OF SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 |
Compiled by: Research Division |
09-549 |
Substitute |
recitals; amends Section 17.06, Charter, to replace or rename current exempt
employment positions or to exempt newly established employment positions from
Civil Service; creates a new Section 116.901 to define, clarify, and identify
certain exempt employment positions in the Charter, and the manner of hiring
and separation; caps Assistant Management Improvement Officers at 20
positions, providing that none as of October 1, 2010, be forced to be removed
from that position; requires the Chief of Human Resources to annually file a
list of Assistant Management Improvement Officers, sorted by department and
including title and salary; requires the Chief of Human Resources to annually
file a supervisor to employee ratio, sorted by department; amends Section
129.101 (relative to pay grades, salary ranges, and salaries) to make
adjustments consistent with Section 116.901; requires the Human Resources
Division to conduct a periodic pay and classification study covering certain appointed
official and appointed employee positions (rather than engage a consultant to
conduct the study). |
10-447 |
Substitute |
OGC, the Substitute modifies the request for a sign waiver for a setback from
200 feet to 154 feet to a sign waiver for a setback from 200 feet to 143
feet. |
10-481 |
Amendment |
OGC, the Amendment adds the following condition to the PUD: (1) The required
transportation improvements shall be made in accordance with the Development
Services Division memorandum dated June 15, 2010, or as otherwise approved by
the Planning and Development Department. |
10-527 |
Substitute |
definitions; allows community service hours to be substituted for fines and
fees; omits proposed revisions to Section 462.104 (authority to enter private
property); provides a fine schedule and allows Animal Care and Protective
Services (ACPS) to establish certain minimum penalties; provides an exemption
from animal cruelty provisions for surgical procedures performed by a
licensed veterinarian; addresses use of temporary crates; provides exemptions
from animal fighting regulations; provides that female dogs in heat are not
allowed in any off-leash park; provides an exemption from animal
sterilization requirements relative to licensing and identification; allows
development of a free community cat caregiver certification program; provides
for request for judicial review of dangerous dog classification; provides for
refund of boarding and intake fees for a dog determined not to be dangerous;
for a dangerous dog outside a proper enclosure, provides for restraint by
tether (rather than chain) or leash of not more than 4 feet in length; provides
for a hearing or appeal relative to destruction of a dog that caused severe
injury, and failure to pay impound and boarding fees for any 10 consecutive
day period shall constitute abandonment; revises license tag provisions and
requires veterinarians to sell City pet tags; requires documentation by owner
for exemption from license tag fees and revises exemptions; makes display of
a license tag not belonging to the animal to which it is attached a
violation; makes certain fees inapplicable to any animal surrendered by a
licensed veterinarian or boarding kennel pursuant to Florida Statutes;
revises sterilization provisions relative to dogs and cats redeemed or
adopted from ACPS; includes specific reference to animal dealers relative to
certain inspection provisions; allows care provided by a pet shop or animal
dealer to include euthanasia of a sick or injured animal when approved and
performed by a Florida licensed veterinarian; expands and clarifies room
temperature provisions for pet shops and animal dealers; omits incorporation
by reference of various other laws concerning regulations and standards for
pet shops and animal dealers; requires permits for hobby breeders and
occasional sellers, and provides for inspections, standards, and citations
for violations; revises provisions concerning permits for those without a
valid permit under provisions for pet shops and animal dealers, or hobby
breeders and occasional sellers; requires that fines and fees collected under
Part 13 (excessive unsterilized animal permits) be deposited into the ACPS
Training and Cruelty Prevention Trust Fund; makes other clarifying and
technical changes. |
10-557 |
Substitute |
Finance Committee recommendations; Office of Council Auditor to provide
detailed analysis. |
10-567 |
Amendment |
description of renamed road portion from “between |
10-568 |
Amendment |
road to “Old Soutel Court” (rather than to “Timberland Grant Court”); changes
description of renamed road portion from “between Old Kings Road and Pickett
Drive” to “extending east from Pickett Drive;” provides for a Revised Exhibit
3 (amended map); includes an additional recital stating that staff in the
Planning and Development Department and the Office of General Counsel met
with the District Councilman and determined a more suitable street name to
closely reflect the Soutel root name. |
10-591 |
Amendment |
OGC, the Amendment adds the following conditions to the PUD: (1) Required
transportation improvements shall be made in accordance with the Development
Services Division memorandum dated July 26, 2010, or as otherwise approved by
the Planning and Development Department; (2) All sag lenses, drop lenses and
convex lenses shall be prohibited. Illumination levels at all property lines
shall not exceed one-half (0.5) foot-candles and shall not exceed one
foot-candle when abutting other non-residential properties; (3) All lighting
lamp sources within the parking lot shall be metal halide or compact
fluorescent. The maximum light pole height shall not exceed twenty feet. An
exterior lighting design plan, including a photometric plan, pole and fixture
schedules shall be submitted at the time of verification of substantial
compliance for review and approval by the Planning and Development
Department; and (4) A 20-foot-wide landscape buffer meeting the buffer
material requirements of Section 656.1216 of the Zoning Code shall be
provided and maintained along the south and west property lines. A 10-foot-wide
landscape buffer meeting the buffer material requirements of Section 656.1216
of the Zoning Code shall be provided and maintained along the north and east
property lines. All landscaping and buffers shall be installed prior to the
issuance of any certificate of use or commencement of the use. |
10-593 |
Amendment |
OGC, the amendment reduces the acreage from 0.39 acres to 0.22 acres and
incorporates a Revised Exhibit 1, the legal description, and Exhibit 2,
graphic description of property. |
10-617 |
Amendment |
OGC, the Amendment incorporates a revised Exhibit 3, the property owner list. |
10-620 |
Amendment |
OGC, the Amendment incorporates a revised PUD written description, dated September
8, 2010, and a revised PUD site plan, dated August 30, 2010, and adds the
following condition to the PUD: (1) The
required transportation improvements shall be made in accordance with the
Development Services memorandum dated July 26, 2010, or as otherwise approved
by the Planning and Development Department. |
10-622 |
Amendment |
OGC, the Amendment incorporates a revised PUD written description, dated
August 24, 2010, and a revised PUD site plan, dated September 8, 2010, and
adds the following conditions to the PUD: (1) The development shall be
subject to the Development Services Division memorandum dated August 4, 2010,
or as otherwise approved by the Planning and Development Department; and (2)
A 100-foot-wide buffer consisting of landscaping and berming shall be
provided and maintained along the north property line in accordance with
Section F and the Industrial Buffer Plan A attached hereto as Exhibit
4. |
10-647 |
Amendment |
for a Revised Exhibit 1 (corrected BT); amends the 2009-2014 Five-Year
Capital Improvement Program for the Lake Fretwell Expansion project and
attaches the Project Information Sheet as Exhibit 2. |
10-653 |
Amendment |
a copy of the award letter as Exhibit 3. |
10-654 |
Amendment |
an appropriated amount of $109,725.51 (rather than $124,037.53) and strikes
reference in the title to $14,312.02 from the General Fund; attaches a copy
of the award letter as Exhibit 3. |
10-658 |
Amendment |
Per OGC, the Amendment
strikes and replaces the Transportation Element policy Exhibit 1. |
10-677 |
Amendment |
for a revised fair share amendment dated September 7, 2010, which replaces
Schedule 1 to Exhibit B (annual inflation adjustments to fair share
assessment amount) in the amendment; adds the fair share assessment contract
with Green Point Properties, Inc., to the file. |
Contact: Jeff Clements, Chief of Research (904) 630-1405 or