No. |
Title/History |
2006-17 |
RESO Making findings regarding Interlocal Agreemts bet City of
Jax & Town of Baldwin, & Cities of Jax Beach, Atlantic Beach, & Neptune Beach, Apv in Reso 81-1072-403, Reso 96-481-132, Reso
95-944-256, & Reso 97-1143-A; Directing the
Council Auditor, in coordination with the Ofc of
General Counsel & Council Research Div, & with any assistance that
can be made available by the executive branch, to research, analyze & make a report &
recommendation on all facts & circumstances relating to the relative
taxing of & the provison of services to
citizens living in the town of Baldwin & Cities of Jax
Beach, Atlantic Beach, & Neptune Beach. (Rohan) (C/M Alvarez) |
2006-352 |
ORD Approp
$250,000 from Public Works to Parks & Rec for
"Leonard Abess Park Improvemts"
Proj; Transferring Parklands from Parks & Rec to Public Works to provide Required Drainage Ponds
for Girvin Rd Expansion; Amend Ord
2005-808-E to Auth Priority 1 Status for said Proj;
Waiving Chapt 126 to Contract with Pop Warner Inc
to construct Park Improvemts. (Dist 2-Self)
(Sidman) (C/M Self) (Conducting Jax
Business - Incomplete due to lack of scope of work) DEFERRED |
2006-591 |
ORD Apv the
Soutel/Moncrief Retail Redev
Area in accordance with Chapt 163, Pt III,
Community Redev Act of 1969, F.S., as Amended;
Making Findings & Determinations; Estab a Redev Trust Fund Pursuant to Sec 163.387 of said act;
Directing Tax Collector to estab 2005 Tax Assessmt as the Base for the Increment as Required by Sec
163.387, F.S. (Germany) (Req of Mayor & C/M
2006-739 |
ORD Amend Chapt
604 (Commerce & Industry), Sec 604.109 (Video Game Parlors) Ord Code to Exclude Adult Arcade Ctrs.
Amend Chapt 604 (Commerce & Industry) by
Creating New Sec 604.111 (Adult SUBSTITUTED DEFERRED
2006-794 |
RESO Making Findings; Designating Soutel/Moncrief Community Redev
Area as Jax Brownfield Area for Environmental Rehab
& Economic Dev. (Howard) (Req of Mayor) DEFERRED |
2006-949 |
ORD Amend Sec 387.103 (Manatee
Protection Zones), Ord Code, to Change Manatee
Protection Motorboat Speed Zones from Yr-Round to Seasonal. (Radlinski) (C/M Self, Copeland & Graham at Req of Jax Waterways Comm) DEFERRED |
2006-975 |
ORD Auth Lease Agreemt
with Diane Rukab for a Coffee Shop at AMENDED
attach a revised lease agreement providing no rent abatement, a 10-year
lease, first year rent at $1312.50 per month, a 3% annual rent increase, and
tenant to pay 0.19% of all bldg operating expenses APPROVED
2006-1372 |
ORD Approp
$423,683.40 ($420,000 from CDBG Lapsed Funds & $3,683.40 from Recaptured
Funds from Sale of Renovated House at 1386 Rose St, Atlantic Bch) for (1)
Pearl Plaza Community Rehab Ctr Improvemts;
(2) Mt Carmel Gardens Facility for Seniors Infrastracture
Improvemts; (3) Jax
Chamber of Commerce Northside Business Ctr Admin Costs & (4) Pymt
to Atlantic Bch of Recaptured Funds; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008.
(BT 07-056) AMENDED to correct
name of Chamber to ' APPROVED
2006-1375 |
Amends (for Access to new Florida Community Workforce Housing Innovation
Pilot Prog) to Local Housing Assistance Plan for
FY's 2006-2007, 2007-2008 & 2008-2009; Auth Submission of Amends to the
Florida Housing Finance Corp. (Rowland) (Req of
Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S.
