Compiled by:  Research Division







Revises and clarifies recitals and legislative findings; omits proposed creation of a new Chapter 149 prohibiting use of specified technology; creates a new Chapter 155 concerning adult arcade amusement centers; clarifies statement of intent to reference the protection of public health, safety, and welfare; defines terms; provides requirements for skill-based adult arcade amusement machine operation and provides an exemption for family amusement arcades and de minimis activity facilities; provides for the measure and testing of application of skill; prohibits minors from playing adult arcade amusement machines; includes requirements for permitting adult amusement arcade centers and for machine registration; provides for maintenance of records, enforcement, and assessment of occupational license taxes and machine registration fees; violation is to be punishable by imposition of a civil penalty not to exceed $500 per machine per day; creates a new Chapter 156 concerning electronic game promotions; provides for legislative authorization, enforcement within Duval County, and intent; generally prohibits certain games of chance and provides definitions; provides for permits and fees; allows inspection of premises; includes exterior and interior signage requirements; provides limitations on business operation; specifies safety and security requirements; addresses violations; provides for severability; creates a new Section 772.340 requiring a person engaged in the business of operating an adult arcade amusement center to pay a municipal occupational license tax of $40 a day; amends various sections of the Zoning Code to address such uses, including performance standards and nonconforming uses; makes other technical changes.






Per OGC, the Amendment grants the sign waiver.






Per OGC, the Amendment adds the following conditions to the PUD: (1) Required transportation improvements shall be made in accordance with the Development Services Division memorandum dated July 26, 2010, or as otherwise approved by the Planning and Development Department; (2) All sag lenses, drop lenses and convex lenses shall be prohibited. Illumination levels at all property lines shall not exceed one-half (0.5) foot-candles and shall not exceed one foot-candle when abutting other non-residential properties; (3) All lighting lamp sources within the parking lot shall be metal halide or compact fluorescent. The maximum light pole height shall not exceed twenty feet. An exterior lighting design plan, including a photometric plan, pole and fixture schedules shall be submitted at the time of verification of substantial compliance for review and approval by the Planning and Development Department; and (4) A 20-foot-wide landscape buffer meeting the buffer material requirements of Section 656.1216 of the Zoning Code shall be provided and maintained along the south and west property lines. A 10-foot-wide landscape buffer meeting the buffer material requirements of Section 656.1216 of the Zoning Code shall be provided and maintained along the north and east property lines. All landscaping and buffers shall be installed prior to the issuance of any certificate of use or commencement of the use.







Omits verbatim rendering of the contents of existing Charter sections being renumbered; requires membership of independent ethics commission to have appropriate subject matter expertise, and clarifies duties and authority; provides for ethics commission to recommend changes in relative legislation, to have jurisdiction to levy Council-authorized civil fines or penalties, and to act as the hiring committee for administrative staff of the ethics oversight and compliance office; requires establishment of a structure that ensures independence and impartiality; requires that the ethics code include establishment of an independent citywide ethics oversight and compliance office to provide coordination and to staff the ethics commission; provision is made for appropriate administrative support, as determined by Council.






Includes a section concerning the protection of the City’s interests (support subject to and conditioned upon parties entering into agreements that may be predicate and necessary to protection of their respective property and financial interests; that will ensure City is making no financial commitment and is at no financial risk; that ensures financial resources to support maintenance and relocation, if necessary; that City non-exclusive easement with State is not impaired; that river walk pilings and other support structures east of site will not be subject to excess scouring or other damage; that all usual permitting and regulatory requirements are met) and that at no time shall the City spend any funds on this project unless approved in advance by Council.






Corrects an error in a subsection citing (342.118 “(c)” rather than “(b)”); requests that the Construction Trades Qualifying Board develop criteria to be used in evaluating the granting of late renewals.






Per OGC, the Amendment incorporates a revised PUD written description, dated October 4, 2010, and adds the following conditions to the PUD:  (1) The required transportation improvements shall be made in accordance with the Development Services Division Memorandum dated August 30, 2010, or as otherwise approved by the Planning and Development Department; (2) The buildings shall be designed with variations in wall heights, façade articulations and varied roof planes and pitches, in order to eliminate the appearance of a monolithic box; (3) All parapets and roof planes that conceal flat roofs must extend around all sides of the building that are visible from any public street, internal public drive, abutting an adjacent commercial office building, retail stores or residential areas. The wall shall fully screen HVAC roof mounted equipment. The parapet must be designed as an integral part of the facade by providing visual relief, decorative cornice trim molding or other historically correct elements; and (4) All sag lenses, drop lenses, and convex lenses shall be prohibited.  Illumination levels at all property lines shall not exceed one-half foot candle when the building or parking areas are located adjacent to residential areas and shall not exceed one foot candle when abutting other non-residential properties. All lighting lamp sources within the parking and pedestrian areas shall be metal halide or compact florescent.  The maximum light pole height in all parking areas shall not exceed thirty feet. An exterior lighting design plan for each project, including a photometrics plan, pole and fixture schedules shall be submitted at the time of verification of substantial compliance for review and approval by the Planning and Development Department.







Per OGC, the Amendment adds the following conditions to the PUD: (1) The development of the property shall proceed in accordance with the Development Services Division Memorandum dated August 30, 2010, or as otherwise approved by the Planning and Development Department; and (2) A concrete wall that is a minimum of three feet in height shall be provided around all sides of any day care center outdoor play areas located within any parking areas and such outdoor play area and all associated concrete walls shall be removed from such parking area within two years of issuance of the certificate of use for that day care center.






Clarifies the self-appropriation provision is only applicable to the instructor portion (80%) of the collected fees.






Provides for a Revised Exhibit 1 (BT); attaches a copy of the scope of services and department’s white paper as Exhibit 2; requires that Tree Hill Nature Center receive two payments in the amount of $2,500 each for the project, with the first payment to be upon the effective date of the ordinance and the second payment to be upon receipt of the report.













Contact:            Jeff Clements, Chief of Research  (904) 630-1405 or