June 4, 2007






ORD Approp $250,000 from Council Operating Rsv & $250,000 from Acct TBD to Expand City's Wireless Internet Zone (WIZ) Proj; Auth Agreemt with JaxWIZ, Inc.

* Defer




ORD Concerning Benefits Pertaining to Gen Employees Pension Plan, Chapt 120, Part II & Create New SubSec (J) in Sec 120.206 Providing that an Active Mbr who has completed 20 Yrs or more Credited Svc, regardless of age, may elect to retire & receive mbr's normal retiremt benefit, which shall be determined by multiplying 2% of Mbr's number of yrs & months of credited svc, up to a max of 80%, by mbrs' final monthly compensation provided Mbr's retiremt commences bet 1/1/06-6/30/06.

* Defer




RESO Making findings regarding Interlocal Agreemts bet City of Jax & Town of Baldwin, & Cities of Jax Beach, Atlantic Beach, & Neptune Beach, Apv in Reso 81-1072-403, Reso 96-481-132, Reso 95-944-256, & Reso 97-1143-A; Directing the Council Auditor, in coordination with the Ofc of General Counsel & Council Research Div, & with any assistance that can be made available by the executive branch, to  research, analyze & make a report & recommendation on all facts & circumstances relating to the relative taxing of & the provison of services to citizens living in the town of Baldwin & Cities of Jax Beach, Atlantic Beach, & Neptune Beach.

* Defer




ORD Apv the Soutel/Moncrief Retail Redev Area in accordance with Chapt 163, Pt III, Community Redev Act of 1969, F.S., as Amended; Making Findings & Determinations; Estab a Redev Trust Fund Pursuant to Sec 163.387 of said act; Directing Tax Collector to estab 2005 Tax Assessmt as the Base for the Increment as Required by Sec 163.387, F.S.

* Defer




ORD Auth Lease Agreemt with Property Management Support, Inc for Tax Collector Office Space at 9680 Argyle Forest Blvd (5,000 Sq Ft at Oakleaf Crossing Center).

* Defer




ORD Auth Sale of Propty (RE#'s 089094-0000, 089087-0000 & 089020-0000) on Oak, Magnolia & Leila Sts to Miles Development Co, MDP Block B, LLC in Accordance with Sec 122.435, Ord Code & Sec 163.380, F.S.; Waiving Secs 122.432(b) & 122.433, Ord Code.

* Defer




ORD Declaring Surplus; Waiving Conflicting Provisions of Chapt 122, Ord Code; Auth Conveyance to JTA at No Cost to become part of Rapid Transit Syst (SE Side of Roosevelt Blvd at Myra St).

* Defer




ORD Amend Sec 120.206(h), Ord Code, to Change Commencemt Date of COLA from April to January.

* Defer




ORD Amend Chapt 751 (Septic Tank Superfund), Ord Code, to Create an On-Site Sewage Treatmt Disposal Syst Regulatory Prog.

* Defer





ORD Creating new Pt 5, Chapt 780, Ord Code (Tax Exemption for Certain Local Historic Properties & Local Historic Dists) to Auth an Ad Valorem Tax Exemption of 50% of Assessed Value of Propty used as a Bed & Breakfast Pursuant to Sec 196.1961, F.S.

* Defer




ORD Approp $500,000 from NE Tax Incremt Dist to Purchase & Install new "Parking Meters in Downtown Jax" Proj, with Repaymt from Parking Rev of FY's 2007-2008 & 2008-2009 & Deposited in Downtown Economic Dev Fund; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008; Amend Ord 2006-789-E (CIP) to auth Priority 1 Status for Proj.

* Defer




ORD Amend  Chapt 118 (Misc Approp), Ord Code, Secs 118.203 (Review by Council; Apvl of Budget), 118.204 (Release of Approp), 118.205 (Content of Audits by Independent CPA), 118.301 (Expenditure of Approp'd Funds) & 118.604 (Allocation by Cultural Council; Generally); Estab Public Svc Grant Criteria; Provide Funding of Certain Economic Dev Activities.

