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November 23, 2010
4:00 p.m.
Location: City Council Chamber, City Hall –
In attendance: Council President Webb, Council Members Yarborough (arr. 4:03), Holt, Bishop, Jones, Redman, Corrigan, Crescimbeni, Johnson and Joost
Also: Cindy Laquidara, Steve Rohan, Peggy Sidman, Dylan Reingold and Jason Gabriel – Office of General Counsel; Kirk Sherman and Janice Billy – Council Auditor’s Office; Steve Cassada – Council Staff Services; Sherry Hall and Lisa Rinaman – Mayor’s Office; Lin White – Public Works Department; Wight Greger – Housing and Neighborhoods Department; Carla Miller – Ethics Officer; Susan Stewart – Duval Legislative Delegation; Dana Farris – Legislative Services Division; Alison Miller, Sandra Lane, Suzie Loving and Debbie Delgado – ECAs; Tia Mitchell – Florida Times-Union; Jim Gilmore, Nelson Cuba, Wyman Duggan, T.R. Hainline, Jim Gilmore, Shannon Hewett, Tony Bates
Meeting Convened: 4:01 p.m.
Council President Webb convened the meeting and asked the committee chairs to report their committee actions.
Rules Committee: Assistant Council Auditor Janice Billy reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting and asked that 2010-786 (confirmation of Hastings Williams as Chief of Fire Prevention Division) be pulled from the Consent Agenda and amended regarding retroactivity of the appointment to October1. She noted that 2010-527 (animal control) will be postponed to the December 14 meeting. 2010-326 (internet gaming arcades) will have a public hearing and then the LUZ substitute will be moved, which incorporates all previous amendments.
TEU Committee: Council Member Bishop reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting.
RCD Committee: Council Member Yarborough reported that the actions of the committee from its meeting, noting that 2010-811(authorization to Jacksonville Housing Authority to issue up to $24 million in multifamily housing revenue bonds) needs to be discharged from RCD to be acted upon.
Finance Committee: Council Member Jones reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting.
PHS Committee: Janice Billy reported that the committee’s bills had all been previously covered.
LUZ Committee: Council Member Crescimbeni reviewed the actions from the committee’s meeting, noting that on 2010-784 (appeal of a certificate of appropriateness for enclosure of a carport in a historic district) the committee voted to approve the appeal and grant the COA for the enclosure. Council Member Corrigan said he will offer a floor amendment to deny the appeal and COA.
Dylan Reingold noted that 2010-484 and -485 (land use amendment and rezoning on Loretto Road) are marked as public hearing open/close and deny but requested that they be changed to open/close and withdraw with refund of fees at the request of the Council President.
In response to a question from Council Member Joost about whether the parties interested in 2010-784 would have the opportunity to speak to the bill after the floor amendment is proposed, Mr. Reingold replied that the public hearing on the bill was held at the LUZ Committee and that the record was created there, so there will be no public hearing tonight.
Peggy Sidman clarified for the Council that the amendment to 2010-812 (expressing support for legislative bill J-2 regarding investments in real estate by the Police and Fire Pension Fund) is worded to state that the percentage of real estate investment allowable for the PFPF will be the maximum percentage allowed by state law, not specifically limited to the 25% shown in the bill title.
The Council President will meet with the General Counsel’s Office after the meeting to determine if 2010-885 (appointing Eric Green as a member of the Northeast Florida Regional Transportation Study Commission) needs to be taken up as a first reading emergency tonight or can be approved after one committee cycle.
President Webb announced that a shade meeting would begin immediately after the agenda meeting in Conference Room A.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.
Minutes: Jeff Clements, Council Research
11.23.10 Posted 5:10 p.m.
Tapes: Council agenda meeting – LSD
Materials: Auditor’s marked agenda - LSD