1                    CITY OF JACKSONVILLE


       2                    LAND USE AND ZONING


       3                         COMMITTEE






       6             Proceedings held on Tuesday, August 3,


       7   2010, commencing at 5:00 p.m., City Hall, Council


       8   Chambers, 1st Floor, Jacksonville, Florida, before


       9   Diane M. Tropia, a Notary Public in and for the State


      10   of Florida at Large.




      12   PRESENT:


      13        JOHN CRESCIMBENI, Chair.

                RAY HOLT, Vice Chair.

      14        WILLIAM BISHOP, Committee Member.

                DON REDMAN, Committee Member.



      16   ALSO PRESENT:


      17        JOHN CROFTS, Deputy Director, Planning Dept.

                SEAN KELLY, Chief, Current Planning.

      18        FOLKS HUXFORD, Zoning Administrator.

                DYLAN REINGOLD, Office of General Counsel.

      19        KRISTEN REED, Planning and Development Dept.

                GARY KRESEL, Planning and Development Dept.

      20        STEVE SMITH, Planning and Development Dept.

                MERRIANE LAHMEUR, Legislative Assistant.

      21        SHARONDA DAVIS, Legislative Assistant.


      22                         -  -  -











        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1                   P R O C E E D I N G S


       2   August 3, 2010                          5:00 p.m.


       3                         -  -  -


       4             THE CHAIRMAN:  Good afternoon.


       5             We're going to go ahead and begin the Land


       6        Use and Zoning meeting of Tuesday, August 3rd.


       7             In attendance today, myself, Councilman


       8        John Crescimbeni, as Chair.  We have


       9        Councilman/Vice Chair Ray Holt with us,


      10        Councilman Bill Bishop, and Councilman Don


      11        Redman.  Council Members Joost and Brown are


      12        both excused.


      13             We're one member short on the committee


      14        because of a resignation, so we're at a bare


      15        quorum.  So if anybody needs a break or


      16        anything, if you'll give me the signal, we'll


      17        recess the meeting temporarily so that you can


      18        take care of whatever you need to and then


      19        hopefully we can resume.


      20             Also with us on the panel here are -- from


      21        the Planning Department, John Crofts,


      22        Sean Kelly.  Folks Huxford is here somewhere.


      23        He's out in the audience, but he'll be taking


      24        his seat.


      25             Is Ken Avery going to be with us tonight?




        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. KELLY:  He's out.


       2             THE CHAIRMAN:  He's out.  Okay.


       3             And from the Office of General Counsel,


       4        Dylan Reingold.  In the back here we have, from


       5        the Planning Department, Gary Kresel, Kristen


       6        Reed, and Steve Smith.


       7             Mr. Reingold, if you'd like to read the LUZ


       8        statement into the record, please.


       9             MR. REINGOLD:  To the Chair, I'd love to


      10        get us kicked off.


      11             Anyone who would like to address the


      12        committee today must fill out a yellow speaker's


      13        card in its entirety.  The yellow speakers'


      14        cards are located on the desk up front, near the


      15        podium.  Once completed, please return the


      16        speaker's card to the basket on the front desk.


      17             Any person who lobbies the City for


      18        compensation is considered a lobbyist and is


      19        therefore required to register their lobbying


      20        activity with the City Council secretary.  If


      21        you are a lobbyist and have not registered with


      22        the City Council secretary, you will not be


      23        permitted to address the committee tonight.


      24             Because a verbatim transcript of this


      25        meeting will be prepared by a court reporter, it




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        is important that you speak clearly into the


       2        microphone when you address the committee.  It's


       3        also important that only one person speak at a


       4        time.


       5             Any tangible material submitted with a


       6        speaker's presentation, such as documents,


       7        photographs, plans, drawings, et cetera, shall


       8        become a permanent part of the public record and


       9        will be retained by this committee.


      10             As a courtesy, please switch any cell


      11        phones, pagers, or audible devices to a silent


      12        mode.


      13             Additionally, there will be no public


      14        display of support or opposition, so please


      15        refrain from applause or speaking out of turn.


      16             Items are generally addressed in the order


      17        in which they are listed on the agenda.  Copies


      18        of the agenda are located on the desk up front,


      19        near the podium.


