August 4, 2009

    1:30 p.m.


City Council Conference Room A

Suite 425, City Hall

117 W. Duval Street


Attendance:    Council Member Gaffney (Chair);  Janice Billy Council Auditor’s Office; Peggy Sidman, Steve Rohan, Office of General Counsel; Lisa Rinaman, Administration;  Joe Whitaker, JEDC; John James, Public Works; Wight Greger, Housing & Neighborhoods;  Don Robertson, Urban Forester; Bob Chabot, Tony Vecchio; Alison Miller, Diane Smith, Sarah Lane, Bridgette Green, Rupal Wells, ECAs; Marilyn Allen, Legislative Svcs.


The Chairman called the meeting to order at 1:33 p.m.


The Chair reviewed the agenda, indicating what items were going to be taken up, deferred and seconded.


Though marked for deferral, Lisa Rinaman indicated that the Committee needed to moved on Items #2 and 3, ORD 20009-488, Approp $806,230.37 ($543,730.37 HOME Prog Funds & $252,500 “SHIP” Prog Funds) for Downpymt Assit & 5% Admin Allowance; ORD 2009-489, Approp $2,779,039 HUD Homeless Prevention & Rapid Re-Housing Prog Funds for Homeless Prevention Assist to Households which would Otherwise become Homeless.


On Item #5, 2009-502, ORD Approp $217,353 from Zoo Landscaping – Asian Exhibit Acct to Tree Protection & Related Expenditures Trust Fund ($2,041,761 Original Approp from Tree Fund by Ord 2006-130-E); Approp $217,353 from said Fund to the Zoo Landscaping – Parking Lot Act for Existing Lot & new Overflow lot, it was announced that an RCD amendment would be offered to delete the provision in the Finance Amendment to delete funds allocated for irrigation.


Item #13, ORD 2009-615, Honoring State Senator Jim King; Renaming Sister’s Creek Marina Boat Ramp at 8203 Heckscher Dr to “Jim King Park & Boat Ramp at Sister’s Creek” would be taken up as an emergency.


There being no further items on the agenda, the meeting was adjourned at 1:38 p.m.


John J. Jackson, Council Research Division (904) 630-1729



Posted: 11:45 a.m.