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December 14, 2010
4:00 p.m.
Location: City Council Chamber, City Hall –
In attendance: Council President Webb, Council Members Holt, Jones, Redman, Corrigan, Joost and Bishop (arr. 4:13)
Also: Steve Rohan, Peggy Sidman and Dylan Reingold – Office of General Counsel; Janice Billy – Council Auditor’s Office; Steve Cassada – Council Staff Services; Cheryl Brown – Council Secretary/Director; Sherry Hall - Mayor’s Office; Chad Poppell – Human Resources Division; Lin White – Public Works Department; Dana Farris – Legislative Services Division; Alison Miller, Sandra Lane, Debbie Delgado, Rupal Wells, Celeste Hicks, Connie Holt and Sonia Johnson – ECAs
Meeting Convened: 4:03 p.m.
Council President Webb convened the meeting and asked the committee chairs to report their committee actions.
Rules Committee: Assistant Council Auditor Janice Billy reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting, noting that 2010-849 (reappointment of Barbara Jaffe to the Police and Fire Pension Fund board) failed by a vote of 2-4 in the committee. Floor Leader Corrigan will move the bill in the affirmative and council members should vote “no” to approve the committee recommendation. 2010-888 was moved as an emergency in the PHS and Finance Committees, but was not voted out of Rules, so a discharge would be necessary to take action as an emergency tonight. Sherry Hall of the Mayor’s Office stated that a floor substitute will be proposed for 2010-527 (animal care code revisions) which will incorporate all changes made to the ordinance through the end of last week.
TEU Committee: Janice Billy reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting.
RCD Committee: Janice Billy reported that the committee’s bills had all been previously covered.
Finance Committee: Council Member Jones reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting.
PHS Committee: Janice Billy reported that the committee’s bills had all been previously covered.
LUZ Committee: Assistant General Counsel Dylan Reingold reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting and noted that several Comprehensive Plan semi-annual text amendments (2010-879, -880, -881, -882 and -883) are all scheduled for public hearings tonight.
President Webb announced that there would be an addendum bill for emergency action tonight to extend the deadline for the Jacksonville Landing to close on the purchase of its new parking lot. Mr. Webb stated that the bill is drafted to extend the deadline for 6 months but he will have someone offer an amendment to reduce that to 60 days. Ms. Sidman stated that she could re-draft the bill before the meeting tonight to provide for 60 days. Council Member Joost announced that he would be abstaining from any vote on the bill, in an abundance of caution, because the owner of the Landing is also a minority owner in Mr. Joost’s company.
Mr. Joost also noted that 2010-795 (approving a joint use agreement with Twin Hills Civic Association for use of Cedar Hills Estates park) was deferred in the Rules Committee last week because committee members had questions they wanted answered, but Council Member Reggie Brown, the bill’s sponsor, may attempt to have the bill discharged if the questions have been answered to everyone’s satisfaction.
Ms. Sidman noted that 2010-901(downtown parking lot regulations) will be the subject of a floor amendment and re-referral to the LUZ Committee.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:13 p.m.
Minutes: Jeff Clements, Council Research
12.14.10 Posted 5:10 p.m.
Tapes: Council agenda meeting – LSD
Materials: Auditor’s marked agenda - LSD