      20             On occasion, items may be heard out of


      21        order for the sake of efficiency or to


      22        accommodate scheduling conflicts.


      23             Unless there is a formal hearing on a


      24        particular item, each member of the public is


      25        limited to a single three-minute presentation.




        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        Therefore, presentations should be focused,


       2        concise, and address only the item pending


       3        before the committee.


       4             Prior to addressing the committee, please


       5        state your name and address for the court


       6        reporter.


       7             Decisions on rezonings, including PUDs,


       8        waivers of road frontage, sign waivers, and


       9        appeals, are all considered quasi-judicial in


      10        nature and certain protocols will be followed


      11        for these items.


      12             First, each committee member must disclose


      13        on the record any ex-parte communications they


      14        have had with any members of the public prior to


      15        the hearing on each applicable item.  This


      16        includes a brief statement of when the


      17        communication took place, who the communication


      18        was with, and what the subject matter of the


      19        communication was about.


      20             Second, the normal format is to allow the


      21        applicant or agent thereof to make their


      22        presentation first, followed by members of the


      23        public who wish to speak in support of the item,


      24        then members of the public who are in opposition


      25        will be allowed to speak.




        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             After all the public comments have been


       2        received, the applicant will have a brief


       3        opportunity to wrap up or present a brief


       4        rebuttal.  The wrap-up or rebuttal shall be


       5        limited to the issues brought up by the


       6        speakers.


       7             In some instances, the Chair may permit a


       8        concise surrebuttal or response to the


       9        applicant's rebuttal, which will be followed by


      10        a brief final response by the applicant.


      11             Finally, all quasi-judicial decisions must


      12        be based on substantial competent evidence,


      13        which means that the committee's decision must


      14        be supported by fact-based testimony or expert


      15        testimony and not generalized concerns or


      16        opinions.


      17             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Reingold.


      18             All right.  Committee, if you'll turn to


      19        page 2 of the agenda.  Actually, we're going to


      20        start with item 2.


      21             Mr. Kelly, would you like to give the


      22        Planning Department's report on item 2,


      23        2010-262?


      24             MR. KELLY:  Yes.  Thank you, members of the


      25        committee.




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             Ordinance 2010-262 seeks to allow for a


       2        rezoning of the subject property in Springfield,


       3        located at 1124 Walnut Street, from RMD-S to


       4        PUD.


       5             This property dates back to a -- I guess a


       6        development from around the 1950s, which is a


       7        vacant warehouse building.  It was originally


       8        constructed to be an electrical contractor's


       9        office and storage building which had operated


      10        there historically.  The subject property had


      11        become vacant and was no longer conforming to


      12        the Springfield overlay.


      13             This rezoning is an attempt to reoccupy and


      14        reuse this vacant structure in Springfield.  The


      15        applicant is proposing, again, a small


      16        electrical contracting company within this


      17        development.


      18             There is a companion land use amendment


      19        that -- we would like to move withdrawal of that


      20        application.  The department was not supportive


      21        of promoting any more industrial intensification


      22        from a land use perspective within the


      23        Springfield overlay historic district, but we


      24        feel this site specific -- is a good site to


      25        be reutilized for infill and redevelopment that




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        was -- historically was consistently used for.


       2             The department is recommending approval


       3        subject to the five conditions as indicated in


       4        the memorandum dated July 29th, 2010.  I can


       5        read those conditions into the record.


       6             THE CHAIRMAN:  (Nods head.)


       7             MR. KELLY:  Condition 1, "The developer


       8        shall be subject to the original legal


       9        description dated June 10th, 2010."


      10             Condition 2, "The developer shall be


      11        subject to the original written description


      12        dated June 10th, 2010."


      13             Condition 3 reads, "The developer shall be


      14        subject to the original site plan dated June


      15        10th, 2010."


      16             Condition 4 was struck.


      17             Condition 5 reads, "The development shall


      18        be prohibited from using the Floridan Aquifer


      19        for irrigation and shall be required to connect


      20        to reuse water when available."


      21             Those are the conditions.


      22             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Kelly.


      23             What about outside storage, is that going


      24        to be permitted?