* Defer




ORD Auth a Naming Agreemt for the "Semanik Equestrian Ctr of Jacksonville"; Amend Sec 111.110, Ord Code to Change Name of Trust Fund to "Semanik Equestrian Ctr of Jax Capital Improvemt Trust Fund;" Approp $920,000 ($75,000 for Pymt of City's Obligations Arising from Naming Agreemt, $290,000 to Estab Contingency Fund for Equestrian Ctr Phase II Proj, & $555,000 Semanik Equestrian Center Capital Improvemt Reserve) & Providing for Reversion of Unused Funds to Trust Fund; Amend Ord 2006-789-E CIP for "Equestrian Center Phase II" Proj; Waiving Provisions of Sec 126.204, Ord Code, to Permit City's Direct Negotiation & Sale of Naming Rights of City's Equestrian Ctr in Lieu of Competitive Solicitatn to Effectuate Provisions of Naming Agreemt; Waiving Provisions of Sec 122.102 , Ord Code to allow Naming of City Facility for a Living Person to Effect the Naming Agreemt.

* Defer




ORD Amend Sec 120.102 (General Employees & Corrections Officers Pension Plans), to Add New Member to Bd of Trustees for COJ Retiremt System; Redefine Selection Process for Citizens Trustees; Increase Number of Members for Corrections Officers' Plan Advisory Comm; Define Selection of Chairperson of Bd of Trustees.

* Defer




ORD Approp $500,000 Grant for NW Jax Economic Dev Trust Fund to Beaver Street Fisheries for Relocation of Farmer's Market (in Enterprise/Empowermt Zones, a Brownfield Area & bet Kings & Beaver & North Riverside Neighborhood Action Plan Areas) to allow Expansion of BSF Cold/Frozen Storage Distribution Ctr; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008.

* Defer




ORD Approp $1,500,000 ($700,000 Loan, $800,000 Grant) from NW Jax Economic Dev Trust Fund to K Mack, LLC, for Retail Space at Corner of Soutel Dr & Norfolk Blvd (4.2 Acres, Renovation, 60,000 Sq Ft, Shoppes of Norfolk) in the Enterprise - Empowermt Zones & Metro North Neighborhood Action Plan Area; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008.

* Defer




ORD Amend Chapt 92 (Uniform Community Dev Dists), Ord Code, Sec 92.02 (Definitions), to Exercise Eminent Domain Power Outside of the Dist, Pursuant to Sec 190.011(11), F.S.

* Defer




ORD to Apv Right of the Avenues Walk Community Dev Dist to Exercise Eminent Domain Power outside the Dist for Dist Rds, Pursuant to Sec 190.011(11), F.S.; Amend Sec 92.22 (Existing Community Dev Dists) to Includent Grant of this Power.

* Defer




ORD Approp $25,000 from Executive Operating Contingency-Joint to fund a "Boater Traffic Study" to Evaluate Impact of Boater Traffic on Manatee Behavior; Provide Reverter of Unused Funds; Designate Planning & Dev Dept for Proj Oversight.

* Substitute: Adds a section identifying an account to receive contributions from area developers to assist with the required matching funds; appropriation of City and private funding is contingent upon receiving the grant; Parks and Recreation Dept. will oversee the grant and study results will be reported to the Planning Department

* Approve as substituted




ORD Apv a License Agreemt with Florida East Coast Railway, LLC for Installation, Constrn, Maint & Replacemt of Facilities at Greenland Rd RR Crossing W of Philips Hwy; $864,426 Already Budgeted (BJP - Greenland Rd Proj) & a $6,000 Annual Licensing Fee to be Budgeted Annually.

* Defer




ORD Amend Chapt 350 (Elections & Elections Regulations), Ord Code; Rename Chapt as Elections, Elections Regulations and Campaigning; Move Campaign Ethics Provisions from Chapt 602 (Ethics Code) to Chapt 350; Amend Chapt 602 with Substantial Revisions, Increased Regulation of City Officers & Employees re Gifts, Moonlighting & Secondary Employmt & Post City Employmt; Amend Disclosure Provisions; Auth a City "Hotline"; Provide for Investigations Conducted by Ethics Comm.

* Defer




ORD re BJP; Amend Ord 2005-898-E to Repeal Sec 8 re JTA's BJP Transfer & Budgetary Authority; Amend Sec 105.308, Ord Code (Capital Improvemt Transfers, Approp Amends & Change Orders) to Auth certain BJP Transfers by Mayor.

