January 2, 2007





ORD Creating new Sec 110.365, Pt 3 (Spec Prostitution Rehab Trust Fund), Ord Code; Amend Sec 614.134 to update Terminology; Amend Sec 632.101 (Penalties) to allow for Participation in Rehab Prog.





RESO Auth a RR Crossing Closure Agreemt bet City, Florida East Coast Railway, LLC & FDOT to close a Public Hwy-Rail Grade Crossing at Naldo Ave.





ORD Approp $250,000 from Council Operating Rsv & $250,000 from Acct TBD to Expand City's Wireless Internet Zone (WIZ) Proj; Auth Agreemt with JaxWIZ, Inc.





ORD Concerning Benefits Pertaining to Gen Employees Pension Plan, Chapt 120, Part II & Create New SubSec (J) in Sec 120.206 Providing that an Active Mbr who has completed 20 Yrs or more Credited Svc, regardless of age, may elect to retire & receive mbr's normal retiremt benefit, which shall be determined by multiplying 2% of Mbr's number of yrs & months of credited svc, up to a max of 80%, by mbrs' final monthly compensation provided Mbr's retiremt commences bet 1/1/06-6/30/06.





RESO Making findings regarding Interlocal Agreemts bet City of Jax & Town of Baldwin, & Cities of Jax Beach, Atlantic Beach, & Neptune Beach, Apv in Reso 81-1072-403, Reso 96-481-132, Reso 95-944-256, & Reso 97-1143-A; Directing the Council Auditor, in coordination with the Ofc of General Counsel & Council Research Div, & with any assistance that can be made available by the executive branch, to  research, analyze & make a report & recommendation on all facts & circumstances relating to the relative taxing of & the provison of services to citizens living in the town of Baldwin & Cities of Jax Beach, Atlantic Beach, & Neptune Beach.





ORD Apv the Soutel/Moncrief Retail Redev Area in accordance with Chapt 163, Pt III, Community Redev Act of 1969, F.S., as Amended; Making Findings & Determinations; Estab a Redev Trust Fund Pursuant to Sec 163.387 of said act; Directing Tax Collector to estab 2005 Tax Assessmt as the Base for the Increment as Required by Sec 163.387, F.S.





ORD Auth Lease Agreemt with Property Management Support, Inc for Tax Collector Office Space at 9680 Argyle Forest Blvd (5,000 Sq Ft at Oakleaf Crossing Center).





ORD Auth Lease Agreemt with Diane Rukab for a Coffee Shop at 214 Hogan St, (Ed Ball Bldg) (Council Dist 4), for a Coffee Shop, with Free Rent for 1st Year.





ORD Auth Sale of Propty (RE#'s 089094-0000, 089087-0000 & 089020-0000) on Oak, Magnolia & Leila Sts to Miles Development Co, MDP Block B, LLC in Accordance with Sec 122.435, Ord Code & Sec 163.380, F.S.; Waiving Secs 122.432(b) & 122.433, Ord Code.





ORD Auth a Railroad Crossing Closure Agreemt bet City, Georgia Southern & Florida Railway Company & FDOT for Highway-Rail Grade Crossing at 20th St.





ORD Declaring Surplus; Waiving Conflicting Provisions of Chapt 122, Ord Code; Auth Conveyance to JTA at No Cost to become part of Rapid Transit Syst (SE Side of Roosevelt Blvd at Myra St).





ORD Approp $1,203,250 from Banking Fund & auth Reallocation from Postponed Fire Station #40 Constrn & Award Projs for Stations 32, 59, 5 & 31; Amend Ord 2006-789-E to auth Priority 1 Status for said Projs.





ORD Auth a License Agreemt with Hunters Mill Assn, Inc, to allow Entrance Signs & Landscaping on City Propty.





RESO Declaring Public Need to acquire Fee Simple Title, Perpetual Easemts for Drainage & Temp Constrn Easemt Rights thru Eminent Domain for the Rampart Rd Proj.





RESO Declaring Public Need to Acquire Perpetual Easemts for Drainage & Temp Constrn Easemt Rights thru Eminent Domain for the McDuff Avenue/5th St Proj.





RESO Declaring Public Need to Acquire Fee Simple Title thru Eminent Domain for Broward Rd Improvemts.

*Amend to attach revised Exhibit 1 – fee simple parcel descriptions

* Approve as amended




ORD Approp $72,648 in CIP Funds from Fire Station #22 (2032 Jammes Rd) to Complete Renovations of Fire Station #41 (985 Gavagan Rd); Amend Ord 2006-789-E (CIP) to Revise Priority Status of Projs.

