July 17, 2007
1:30 p.m.
City Council Conference Room A
117 W. Duval Street
Attendance: C/M Fussell (Acting Chair), Council Members Bishop, Jones, M.; Dylan Reingold, Peggy Sidman, Office of General Counsel; Janice Billy, Council Auditor’s Office; Lisa Rinaman, Administration; Paul Crawford, Joe Whitaker, John Alderson, Karen Nasrallah, JEDC; Lin White, Public Works; Linda Lanier, Jacksonville Children’s Commission; Kerri Stewart, Housing & Neighborhoods; Marilyn Allen, Legislative Services; Daniel J. Stewart and Stephen Blass, Research Div interns; Mina Hosseini, Celeste Hicks, John J. Jackson.
The Acting Chair (the Chair, C/M Graham was excused), called the agenda meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
The Chair walked everyone through the agenda
Office of General Counsel’s Peggy Sidman indicated that OGC’s Greg Radlinski would be attending the Committee meeting to answer any questions relating to RESO 20007-729 (support letter for Palatka’s funding request to initiate water taxi service on the St. Johns River).
The meeting was adjourned at 1:42 p.m.