6 Proceedings held on Tuesday, October 5,
7 2010, commencing at 5:00 p.m., City Hall, Council
8 Chambers, 1st Floor,
9 Diane M. Tropia, a Notary Public in and for the State
10 of
RAY HOLT, Vice Chair.
14 DICK BROWN, Committee Member.
DON REDMAN, Committee Member.
15 STEPHEN JOOST, Committee Member.
REGGIE BROWN, Committee Member.
18 JOHN CROFTS, Deputy Director, Planning Dept.
SEAN KELLY, Chief, Current Planning.
19 FOLKS HUXFORD, Zoning Administrator.
KEN AVERY, Planning and Development Dept.
20 DYLAN REINGOLD, Office of General Counsel.
MERRIANE LAHMEUR, Legislative Assistant.
21 SHARONDA DAVIS, Legislative Assistant.
22 - - -
Diane M.
Tropia, Inc.,
1 P R O C E E D I N G S
2 October 5, 2010 5:00 p.m.
3 - - -
4 THE CHAIRMAN: All right. Good evening,
5 everyone.
6 We're going to call to order the
7 October 5th meeting of the Land Use and
8 Zoning Committee.
9 I'm the chair of the committee,
10 Councilman John Crescimbeni, and we are going to
11 go around the dais and have everyone introduce
12 themselves for the record, starting with
13 Mr. Crofts.
14 MR. CROFTS: Good evening.
15 My name is John Crofts, representing the
16 Planning and Development Department.
17 MR. KELLY: Sean Kelly, Planning and
18 Development.
19 MR. HUXFORD: Folks Huxford, Planning and
20 Development.
21 MR. AVERY: Ken Avery, Planning and
22 Development.
23 MR. REINGOLD: Dylan Reingold with the
24 office of General Counsel.
25 MR. D. BROWN: I'm Dick Brown, Councilman,
Diane M.
Tropia, Inc.,
1 District 3.
2 MR. R. BROWN: Reginald Brown, District 10.
3 MR. REDMAN: Don Redman, District 4.
4 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. Thank you, everyone.
5 Councilman Bishop I have an excused absence
6 from tonight. He had another commitment, so he
7 will not be here.
8 We have a bare quorum of four members --
9 (Mr. Joost enters the proceedings.)
10 THE CHAIRMAN: -- and now Mr. Joost has
11 entered the chamber and he is joining us, so we
12 have five.
13 It should be fairly short this evening. We
14 only have a couple of items that we're going to
15 take up.
16 But before we begin that process,
17 Mr. Dylan, would you like to -- Mr. Reingold,
18 would you like to read your --
19 MR. REINGOLD: To the Chair, I would be
20 delighted to. I will try to provide an
21 abbreviated version tonight.
22 Anyone who would like to address the
23 committee must fill out a yellow speaker's card
24 in its entirety. These cards are located on the
25 desk up front, near the podium. Once completed,
Diane M.
Tropia, Inc.,
1 please return the speaker card to the basket on
2 the front desk.
3 Because a verbatim transcript of the
4 meeting will be prepared by a court reporter, it
5 is important that you speak clearly into the
6 microphone when you address the committee. It
7 is also important that only one person speak at
8 a time.
9 Any tangible material submitted with a
10 speaker's presentation shall become a permanent
11 part of the record and will be retained by the
12 committee.
13 As a courtesy, please switch any cell
14 phones, pagers, or audible devices to a silent
15 mode.
16 Items are generally addressed in the order
17 in which they are listed on the agenda. Copies
18 of the agenda are available on the desk up
19 front, near the podium.
20 On occasion, some of the items may be heard
21 out of order for the sake of efficiency or to
22 accommodate scheduling conflicts.
23 There is no formal hearing tonight, so each
24 member of the public is limited to a
25 three-minute presentation. The presentation
Diane M.
Tropia, Inc.,
1 should be focused, concise, and address only the
2 items pending before the committee.
3 Prior to addressing the committee, please
4 state your name and address for the court
5 reporter.
