April 17, 2007
Bill Number |
Title/History |
2006-17 |
Making findings regarding Interlocal Agreemts bet City of Jax & Town of
Baldwin, & Cities of Jax Beach, Atlantic Beach, & Neptune Beach, Apv
in Reso 81-1072-403, Reso 96-481-132, Reso 95-944-256, & Reso 97-1143-A;
Directing the Council Auditor, in coordination with the Ofc of General
Counsel & Council Research Div, & with any assistance that can be
made available by the executive branch, to
research, analyze & make a report & recommendation on all
facts & circumstances relating to the relative taxing of & the
provision of services to citizens living in the town of Baldwin & Cities
of Jax Beach, Atlantic Beach, & Neptune Beach. (Rohan) (C/M Alvarez) *Defer |
2006-591 |
Apv the Soutel/Moncrief Retail Redev Area in accordance with Chapt 163, Pt
III, Community Redev Act of 1969, F.S., as Amended; Making Findings &
Determinations; Estab a Redev Trust Fund Pursuant to Sec 163.387 of said act;
Directing Tax Collector to estab 2005 Tax Assessmt as the Base for the
increment a Required by Sec 163.387 F.S. (Germany) (Req of Mayor & C/M
Jones). *Defer |
2006-739 |
Amend Chapt 604 (Commerce & Industry), Ord Code, Estab Sec 604.111
(Amusemt Gambling Machines) Prohibiting Operation of Amusemt Gambling
Machines outside of Amusemt Ctrs. (Reingold) (C/M Jenkins) *Defer |
2006-794 |
Making Findings; Designating Soutel/Moncrief Community Redev Area as Jax Brownfield Area for Environmental Rehab
& Economic Dev. (Howard) (Req of
Mayor) |
*Defer |
2006-1394 |
Amend Chapt 751 (Septic Tank Superfund), Ord Code, to Create an On-Site
Sewage Treatmt Disposal Syst Regulatory Prog. (Teal) (Req of Mayor) *Defer |
2006-1399 |
Creating new Pt 5, Chapt 780, Ord Code (Tax Exemption for Certain Local
Historic Properties & Local Historic Dists) to Auth an Ad Valorem Tax
Exemption of 50% of Assessed Value of Propty used as a Bed & Breakfast
Pursuant to Sec 196.1961, F.S. (Teal) (C/P Corrigan) Public
Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 1/9/07 |
*Defer |
2007-91 |
Approp $500,000 from NE Tax Incremt Dist to Purchase & Install new
"Parking Meters in Downtown Jax" Proj, with Repaymt from Parking
Rev of FY's 2007-2008 & 2008-2009 & Deposited in Downtown Economic
Dev Fund; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008; Amend Ord 2006-789-E (CIP) to
auth Priority 1 Status for Proj. (BT 07-80) (Rohan) (Req of Mayor) *Defer |
2007-106 |
Creating new Sec 740.116 (Downtown Temp Impairmt of Sidewalks), Ord Code;
Amend Sec 656.361.9, add new Subsec (c) (8) to allow Downtown Design Review
of Mgmt of Traffic & Sidewalk Closure. (Sidman) (C/M Jenkins) *Defer |
2007-177 |
Auth a Naming Agreemt for the "Semanik Equestrian Ctr of
Jacksonville"; Amend Sec 111.110, Ord Code to Change Name of Trust Fund
to "Semanik Equestrian Ctr of Jax Capital Improvemt Trust Fund;"
Providing for Deposit of $920,000 into Trust Fund Pursuant to Naming Agreemt
Approp $795,000 ($75,000 for Pymt of City's Obligations Arising from Naming
Agreemt, $390,000 to Estab Contingency Fund for Equestrian Ctr Phase II Proj,
& $330,000 to Restore Funding to Cecil Field Trust Fund for Funding of
Barn Proj at Equestrian Ctr) & Providing for Reversion of Unused Funds to
Trust Fund; Amend Ord 2006-789-E CIP for "Equestrian Center Phase
II" Proj; Waiving or Excepting Provisions of Chapt 122 Pt 1, Ord Code to
allow Naming of City Facility for a Living Person to Effect the Naming
