March 19, 2007





ORD Creating new Sec 110.365, Pt 3 (Spec Prostitution Rehab Trust Fund), Ord Code; Amend Sec 614.134 to update Terminology; Amend Sec 632.101 (Penalties) to allow for Participation in Rehab Prog.





RESO Auth a RR Crossing Closure Agreemt bet City, Florida East Coast Railway, LLC & FDOT to close a Public Hwy-Rail Grade Crossing at Naldo Ave.





ORD Approp $250,000 from Council Operating Rsv & $250,000 from Acct TBD to Expand City's Wireless Internet Zone (WIZ) Proj; Auth Agreemt with JaxWIZ, Inc.





ORD Concerning Benefits Pertaining to Gen Employees Pension Plan, Chapt 120, Part II & Create New SubSec (J) in Sec 120.206 Providing that an Active Mbr who has completed 20 Yrs or more Credited Svc, regardless of age, may elect to retire & receive mbr's normal retiremt benefit, which shall be determined by multiplying 2% of Mbr's number of yrs & months of credited svc, up to a max of 80%, by mbrs' final monthly compensation provided Mbr's retiremt commences bet 1/1/06-6/30/06.





RESO Making findings regarding Interlocal Agreemts bet City of Jax & Town of Baldwin, & Cities of Jax Beach, Atlantic Beach, & Neptune Beach, Apv in Reso 81-1072-403, Reso 96-481-132, Reso 95-944-256, & Reso 97-1143-A; Directing the Council Auditor, in coordination with the Ofc of General Counsel & Council Research Div, & with any assistance that can be made available by the executive branch, to  research, analyze & make a report & recommendation on all facts & circumstances relating to the relative taxing of & the provison of services to citizens living in the town of Baldwin & Cities of Jax Beach, Atlantic Beach, & Neptune Beach.





ORD Apv the Soutel/Moncrief Retail Redev Area in accordance with Chapt 163, Pt III, Community Redev Act of 1969, F.S., as Amended; Making Findings & Determinations; Estab a Redev Trust Fund Pursuant to Sec 163.387 of said act; Directing Tax Collector to estab 2005 Tax Assessmt as the Base for the Increment as Required by Sec 163.387, F.S.





ORD Auth Lease Agreemt with Property Management Support, Inc for Tax Collector Office Space at 9680 Argyle Forest Blvd (5,000 Sq Ft at Oakleaf Crossing Center).





ORD Auth Sale of Propty (RE#'s 089094-0000, 089087-0000 & 089020-0000) on Oak, Magnolia & Leila Sts to Miles Development Co, MDP Block B, LLC in Accordance with Sec 122.435, Ord Code & Sec 163.380, F.S.; Waiving Secs 122.432(b) & 122.433, Ord Code.





ORD Declaring Surplus; Waiving Conflicting Provisions of Chapt 122, Ord Code; Auth Conveyance to JTA at No Cost to become part of Rapid Transit Syst (SE Side of Roosevelt Blvd at Myra St).





ORD Amend Sec 120.206(h), Ord Code, to Change Commencemt Date of COLA from April to January.





ORD Amend Chapt 751 (Septic Tank Superfund), Ord Code, to Create an On-Site Sewage Treatmt Disposal Syst Regulatory Prog.





ORD Creating new Pt 5, Chapt 780, Ord Code (Tax Exemption for Certain Local Historic Properties & Local Historic Dists) to Auth an Ad Valorem Tax Exemption of 50% of Assessed Value of Propty used as a Bed & Breakfast Pursuant to Sec 196.1961, F.S.





ORD Approp $500,000 from NE Tax Incremt Dist to Purchase & Install new "Parking Meters in Downtown Jax" Proj, with Repaymt from Parking Rev of FY's 2007-2008 & 2008-2009 & Deposited in Downtown Economic Dev Fund; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008; Amend Ord 2006-789-E (CIP) to auth Priority 1 Status for Proj.





ORD Amend  Chapt 118 (Misc Approp), Ord Code, Secs 118.203 (Review by Council; Apvl of Budget), 118.204 (Release of Approp), 118.205 (Content of Audits by Independent CPA), 118.301 (Expenditure of Approp'd Funds) & 118.604 (Allocation by Cultural Council; Generally); Estab Public Svc Grant Criteria; Provide Funding of Certain Economic Dev Activities.





