October 1, 2007

3:30 p.m.


City Council Conference Room A

Suite 425, City Hall

117 W. Duval Street



Attendance: Vice Chair Mia Jones, Council Members Holt, Redman and Joost

Steve Rohan and Dylan Reingold  – Office of General Counsel, Janice Billy – Auditor’s Office, Phillip Zamarron – Legislative Services, Lisa Rinaman – Mayor’s Office, Allison Miller and Celeste Hicks - ECAs



The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m.


Janice Billy of the Council Auditor’s Office reviewed the marked agenda, which includes 5 items recommended for action. 


With regard to 2007-419, Dylan Reingold indicated that representatives of the Sheriff’s Office will be present to discuss enforcement of the dancing entertainment establishment ordinance and the associated fines.  He understands that the JSO has met with the State Attorney’s Office regarding increasing the fines levied in these cases.


Regarding 2007-975 Janice Billy stated that the funds are being recommended for return from a General Fund expenditure account to the Handicap Parking Fines Trust Fund because the funds have not been used as originally intended (for assistance to private businesses to make ADA accessibility improvements to their buildings) since 2000.


Regarding 2007-980, Steve Rohan proposed amending the bill to more clearly state the intention of the Ordinance Code amendment.  A question was raised about whether the current ordinance limits sales of newspapers on the streets to weekends only, or 7 days a week.  Mr. Rohan will check before the meeting.


At the conclusion of the regular agenda there will be a presentation by representatives of Auto Masters Fleet Services, Inc.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:37 p.m.



Jeff Clements, City Council Research