& CR 3.601 - 1/9/07 APPROVED |
2006-1376 |
ORD Amend Sec 154.107 (Sale &
Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages in Municipal Parks or on City-Owned or
Leased Propty; Penalty), by Repealing Subsec 154.107(d)(2), which
Prohibited Alcohol at Nonteam Contests &
Martial Arts Events. (Rohan) (C/M Brown) APPROVED |
2006-1392 |
ORD Auth a Restrictive Covenant to
maintain a Cultural Facility (Botanical Gardens) for 10 Yrs following
Execution of a Related Grant Award Agreemt on the Jax Zoo Propty at APPROVED |
2006-1394 |
ORD Amend Chapt
751 (Septic Tank Superfund), Ord Code, to Create an
On-Site Sewage Treatmt Disposal Syst
Regulatory Prog. (Teal) (Req
of Mayor) DEFERRED |
2006-1397 |
ORD Approp
$80,000 ($40,000 from Federal Program Contingency & $40,000 from APPROVED |
2006-1399 |
ORD Creating new Pt 5, Chapt 780, Ord Code (Tax
Exemption for Certain Local Historic Properties & Local Historic Dists) to Auth an Ad Valorem Tax Exemption of 50% of Assessed
Value of Propty used as a Bed & Breakfast
Pursuant to Sec 196.1961, F.S. (Teal) (C/P Corrigan) DEFERRED |
2006-1400 |
ORD Declaring Surplus & Auth
Conveyance to Duval APPROVED |
2007-6 |
ORD Approp
$96,000 Continuation Grant from Fla Dept of
Children & Families for Child Care Svcs to
Refugee Children & Families for 10/1/06 - 9/30/07; Auth Addnl 10% if Grant is Increased; Auth Funds Carryover to
FY 2007-2008. (BT 07-062) (Rohan) (Req of Mayor) 2ND&
2007-7 |
ORD Approp
$4,913,816 Grant (Ryan White Title I) from 2ND&
2007-8 |
ORD Auth an Assignmt
of Option Agreemt for Sale & Purchase with
Preservation North Florida, Inc for RE# 160803-3000 for $400,000; Approp $187,000 from var Parks
& Rec Accts; Providing for use of $263,000 Approp of 2006-1360-E for balance of Purchase; Provide
for Reversion of Unused Funds; Amend Ord 2006-789-E
(CIP) for "Palms Fish Camp Acquisition"; Making acquisition
Contingent upon rcving Appraisal, Environmental
Site Assessmt, Survey & Title Report. (Dist
11-Alvarez) (BT 07-83) (Chastain) (Req of Mayor) 2ND&
2007-11 |
ORD Approp
$150,000 from Jessie Ball duPont to assist in
Renovation of Jessie Ball duPont Park (Treaty Oak
Park); Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008. (BT 07-066) (Rowland) 2ND&
2007-12 |
ORD Approp
$70,000 from Handicap Parking Trust Fund ($65,000 for Misc
& Emerg Client Assistance & $5,000 to sponsor 500 Disabled Individuals for the
4th Annual Fun with the Suns Event); Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2007-2008.
(BT 07-070) (Rowland) (Req of Mayor) 2ND&
2007-13 |
RESO Designating Enlarged Enterprise
Zone as a Brownfield Area for Rehab & Economic Dev. 2ND&
2007-22 |
ORD Amend & Restate Reso 2004-821-A apvd 8/24/04; Apv Issuance of IRB (Holland-Sheltair
Aviation Group Proj) by JEDC for $198,854,349 for a
Capital Proj to Acquire, Construct, Renovate,
Expand, Improve & Equip certain Airport Facilities at JIA, Internatl Airports of Daytona Bch, Ft
Lauderdale/Hollywood, Melbourne, Greater Orlando, St Petersburg/Clearwater,
Panama City-Bay County, Executive Airports of Ft Lauderdale & Orlando,
& Kissimmee Municipal Airport, to be Operated by Certain Members of the
Holland-Sheltair Aviation Group; Apv Execution by JEDC of Interlocal
Agreemts with Respective Counties or Cities where Projs are located. (Rowland) (Req
of JEDC) 2ND&
2007-61 |
ORD Auth Redev
Agreemt with Driggers
Body Co, Inc to expand its Paint & Body Shop Facility at 3526 N Pearl St;
Auth a Small Business Dev Initiative Loan of $114,100 & Grant of $48,900;
Approp $163,000 from NW Jax
Economic Dev Trust Fund for the Redev. (BT 07-055)
(Howard) 2ND&
2007-62 |
ORD Approp
$20,000 ($10,000 from Executive Operating Contingency & $10,000 from
Council Operating Contingency) for Internatl
Visitor Corps Jacksonville ($5,000) & Sister Cities ($15,000) for Spec
Activities; Requiring Compliance with Portion of Chapt
118, Ord Code. 2ND&
Keith Weiss, Council Research,