Agreemt. (BT 07-104) (Dist 12-Davis) (Chastain) (Req of Mayor) *Defer |
2007-254 |
Approp $500,000 Grant for NW Jax Economic Dev Trust Fund to Beaver Street
Fisheries for Relocation of Farmer's Market (in Enterprise/Empowermt Zones, a
Brownfield Area & bet Kings & Beaver & North Riverside
Neighborhood Action Plan Areas) to allow Expansion of BSF Cold/Frozen Storage
Distribution Ctr; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008. (Dist 9) (BT 07-113)
(McCain) (Req of Mayor) *Defer |
2007-255 |
Approp $1,500,000 ($700,000 Loan, $800,000 Grant) from NW Jax Economic Dev
Trust Fund to K Mack, LLC, for Retail Space at Corner of Soutel Dr &
Norfolk Blvd (4.2 Acres, Renovation, 60,000 Sq Ft, Shoppes of Norfolk) in the
Enterprise - Empowermt Zones & Metro North Neighborhood Action Plan Area;
Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008. (Dist 10-Jones) (BT 07-114) (McCain) (Req
of Mayor) *Defer |
2007-281 |
Consolidating & Approp $8,525,103.90 from var JEDC/Proj Pay-as-you-Go
Accts to Consolidate into one "Northwest" Trust Fund
(JEDC-NWJEDTF); Apv Housing & Neighborhoods Dept "New Proj
Evaluation Criteria" as Guiding/Minimum Policy for Loans & Grants
from said Fund; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008. (McCain) (Req of Mayor) *Defer |
2007-291 |
Amend Chapt 92 (Uniform Community Dev Dists), Ord Code, Sec 92.02
(Definitions), to Exercise Eminent Domain Power Outside of the Dist, Pursuant
to Sec 190.011(11), F.S. (Reingold) (C/M Graham) *Defer |
2007-292 |
to Apv Right of the Avenues Walk Community Dev Dist to Exercise Eminent
Domain Power outside the Dist for Dist Rds, Pursuant to Sec 190.011(11),
F.S.; Amend Sec 92.22 (Existing Community Dev Dists) to Includent Grant of
this Power. (Dist 5-Shad) (Reingold) (C/M Graham) *Defer |
2007-294 |
Determing Sufficient Assent of Propty Owners Surrounding Portion of Morven
Lake to Estab the Morven Lake Neighborhood Assessmt Prog Dredging Proj;
Decide if City should bear more than 12% of Dredging Cost; Estab Morven Lake
Neighborhood Assessmt Prog; Waive Provisions of Sec 714.107, Ord Code
(Process of Levying Assessmts); Approp $316,745 for the Proj; Auth Funds
Carryover to FY 2008-2009; Amend Sec 714.209 (Existing Neighborhood Assessmt
Progs) to include Morven Lake; Require Waiver & Hold Harmless Agreemt
Prior to Commencemt. (Dist 14-Corrigan) (Reingold) (C/P Corrigan, Pursuant to
Chapt 714) *Sub/Approve Substitute attaches a revised budget;
attaches revised petition to include all exhibits; corrects approp amount to
$313875; corrects acc’t #; corrects use of fiscal years; attaches legal desc. |
2007-296 |
Approp $25,000 from Executive Operating Contingency-Joint to fund a
"Boater Traffic Study" to Evaluate Impact of Boater Traffic on
Manatee Behavior; Provide Reverter of Unused Funds; Designate Planning &
Dev Dept for Proj Oversight. (Rohan) (C/M Self) *Defer |
2007-307 |
Auth Execution of Documts to Accept Conveyance of Parcel Adjacent to NW
Corner of Riverside Park on College St from FDOT for Expansion &
Improvemt of the Park. (Dist 14-Corrigan) (McCain) (Req of Mayor) |
*Approve |
2007-311 |
Apv Amends to Jax/Duval County Affordable Housing Assistance Prog Local
Housing Assistance Plan for FY 2006-2007, 2007-2008 & 2008-2009; Auth
Submission of Amends to Constrn Loan Fund for Single Family Homeownership
Prog within the Existing Plan to the Fla Housing Finance Corp for its Apv.
