SEPTEMBER 17, 2007

1:30 P.M.



Suite 425, City Hall

117 W. Duval Street



Attendance: Chairman Art Shad, Council Member Joost

Peggy Sidman and Cindy Laquidara – Office of General Counsel, Kirk Sherman, Janice Billy and Kyle Billy – Auditor’s Office, Jessica Morales – Legislative Services Division, Kerri Stewart – Housing and Neighborhoods Dept., Paul Crawford – JEDC, Mickey Miller – Administration and Finance Department Lisa Rinaman  – Mayor’s Office, Lin White – Public Works Dept., Fred Forbes – Environmental Resource Management Department, Robert Phillips – Supervisor of Elections’ Office, Debbie Delgado and Celeste Hicks - ECAs


The meeting was called to order at 1:34 p.m.


Chairman Shad reviewed the proposed actions on the agenda, including 18 items to be deferred, 31 items ready for action, and 10 new introductions to be recommended for second reading and re-referral.  Mr. Shad noted that the Council President had requested by memo that the Finance Committee defer action on

2007-813 (FY07-08 budget) and 2007-837 (solid waste user fee, which has already been acted on by Finance at a previous meeting).


Janice Billy noted that additional information for item 20 (2007-816) is attached to the agenda as page 23 and that Mickey Miller will available to make a short presentation to the committee.  Also, additional information for item 22 (2007-830) is attached as page 24, and that additional information for item 23 (2007-831) is attached as page 25, and Ron Barton of the JEDC will be present to answer questions.


2007-922 – Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland will be present to address the bill.  Robert Phillips requested that the bill be taken up early in the meeting so that the Supervisor can return to work on the special election for the Florida House of Representatives, and the Chairman agreed.


2007-987 – Jaxport requests emergency action on the bill to ensure that the bill is passed before the end of the month so the Mayport Ferry can continue operating past September 30th.  Kerri Stewart will lead the discussion on behalf of the administration, and Rick Ferrin and Eric Green of Jaxport will be present.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:43 p.m.



Jeff Clements, City Council Research
