November 20, 2007
1:30 p.m.
City Council Conference Room A
117 W. Duval Street
Attendance: Council Member Graham (Chair), Council Member Bishop; Margaret Sidman and Jason Teal, Office of General Counsel; Janice Billy Council Auditor’s Office; Sherry Hall and Lisa Rinaman, Administration; Kelly Boree, Recreation & Community Svcs; Lin White, Public Works; Jessica Morales, Legislative Services; ECAS Meghan Friel, Sandra Lane, Sarah Balme, Celeste Hicks and Mina Hosseini; Roz Phillips and Kelly Boree, Recreation & Community Services; Rick Cattlett; Bill Killingsworth, Planning & Development; Steve Emory, Karen Nasrallah and Torina Jolly, JEDC; Wight Greger, Housing & Neighborhoods; ECAs Stan Johnson, Mina Hosseini;
The Committee Chair called the agenda meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. and asked Janice Billy, Council Auditor’s Office, to review the agenda, indicating what items were ready for action.
On Item #5, ORD 2007-1094, Apv Paymt as Settlemt of Dispute with IKON Office Solutions, the Chair asked Lisa Rinamon what was the status of the legislation. He had asked the same question at the previous Agenda Meeting. The Administration hopes to either have the legislation ready for action in the next cycle or will be prepared to withdraw the bill.
On Item #9, ORD 2007-1138, Approp $45,222 from Cuba Hunter Acct to Purchase a Mobile Home & Associated Costs & Install Voice Data & Circuitry Panels for Fire Station #28; Provide for Return of Unspent Funds, the Chair asked Lisa Rinaman to explain the legislation.
On Item #11, ORD 2007-1183, Auth an Interlocal Agreemt bet City, Baldwin, Atlantic Bch, Jax Bch, Neptune Bch & Duval County School Bod to Coordinate Location & Dev of Public School Facilities throughout Duval County, Jason Teal, Office of General Counsel, explained why there was a need for an RCD Amendment that would be different from the Finance Committee Amendment to the bill.
There being no further business, the agenda meeting was adjourned at 1:40 p.m.
John J. Jackson, Council Research Division (904)630-1729