*Amend to correct Exhibit 2 CIP pages

*Approve as amended




ORD Approp $46,447.01 from var ERMD Solid Waste Div Accts to PW Streets & Drainage Div to Transfer Salary & Benefits for 1 Equipmt Operator - Street Sweeping; Auth Transfer of the Position.





ORD Approp $1,000 Grant from Wal-Mart Stores, Inc to Community Svcs, Victim Svcs Div for Safe Response Kits to assist at Scene of a Critical Incident in the Community; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008.

*Amend to change appropriation amount to $2,500 and attach revised BT.

*Approve as amended




ORD Approp $147,221 from ERMD Mosquito Control Div to Amend ERMC012 State Budget for Arthropod Control, 2007 Fund Balances, Pursuant to Requiremts of Fla Dept of Agriculture & Consumer Svcs; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008.





ORD Approp $461,000 ($230,500 from FIND Grant & $230,500 from Spec Council Contingency Rsvs) for "Palmetto Leaves Regional Pk Canoe Launch Phase II"; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008; Amend Ord 2006-789-E (CIP) to auth Priority 1 Status for Proj.





ORD Approp $60,000 ($30,000 from FIND Grant & $30,000 from Spec Council Contingency Rsvs) for "Sister's Creek Marina Canoe Launch Phase I"; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008; Amend Ord 2006-789-E (CIP) to auth Priority 1 Status for Proj.









ORD Approp $263,000 ($131,500 from FIND Grant & $131,500 from Spec Council Contingency Rsvs) for "Palm's Fish Camp Acquisition" Proj to add Boat Ramp Parking; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008; Amend Ord 2006-789-E (CIP) to auth Priority 1 Status for Proj.

*Amend to correct project numbers in BT and correct project name in bill, BT and CIP

*Approve as amended




ORD Approp $50,584 from var Propty Safety Div Accts to var ERMD Solid Waste Div Accts to Transfer Salary & Benefits for 1 Position & Apv Reclassification.





ORD Auth Agreemt with Jax Historical Society, Inc to Display its Collection in the Main Library.





ORD Amend Sec 120.206(h), Ord Code, to Change Commencemt Date of COLA from April to January.





ORD Approp $9,270,000 in US Dept of Homeland Security Grant Funds, Urban Area Security Initiative to var Fire & Rescue Accts; Provide Funding for var Equipmt & Training for 13-County Urban Area; Apv new Positions; Auth Subgrant Agreemt with Fla Div of Emerg Mgmt.





ORD Approp $42,500 ($21,250 from FIND Grant & $21,250 from Spec Council Contingency Rsvs) for "Mandarin Park Boat Ramp Parking Lot Phase I & II" Proj; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008; Amend Ord 2006-789-E (CIP) to auth Priority 1 Status for Proj.

*Amend to correct project name in bill, BT and CIP

*Approve as amended




ORD Approp $371,927 from Trailridge Landfill Mitigation Fund Cash Carryover Acct for Constrn of a Skate Park, Campground, Restrooms & Shower Facility Adjacent to Baldwin Rails-to-Trails Visitor's Station; Provide Oversight by Public Works Dept; Amend Ord 2006-789-E to auth Priority 1 Status for Proj.





ORD Approp $25,000 from ETR Bonds, Series 2004 (Autumn Bonds) from Council Dist 13 Funds to Restore Furniture in "Old Jax Bch Colored School #144" Exhibit of the Rhoda L Martin Cultural Heritage Ctr; Waive Requiremts of Fund Source to be used on City Propty & be Open to Public; Requiring Compliance with var Code Secs; Appt Parks & Rec Dept to Oversee Proj; Provide Direct Procuremt of Contractual Svcs Pursuant to Sec 126.107(g), Ord Code.

*Amend to correct name of the not-for-profit recipient organization

*Approve as amended




ORD Approp $20,500 from ETR Bonds, Series 2004 (Autumn Bonds) from Dist 14 Funds to Rebuild the Facility of the Navy-Ortega-Lake Shore Little League, Inc; Waive Requiremt of Funds Source to use on City Propty & Open to Public; Requiring Compliance with var Ord Code Secs; Appt Parks & Rec to Oversee Proj; Provide Direct Procuremt of Contractual Svcs Pursuant to Sec 126.107(g), Ord Code.





ORD Approp $423,683.40 ($420,000 from CDBG Lapsed Funds & $3,683.40 from Recaptured Funds from Sale of Renovated House at 1386 Rose St, Atlantic Bch) for (1) Pearl Plaza Community Rehab Ctr Improvemts; (2) Mt Carmel Gardens Facility for Seniors Infrastracture Improvemts; (3) Jax Chamber of Commerce Northside Business Ctr Admin Costs & (4) Pymt to Atlantic Bch of Recaptured Funds; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008.