      25             MR. KELLY:  The only outdoor storage --




        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        basically all of the use will be contained


       2        within the structure itself.


       3             The issue came with the types of vehicles,


       4        with utilizing a building trades contractor's


       5        office within the -- the land use category,


       6        within a PUD in this land use, in the LDR -- or


       7        MDR category, and the department has stipulated


       8        in the written description that the vehicles


       9        limited to this use are limited specifically to


      10        pickup trucks and vans with ladder racks only


      11        and, therefore, would be consistent with the


      12        types of vehicles that could be parked within


      13        that underlying land use category and consistent


      14        with the zoning.


      15             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Kelly.


      16             This is a quasi-judicial matter.  Does


      17        anyone have any ex-parte communication to


      18        disclose?


      19             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      20             THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing none, we'll open the


      21        public hearing.


      22             Do we have any speakers' cards?


      23             MS. DAVIS:  No.


      24             THE CHAIRMAN:  No speakers' cards.


      25             Okay.  The public hearing is closed, and --




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. HOLT:  Move the amendment.


       2             MR. REDMAN:  Second.


       3             THE CHAIRMAN:  We have a motion on the


       4        amendment by Mr. Holt, second by Mr. Redman.


       5             Discussion on the amendment?


       6             MR. REINGOLD:  (Indicating.)


       7             THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Reingold.


       8             MR. REINGOLD:  Just one issue of -- sort of


       9        procedure here.  I guess I don't really have an


      10        applicant who is here today to state that they


      11        agreed to these conditions.


      12             Mr. Crofts, did they agree to these


      13        conditions at Planning Commission?


      14             MR. CROFTS:  Yes, they did.


      15             THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Crofts, was that on the


      16        record at the Planning Commission?


      17             MR. CROFTS:  Weakly, but yes, he did -- he


      18        did agree to them at the Planning Commission.


      19             THE CHAIRMAN:  Any idea why the applicant


      20        might not be here tonight?


      21             MR. CROFTS:  It's a surprise to me.  We


      22        were expecting him to be here.


      23             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Mr. Reingold, they


      24        publish a transcript from the Planning


      25        Commission, don't they?




        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. REINGOLD:  There is usually a


       2        transcript published from Planning Commission,


       3        but I'm not sure if I've seen one yet.


       4             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  If you want to review


       5        that before Tuesday night and just follow up


       6        with me and let me know.  And if there's a


       7        problem, we can address it and perhaps bring


       8        this back.


       9             All right.  On the amendment, all those in


      10        favor say yes.


      11             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Yes.


      12             THE CHAIRMAN:  Opposed say no.


      13             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      14             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you've


      15        adopted the amendment.


      16             MR. HOLT:  Move the bill as amended.


      17             MR. REDMAN:  Second.


      18             THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion by Mr. Holt on the


      19        bill as amended, second by Mr. Redman.


      20             Discussion, Mr. Bishop.


      21             MR. BISHOP:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


      22             Through the Chair to Mr. Kelly, I'm looking


      23        at the site plan here and, I mean, it looks


      24        pretty -- standard enough.  I did notice on here


      25        that the parking in the back doesn't appear to




        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        comply with what I understand to be Jacksonville


       2        City standards and/or with respect to the


       3        handicapped space, the Florida Accessibility


       4        Code.  Is there, I mean, any comment on that?


       5             MR. KELLY:  That's correct.


       6             The traffic memorandum from the Traffic


       7        Engineering Division indicated the deficiency in


       8        the driveway width and the parking stall


       9        dimensions on the site plan.


      10             The stall dimensions would have to be


      11        typical 9-by-18 parking stalls.  There's no


      12        parking requirement in the Springfield overlay,


      13        so they would just have to restripe it.  It's


      14        not a matter of the number of spaces or


      15        anything.


      16             The driveway width, from our perspective in


      17        dealing with historic districts, is the


      18        preferred type of driveway.  It was --


      19        historically had been there.  It's historically


      20        consistent with the neighborhood.


      21             Typically, you find those single-wide


      22        driveways in the historic districts.  And it's


      23        the limited amount of traffic, so you -- you


      24        shouldn't have any conflicts between -- it's a


      25        private, gated area in the back there.




