February 20, 2007





ORD Creating new Sec 110.365, Pt 3 (Spec Prostitution Rehab Trust Fund), Ord Code; Amend Sec 614.134 to update Terminology; Amend Sec 632.101 (Penalties) to allow for Participation in Rehab Prog.





RESO Auth a RR Crossing Closure Agreemt bet City, Florida East Coast Railway, LLC & FDOT to close a Public Hwy-Rail Grade Crossing at Naldo Ave.





ORD Approp $250,000 from Council Operating Rsv & $250,000 from Acct TBD to Expand City's Wireless Internet Zone (WIZ) Proj; Auth Agreemt with JaxWIZ, Inc.





ORD Concerning Benefits Pertaining to Gen Employees Pension Plan, Chapt 120, Part II & Create New SubSec (J) in Sec 120.206 Providing that an Active Mbr who has completed 20 Yrs or more Credited Svc, regardless of age, may elect to retire & receive mbr's normal retiremt benefit, which shall be determined by multiplying 2% of Mbr's number of yrs & months of credited svc, up to a max of 80%, by mbrs' final monthly compensation provided Mbr's retiremt commences bet 1/1/06-6/30/06.





RESO Making findings regarding Interlocal Agreemts bet City of Jax & Town of Baldwin, & Cities of Jax Beach, Atlantic Beach, & Neptune Beach, Apv in Reso 81-1072-403, Reso 96-481-132, Reso 95-944-256, & Reso 97-1143-A; Directing the Council Auditor, in coordination with the Ofc of General Counsel & Council Research Div, & with any assistance that can be made available by the executive branch, to  research, analyze & make a report & recommendation on all facts & circumstances relating to the relative taxing of & the provison of services to citizens living in the town of Baldwin & Cities of Jax Beach, Atlantic Beach, & Neptune Beach.





ORD Apv the Soutel/Moncrief Retail Redev Area in accordance with Chapt 163, Pt III, Community Redev Act of 1969, F.S., as Amended; Making Findings & Determinations; Estab a Redev Trust Fund Pursuant to Sec 163.387 of said act; Directing Tax Collector to estab 2005 Tax Assessmt as the Base for the Increment as Required by Sec 163.387, F.S.





ORD Auth Lease Agreemt with Property Management Support, Inc for Tax Collector Office Space at 9680 Argyle Forest Blvd (5,000 Sq Ft at Oakleaf Crossing Center).





ORD Auth Sale of Propty (RE#'s 089094-0000, 089087-0000 & 089020-0000) on Oak, Magnolia & Leila Sts to Miles Development Co, MDP Block B, LLC in Accordance with Sec 122.435, Ord Code & Sec 163.380, F.S.; Waiving Secs 122.432(b) & 122.433, Ord Code.





ORD Declaring Surplus; Waiving Conflicting Provisions of Chapt 122, Ord Code; Auth Conveyance to JTA at No Cost to become part of Rapid Transit Syst (SE Side of Roosevelt Blvd at Myra St).





ORD Amend Sec 120.206(h), Ord Code, to Change Commencemt Date of COLA from April to January.





ORD Approp $1,123,683.40 ($420,000 from CDBG Lapsed Funds & $3,683.40 from Recaptured Funds from Sale of Renovated House at 1386 Rose St, Atlantic Bch) for (1) Pearl Plaza Community Rehab Ctr Improvemts; (2) Mt Carmel Gardens Facility for Seniors Infrastracture Improvemts; (3) Jax Chamber of Commerce Small Business Ctr Admin Costs & (4) Pymt to Atlantic Bch of Recaptured Funds; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008.


*Amendment corrects project summary (35 jobs)




ORD Closing & Abandoning Portion of Palm Lake Dr at Req of Palm Lake Partners II, LLC & Falcon Lake Apartments, LLC for Constrn of a Residential Dev; Auth a Quit Claim Deed to Palm Lake Partners II at No Cost; Waiving Inconsistent Provisions of Chapt 122, Ord Code.





ORD Creating new Subparagraph 120.209, Ord Code, to allow any Time Svc Retiree of City Gen Employees Retiremt Plan to be Re-Employed on a Part-Time or Temp Basis without Cessation of Retiremt Benefits; Empowering Pension Bd to Adopt such Rules to Implement the Benefit.





ORD Amend Chapt 751 (Septic Tank Superfund), Ord Code, to Create an On-Site Sewage Treatmt Disposal Syst Regulatory Prog.