*2nd and rerefer




ORD Apv Amends (for Access to new Florida Community Workforce Housing Innovation Pilot Prog) to Local Housing Assistance Plan for FY's 2006-2007, 2007-2008 & 2008-2009; Auth Submission of Amends to the Florida Housing Finance Corp.

*2nd and rerefer




ORD Apv Collective Bargaining Agreemt bet JEA & AFSCME, Florida Council 79, Local 429 for 10/1/06 - 9/30/09.

*2nd and rerefer






RESO Declaring Necessity to Acquire Fee Simple Title thru Eminent Domain for Improvemts to Girvin Rd.

*2nd and rerefer




ORD Closing & Abandoning Portion of Palm Lake Dr at Req of Palm Lake Partners II, LLC for Constrn of a Residential Dev; Auth a Quit Claim Deed to Palm Lake Partners II at No Cost; Waiving Inconsistent Provisions of Chapt 122, Ord Code.

*Amend to add an additional requestor

*Approve as amended




ORD Auth a Railroad Reimbursemt Agreemt among City, CSX Transp, Inc & FDOT for Installation & Maint of Automatic Grade Crossing Signals at E 65th St.

*2nd and rerefer




ORD Auth a Railroad Reimbursemt Agreemt among City, CSX Transp, Inc & FDOT for Installation & Maint of Automatic Grade Crossing Signals at Picketville Rd.

*2nd and rerefer




ORD Creating new Subparagraph 120.209, Ord Code, to allow any Time Svc Retiree of City Gen Employees Retiremt Plan to be Re-Employed on a Part-Time or Temp Basis without Cessation of Retiremt Benefits; Empowering Pension Bd to Adopt such Rules to Implement the Benefit.

*2nd and rerefer




ORD Auth a Restrictive Covenant to maintain a Cultural Facility (Botanical Gardens) for 10 Yrs following Execution of a Related Grant Award Agreemt on the Jax Zoo Propty at 370 Zoo Parkway.

*2nd and rerefer




ORD Approp $600,000 ($300,000 from FDEP & $300,000 in Matching Funds from Drainage Syst Rehab Acct) for "Jacksonville-Magnolia Gardens Stormwater Rehab" & "Drainage Syst Rehab" Projs; Amend Ord 2006-789-E to auth Priority for said Projs; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008.

*2nd and rerefer




ORD Amend Chapt 751 (Septic Tank Superfund), Ord Code, to Create an On-Site Sewage Treatmt Disposal Syst Regulatory Prog.

*2nd and rerefer




ORD Approp $96,450 from Tree Protection & Related Expenses Trust Fund for Tree Planting & Landscaping on Edgewood Ave bet Mayflower Rd & College St; Designating Public Works Dept to oversee Proj.

*2nd and rerefer




ORD Approp $80,000 ($40,000 from Rsv for Fed Funding & $40,000 from Fla Div of Historical Resources) to Conduct an Architectural & Historical Survey of the Murray Hill Phase II + 10% Future Grant Funds.

*2nd and rerefer




ORD Estab Honorary Roadway Markers for the late Bishop C.D. Kinsey at the 2500 Blk of Beaver St, the late Pastor Lawrence Callahan at the 7500 Blk of New Kings Rd & the late Bishop Moses Baker at the 1500 Blk of W. 4th St; Approp $2,000 from Executive Operating Contingency - Joint to fund Installation of Markers; Waiving Sec 745.105(b), Ord Code; Designating Public Works Dept to oversee Proj.

*2nd and rerefer




ORD Creating new Pt 5, Chapt 780, Ord Code (Tax Exemption for Certain Local Historic Properties & Local Historic Dists) to Auth an Ad Valorem Tax Exemption of 50% of Assessed Value of Propty used as a Bed & Breakfast Pursuant to Sec 196.1961, F.S.

*2nd and rerefer








ORD Declaring Surplus & Auth Conveyance to Duval County School Bd at No Cost for Expansion of Parking Facilities; Waiving Conflicting Provisions of Chapt 122, Ord Code.

*Adopt Rules substitute to add additional exhibits better specifying the surplus parcels to be conveyed

* Rerefer as substituted




ORD Approp $176,000 from Supv of Elections' Repairs & Maint ($50,000), Misc Svcs ($75,000) & Ofc Supplies ($51,000) Accts to Purchase 360 Accuvote Accuview TSX Printer Modules for Paper Printout Voter Verification for every Touchscreen Voting Machine; Provide for Sole Sourcing; Auth Contract; Provide for Reimbursemt to Accts.

*2nd and rerefer





Jeff Clements, Chief of Research

(904) 630-1405