ORD Auth a Naming Agreemt for the "Semanik Equestrian Ctr of Jacksonville"; Amend Sec 111.110, Ord Code to Change Name of Trust Fund to "Semanik Equestrian Ctr of Jax Capital Improvemt Trust Fund;" Approp $920,000 ($75,000 for Pymt of City's Obligations Arising from Naming Agreemt, $290,000 to Estab Contingency Fund for Equestrian Ctr Phase II Proj, & $555,000 Semanik Equestrian Center Capital Improvemt Reserve) & Providing for Reversion of Unused Funds to Trust Fund; Amend Ord 2006-789-E CIP for "Equestrian Center Phase II" Proj; Waiving Provisions of Sec 126.204, Ord Code, to Permit City's Direct Negotiation & Sale of Naming Rights of City's Equestrian Ctr in Lieu of Competitive Solicitatn to Effectuate Provisions of Naming Agreemt; Waiving Provisions of Sec 122.102 , Ord Code to allow Naming of City Facility for a Living Person to Effect the Naming Agreemt.





ORD Amend Chapt 116 (Employees & Employee Benefits), Pt 13 (Admin Leave), Secs 116.1301 (Definitions), & 116.1302 (Admin Volunteer Leave) to Better Define Admin Leave & Admin Volunteer Leave, & Provide up to 1 Hr Per Pay Period Admin Volunteer Leave for Qualified Tutoring & Mentoring; Directing Dir of Human Resources to Estab Plan in Coord with JCC & Dept of Community Svcs by 10/01/07.





ORD Amend Sec 120.102 (General Employees & Corrections Officers Pension Plans), to Add New Member to Bd of Trustees for COJ Retiremt System; Redefine Selection Process for Citizens Trustees; Increase Number of Members for Corrections Officers' Plan Advisory Comm; Define Selection of Chairperson of Bd of Trustees.





ORD Approp Funds Received from JEA in Amt of $16,400 for Renovation of Jessie Ball Dupont Pk (Treaty Oak Pk) in San Marco; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008; Apv Sale of Utility Easemt in San Marco to JEA for $16,400.


*Amendment attaches CIP documentation and sketch of easement location; makes grammatical corrections to the purchase agreement




ORD Amend Chapt 117 (Grants), Ord Code, to Recognize Future Contributions of Private Funds.






ORD Approp $50,000 from Dist 6 ETR Bond to Mandarin Loretto Volunteer Firefighter Dept for Renovations to Fire Station #42; Provide Fire & Rescue Dept to Oversee Proj; Waive Requiremts of Autmn Bond (Ord 2004-998-E, Amended by 2005-1044-E) & Sec 106.315, Ord Code that Bond Funds be used on City Propty & Open to Public;  Auth Contract & Amend to Lease for said Proj; Auth Direct Contracting Pursuant to Sec 126.107(G).





ORD Approp $252,316 from FDOT for Ft George Island Traffic Study Proj; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008; Amend Ord 2006-789-E (CIP) to Auth Priority 1 Status for Proj.





ORD Approp $223,012 from Environmental Protection Bd Trust Fund for Joint Proj of JU & UNF to Produce Comprehensive Report on State of St. Johns River; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008.





ORD Approp $3,000 Donated by Wal-Mart to Jax Fire & Rescue Dept for Air Compressor, Buffing Machine & Framing Nailer to Maintain Facilities & provide Secure & Sanitary Living Conditions.





ORD Extending Funding for Cooperative Agreemt bet U.S. EPA & COJ Environmental Quality Div thru 04/30/08; Approp Addnl Grant of $68,630 from EPA to Fund Bal of Proj Period for total Approp of $164,763; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008.


*Amendment corrects fiscal year carryover language




ORD Approp $4,414,027.57 from Jax Housing Commision (SHIP) Funds for Transfer to SHIP Homeownership Constrn Pool/Trust Fund Prog ($431,250), to SHIP Housing Rental Rehab/Trust Fund Prog ($3,880,900) & to SHIP Housing Assistance Admin/Trust Fund ($101,877.57); Auth Funds Carryover thru State FY 2008-2009; Auth Transfer of Unused SHIP Housing Rental Rehab Funds as of 9/30/07 to SHIP Owner-Occupied Rehab for Targeted Neighborhoods.





