November 6, 2007
1:30 p.m.
City Council Conference Room A
117 W. Duval Street
Attendance: Council Member Graham (Chair), Council Members Bishop, Joost, M. Jones, Johnson, Lee; Steve Rohan, Office of General Counsel; Janice Billy Council Auditor’s Office; Adam Hollingsworth, Sherry Hall and Lisa Rinaman, Administration; Kelly Boree, Recreation & Community Svcs; Lin White, Public Works; Marilyn Allen, Legislative Services; ECAS Meghan Friel, Sandra Lane, Sarah Balme, Celeste Hicks and Mina Hosseini; Roz Phillips and Kelly Boree, Recreation & Community Services; Cheryl Runyon, JSO; Marilyn Allen, Legislative Services.
The Committee Chair called the agenda meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. and asked Janice Billy, Council Auditor’s Office, to review the agenda, indicating what items were ready for action.
On item 9, ORD 2007-1045, Auth License Agreement with Youth
Life Foundation of Tennessee, Inc. for its use of the Community Ctr in
On item 12, ORD 2007-1094, Apv Pmy to IKON for Settlement of Dispute, the Chair asked about the status of the bill. Lisa Rinamon said that the Administration had requested that the bill be deferred because the Chair of the Finance Committee had additional questions that he wanted addressed and resolved.
On item #1147, RESO Urging Gov Crist and Fla Legislature to Reauthorize the Sadowski Affordable Act, Council Member Joost indicated that he would be making comments on the bill at the Committee meeting.
There being no other items to discuss on the agenda, the meeting was adjourned at 2:00 p.m.
John J. Jackson, Council Research Division, (904)630-1729