* Defer




ORD re BJP Courthouse Proj; Apv $52,500,000 in Multi-Year Funding from Spec Rev Bonds & Approp Legally Available Non-Ad Valorem Revenues Under City Covenant Prog for Constrn of Unified Courthouse; Amend Ord 2006-789-E (CIP) to Auth Priority 1 Status for all Components of "Duval County Courthouse Facilities Project"; Estab Max Cost for Proj of $316,000,000; Estab Proj Description; Auth Mayor to Secure Consultants & Design & Constrn Professionals; Continuing Courthouse Architectural Review Committee estab in Ord 2004-1339-E; Repealing Portions; Declaring Monroe St Shall Remain Open.

* Defer




ORD Amend Pt 5 (Prohibition), Chapt 151 (Dancing Entertainment Establishment Code), Ord Code; to Allocate a Portion of Each Fine to Sheriff's Investigative Fund.

* Defer




ORD Creating New Chapt 780 (Property Tax), Pt 6 (Tax Deferral Program for Recreational & Commercial Working Waterfront Properties), Ord Code; Making Findings.

* Defer




ORD Approp $102,790.62 ($88,249.62 Grant from Dept of Elder Affairs/NE Fla Area Agcy on Aging, Inc & $14,541 City Match) for Relief In-Home Proj of the Independent Living Prog; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008; Approp 20% Addnl Grant Funds if Rcvd.

* Amend to place grant agreement on file

* Approve as amended




ORD Approp $28,926.57 Grant of U.S. Dept of Justice Bulletproof Vest Partnership Prog for Partial Reimbursemt of JSO Body Armor Purchase.

* Approve




ORD Approp $530,000 from FDOT for Constrn of "Cecil Field Greenway Trail-South" Proj; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2006-2007; Amend Ord 2006-789-E (CIP) to auth Proj; Apv Local Agcy Agreemt with FDOT; Designate Public Works Dept to oversee Pro.

* Amend to correct carryover year to FY07/08 and to correct CIP listing

* Approve as amended




ORD Approp $636,000 from FDOT for Constrn of "Cecil Field Greenway Trail-North" Proj; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2006-2007; Amend Ord 2006-789-E (CIP) to auth Proj; Apv Local Agcy Agreemt with FDOT; Designate Public Works Dept to oversee Pro.

* Amend to correct CIP listing

* Approve as amended






ORD Approp $8,666.99 from U.S. Dept of Justice for Equipmt to Enhance Data Processing by the Crime Analysis Unit.

* Approve




ORD Auth Amend to Economic Dev Sublease dtd 8/17/98 with Northrop Grumman Systems Corp to Delete Certain Facilities at Cecil Commerce Ctr & Removal of Tools & Equipmt at their expense.

* Amend to replace Exhibit 2 with corrected exhibits

* Approve as amended




ORD Declaring Necessity to Acquire Fee Simple Title & Temp Constrn Easemt Rights thru Eminent Domain for Widening of Old Middleburg Rd (Herlong Rd to Wilson Blvd) as part of BJP II Proj.

* Approve




ORD Approp $33,206 Continuation Grant from Corp for Natl & Community Svc for the Fla Alzheimer's Volunteer Opportunity Respite Senior Companion Prog for 7/1/07 - 6/30/08.

* Amend to place on file an e-mail from grantor indicating grant amount; adding language to appropriate up to an additional 20% of grant if larger amount is received

* Approve as amended




ORD Approp $161,910.62 of Home Prog Income for Misc Sales & Charges for the Home Headstart to Home Ownership Prog for Assistance to Individuals & Families of Low to Moderate Income.; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008.

* Approve




ORD Approp $285,000 U.S. Dept of Homeland Security Grant to Conduct Air Monitoring Studies for 7/1/07 - 6/30/08; Reauth Environmental Resource Mgmt Dept Positions for the Study.

* Approve




ORD Approp $707,404 from Spec Law Enforcemt Trust Fund  for: (1) Tasers for Corrections & Judicial Officers - $562,400; (2) Diversity Training - $88,000; (3) Crimestoppers - $25,000; (4) Justice Coalition - $25,000; (5) Boy Scouts of America - $5,000 & (6) Families of Slain Children, Inc - $2,004.

* Defer




ORD Approp $1,897,929.78 ($1,435,175.78 Grant from FDEP & $462,754 from Fund Balance) for Gas Storage Tank Cleanup Prog by Environmental Quality Div for 7/1/07 - 6/30/08; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008; Reauth ERMD Positions in Gas Storage Tank Cleanup Prog.