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. BISHOP:  I didn't have any issue with


       2        the driveway.  And I agree with you on that,


       3        that makes sense.  It was just the parking sizes


       4        didn't match and did that have any issue on the


       5        parking count, which you've answered that.


       6             Thank you.


       7             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Bishop.


       8             Any other discussion?


       9             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      10             THE CHAIRMAN:  If not, open the ballot,


      11        please.


      12             (Committee ballot opened.)


      13             MR. CRESCIMBENI:  (Votes yea.)


      14             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      15             MR. BISHOP:  (Votes yea.)


      16             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      17             (Committee ballot closed.)


      18             THE CHAIRMAN:  Record the vote.


      19             MS. LAHMEUR:  Four yeas, zero nay.


      20             THE CHAIRMAN:  By our action, you've


      21        approved item 2, 2010-262.


      22             So that makes item 1 unnecessary.  So is


      23        there a motion -- I'm sorry, we do need to have


      24        a public hearing on this.


      25             The public hearing is open.




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             Any speaker cards?


       2             MS. DAVIS:  No.


       3             THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no one, the public


       4        hearing is closed.


       5             MR. HOLT:  Move withdrawal.


       6             MR. BISHOP:  Second.


       7             THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion to withdraw by


       8        Mr. Holt, second by Mr. Bishop.


       9             Discussion?


      10             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      11             THE CHAIRMAN:  If not, open the ballot.


      12             (Committee ballot opened.)


      13             MR. CRESCIMBENI:  (Votes yea.)


      14             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      15             MR. BISHOP:  (Votes yea.)


      16             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      17             (Committee ballot closed.)


      18             THE CHAIRMAN:  Vote.


      19             MS. LAHMEUR:  Four yeas, zero nay.


      20             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you have


      21        withdrawn item 1, 2010-261.


      22             Item 3 at the bottom of the page.


      23             Mr. Crofts.


      24             MR. CROFTS:  If you please, I'd like to


      25        take up -- or give my report on items 3 and 4 --




        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.


       2             MR. CROFTS:  -- which are a companion.


       3             Items 3 and 4, for the record, are 2010-263


       4        and -264.  They seek to modify in the future


       5        land use map series of the 2030 comp plan land


       6        use designations from MDR to LI on 2.54 acres of


       7        property located in Council District 9, along


       8        the south side of McCoys Creek Boulevard, and


       9        that's between Stockton Street and Claude


      10        Street, as well as to modify the zoning


      11        designation on a similar but slightly larger


      12        legal piece of property from PBF-1, RMD-A, and


      13        IL to PUD.


      14             The action sought -- or the actions sought


      15        are, in essence, approvals to substantiate in a


      16        more complete and cohesive manner an existing


      17        business that's located in the general location


      18        of -- or actually on these particular properties


      19        known as B & B Exterminating Company.


      20             The property is located in the North


      21        Riverside Neighborhood Action Plan area.  I


      22        would point out that a community meeting has


      23        been held on this item on May 10th, conducted by


      24        the district councilman.  Concerns were


      25        expressed by the community at this meeting




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        regarding adequate buffers and the intensity of


       2        uses adjacent to the residential uses in the


       3        neighborhood.


       4             The applicant has worked very closely with


       5        the department in response to these concerns,


       6        and the department is poised and ready to


       7        recommend, along with the Planning Commission,


       8        approval of this land use amendment, ordinance


       9        2010-263, and ordinance 2010-264, which is the


      10        PUD, with the following four conditions:


      11             Condition number 1, "The developer shall be


      12        subject to the original legal description dated


      13        May 17th, 2010."


      14             Number 2, "The developer shall be subject


      15        to the revised written description dated July


      16        27th, 2010."


      17             Number 3, "The developer shall be subject


      18        to the revised site plan" -- which we dispersed


      19        to you this evening -- "dated August 2nd, 2010."


      20             And 4th and finally, "The required


      21        transportation improvements shall be made in


      22        accordance with the Development Services


      23        memorandum dated June 15th, 2010, or as


      24        otherwise approved by the Planning and


      25        Development Department."




        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             Thank you.