6 Decisions on rezonings, including PUDs and
7 sign waivers, are all considered quasi-judicial
8 in nature and certain protocals will be followed
9 for these items.
10 First, each council member must disclose on
11 the record any ex-parte communications they have
12 had with any members of the public prior to the
13 hearing. This includes a brief statement as to
14 when the communication took place, who the
15 communication was with, and what the subject of
16 the communication was about.
17 And, finally, all decisions are
18 quasi-judicial decisions, must be based on
19 substantial competent evidence, which means the
20 committee's decision must be supported by
21 fact-based testimony or expert testimony and not
22 generalized concerns or opinions.
23 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Mr. Reingold.
24 All right. With that, we will begin our
25 meeting, and we're going to start on page 2 of
Diane M.
Tropia, Inc.,
1 the agenda.
2 Item 1, we have a public hearing scheduled
3 this evening. I have no speakers' cards.
4 Does anyone care to address the committee?
5 AUDIENCE MEMBERS: (No response.)
6 THE CHAIRMAN: All right. Seeing no one,
7 that public hearing --
8 MR. JOOST: Move the bill.
9 THE CHAIRMAN: -- is continued until
10 October 19th and there will be no further action
11 on that bill, although, Mr. Joost, I like your
12 enthusiasm.
13 (Mr. Holt enters the proceedings.)
14 THE CHAIRMAN: Let the record reflect that
15 Councilman Holt has joined us as well.
16 Item 2 is deferred.
17 Item 3 we're going to take up. And, let's
18 see, Mr. Kelly.
19 MR. KELLY: Thank you.
20 To the Chair and committee members,
21 ordinance 2010-447 is a sign waiver request,
22 seeking to reduce the minimum distance between
23 two signs for the new CVS that is located at the
24 corner of
Diane M.
Tropia, Inc.,
1 property is zoned CCG-1.
2 The department has reviewed this request in
3 conjunction with the criteria required. The
4 department finds that this request is the --
5 accommodates, essentially, the protection of
6 existing, large live oak trees, protective trees
7 on site. We find that there's no detriment to
8 any visibility. In fact, the signs are of a
9 size that's substantially less than what the
10 code allows for.
11 The department is recommending approval.
12 THE CHAIRMAN: All right. Thank you,
13 Mr. Kelly.
14 This is a quasi-judicial matter. Does
15 anyone have any ex-parte communication to
16 disclose?
17 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: (No response.)
18 THE CHAIRMAN: All right. Seeing no one,
19 we have a public hearing scheduled this
20 evening. The public hearing is open.
21 I have one speaker's card, I believe,
22 Ms. Ortiz.
23 You have this marked -477, but I think you
24 meant -447, right?
25 AUDIENCE MEMBER: That is correct.
Diane M.
Tropia, Inc.,
1 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. If you would come to
2 the podium and state your name and address for
3 the record, and you have three minutes to
4 address the committee.
5 (Audience member approaches the podium.)
6 AUDIENCE MEMBER: Okay. Thank you.
7 My name is Patricia Ortiz. My address is
10 75291,
11 I am here on behalf of the applicant and
12 property owner, CVS, number 3923, LLC, to
13 respectfully request your approval and the
14 variance request for a sign waiver to reduce the
15 required distance of the separation between
16 signs from 200 feet to 143 feet.
17 I'll stand for any questions you may have.
18 THE CHAIRMAN: Do you work for CVS?
19 MS. ORTIZ: I'm sorry?
20 THE CHAIRMAN: Are you employed by CVS?
21 MS. ORTIZ: No, I am not employed by CVS.
22 THE CHAIRMAN: Are you compensated by CVS?
23 MS. ORTIZ: No, I'm not.
24 THE CHAIRMAN: You're not?
25 MS. ORTIZ: Unh-unh.
Diane M.
Tropia, Inc.,
1 THE CHAIRMAN: How about the landowner?
2 MS. ORTIZ: No. I work for West Central
4 company in
5 THE CHAIRMAN: Does she need to be
6 registered, Mr. Reingold?