* Approve




ORD Approp $659,213 Grant from FDEP for Air Pollution Permitting & Compliance Related Activities by Environmental Quality Div for 7/1/07 - 6/30/08; Reauth Positions in Air Pollution Title V Permits Prog.

* Amend to place on file an e-mail indicating grant award amount

* Approve as amended




ORD Auth Contract with & Approp $271,698 Grant from FDEP for Ambient Air Monitoring to Measure Carbon Monoxide, Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Ozone & Particulate Matter for 7/1/07 - 6/30/08; Reauth ERMD Positions.

* Amend to place on file an e-mail indicating grant award amount

* Approve as amended




ORD Approp $603,896 ($517,289 Grant from FDEP & $86,607 from Fund Balance) for Gas Storage Tank Inspection Prog by Environmental Quality Div for 7/1/07 - 6/30/08; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008; Reauth ERMD Positions in the Prog.

* Approve




ORD Amend Ord 2006-788-E (Budget), JPA Budget Schedule J and Ord 2006-789-E (CIP) to Revise Project Cost for a new (Dames Point) Container Terminal.

* Approve




ORD Auth Economic Dev Agreemt among City, JEDC & International Baler Corp for Expansion of its Manufacturing Facility at 5400 Rio Grande Ave; Approp $250,000 from NW Jax Economic Dev Trust Fund for a $75,000 Infrastructure Improvemt Grant & $175,000 Site Dev Loan; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008; Designate JEDC as Monitor.

* Amend to attach Project Summary; to correct BT funding source; to replace agreement with corrected performance schedule; to correct section reference on page 3; and to provide that the loan funds will be disbursed first, then the grant funds if project costs remain.

* Approve as amended




ORD Approp $161,286.16 ($36,286.16 from Equestrian Ctr Capital Improvemt Trust Fund & $125,000 from Cecil Field Trust Fund - Parks & Rec for Anticipated Cost Overruns for Equestrian Ctr Phase II Proj; Amend Ord 2005-789-E (CIP) to auth said Proj.

* Defer




ORD Declaring Surplus a 2001 Chevrolet Lumina Valued at $3,600 & Auth Transfer to City of Baldwin at No Cost; Waiving Conflicting Provisions of Chapt 122, Part 8, Ord Code; Providing for Reverter; Waiving Council Rule 3.102(g) that Requires a Certificate of Compliance from Director of Procuremt.

* Approve




ORD Approp $348,128 from Spec Council Contingency - JCC Fund for (1) $60,000 - Don Brewer Ctr's Virtual School Readiness Incubator Training; (2) $20,000 - Literacy Progs Provided to JCC by the Fla Institute of Education & (3) $268,168 - Early Literacy Quality Teams for 7/1/07 - 9/30/07.

* Defer




ORD Approp $142,588 from Jax Children's Comm Rsv Fund for (1) $42,588 - JCC Family Involvemt Prog for 7/1/07 - 9/30/07 & (2) $100,000 Increase for JCC 2007 Summer Camp Prog.

* Amend to reduce summer campership expense from $100,000 to $31,900

* Approve as amended




ORD Auth Agreemt for Exchange of Real Propty with W.A. Miner for his Propty at 226 Osceola St for City's Propty at 2433 Forrest St to allow for Relocation of Fire Station 5.

* Approve




RESO Declaring Necessity for Eminent Domain to Acquire Grants of Easemt over Parcels 800-811 bet 26th St W & 30th St W, Parallel to Charles St & Leonard Cir W to Install a Force Main for the Moncrief Creek Flood Control Proj.

* Amend to correct location to between 26th St. W. and 33rd St. W. and to change location to Council District 8

* Approve as amended




ORD Approp $100,000 from Dist 7 Bond Funds to Bridge of NE Fla, Inc for a Mini Bus to Transport Prog Participants & for Capital Equipmt & Fixtures for Media Arts Ctr in the Teen Epicenter at Beaulah Beal Young Parents Ctr for Computer Training & Homework Help; Providing Reverter; Finding Municipal Purpose; Waive Requiremts of Bond Ord re Use on Public Propty; Require Compliance with Sec 106.315 & Chapt 118, Parts 1, 3, 4 & 5, Ord Code, unless Otherwise Waived; Req Mayor to Appt Community Svcs Dept to Oversee Proj.