       2             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Crofts.


       3             We have a public hearing scheduled on this


       4        bill.  The public hearing is open.  I have one


       5        speaker's card, Ms. Johnston.


       6             (Ms. Johnston approaches the podium.)


       7             THE CHAIRMAN:  Is this --


       8             MS. JOHNSTON:  Yes, that's me.


       9             THE CHAIRMAN:  You signed the card?


      10             MS. JOHNSTON:  Yes, sir.


      11             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  So the public


      12        hearing is open.  If you'll just state your name


      13        and address for the record, and you have three


      14        minutes.


      15             MS. JOHNSTON:  Okay.  Are you taking up


      16        both items, the land use and the zoning, or do


      17        you want me to discuss them separately?


      18             THE CHAIRMAN:  We can take them both up at


      19        the same time.


      20             MS. JOHNSTON:  Okay.  I'm Paige Johnston,


      21        1301 Riverplace Boulevard, on behalf of the


      22        applicant.


      23             As Mr. Crofts has described, this is an


      24        application for a land use and zoning -- changes


      25        for an existing property.  The reason for the




        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        changes was to bring the property into


       2        compliance with the current comprehensive plan


       3        and the zoning code.


       4             We have submitted the application seeking


       5        the light industrial land use category for a


       6        portion of the property.  Another portion of the


       7        property is already currently in light


       8        industrial.


       9             The PUD is in reference to the whole


      10        property.  And, as Mr. Crofts said, the purpose


      11        of the PUD was to limit intensity of uses and to


      12        provide for buffering and fencing that would


      13        make it compatible with the surrounding areas.


      14             This is consistent with the Neighborhood


      15        Action Plan.  And, as Mr. Crofts said, we've


      16        worked closely with the Planning Department.


      17        And we've gone over the landscaping requirements


      18        with Mr. Jones, and we believe that it meets his


      19        satisfaction.


      20             And we have a staff report of approval, and


      21        I would rely on their findings of fact, and I


      22        would request your support as well.


      23             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Ms. Johnston.


      24             And you -- for the record, do you agree


      25        with the conditions that were read into the




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        record?


       2             MS. JOHNSTON:  Yes, we do.


       3             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Thank you.


       4             Any questions from the committee?


       5             MR. BISHOP:  Yes.


       6             THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Bishop.


       7             MR. BISHOP:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


       8             Ms. Johnson, just a quick question.


       9             Help me understand something.  One of the


      10        conditions is a -- following the revised site


      11        plan dated 8/2.  The site plan that we've got


      12        just basically shows a property boundary that's


      13        crosshatched out dark?


      14             MS. JOHNSTON:  Yes.


      15             MR. BISHOP:  Is there a site plan that's


      16        intended for this site?


      17             MS. JOHNSTON:  Probably not one to the


      18        level that you're used to seeing, but just to


      19        give you a history, as I said, the -- the


      20        property -- a portion of the property is already


      21        developed with existing B & B Exterminating


      22        buildings on the property.


      23             The surrounding properties are being used


      24        for outdoor storage and for parking areas.  They


      25        don't have any development on them.  And we




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        don't have any immediate plans to do anything to


       2        those properties.


       3             We actually -- in our written description,


       4        we attempted to very carefully describe what is


       5        on each existing parcel and to limit it to


       6        particular uses on those parcels and to give you


       7        an idea of any potential uses that would be on


       8        the parcels in the future.  But because there


       9        isn't any immediate plans for development and we


      10        needed to come into compliance with the zoning


      11        code and the comprehensive plan, we just sought


      12        to rely upon the written description to give you


      13        a good understanding of what's there and what


      14        would be permitted under the PUD.  So the staff


      15        was agreeable to us just providing a very basic


      16        site plan.


      17             The revision to the site plan was that


      18        there was an area crosshatched as being part of


      19        our property, and it actually is part of our


      20        property, and that's -- that piece was removed


      21        from the site plan.


      22             MR. BISHOP:  That's the PBF portion?


      23             MS. JOHNSTON:  Yes, the PBF -- well, a


      24        portion.


