Compiled by:  Research Division







Per OGC, the Amendment adds the following conditions to the PUD: (1) The development shall be subject to the Development Services Division memorandum dated June 15, 2010, or as otherwise approved by the Planning and Development Department; (2) The development shall be subject to the Florida Department of Transportation memorandum dated July 15, 2010; (3) At the time of verification of substantial compliance, architectural elevations shall be submitted for review and approval of the Planning and Development Department; (4) Building elevations shall be residential in character with a pitched hip or gable roof, incorporating architectural shingles, window treatments and brick or stucco facades; and (5) There shall be no multi-family residential dwellings on the subject property.






Per OGC, the Amendment grants the sign waiver subject to the following conditions: (1) Only one internally-illuminated wall sign in the arch of the façade shall be permitted for Building B and one internally-illuminated wall sign in the arch shall be permitted for Building C; and (2) The illumination shall consist of backlighting of the opaque letters.






Per OGC, the Amendment grants the waiver of road frontage.






Per OGC, the Amendment grants the sign waiver subject to the following conditions: (1) No additional ground signs shall be permitted on the property; (2) The sign shall be limited to five feet in height and ten square feet in area; and (3) The sign shall not have any internal illumination.






Provides for a Revised Exhibit 1 (FY 11-15 Proposed Capital Improvement Projects) which reflects amendments made during the budget process.






Provides for an additional $64,761,909 (rather than $66,180,696) net project funds and a maximum of $474,976,334 (rather than $476,395,121) net available funds for the Banking Fund Project; provides for a Revised Exhibit 1 (Banking Fund Detail) to reflect changes made during the budget process.






Per OGC, the Amendment adds the following conditions to the PUD: (1) Required transportation improvements shall be made in accordance with the Development Services Division memorandum dated July 26, 2010, or as otherwise approved by the Planning and Development Department; (2) All sag lenses, drop lenses and convex lenses shall be prohibited. Illumination levels at all property lines shall not exceed one-half (0.5) foot-candles and shall not exceed one foot-candle when abutting other non-residential properties; (3) All lighting lamp sources within the parking lot shall be metal halide or compact fluorescent. The maximum light pole height shall not exceed twenty feet. An exterior lighting design plan, including a photometric plan, pole and fixture schedules shall be submitted at the time of verification of substantial compliance for review and approval by the Planning and Development Department; and (4) A 20-foot-wide landscape buffer meeting the buffer material requirements of Section 656.1216 of the Zoning Code shall be provided and maintained along the south and west property lines. A 10-foot-wide landscape buffer meeting the buffer material requirements of Section 656.1216 of the Zoning Code shall be provided and maintained along the north and east property lines. All landscaping and buffers shall be installed prior to the issuance of any certificate of use or commencement of the use.






Per OGC, the Amendment incorporates a revised PUD site plan, dated August 24, 2010, and adds the following conditions to the PUD:  (1) The required transportation improvements shall be made in accordance with the Development Services memorandum dated July 26, 2010, or as otherwise approved by the Planning and Development Department; (2) A six-foot-high, 95% opaque, vinyl fence shall be constructed along the north and east sides of the rear parking area. A six-foot-high, 95% opaque, vinyl fence shall be required along the south property line if the adjacent property owner removes the existing fence; (3) A twenty-foot setback for parking shall be required on both the north and south sides of the property; (4) A sixty-foot setback shall be required from the Dakar Street right-of-way; (5) One shade tree, minimum 2.5 inch caliper, spaced twenty-five feet apart, shall be placed and maintained between the six-foot-high fence and north property line; (6) There shall be no exterior lighting in the rear parking area; (7) The rear parking area shall be for employee and customer parking only. Parking shall be permitted between the hours of 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday, and 8:00 am to 1:00 pm on Saturday; and (8) Access to the rear parking area shall be from the existing paved parking area. No access from Dakar Street or Tunis Street is permitted.






Per OGC, the Amendment adds the following conditions to the PUD: (1) The subject property shall be developed in accordance with the Development Services memorandum dated July 26, 2010, or as otherwise approved by the Planning and Development Department; (2) The areas designated as “Park” located on each side of the main entrance road from Cedar Point Road, as depicted on the site plan dated June 3, 2010, shall not be considered towards the required recreation area for this development and accordingly such areas shall not be calculated for purposes of meeting the total required recreation area on the subject property; (3) The average square footage of the single-family dwellings shall be 1,800 square feet; and (4) Buildings shall be constructed with brick, stone, stucco or masonry siding.






Per OGC, the Amendment incorporates a revised PUD written description, dated September 21, 2010.






Per OGC, the Amendment incorporates a revised PUD written description, dated September 16, 2010, and a revised PUD site plan, dated September 6, 2010, and adds the following conditions to the PUD: (1) Prior to verification of substantial compliance of the PUD, all architectural renderings and building designs shall be submitted to the Planning and Development Department for review and approval by the Planning Director to ensure consistency with Section 656.399.34 of the Zoning Code; (2) The maximum allowable wall sign areas, including under canopy and awning signs, shall be limited to forty square feet in area per street frontage.  Additionally, a maximum of twenty square feet in area of projecting signage shall be permitted at the southern point of the building, provided it is placed at least eight feet above the sidewalk.  Support structures for the signage shall be located such that they do not affect the clear sight triangle for travel lanes or on-street parking; (3) All new sidewalks shall be consistent with Section 656.399.29(3) of the Zoning Code and shall be constructed with traditional pavers; (4) The transportation improvements shall be made in accordance with the Development Services Division Memorandum dated September 9, 2010, or as otherwise approved by the Planning and Development Department; (5) There shall be no amplified music after 10:00 pm, Sunday through Thursday, and after midnight, 12:00 am, Friday and Saturday on the rooftop terrace; and (6) The building shall be set back one foot from the Margaret Street property line.






Per OGC, the Amendment grants the sign waiver.






Specifies that the funding is over and above the funding approved in Ordinance 2009-260-E.






Clarifies that the referenced marina is located at Metro Park.






Per OGC, the Amendment increases the acreage under the development agreement from 17.17 acres to 67.2 acres and references to the entire parcel with RE number 111219-0000.






Reflects that the appointment is to a second (rather than first) full term.













Contact:            Jeff Clements, Chief of Research  (904) 630-1405 or