ORD Creating new Pt 5, Chapt 780, Ord Code (Tax Exemption for Certain Local Historic Properties & Local Historic Dists) to Auth an Ad Valorem Tax Exemption of 50% of Assessed Value of Propty used as a Bed & Breakfast Pursuant to Sec 196.1961, F.S.





ORD Approp $200,000 from Spec Council Contingency - Public Information for Production of a Govt Svcs TV Prog.





ORD Auth Redev Agreemt with Driggers Body Co, Inc to expand its Paint & Body Shop Facility at 3526 N Pearl St; Auth a Small Business Dev Initiative Loan of $114,100 & Grant of $48,900; Approp $163,000 from NW Jax Economic Dev Trust Fund for the Redev.


*Substitute includes waivers, and attaches the project summary, redevelopment agreement, and Northwest Jacksonville Economic Development Fund Advisory Committee approval




ORD Amend Chapt 180 (Duval County Job Opportunity Bank), Sec 108.105 (Funding) to allow Bank to Apply for Fed, State & Local Grant Money with Auto Appropriation for Use without Council Approval.


*Substitute adds provisions to allow giving funds to programs and organizations which have the ability to attract matching funds




ORD Approp $28,200 from Fla Dept of Rev & $1,400 In-Kind Support to Purchase Boater Safety Education Materials; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008.





ORD Approp $342,000 from City Loan Pool to Purchase 24 Marked Vehicles for Code Enforcemt, Housing & Neighborhoods Dept, to Enhance Officer Safety & Identify City's Presence in Neighborhoods.





ORD Approp $500,000 from NE Tax Incremt Dist to Purchase & Install new "Parking Meters in Downtown Jax" Proj, with Repaymt from Parking Rev of FY's 2007-2008 & 2008-2009 & Deposited in Downtown Economic Dev Fund; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008; Amend Ord 2006-789-E (CIP) to auth Priority 1 Status for Proj.





ORD Auth a Lease Agreemt with Owens Research, Inc d/b/a "Tubes N Hoses' at Bldg #905, Cecil Commerce Ctr (13541-4 Lake Newnan St).


*Amendment places the revised lease agreement on file




ORD Auth Amend #1 to Sublease # 4456-91 (Apvd by Reso 2004-1306-A), West Jacksonville Greenway Connector, with FDEP, Ofc of Greenways & Trails & Apvd by State Bd of Trustees, Internal Improvemt Trust Fund; Amend adds 13.31 Acres at 14287 Beaver St to the Sublease.





ORD Approp $41,000 from Procuremt Retained Earnings for Outstanding Printing Invoices from FY 2005-2006.





ORD Approp $100,000 From Public Works Prof Svcs Accts to Reallocate Funds from Dept of Public Works, Traffic Engineering Div Operational Acct to Planning & Dev Dept.





ORD Approp $5,250,000.00 From Jax Housing Comm's "SHIP" Funds to SHIP Homeowner Rehab/Transfers ($5,000,000), SHIP Housing Assistance Admin/Permanent & Probationary Salaries ($125,000) & SHIP Housing Assitance Admin/Misc Srvcs & Charges ($125,000); Auth Funds Carryover thru FL FY 2008-2009.


*Amendment reflects amendment of LHAP by Ordinance 2006-1375, and makes grammatical corrections




ORD Approp $256,111, Including a $232,330 Continuation Grant From U.S. Dept of Homeland Security & $23,781 From Rsv for Fed Progs to Enhance the Metro Medical Response System (MMRS); Provide Salary & Benefits for Prog Manager, Computer Equip & Misc; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008; Apv Positions.





ORD Approp $136,000 From Water Sewer & Expansion Auth Gen Rsvs to Construct Water & Sewer Infrastructure; Amend Ord 2006-789-E (CIP) to Auth Priority 1 Status for "Glendale Road Water Project".


*Amendment attaches project map and fact sheet




ORD Apv Submerged Land Lease (Renewal of Agreemt) & Substantially Similar Renewals with Fla Bd of Trustees, Internal Improvmnt Trust Fund; Provides for Improvmnts & Access Channel & Dredging at Goodby's Lake Boat Ramp Site for a 5 yr Term Commencing 11/27/06.





ORD Dedicating an Easemnt to FDOT for R/W (Parcel 802) at 5131 & 5237 New Kings Rd.





ORD Apv Lease Agreemt with Vystar Credit Union for 5 Yrs (+ 2 renewals), 4,956 Sq Ft @ $20/Sq Ft, on 1st Fl & Basemt of Ed Ball Bldg, 214 Hogan St.