7 MR. REINGOLD: This is actually a
8 quasi-judicial bill and so we don't require --
9 THE CHAIRMAN: You haven't lobbied any
10 council members, correct?
11 MS. ORTIZ: No, sir, I have not.
12 THE CHAIRMAN: All right. I only have one
13 question. What does CVS stand for, do you
14 know?
15 MS. ORTIZ: Oh, I did know. Maybe I could
16 consult with my -- the property owner.
17 THE CHAIRMAN: That could swing my vote, I
18 don't know.
19 Any questions from the committee?
20 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: (No response.)
21 THE CHAIRMAN: All right. Seeing none, the
22 public hearing -- anyone else care to address
23 the committee?
24 AUDIENCE MEMBERS: (No response.)
25 THE CHAIRMAN: Seeing none, the public
Diane M.
Tropia, Inc.,
1 hearing is closed, we're back in committee.
2 MR. HOLT: Move the amendment to grant the
3 waiver.
4 MR. JOOST: Second.
5 THE CHAIRMAN: Motion on the amendment to
6 grant the waiver by Mr. Holt, second by
7 Mr. Joost.
8 Any discussion on the amendment?
9 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: (No response.)
10 THE CHAIRMAN: All those in favor say yes.
12 THE CHAIRMAN: Opposed say no.
13 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: (No response.)
14 THE CHAIRMAN: By your action, you have
15 adopted the amendment to grant the waiver.
16 MR. JOOST: Move the waiver to grant the
17 bill as amended.
18 MR. D. BROWN: Second.
19 THE CHAIRMAN: Motion on the bill as
20 amended by Mr. Joost, second by Mr. Brown --
21 that's Richard Brown or Dick Brown.
22 I guess we should use the "D" since he's an
23 "R".
24 MR. JOOST: (Inaudible.)
25 THE CHAIRMAN: He's a "D," though, but
Diane M.
Tropia, Inc.,
1 he --
2 All right. Motion and discussion -- any
3 discussion by the committee?
4 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: (No response.)
5 THE CHAIRMAN: All right. If not, open the
6 ballot, vote.
7 (Committee ballot opened.)
8 MR. CRESCIMBENI: (Votes yea.)
9 MR. HOLT: (Votes yea.)
10 MR. R. BROWN: (Votes yea.)
11 MR. D. BROWN: (Votes yea.)
12 MR. JOOST: (Votes yea.)
13 MR. REDMAN: (Votes yea.)
14 (Committee ballot closed.)
15 MS. LAHMEUR: Six yeas, zero nay.
16 MS. ORTIZ: Thank you very much.
17 THE CHAIRMAN: By your action, you have
18 approved item 3, 2010-447.
19 And I will need an answer to my question by
20 Tuesday night when the full council takes this
21 up, so --
22 MS. ORTIZ: Absolutely.
23 Thank you.
24 Have a great night.
25 THE CHAIRMAN: All right. Turning to
Diane M.
Tropia, Inc.,
1 page 3, item 4, 2010-585, is deferred.
2 Item 5, 2010-595. We have a public hearing
3 scheduled this evening. The public hearing is
4 open. I have no speakers' cards.
5 Does anyone care to address the committee?
6 AUDIENCE MEMBERS: (No response.)
7 THE CHAIRMAN: Seeing no one, the public
8 hearing is continued until January 4th of 2011
9 and there will be no further action on that
10 bill.
11 The bottom of the page, item 6, 2010-596,
12 also scheduled for a public hearing this
13 evening. The public hearing is open. I have no
14 speakers' cards.
15 Seeing no one in the audience to address
16 the committee, the public hearing is continued
17 again till January 4th of 2011, no further
18 action on that bill.
19 Turning to the top of page 4, item 7, a
20 public hearing scheduled this evening. The
21 public hearing is open. I have no speakers'
22 cards.