ORD Apv Amends to Jax/Duval County Affordable Housing Assistance Prog Local Housing Assistance Plan for FY 2006-2007, 2007-2008, & 2008-2009 as Prev Amended; Auth Submission of Amends to Existing Plan to FL Housing Finance Corp for Apvl; Auth Further Action & Non-Substantive Revisions to Proposed Amends Necessary or Appropriate to Rcv Apvl of Amends from FL Housing Finance Corp.





ORD Approp $453,300 from Spring Park & Barnes Rd Projs in BJP to Hendricks Ave Proj for Change Orders & Close Out Constrn Proj; Provide for Reverter of Funds; Amend Ord 2006-789-E (CIP) to reflect Proj Expansion.


*Amendment attaches corrected CIP documentation




ORD Approp $100,000 from General Counsel's Retained Earnings Acct for Legal Related Expert, Trial, & Consulting Fees & Costs in Excess of 2006-2007 FY Budget Appropriation.





ORD Approving & Funding Creation of Crime Analyst/SPE Position to Perform Analyses on Traffic & Traffic-Related Data; Approp $44,268 from U.S. DOT to Allow JSO to Fund Position for 1st Yr.





ORD Approp $16,564 from FL Dept of Environmtl Protection Asbestos Prog Fund Bal to Procure Pick-Up Truck for Asbestos Tech.





ORD Approp $50,000 from U.S. Dept of Homeland Security thru Fla Dept of Community Affairs for Security Planning.





ORD to Apv & Fund Deletion of Vacant JCC Human Resources Position & Contemporaneous Addn of HR Assist Position to Human Resources Dept; Approp $23,394 from JCC Spec Rev Fund to Allow HR Dept to Fund HR Assist Position thru FY End 2006-2007.





ORD Approp $175,000 Donated by Preservation North Florida, Inc for "Dutton Island Preserve Expansion" Proj; Amend Ord 2006-789-E (CIP).


*Amendment attaches corrected CIP documentation




ORD Approp $2,000 Donated by Wal-Mart to Jax Parks Dept to Purchase Materials & Equipmt for Educational Purposes at Kid Kampus.





ORD Approp $162,540 from Parks Contingency Fund to 9A/Baymeadows Regional Park Proj for Change Order for Stabilizing Foundation of Roadway & Parking Lot, Removing Debris & Using Clean Fill Dirt; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008; Amend 2006-789-E (CIP) to auth Transfer of Funds.


*Amendment corrects CIP documentation and includes Autumn Bond as a funding source




ORD Apv Pymt of $120,000 as Settlement of Cleveland Ash Site Remediation Cost Claim Made by THS Investments Inc; Auth Execution of Documents.





RESO Declaring need to Acquire Fee Simple Title, Perpetual Easemts for Drainage & Temp Constrn Easemt Rights thru Eminent Domain for the Collins Rd Phase II Proj.


*Amendment removes an exhibit and revises certain other exhibits




RESO Declaring Need to Acquire Fee Simple Title & Temp Constrn Easemt Rights thru Eminent Domain for Woodland Acres/Oakwood Villas Drainage Proj.





ORD Auth Lease Agreemt with JEA Constrn Engineering Svcs, Inc (JEAces) for Bldg #800 at Cecil Commerce Ctr.





ORD Amend Ord 2004-889-E to Extend Term of JaxCare, Inc Health Flex Pilot Prog Initiative to 12/31/07.





ORD Auth a Roadway Transfer Agreemt with FDOT Transferring to City the Responsibility for Road R/W & Operation & Maint for Old State Rd 15 (U.S. 17/Roosevelt Blvd) from Milepost 0.000 to Milepost 0.386 (SR 15 to SR 228).





ORD Amend Ord 2006-788-E (Budget Ord) to Amend Water & Sewer Expansion Authority Budget Schedules E & F.





