), Doyle Carter, Greg Anderson, Anna Lopez Brosche, Reggie Brown, John Crescimbeni, Reggie Gaffney


Also: Kim Taylor – Council Auditor’s Office; Paige Johnston – Office of General Counsel; Jordan Elsbury – Mayor’s Office


Meeting Convened: 2:54 p.m.


Chairman Ferraro called the meeting to order.


Mr. John Pappas, Public Works Director, reviewed the prioritization process for the drainage system improvements and road resurfacing. A handout was distributed which covered asset information, program funding and program prioritization. Public Works is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the City’s Stormwater infrastructure. The revenue from Stormwater fees is $30.7 million.


Improvements to the existing Stormwater drainage system is broken down into two categories for rehabilitation: 1) restoration/repair which require very limited design (cave-in, pipe lining, storm sewer replacement); and 2) restoration/repair which requires design (contractual services, in-house resources). Currently, there are 75 projects on the Drainage System Rehabilitation list. Capital Improvement Projects are part of the City-wide Master Stormwater Management Plan (MSMP). The projects are ranked according to flood control, surface water quality, and operation & maintenance. This list has 37 projects.


Additionally, Public Works is responsible for the maintenance of the City’s road resurfacing through the Right of Way & Stormwater Management Division.  There are 3,600 miles of roads. The proposed FY 16/17 budget for resurfacing efforts is $12 million. The process for a road being resurfaced requires an evaluation based on the Standard Pavement Condition Index. Once evaluated, the road is prioritized based on oxidation/raveling, cracking, cuts/patches/potholes, depressions/rutting, rideability and traffic volume. The road is re-evaluated every 2 years until it is resurfaced/improved with the exception of a drastic occurrence. It should be noted there is a large backlog in roadways that need resurfacing.


CM R. Brown suggested the City create a strong policy related to retention ponds on City and private party as it pertains to enforcement. In response to CM R. Brown’s inquiry, Mr. Pappas agreed to submit the per lane cost for resurfacing to the committee.  


Mr. Pappas explained that Public Works is constantly improving systems to adequately address the needs. Clarification was provided regarding JTA projects primarily involve new construction while the City is solely responsible for road maintenance. There is a definite need for additional funding to assist with the road improvements. CM R. Brown requested information on legal efforts that Council may have to include other entities in the responsibility of road maintenance. Ms. Johnston commented that generally Cities/Counties are typically responsible for their own roads; however, she would review the topic for justification.


In response to CM Crescimbeni questions, Mr. Pappas stated that inspections are completed by Development Management Services Group. It was suggested that Public Works conduct the inspections since they are responsible for resurfacing. Mr. Pappas was requested to report back to the committee on the occurrence of inspections along with notations on reports. Additionally, Mr. Pappas will provide information on possible amortization fee to companies that alter City roads which impacts the life expectancy of the road. It was further suggested that research is done on the standards for easements and patches and determine if there are opportunities to address economic impact for the city regarding others cutting for various utilities installation.


Meeting Adjourned:  3:52 p.m.


Minutes: Yvonne P. Mitchell, Council Research Division

             8.3.16   Posted 5:00 p.m.

Tapes:  TEU Special Committee Meeting– LSD


Materials: Housing and Community Development Division handouts