23 Seeing no one in the audience, the public
24 hearing is continued until November 2nd of 2010,
25 no other action on that bill.
Diane M.
Tropia, Inc.,
1 Item 8, 2010-624. We have a public hearing
2 scheduled. The public hearing is open. I have
3 no speakers' cards.
4 Seeing no one in the audience, the public
5 hearing is continued until October 19th, and
6 there's no further action on that bill.
7 Bottom of page 4, item 9, 2010-628. We
8 have a public hearing scheduled this evening.
9 The public hearing is open. I have no speakers'
10 cards.
11 Anyone in the audience care to address the
12 committee?
13 AUDIENCE MEMBERS: (No response.)
14 THE CHAIRMAN: Seeing no one, the public
15 hearing is continued until October 19th, no
16 further action on that bill.
17 Turning to page 5, at the top, item 10,
18 2010-670, is deferred.
19 Item 11, 2010-690, we will take up.
20 Mr. Kelly.
21 MR. KELLY: Thank you.
22 To the Chair and committee members,
23 ordinance 2010-690 seeks to rezone approximately
24 7.5 acres of property zoned CO to PUD. This
25 property is located in District 12, off of
Diane M.
Tropia, Inc.,
2 Bent Creek area.
3 The department has reviewed this planned
4 unit development in terms of consistency with
5 both the internal and external compatibility
6 requirements and criteria. The department
7 supports this request.
8 Essentially, this is going to a PUD that's
9 based on CCG-1 zoning with prohibitions on
10 certain uses and limitations on permissible uses
11 by exception. As such, the department is
12 supporting, again, this -- this application
13 subject to seven conditions. They have been
14 amended after some discussions with general
15 counsel and the applicant. I'll read them into
16 the record.
17 Condition 1, "The development shall be
18 subject to the original legal description dated
19 August 2nd, 2010."
20 Condition 2, "The development shall be
21 subject to the revised written description dated
22 October 4th, 2010."
23 Condition 3, "The development shall be
24 subject to the original site plan dated
25 July 29th, 2010."
Diane M.
Tropia, Inc.,
1 Condition 4, "The required transportation
2 improvements shall be made in accordance with
3 the Development Services Division memorandum
4 dated August 30th, 2010, or as otherwise
5 approved by the Planning and Development
6 Department."
7 Condition 5, "The buildings shall be
8 designed with variations in wall heights, facade
9 articulations, and varied roof planes and
10 pitches in order to eliminate the appearance of
11 a monolithic box."
12 Condition 6, "All parapets and roof planes
13 that conceal flat roofs must extend around all
14 sides of the building that is visible from any
15 public street, internal public drive abutting an
16 adjacent commercial office building, retail
17 stores or residential areas.
18 "The wall shall fully screen all HVAC
19 roof-mounted equipment. The parapet must be
20 designed as an integral part of the facade by
21 providing visual relief, decorative cornice trim
22 moulding or other historically-correct
23 elements."
24 Condition 7, all sag lenses, drop lenses
25 and convex lenses shall be prohibited.
Diane M.
Tropia, Inc.,
1 Illumination levels at all property lines shall
2 not exceed one-half a footcandle when the
3 building or parking areas are located adjacent
4 to residential areas and shall not exceed one
5 footcandle when abutting other nonresidential
6 properties.
7 "All lighting lamp sources within the
8 parking and pedestrian areas shall be metal
9 halide or compact florescent. The maximum light
10 pole height in all parking areas should not
11 exceed 30 feet. An exterior lighting design
12 plan for each project, including a photometrics
13 plan, pole and fixture schedules, shall be
14 submitted at the time of verification of
15 substantial compliance for review and approval
16 by the Planning and Development Department."
17 Pending those seven conditions, the
18 department is recommending approval.
19 THE CHAIRMAN: All right. Thank you,
20 Mr. Kelly.
21 Any questions from the committee for
22 Mr. Kelly?
23 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: (No response.)
24 THE CHAIRMAN: All right. Seeing none,
25 this is a quasi-judicial matter. Does anyone
Diane M.