ORD Concerning Public Fees; Amend Sec 123.102 (c) (2) (i), Ord Code, by Revising Flight Hour Fees Charged by Mosquito Control Div.





ORD Declaring Surplus & Auth Conveyance; to ACM Development Group, LLC for for Part of 12th St Bet Liberty St & Market St (R.E. # 045009-3000) , for Appraised Value of $43,000 for Use as a Housing Parking Lot; Waiving Sec 122.429, Ord Code.






ORD Declaring Surplus & Auth Conveyance of Indian Burial Ground on Beacon Dr N. to Riverwoods Owners Assoc. at no Cost for Consolidation with 2 Adjacent Properties; Waiving Conflicting Provisions of Chapt 122 Ord Code.


*Amendment includes reverter clause and adds waived Ordinance Code sections to the title




RESO Urging JEA to Protect Senior Citizens & the Disabled from Projected Rate Increases.


*Amendment includes additional sponsors (all members of Council , individually, by name)




ORD Approp $8,790,397.85 ($5,739,457.85 from Fair Share Sector 3-4 Fund & $3,050,940 from Fair Share - UNF Campus Fund) for Realignmt of Kernan Blvd by Widening 1st Coast Technology Parkway to 6 Lanes; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008; Amend Ord 2006-789-E for "Kernan Blvd "JTB-McCormick" Proj.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Approp $55,040 from Circuit Court Tech Fund for Salary of Full-Time Contractual Resource ITD Employee for Remainder of FY.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Approp $500,000 Grant for NW Jax Economic Dev Trust Fund to Beaver Street Fisheries for Relocation of Farmer's Market (in Enterprise/Empowermt Zones, a Brownfield Area & bet Kings & Beaver & North Riverside Neighborhood Action Plan Areas) to allow Expansion of BSF Cold/Frozen Storage Distribution Ctr; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Approp $1,500,000 ($700,000 Loan, $800,000 Grant) from NW Jax Economic Dev Trust Fund to K Mack, LLC, for Retail Space at Corner of Soutel Dr & Norfolk Blvd (4.2 Acres, Renovation, 60,000 Sq Ft, Shoppes of Norfolk) in the Enterprise - Empowermt Zones & Metro North Neighborhood Action Plan Area; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Approp $40,920 from Tree Protection & Related Expenses Trust Fund for Landscaping on St Augustine Rd from San Jose Blvd to DuPont Rd; Auth Public Works Dept to Oversee Proj.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Auth the Mayor to Grant Contract with Fla Communities Trust for Joint Acquisition of Propty for Huguenot Memorial Park Expansion Proj.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Auth Economic Dev Agreemt among City, JEDC & Ring Productions, LLC auth a $50,000 Grant upon Completion of each of 2 Films: "Glad All Over" & Eliot Rockett".