      25             There is actually PBF-1 zoning on a small




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        portion of the property.  We actually did a land


       2        swap a couple of years ago with the City for the


       3        Forest Street fire station.  They needed a


       4        parcel of property that we owned, and so they


       5        gave us a portion of their property, and that's


       6        why we do have PBF-1.


       7             But there is another parcel that is zoned


       8        PBF that is still under the City's ownership,


       9        and we would like to try to acquire that in the


      10        future, if possible, from the City, but we


      11        haven't been able to do that as of now.


      12             MR. BISHOP:  Okay.  Thank you.


      13             THE CHAIRMAN:  Ms. Johnston, how does the


      14        landscaping that you agreed -- or you referenced


      15        in your comments that, I guess, were a product


      16        of working with the district councilman, how do


      17        those -- are those detailed in the written


      18        description or --


      19             MS. JOHNSTON:  Yes, it is.  And I'm happy


      20        to give you just a brief synopsis.


      21             There's one area of the property -- if you


      22        look at the site plan, there is a -- there's


      23        Watts Street, and that intersects with a street


      24        called Rose Street.  And on the other side of


      25        Rose Street there are two single-family




        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        residences on the other side of Rose Street, and


       2        so -- and those are inhabited.


       3             There are some other residential lots in


       4        the area.  They are not occupied.  And then


       5        there's some on Claude Street that we're not


       6        sure if they are occupied or not.


       7             In any event, the main concern was the


       8        parcels along -- the residential parcels along


       9        Rose Street and Claude Street, that they be


      10        buffered from any particular uses that may be


      11        considered intense.  So what we did is -- the


      12        parcel that is between McCoys Creek Boulevard


      13        and Rose Street, actually we limited the uses on


      14        that parcel to allow for less intense uses than


      15        would be allowed on the main parcel.  And then,


      16        in addition, the buffering that we provided


      17        along Rose Street, there's an existing property


      18        fence -- a fence that runs along the property


      19        boundary.  It's a 6-foot fence.  What we're


      20        going to do is we're going to remove that


      21        fence.


      22             There's also some underbrush that's been


      23        growing on that fence.  We're removing all of


      24        the underbrush, all of the fencing.  We're


      25        putting a new fence 10 feet back from the




        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        right-of-way, and that fence is going to be an


       2        8-foot fence with 95 percent opacity so that if


       3        we store anything on that property, no one can


       4        see that.


       5             And then within the 10-foot area from the


       6        right-of-way, we're also going to put in a


       7        planting of -- a combination of trees and


       8        shrubbery so that they will also be blocked by


       9        the trees and shrubbery.


      10             Along -- on the side that's closest to


      11        Claude Street -- we don't actually have property


      12        that bounds Claude Street, but it's -- it's


      13        parallel to Claude Street.  There is an existing


      14        fence there and there is basically vegetation


      15        that's grown along the fence and there's some


      16        trees.  And when we talked to Mr. Jones, he said


      17        that he would prefer to leave that as it is


      18        rather than pull it out and put up another


      19        fence, and so we actually changed our written


      20        description to put that so that it remains the


      21        same.


      22             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Thank you very much.


      23             Anything else from the committee?


      24             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      25             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Thank you,




        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        Ms. Johnston.


       2             Anyone else care to address the committee


       3        during the public hearing on item 3 or 4,


       4        2010-263 or -264?


       5             AUDIENCE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


       6             THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no one, the public


       7        hearing is closed.


       8             Back on item 3.


       9             MR. HOLT:  Move the bill.


      10             MR. REDMAN:  Second.


      11             THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion by Mr. Holt, second


      12        by Mr. Redman.


      13             Discussion?


      14             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      15             THE CHAIRMAN:  If not, open the ballot.


      16             (Committee ballot opened.)


      17             MR. CRESCIMBENI:  (Votes yea.)


      18             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      19             MR. BISHOP:  (Votes yea.)


      20             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      21             (Committee ballot closed.)


      22             THE CHAIRMAN:  Vote.


      23             MS. LAHMEUR:  Four yeas, zero nay.


      24             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you have


      25        approved item 3, 2010-263.




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             Item 4.