Tropia, Inc.,
1 have any ex-parte communication to disclose?
2 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: (No response.)
3 THE CHAIRMAN: Seeing none, we have a
4 public hearing scheduled this evening. The
5 public hearing is open. I have one speaker's
6 card, Tom Ingram.
7 (Mr. Ingram approaches the podium.)
8 THE CHAIRMAN: Mr. Ingram --
9 MR. INGRAM: Good afternoon.
10 Tom Ingram,
11 Suite 260.
12 I'm here to answer any questions you may
13 have.
14 THE CHAIRMAN: Do you accept -- or -- do
15 you accept the seven conditions that were read
16 into the record?
17 MR. INGRAM: Yes, sir.
18 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you, sir.
19 Any questions from the committee?
20 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: (No response.)
21 THE CHAIRMAN: All right. Thank you,
22 Mr. Ingram.
23 MR. INGRAM: Thank you.
24 THE CHAIRMAN: Anyone else care to address
25 the committee?
Diane M.
Tropia, Inc.,
1 AUDIENCE MEMBERS: (No response.)
2 THE CHAIRMAN: All right. Seeing no one,
3 the public hearing is closed and we are back in
4 committee.
5 Is there a motion on the amendment?
6 MR. HOLT: Move the amendment.
7 MR. REDMAN: Second.
8 THE CHAIRMAN: And those are the seven
9 conditions, correct, Mr. Reingold?
10 MR. REINGOLD: (Nods head.)
11 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. Motion by Mr. Holt on
12 the amendment; second, I believe, by Mr. Joost
13 [sic].
14 Discussion?
15 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: (No response.)
16 THE CHAIRMAN: If not, all those in favor
17 say yes.
19 THE CHAIRMAN: Opposed say no.
20 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: (No response.)
21 THE CHAIRMAN: By your action, you have
22 adopted the amendment.
23 MR. HOLT: Move the bill as amended.
24 MR. REDMAN: Second.
25 THE CHAIRMAN: Motion on the bill as
Diane M.
Tropia, Inc.,
1 amended by Mr. Holt, second by Mr. Redman.
2 Discussion on the bill?
3 MR. JOOST: Yes.
4 THE CHAIRMAN: Mr. Joost.
5 MR. JOOST: Not that this has anything --
6 it used to stand for Consumer Value Stores or --
7 now it stands for Convenience Value and Service.
8 THE CHAIRMAN: Mr. Joost comes through.
9 Did you have to call a friend or use a life
10 line on that one or --
11 MR. JOOST: (Inaudible.)
12 THE CHAIRMAN: Oh, you Googled it. Okay.
13 All right. Well, that's very helpful.
14 I'll have to write that down or remember that.
15 All right. Any further discussion on the
16 current bill before us?
17 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: (No response.)
18 THE CHAIRMAN: If not, open the ballot,
19 vote.
20 (Committee ballot opened.)
21 MR. CRESCIMBENI: (Votes yea.)
22 MR. HOLT: (Votes yea.)
23 MR. R. BROWN: (Votes yea.)
24 MR. D. BROWN: (Votes yea.)
25 MR. JOOST: (Votes yea.)
Diane M.
Tropia, Inc.,
1 MR. REDMAN: (Votes yea.)
2 (Committee ballot closed.)
3 MS. LAHMEUR: Six yeas, zero nay.
4 THE CHAIRMAN: By your action, you have
5 approved item 11, 2010-690, as amended.
6 Item 12, 2010-691, we will take that up
7 tonight.
8 Mr. Kelly, your report, please.
9 MR. KELLY: Thank you.
10 To the Chair and committee members,
11 ordinance 2010-691 seeks to rezone property
12 located at
13 the southwest corner of
15 The existing property was recently rezoned
16 PUD; however, at the time of adoption of the
17 rezoning there was an alternate site plan that
18 was not included in the adopted or enacted
19 ordinance, which essentially provided for an
20 additional driveway to Yellow Bluff, a
21 right-in/right-out-only driveway on Yellow
22 Bluff.
23 This rezoning is basically being done -- it
24 incorporates the previous written description --
25 there are no changes to the adopted written
Diane M.