RESO Accepting a Permanent Drainage Easemt from FDOT for R/W (Parcel 803) at 5131 New Kings Rd (Intersec of Borden St) to Create a Holding Pond.





ORD Apv Acquisition of Parcel on Girvin Rd from Marlon D & Gearl T Rears, Stanley M & Deborah M Baughman, for $210,000 for Constrn of Retention Pond for Girvin Rd Reconstrn Proj.





ORD Amend  Chapt 118 (Misc Approp), Ord Code, Secs 118.203 (Review by Council; Apvl of Budget), 118.204 (Release of Approp), 118.205 (Content of Audits by Independent CPA), 118.301 (Expenditure of Approp'd Funds) & 118.604 (Allocation by Cultural Council; Generally); Estab Public Svc Grant Criteria; Provide Funding of Certain Economic Dev Activities.





ORD Determining Sufficient Assent of Propty Owners to Estab Morven Lake Dredging Proj; Determine whether City shall bear more than 12% of Proj Cost; Express Intent to use Uniform Method for Levy & Collection of Non-Ad Valorem Spec Assessmts to Defray Proj Costs as Auth by Sec 197.3532, F.S.; Setting P.H.


*Amendment replaces Exhibit 1 (petition) and establishes a neighborhood assessment program




ORD Approp $43,320 for North Riverside Community Ctr at 2711 Edison Ave ($2,897 for Repairs to Community Hall, $15,903 for Tree Removal, $24,520 for Fencing) to Secure Propty for Rehab; Public Works Dept to oversee Proj.


*Amendment attaches the revised contract




ORD of Intent to use Uniform Method for Collecting Non-Ad Valorem Special Assessmts to Defray Hogpen Creek Dredge Proj Costs.


*Amendment revises Exhibit 1 to include additional properties




ORD of Intent to use Uniform Method for Collecting Non-Ad Valorem Special Assessmts to Defray Isle of Palms Costs.


*Amendment revises Exhibit 1 to include additional properties




ORD Amend Chapt 37 (Ofc of the Sheriff), Ord. Code Pt 2 (Employee Regulations), Sec 37.203 (Examination & Selection) for Consistency with Established Practices & Nomenclature; Pt 3 (Sheriff's Disciplinary Hearing Bd) Sec 37.301 (Established), & Sec 37.302 (Hearings) to Conform Chapt 37 Language with Other Ords & Collective Bargaining Agreemts; Repealing Sec 37.303 (Appeals to Civil Service Bd).

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




RESO Apv Issue by JHFA of its Multifamily Housing Rev Bonds (Pinewood Pointe Apts), Series 2007, for $10,000,000 to Finance, Acquire, Rehab & Equip said Proj.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Estab Timucuan South Community Dev Dist; Describing External Boundaries; Naming Dist; Naming Initial Bd of Supervisors; Granting Authority to Exercise Eminent Domain Power to Dist; Amend Sec 92.22 (Existing Community Dev Districts), Ord. Code to Include Dist.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Estab Avenues Walk Community Dev Dist; Describing External Boundaries; Naming Dist; Naming Initial Dist Bd of Supervisors; Granting Authority to Exercise Eminent Domain Power to Dist; Amend Sec 92.22 (Existing Community Dev Dists), Ord Code to Include Dist.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Approp Private Publix Service Award of $1,250 to Victim Svcs Div to Enhance Operations of Intimate Violence Enhanced Svcs Team (Invest), Which Prevents & Reduces Domestic Homicides in Jax, FL Since 1999, Providing Necessary Household & Children's Supplies & Personal Hygiene items to Citizens who are Without Available Resources, who have Children, & are Relocating to Safe New Residence; Providing Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Approp $199,500 ($150,000 from FL Office of Tourism, Trade & Economic Dev, & $49,500 Local Inkind Match) for Advocacy Svcs Provided Through a Consultant for Issues Which Impact Ship Count & Port Capabilities at NS Mayport & Relocation of Squadrons & Aircraft to NAS Jax; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008; Apv & Auth Defense Reinvestmt Grant Agreemt with Enterprise FL, Inc.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer





ORD Auth First Amendmt to Duval Station Rd Realignment Agreemt with Duval Station Signature, LLP, Apvd by Ord 2004-1378-E.