* Approve




ORD Approp $100,000 from Executive Operating Rsv - Joint (Mayor/Council) for Speech & Language Svcs thru Early Intervention at Jax Children's Comm's Brewer Early Learning & Prof Dev Ctr; Finding a Public & Municipal Purpose; Waiving Compliance with Provisions of Chapt 118, Ord Code.

* Defer




ORD Approp $140,000 from BJP Dist 7 Discretionary Funds for Partial Funding of Phase III Constrn for Planning Dist 2 Town Center (Arlington Rd) Proj; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008; Providing for Reverter; Amend Ord 2006-789-E (CIP) to auth Addnl Funding of Proj; Provide Oversight by Public Works Dept.

* Amend to correct account number and attach corrected CIP page

* Approve as amended




ORD Renaming Harts Rd Park at 15597 Harts Rd to "Eartha H. Napoleon Park"; Provide for Parks & Rec to Oversee making all necessary Changes.

* Approve






ORD Approp $15,500 from Exec Operating Rsv - Joint (Mayor/Council) for 2007 Film Festival; Requiring Compliance with Applicable Provision of Chapt 118, Ord Code.

* Approve




ORD Approp $450,926.10 ($33,060 from Tree Protection & Related Expenses Trust Fund & $417,866.10 from Dist 4 Capital Projs (ETR, 2004)) for Addnl Funding at St Nicholas Town Ctr; Amend Ord 2006-789-E (CIP) to auth Addnl Funding; Provide Oversight by Public Works Dept; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008; Provide for Reverter.

* Substitute: Appropriates $303,462 ($33,060 from Tree Protection Trust Fund and $270,420 from District 4 capital bond fund) for additional funding of St. Nicholas Town Center; attaches revised CIP and Scope of Work

* Approve as substituted




ORD Creating new Part 3 (Underground Power & Communications Prog Area) to Chapt 714 (Nerighborhood Assessmt Progs); Auth Levy of Spec Assessmts for Constrn of Underground Facilities for Neighborhood Electric, Telephone, Cable & Communication Lines to Propty, Upon Neighborhood Petition & Provide Procedures; Estab Petition Form; Provide that no Referendum be Required; Provide for Program Area Conflicts.

* Defer




ORD Amend Chapt 250 (Misc Business Regulations), Ord Code, Sec 250.119 (Exemption) to Exempt var Categories of Persons under Certain Conditions from Paying for any Permit or Fee to Engage in Business in the City.

* Approve




ORD Approp $73,601 from Tree Protection & Related Expenses Trust Fund for Landscaping along N Main St bet Busch Dr & New Berlin Rd; Appt Public Works Dept to Oversee Proj.

* Amend to replace Exhibit 1 with Revised Exhibit 1

* Approve as amended




ORD Approp $150,000 from Ofc of Faith & Community Based Partnerships to provide $100,000 for 100 Students in the Seeds of Change Summer Jobs Prog & $50,000 in Match Funds to JSEB for Costs of Employing Addnl Students & Misc Purchases to aid the Summer Jobs Prog; Request Emerg Apv.

* Amend to remove emergency action language

* Approve as amended




ORD Auth an Agreemt with ChevronTexeco for the Provision of an Energy & Water Conservation Prog which follows Prev Assessmts.

* Defer




ORD Auth a Stipulation Agreemt with CSX Transportation, Inc & FDOT, to Close Existing At-Grade Crossing & Opening, Signalizing & Closing of Temp At-Grade Closings, in Conformity with FDOT Standards, as Part of New Kings Rd RR Overpass.

* 2nd and rerefer




ORD Approp &138,000 from Water & Sewer Expansion Auth Loan Pool to Complete Infrastructure for New Restroom Facilities at "Tree Hill Nature Center Sewer Proj", 7152 Lone Star Rd; Amend Ord 2006-789-E (CIP) to Auth Priority 1 Status for the Project; Providing for Reverter of Funds (BT 07-147).

* 2nd and rerefer




ORD Approp $23,000 from Water & Sewer Expansion Auth Gen Rsvs Acct to supplement original $95,000 loan to Church Fellowship Worship Ministries Auth by Ord 2006-242-E, to Complete Constrn of Sewer Infrastructure for Church's New Sanctuary at 8808 Lem Turner Rd; Amend Ord 2006-789-E (CIP) to Auth Priority 1 Status for the Proj; Providing for Reverter of Funds (BT 07-148).

