RESEARCH DIVISION



August 17, 2010

9:30 a.m.


City Council Conference Room A

Suite 425, City Hall

117 West Duval Street




Attendance:  Council Member Davis, Chair; Kirk Sherman, Janice Billy, Council Auditors Office; Cindy Laquidara, Margaret Sidman, Dylan Reingold, John Germany, Office of General Counsel; Sherry Hall, Lisa Rinaman, Administration; Vince Seibold, Environmental & Compliance Department; Dan Kleman, Jacksonville Fire & Rescue Department; Karen Nasarellah, Eric Lindstrom, Jorina Jolly, Michael Bouda, JEDC; Wight Greger, Neighborhoods & Housing Department; Maxine Person, JSO; Harrison Conyers, Military Affairs, Veterans; Lin White, Bill Joyce, Bob Williams, Public Works; Jack Morgan, Maurice Rudolph, American Red Cross; Joe Stelma, Court Administrator; Chad Poppell, Human Resources; Eric Smith, Former Council Member; David Chapman, Daily Record-Financial News; Diane Smith, Tiffany Hager, Sarah Lane, Mina Hosseini, Executive Council Assistants; Jessica Stephens, Legislative Assistant; John J. Jackson, Council Research Division.


The Chair called the meeting to order at 9:32 a.m. and asked Assistant Council Auditor Janice Billy to review the agenda items.


The Chair indicated that he wanted to move forward with Item 15, ORD-MC 2010-561, Amen Chapt 634 (Fines & Costs), Ord Code, Sec 634.102 (Assessment of Court Cost by Circuit & County Courts) to Increase the State Court Facilities Surcharge from $15 to $30.


The Chair inquired about the status of Item 27, ORD 2010-607, Auth Lease Agreemt with Southgate Shopping Center for 10,000 Sq Ft of Ofc Space for Court Facilities & Offices at 3490 Beach Blvd.  Bob Williams, Real Estate Chief, indicated that he had been asked by the Recreation and Community Development Committee to provide additional information on other options and lease arrangements for the Court’s campus facilities on Beach Blvd.


On Item 32, ORD 2010-632, Approp $24,117.60 from Trail Ridge Mitigation Acct for Improvemts to Maxville Senior Ctr, the Chair asked the Assistant Council Auditor what portion of the Mitigation Account was the funds appropriated coming from. 


On Item 37, ORD 2010-637, Auth Redev Agreemt & Allocation of Dev Rights Ageemt among City, JEDC & Southern Baptist Hospital of Florida re Dev of 15,750 Ofc Space on land internal to Existing Baptist Hospital Campus, the Chair asked JEDC’s Eric Lindstrom to explain the components of the proposed new structure.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 a.m.



John J. Jackson, Council Research Division (904) 630-1729



Posted: 11:00 a.m.