Tropia, Inc.,
1 description -- and also incorporates the
2 previously-approved condition of City Council
3 regarding play areas for the day care.
4 The department, again, has reviewed this
5 request, finds it consistent, again, with all
6 the requirements for the PUD criteria regarding
7 internal and external compatibility.
8 The department is recommending approval
9 subject to the five conditions as indicated in
10 the letter dated September 30th to Council
11 President Webb. I will read those into the
12 record.
13 Condition 1, "The development shall be
14 subject to the original legal description dated
15 May 7th, 2010."
16 Condition 2, "The development shall be
17 subject to the original written description
18 dated May 7th, 2010."
19 Condition 3, "The development shall be
20 subject to the original site plan dated March
21 18th, 2010."
22 Condition 4, "The development of the
23 property shall proceed in accordance with the
24 Development Services Division memorandum dated
25 August 30th, 2010, or as otherwise approved by
Diane M.
Tropia, Inc.,
1 the Planning and Development Department."
2 Condition 5, "A concrete wall that is a
3 minimum of three feet in height shall be
4 provided around all sides of any day care center
5 outdoor play areas located within any parking
6 areas and such outdoor play area and all
7 associated concrete walls shall be removed from
8 such parking area within two years of issuance
9 of the certificate of use for that day care
10 center."
11 Pending the five conditions, the department
12 is supporting this application.
13 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Mr. Kelly.
14 What's the purpose of condition number 5?
15 MR. KELLY: The site plan essentially
16 provided for locations of playground areas for a
17 day care within the overall site. If you'll
18 turn over -- it should be towards the back,
19 probably one of the last pages -- second to last
20 pages. It's page 9 of 10 -- exhibit 2, page 9
21 of 10.
22 You'll see -- that was the potential
23 location for day care sites within the center
24 and possible locations for playgrounds. One of
25 those locations was in a parking field. The
Diane M.
Tropia, Inc.,
1 department, you know, did not necessarily want
2 that or encourage that in there, but we felt
3 that if it was, you know, protected
4 appropriately and provided enough of a barrier
5 that that would be acceptable.
6 Ultimately, the DCF would have to approve
7 any play area, regardless, through the State
8 licensing agency for the day care. So that
9 condition came about during the course of the
10 proceedings at the prior LUZ, with the adoption
11 of the previous PUD. We just wanted to
12 incorporate it again as part of that
13 recommendation.
14 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. So what happens in
15 two years? The issuance of the certificate is
16 issued and then in two years they would have to
17 remove the wall?
18 MR. KELLY: They would have to basically
19 take that day care out of the parking lot within
20 two years.
21 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. Thank you, sir.
22 Any other questions for Mr. Kelly?
23 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: (No response.)
24 THE CHAIRMAN: All right. Thank you,
25 Mr. Kelly.
Diane M.
Tropia, Inc.,
1 This is a quasi-judicial matter. Does
2 anyone have any ex-parte communication to
3 disclose?
4 MR. HOLT: Yes.
6 MR. HOLT: Thank you.
7 Through the Chair, I have spoken to
8 Mr. Register today, at about 4 o'clock. We
9 spoke about this additional condition and what
10 it hopes to accomplish, by phone today.
11 Thank you.
12 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Mr. Holt.
13 Anyone else?
14 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: (No response.)
15 THE CHAIRMAN: All right. Seeing none, we
16 have a public hearing this evening. The public
17 hearing is open. I have one speaker's card, and
18 that is Mr. Doug register.
19 Mr. Register.
20 (Audience member approaches the podium.)
21 THE CHAIRMAN: If you'll begin with your
22 and address for the record. And then if you'll
23 acknowledge that you accept the conditions that
24 were read into the record, that would be
25 helpful.