(Chastain) (Req of Mayor) *Amend/Approve Amendment places endire amended LHAP as
Exhibit 1 |
2007-317 |
Auth Grant Contract with Florida Communities Trust to Accept Grant Award of
$410,000 for Joint Funding ($410,000 City Match) of Ribault River Urban
Waterfront Park Proj for Canoeing, Kayaking, Fishing, Wildlife Observation
& Nature Trail. (Dist 8-Yates) (McCain) (Req of Mayor) *Approve |
2007-322 |
Amend Bartram Park Community Dev Dist Boundary, Pursuant to Sec 190.046, F.S.
& Chapt 92, Ord Code, to Remove 91.39± Acres from & Add 324.24± Acres
to said Dist & Concerning COJ's Consent to the Dist's Exercise of Certain
Spec Powers Related to Parks & Facilities for Indoor & Outdoor Rec,
Cultural & Educational Uses Pursuant to Sec 190.012(2), F.S. & Sec
92.15, Ord Code; Amend Sec 92.22 (Existing Community Dev Dists), Ord Code, to
Include Grant of this Consent & Amendmt of Dist Boundaries; Provide for
Severability. (Dist 6-Copeland) (Reingold) (C/P Corrigan Pursuant to Chapt
92, Ord Code) *Defer |
2007-323 |
Approp $87,820 from Trail Ridge Mitigation Funds ($72,852 for Design
Professional, HDR Design Fee, $11,326 In-House Engineering Fees & $3,642
In-House Park Dev Div Fee) for "Maxville Park Expansion" Master
Plan Proj; Amend Ord 2006-789-E (CIP), for said Proj; Auth Funds Carryover to
FY 2007-2008; Designate Dept of Parks & Rec to Oversee Proj &
Funding. (Dist 11-Alvarez) (Sidman) (C/M Alvarez) *Amend/Approve Amendment corrects the CIP Exhibit; corrects
account # |
2007-342 |
Amend Sec 111.850, Ord Code (Children's Comm Trust Funds), to Estab a new
"Part C. Camperships Trust Funds" to place Money for Summer
Camperships. (McArthur) (Req of Mayor) *Read
2nd & Rerefer |
2007-400 |
re City's Residential Waste & Recycling Collection & Transp Svcs;
Making Findings; Apv Form of 2007 Agreemt for Svc Area III Covering SE
Portion of City; Waiving certain Provisions of Chapts 380 (Solid Waste
Management) & 382 (Waste Collection & Disposal Svc by Contractors
& City), Ord Code. (Petrie) (Req of Mayor) *Read
2nd & Rerefer |
2007-403 |
Apv Issuance of Health Care Facilities Rev & Refunding Bonds (Florida
Proton Therapy Institute Project) by JEDC in Aggregate Principal Amt not
Exceeding $135,000,000 in One or More Tax Exempt or Taxable Series, to Provide
all or Part of Funds to (I) Finance or Refinance Costs of Acquisition &
Installation of Health Care Faciity for FL Proton Therapy Institute, Inc.,
(II) Refund Refunded Debt Described Herein, (III) Pay Certain Capitalized
Interest on the Bonds, (IV) Fund a Debt Svc Resrv Fund for Bonds, & (V)
Pay Certain Costs of Issuance of Bonds & Refunding of Refunded Debt.
(Petrie) (JEDC) *Read
2nd & Rerefer |
2007-405 |
Auth Redev Agreemt bet COJ, JEDC & Kuhn, 51 West Forsyth, LLC
(Developer); Auth Historic Preservation Trust Fund Grant of $1,050,000 &
Approp Funds to Developer to Assist in $29.3 Million Restoration &
Renovation of "Laura Street Trio"; Auth Tech Changes to Redev
Agreemt; Designating JEDC as Monitor.(BT 07-120) (McCain) (JEDC) *Read
2nd & Rerefer |
2007-411 |
Approp $719,500 ($96,450 from Dist 11 Park Acquisition Maint, $345,269 from
Dist 11 Better Jax Bond Funds & $277,781 from Dist 11 Autumn Bond Fund)
for Maint/Improvemts & Upgrades to San Mateo Little League Park; Amend
2006-2011 5-Yr CIP Apv by Ord 2006-789-E, Auth "Dist 11 - San Mateo
Little League Park Complex Improvemts" Proj. (Dist 11-Alvarez) (Sidman)
(C/M Alvarez) *Read
2nd & Rerefer |
J. Jackson, Council Research Division