* 2nd and rerefer




ORD Approp $200,000 from Gen Counsel Retained Earnings to fund Legal Related Expert, Trial Consulting Fees & var Expenses in Excess of Approp for 2006-2007 FY.

* 2nd and rerefer





ORD Approp $395,000 ($355,000 from ETR Bond & $40,000 from Tree Mitigation & Related Trust Fund) for "Pickwick Park Phase I" Proj of Playscape, Landscape & Site Prep; Amend Ord 2006-789-E (CIP) to auth Proj.

* 2nd and rerefer




ORD Approp $2,500,000 from Fair Share Sector 6.1 for "Yellow Bluff-New Berlin Rd Intersec Improvemts" Proj; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008; Amend Ord 2006-789-E (CIP) to auth Proj; Waive Requiremts of Secs 126.201 - 126.204 & 126.301, Ord Code, to allow Direct Contracting with On-Site Developer to Design & Construct Proj in Conjunction with Constrn of Private Improvemts in the Area.

* 2nd and rerefer




ORD Approp Addnl $2,000,000 for New Kings Rd "Pedestrian/Vehicle RR Crossing Grade" BJP Proj by Reducing Funds for "Durkeeville West Drainage Rehab" Proj; Amend Ord 2006-789-E (CIP) to revise Priority for said Projs.

* 2nd and rerefer




RESO Declaring Need to Acquire Title thru Eminent Domain for a Pond Site for the San Pablo Rd R/W BJP Proj (S/S of Evergreen Dr).

* 2nd and rerefer




ORD Amend Sec 111.120 (Metro Park Maint & Improvemts Fund), Ord Code, to Provide for Deposit of Metro Park Marina Dock Slip Rental Fees.

* 2nd and rerefer




ORD Amend Ord 2004-1382-E, an Approp of Funds for Teen Court Progs Trust Fund thru FY 2005-2006, to allow Carryover of Funds to FY 2006-2007 for the Portion for SAO-Mental Health Svcs ($39,000).

* 2nd and rerefer




ORD Apv Settlemt for Parcels 108 & 706 (SW Side of New Kings Rd at Borden St) in Eminent Domain Proceeding vs Clear Channel Outdoor, Inc, et al.

* 2nd and rerefer




RESO Designating Dog Wood Park at 7407 Salisbury Rd, Owned by Hassan & Lear Acquisitions, Ltd, as a Brownfield Area for Environmental Rehab & Economic Dev.

* 2nd and rerefer




ORD Auth Agreemt with Intracoastal Associates, LLC in which they will Purchase & Install Certain Drainage Improvemts on Their Land & City's Land near Orange Picker Rd, with City Funding of $750,000 (Approp by Ord 2001-1333-E); Requiring Compliance with Reporting Requiremts of Chapt 118.

* 2nd and rerefer




ORD Approp $158,705 from ETR Bond to Assist in "Mandarin Senior Ctr - Parking Lot" Proj; Amend Ord 2006-789-E (CIP) to auth Proj.

* 2nd and rerefer




ORD Approp $25,000 from ETR Bond to Assist in Beaches Boys & Girls Club Renovations to Roof & Floor; Auth Amend #1 to Agreemt with said Club for the Renovations; Providing for Reverter of Funds; Appt Public Works Dept to Oversee Proj; Waive Requiremts of a Provision of Ord 2004-998-E; Invoking Exception to Sec 126.107(g), (Procuremt Code), Ord Code, to auth Direct Contracting with the Club.

* 2nd and rerefer




ORD Amend Ord 2006-669-E (Approp for Baldwin Middle-H.S. Band Instruments & Trailer) to Provide a New Date for Return of Unspent Funds & Provide for Addnl Expenditures of those Funds.

* 2nd and rerefer




ORD Amend Chapt 55 (Housing & Neighborhoods Dept), Create new Sec 55.104 to Codify the Ofc of the Director & Create an Affordable Housing Coordinator; Directing Funding for the Coordinator in the 2007-2008 Budget.