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Auth Amend to Redev Agreemt among City, JEDC & Fidelity National Financial, Inc (Developer), Fidelity National Information Services, Inc (FNIS), Alfred I DuPont Testamentary Trust (Dupont) & Suntrust Equity Funding, LLC to (1) Assign Developer 408,609 Sq Ft of Dev Rights from Initial Allocation; (2) Extend Expiration Date of Dev Rights; (3) Estab that DuPont Dev Rights are Phase I; (4) Provide Conditions for Consent by City & JEDC to Developer's Transfer of Rights & (5) Release Propty Described in Amend to Redev Agreemts, the Propty Owner & DuPont Dev Rights from Any & All Obligations & Requiremts of Developer, its Successors or Assigns under Prev Redev Agreemts.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Auth the Mayor to Apply for Fla Inland Navigation Dist for 2007 Waterway Assistance Prog Grants for certain Waterways-Related Projs.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Creating Sec 126.111 (Pymt of City contracts), Ord Code, to estab Timing, Certification of Pymt by Contractor, Joint Pymt.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Consolidating & Approp $8,525,103.90 from var JEDC/Proj Pay-as-you-Go Accts to Consolidate into one "Northwest" Trust Fund (JEDC-NWJEDTF); Apv Housing & Neighborhoods Dept "New Proj Evaluation Criteria" as Guiding/Minimum Policy for Loans & Grants from said Fund; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Approp $175,000 from Enterprise Florida, Inc/Governor's Ofc of Tourism, Trade & Economic Dev for Design of NAS Jax Wastewater Reuse Proj; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008; Auth a Defense Infrastructure Grant Agreemt with Enterprise Florida.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Approp $98,547.42 ($86,442.59 from Duval County Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Trust Fund [Sec 111.230, Ord Code]) & $12,104.83 from Investmt Pool Earnings to provide (1) $23,547.42 to HELP Center, Inc for var Renovations including Air Conditioning & an Oven at 511 W 11th St & (2) $75,000 to Gateway Community Services, Inc for Addnl Bathroom Facilities & Storage Area at 920 Bridier St; Auth Contracts with said Agcys; Repealing Ord 2005-1051-E ($192,914 Approp to River Region Human Svcs, Inc for Renovation of 7500 Ricker Rd - Proj Abandoned); Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008; Applying Sec 126.107 (d) & (e) for Exemption from Competitive Bidding; Waiving var Provisions of Chapt 118; Providing Oversight by Community Svcs Dept.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Approp $6,950 from Tree Protection & Related Expenses Trust Fund to Install 5 Washingtonia Palms & Irrigation at Fire Station #41 at Mayport; Fire & Rescue Dept to Oversee Proj; Invoking Exception of Procurement Code to auth Direct Contracting with C&L Landscaping, Inc.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Auth JSO Agreemt with Glen Kernan Homeowners' Assn, Inc re Traffic Control Jurisdiction for Glen Kernan Golf & Country Club, Pursuant to Sec 316.006, F.S.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Amend Var Secs of Chapt 518, (Property Safety & Maintenance), Ord Code, to enhance Enforcemt; Provide for Pymt of all Collections into the Nuisance Abatemt Lien Spec Rev Fund of Sec 111.470 and Create said Sec; Amend Addendum B to Chapt 518 to Adopt Class of Offenses Specified in Chapt 609; Amend Schedule "A1" to CVhapt 609 (Code Enforcemt Citations) to create new "Class E" Offense Category.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Estab an Honorary Roadway Marker at or near 2400 Block of Old Middleburg Rd Honoring the late Elder George Matthews, Sr; Conformance with Pt I of Chapt 745 (Addressing & Street Naming Regs), Ord Code; Provide Private Funding; Approp $500 from Executive Operating Contingency for advance of Installation Costs; Providing for Reverter & Reimbursemt Conditions; Waiving Sec 745.105(b); Designating Public Works Dept for Oversight.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Amend Chapt 92 (Uniform Community Dev Dists), Ord Code, Sec 92.02 (Definitions), to Exercise Eminent Domain Power Outside of the Dist, Pursuant to Sec 190.011(11), F.S.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD to Apv Right of the Avenues Walk Community Dev Dist to Exercise Eminent Domain Power outside the Dist for Dist Rds, Pursuant to Sec 190.011(11), F.S.; Amend Sec 92.22 (Existing Community Dev Dists) to Includent Grant of this Power.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD to Apv Right of the Timucuan South Community Dev Dist to Exercise Eminent Domain Power outside the Dist for Dist Rds, Pursuant to Sec 190.011(11), F.S.; Amend Sec 92.22 (Existing Community Dev Dists) to include Grant of this Power.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer





ORD Determing Sufficient Assent of Propty Owners Surrounding Portion of Morven Lake to Estab the Morven Lake Neighborhood Assessmt Prog Dredging Proj; Decide if City should bear more than 12% of Dredging Cost; Estab Morven Lake Neighborhood Assessmt Prog; Waive Provisions of Sec 714.107, Ord Code (Process of Levying Assessmts); Approp $316,745 for the Proj; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2008-2009; Amend Sec 714.209 (Existing Neighborhood Assessmt Progs) to include Morven Lake; Require Waiver & Hold Harmless Agreemt Prior to Commencemt.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Approp $25,000 from Executive Operating Contingency-Joint to fund a "Boater Traffic Study" to Evaluate Impact of Boater Traffic on Manatee Behavior; Provide Reverter of Unused Funds; Designate Planning & Dev Dept for Proj Oversight.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer





Rick Campbell, Research Assistant

(904) 630-1679