*Substitute/Read 2nd and Rerefer

*Substitute references change in completion due date




ORD Auth a Naming Agreemt for the "Semanik Equestrian Ctr of Jacksonville"; Amend Sec 111.110, Ord Code to Change Name of Trust Fund to "Semanik Equestrian Ctr of Jax Capital Improvemt Trust Fund;" Providing for Deposit of $920,000 into Trust Fund Pursuant to Naming Agreemt Approp $795,000 ($75,000 for Pymt of City's Obligations Arising from Naming Agreemt, $390,000 to Estab Contingency Fund for Equestrian Ctr Phase II Proj, & $330,000 to Restore Funding to Cecil Field Trust Fund for Funding of Barn Proj at Equestrian Ctr) & Providing for Reversion of Unused Funds to Trust Fund; Amend Ord 2006-789-E CIP for "Equestrian Center Phase II" Proj; Waiving or Excepting Provisions of Chapt 122 Pt 1, Ord Code to allow Naming of City Facility for a Living Person to Effect the Naming Agreemt.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Amend Chapt 116 (Employees & Employee Benefits), Pt 13 (Admin Leave), Secs 116.1301 (Definitions), & 116.1302 (Admin Volunteer Leave) to Better Define Admin Leave & Admin Volunteer Leave, & Provide up to 2 Hrs Per Pay Period Admin Volunteer Leave for Qualified Tutoring & Mentoring; Directing Dir of Human Resources to Estab Plan in Coord with JCC & Dept of Community Svcs by 7/01/07.

*Substitute/Read 2nd and Rerefer

*Substitute provides for up to one hour per pay period per employee; for the plan to be in place by October 1, 2007; for a whereas clause (one year pilot program without a cap on usage); and for corrections




ORD Apv Issuance of Industrial Dev Rev Bonds (Lee & Cates Glass, Inc Proj) by JEDC of $8,600,000 for a Manufacturing Plant Capital Proj, Owned & Operated by Lee & Cates Glass, Inc.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Apv Purchase of Propty on St. Johns Bluff Rd bet Craig Industrial Dr & Oak Crest Dr from Gerald Sohn & Harland D. Helming for $288,000, for a Fleet Managemt Yard & Fuel Depot.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Amend Sec 120.102 (General Employees & Corrections Officers Pension Plans), to Add New Member to Bd of Trustees for COJ Retiremt System; Redefine Selection Process for Citizens Trustees; Increase Number of Members for Corrections Officers' Plan Advisory Comm; Define Selection of Chairperson of Bd of Trustees.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Concerning FY 2005-2006 JPA Budget; Amend Ord 2005-807-E (COJ Budget Ord) by Amending JPA Budget Schedule I; Attach Revised Schedule I.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Approp $3,400,800 ($3,325,800 from U.S. Dept of Homeland Security, & $75,000 from Spec Law Enforcemt Trust Fund) for Constrn of Marine Waterborne Operation Facility; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008; Amend Ord 2006-789-E (CIP) to Auth Priority 1 Status for "JSO Marine Dock Facility" Proj.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Approp Funds Received from JEA in Amt of $16,400 for Renovation of Jessie Ball Dupont Pk (Treaty Oak Pk) in San Marco; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008; Apv Sale of Utility Easemt in San Marco to JEA for $16,400.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Apv Purchase of Parcel of Propty on Forest St in Brooklyn, From JEA for $33,060, to Give the City Contiguous Parcel of Propty for Developmt.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Auth a Railroad Reimbursemt Agreemt for Installation of Flashing Lights & Gate at Davis St Highway-RR Crossing.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Amend Chapt 117 (Grants), Ord Code, to Recognize Future Contributions of Private Funds.

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




ORD Approp $50,000 from Dist 6 ETR Bond to Mandarin Loretto Volunteer Firefighter Dept for Renovations to Fire Station #42; Provide Fire & Rescue Dept to Oversee Proj; Waive Requiremts of Autmn Bond (Ord 2004-998-E, Amended by 2005-1044-E) & Sec 106.315, Ord Code that Bond Funds be used on City Propty & Open to Public;  Auth Contract & Amend to Lease for said Proj; Auth Direct Contracting Pursuant to Sec 126.107(G).

* Read 2nd and Rerefer




RESO of City's Support for Appl by First Tee of Jacksonville, Inc. to Participate in FL Community Contribution Tax Credit Prog to assist in Constrn of a Learning Ctr to Expand it's Prog.

*Substitute/Read 2nd and Rerefer

*Substitute provides language indicating that the property is in compliance with the comprehensive plan and regulations





Administrative Approval:  Modify City’s Loan Pool Project description for Public Buildings Division due to changes in technology needs and cost estimates.



Rick Campbell, Research Assistant

(904) 630-1679