* 2nd and rerefer





RESO Directing Council Auditor, Gen Counsel, Housing & Neighbororhoods & other Necessary Govt Units to Identify Implementation Strategies for Recommendation #12 of the Task Force Report re Eliminating Barriers to Efficiently Allocating Housing Resources & Improving Intragovt'l Communications; Requiring a Joint Status Report to the Finance Comm & the Task Force on or about 9/1/07.

* 2nd and rerefer




ORD Approp $7,950,890 for State Housing Initiatives Partnership to Jax Housing Comm to Auth & Fund Contracts for (1) Jax Housing & Neighborhoods Dept (JHND) ($795,089); (2) Homeowner Rehab Prog ($1,900,000 to NEFBA, Inc - Builders Care); $1,543,326 to Housing Partnership of Northeast Florida, Inc; $500,000 to Northeast Florida Community Action Agcy, Inc; $479,183 to JHND's Housing Svcs Div Limited Repair Prog; $52,786 to its Utility Tap-in Prog; (3) Acquisition & Rehab Prog ($1,160,500 to Habitat Resources of Duval Co, Inc); (4) Constrn Pool Prog ($653,300 to JHND's CHDO Dev Subsidy Pool); (5) Downpaymt Assistance Prog ($507,206 to Housing Partnership of NE Fla, Inc); (6) Emerg Rental Assistance Prog ($100,000 to Jewish Family & Community Svcs, Inc); (7) Homebuyer Counseling Prog ($129,500 to Family Foundations of NE Fla, Inc; $100,000 to Housing Partnership of NE Fla, Inc; & $30,000 to Jax Urban League, Inc; Auth Funds Carryover to State of Fla Fiscal Yr 2008-2009; Apv Positions.

* 2nd and rerefer




ORD Approp $200,000 from Tree Protection Trust Fund for Rogero Town Ctr Landscaping Proj; Auth Carryover of Funds to Future Fiscal Yrs; Amend Ord 2006-789-E (CIP) to auth Proj; Preserving JEA's Right to Trim Trees; Public Works to Provide Oversight; Waiving Portions of Chapt 656 (Zoning), Ord Code, Part 12 (Landscaping & Tree Protection), to Plant Sabal Palms.

* 2nd and rerefer




ORD Approp $195,000 from Tree Protection Trust Fund for Landscaping along Wonderwood Connector Segment I; Public Works Dept to Oversee Proj.

* 2nd and rerefer




ORD Approp $572,809 ($285,405 from Old Kings Rd Landfill Collections & $286,404 from Old Jones Rd Landfill Collections) for Dinsmore Park Improvemts Proj; Amend Ord 2006-789-E (CIP) to auth Proj; Parks & Rec Dept to Oversee Proj; Auth Funds Carryover to Future FY's.

* 2nd and rerefer




At the conclusion of the meeting a representative of Chevron Energy Solutions made a presentation on pending bill 2007-593, a proposal to expand on an existing agreement between the City and the company for an energy and water conservation program for public facilities.  The Chevron representatives were requested to meet with the Council Auditor’s Office and administration officials to discuss details of the program and contract.


Mickey Miller, Director of the Administration and Finance Department, gave the administration’s mid-year budget review, as required by the Ordinance Code.  At present his department anticipates an end-of-year surplus of approximately $4.2 million, less than 1 percent of the City General Fund budget.  Rising fuel costs are being offset by increased efficiencies and the maintenance of a significant number of unfilled employee positions.


Chairman Hyde proposed the introduction of an ordinance at the next Council meeting directing that any budget surplus identified and solidly projected before the end of the current fiscal year be carried forward to the next fiscal year and not expended before the expiration of the current budget in September.  The bill will be sponsored by the Finance Committee as a whole.


Health Department Director Dr. Robert Harmon appeared to appeal to the committee for the appropriation of an additional $500,000 to the department as discussed by the Finance Committee at the time of the budget adoption last September, pending the availability of funds as determined by the mid-year budget review.  Dr. Harmon described his department’s current budget situation and need for the additional funding.  He noted that the fee increases suggested by the Finance Committee during the budget process were going to be folded in to the City’s overall fee restructuring during the budget preparation process for the FY07/08 budget, at the suggestion of the City administration.  Chairman Hyde indicated his intention to propose an ordinance to reallocate $250,000 from the JAX WIZ (Wireless Internet Zone) initiative to the Health Department.



Jeff Clements, Chief of Research

(904) 630-1405