Diane M.
Tropia, Inc.,
1 AUDIENCE MEMBER: Doug Register, 6501
3 And I've -- accept the conditions. I've
4 spoken with Mr. Lewis and Mr. Kelly and other
5 personnel.
6 THE CHAIRMAN: All right. And you can
7 address the committee for up to three minutes if
8 you'd like.
9 MR. REGISTER: Well, I'm here really just
10 to answer questions.
11 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. That's fine.
12 Any questions from the committee for
13 Mr. Register?
14 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: (No response.)
15 THE CHAIRMAN: All right. Seeing none, the
16 public hearing is closed and we are back in
17 committee.
18 MR. JOOST: Move the amendment.
19 MR. HOLT: Second.
20 THE CHAIRMAN: Motion on the amendment by
21 Mr. Holt [sic]; second, it sounded like, from
22 Mr. Joost [sic].
23 Discussion on the amendment? That would be
24 the five conditions that were read. Any
25 discussion?
Diane M.
Tropia, Inc.,
1 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: (No response.)
2 THE CHAIRMAN: If not, all those in favor
3 say yes.
5 THE CHAIRMAN: Opposed say no.
6 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: (No response.)
7 THE CHAIRMAN: By your action, you have
8 adopted the amendment.
9 MR. JOOST: Move the bill as amended.
10 MR. HOLT: Second.
11 THE CHAIRMAN: Motion on the bill as
12 amended by Mr. Joost, second by Mr. Holt.
13 Discussion?
14 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: (No response.)
15 THE CHAIRMAN: If not, open the ballot,
16 vote.
17 (Committee ballot opened.)
18 MR. CRESCIMBENI: (Votes yea.)
19 MR. HOLT: (Votes yea.)
20 MR. MR. R. BROWN: (Votes yea.)
21 MR. D. BROWN: (Votes yea.)
22 MR. JOOST: (Votes yea.)
23 MR. REDMAN: (Votes yea.)
24 (Committee ballot closed.)
25 MS. LAHMEUR: Six yeas, zero nay.
Diane M.
Tropia, Inc.,
1 THE CHAIRMAN: By your action, you have
2 approved item 12, 2010-691.
3 Bottom of page 5, item 13, 2010-696. We
4 have a public hearing on that bill tonight. The
5 public hearing is open. I have no speakers'
6 cards, there's no one in the audience. The
7 public hearing is continued until October 19th
8 and no further action on that bill.
9 Turning to page 6, at the top, item 14,
10 2010-720, is deferred.
11 Item 15, 2010-751; item 16, 2010-767; and
12 item 17, 2010-770 are all second and rerefer.
13 Anything else to come before the
14 committee? Does anybody want to hang out here
15 for a couple of hours and -- just for old time
16 sake or --
17 MR. JOOST: How about those Jaguars
18 Sunday? That was awesome.
19 THE CHAIRMAN: I think a few folks lost
20 some money on that game in Vegas my guess would
21 be.
22 All right. Anything else?
23 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: (No response.)
24 THE CHAIRMAN: Any other Google reports,
25 Mr. Joost?
Diane M.
Tropia, Inc.,
1 (Inaudible discussion.)
2 THE CHAIRMAN: I think Mr. Joost has the
3 record from last year of, like, ten minutes or
4 something --
5 MR. JOOST: Five minutes.
6 THE CHAIRMAN: Five. Okay?
7 All right. Seeing no other business for
8 the committee, this meeting is adjourned.
9 Thank you all. We'll see you in two
10 weeks.
11 (The above proceedings were adjourned at
12 5:25 p.m.)
13 - - -
Diane M.
Tropia, Inc.,
1 C E R T I F I C A T E
6 I, Diane M. Tropia, certify that I was
7 authorized to and did stenographically report the
8 foregoing proceedings and that the transcript is a
9 true and complete record of my stenographic notes.
10 Dated this 10th day of October, 2010.
14 Diane M. Tropia
Diane M.
Tropia, Inc.,