       2             MR. HOLT:  Move the amendment.


       3             THE CHAIRMAN:  Did anybody have any


       4        quasi-judicial ex-parte?


       5             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


       6             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Good.  I forgot to


       7        ask for that.


       8             All right.  I'm sorry.  Motion on the


       9        amendment by Mr. Holt.


      10             MR. BISHOP:  Second.


      11             THE CHAIRMAN:  Second by Mr. Bishop.


      12             Discussion?


      13             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      14             THE CHAIRMAN:  If not, all those in favor


      15        say yes.


      16             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Yes.


      17             THE CHAIRMAN:  Opposed say no.


      18             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      19             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you've


      20        adopted the amendment.


      21             MR. BISHOP:  Move the bill as amended.


      22             MR. HOLT:  Second.


      23             THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion by Mr. Bishop, second


      24        by Mr. Holt on the bill as amended.


      25             Any discussion?




        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


       2             THE CHAIRMAN:  If not, open the ballot.


       3             (Committee ballot opened.)


       4             MR. CRESCIMBENI:  (Votes yea.)


       5             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


       6             MR. BISHOP:  (Votes yea.)


       7             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


       8             (Committee ballot closed.)


       9             THE CHAIRMAN:  Vote.


      10             MS. LAHMEUR:  Four yeas, zero nay.


      11             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you have


      12        approved item 4, 2010-264, as amended.


      13             Item 5 is going to be deferred tonight.


      14        That brings us to item 6.  We have a public


      15        hearing scheduled on that bill.


      16             The public hearing is open.  We have no


      17        speaker cards.


      18             Does anyone care to address the committee


      19        on item 6, 2010-374?


      20             AUDIENCE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      21             THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no one, the public


      22        hearing is continued until August 17th.


      23             Turning to page 4, item 7 is deferred.


      24             Item 8, we have a scheduled public hearing


      25        this evening.  The public hearing is open.  No




        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        speakers' cards.


       2             Anyone care to address the committee?


       3             AUDIENCE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


       4             THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no one, the public


       5        hearing is continued until August 17th.


       6             Item 9.  Mr. Crofts.


       7             MR. CROFTS:  Item 9, ordinance 2010-476


       8        seeks to amend the future land use map series of


       9        the 2030 Comprehensive Plan for 1.28 acres of


      10        land, located at the northeast quadrant of


      11        St. Johns Bluff Road and Town Center Parkway,


      12        from BP, business park, to CGC,


      13        community/general commercial.


      14             This vacant piece of property is somewhat


      15        strategically located in proximity to the


      16        St. Johns Town Center complex and the


      17        recently-opened State Road 9A, if you will.


      18        Even though this is not reflected on our maps


      19        that are attached to your report, due to -- or


      20        when our reports were written, the DCA


      21        compliance had not been -- had been determined


      22        at this time, but there has been similar


      23        rezonings to property to the south and to the


      24        west of this to the community/general commercial


      25        category.




        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             In view of our compatibility standards, the


       2        existing infrastructure available, and staff


       3        consistency determination with several


       4        provisions of the comprehensive plan concerning


       5        viability, the emergence of this area, the


       6        character of this area, staff recommends


       7        approval of this land use amendment.


       8             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Crofts.


       9             We have a public hearing scheduled on this


      10        for this evening.  The public hearing is open.


      11        I have one speaker's card from Paul Harden.


      12             (Mr. Harden approaches the podium.)


      13             THE CHAIRMAN:  Your speaker's card?  Your


      14        signature?


      15             MR. HARDEN:  Yeah.


      16             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you.


      17             MR. HARDEN:  Two times.


      18             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you.


      19             MR. HARDEN:  The -- I'm going to address


      20        both of them, if I might.


      21             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.


      22             MR. HARDEN:  This is, as Mr. Crofts


      23        indicated, a small scale land use map


      24        amendment.  There were two semiannual amendments


      25        on adjoining properties.  And simply because




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        this was divided by a road that the City put in,


       2        it was done as a separate application and


       3        rezoning.


       4             Both of those previous parcels were -- one


       5        was 32 acres, one 25 acres -- have been through


       6        the planning process, unanimously approved by


       7        the council, and approved by the Department of


       8        Community Affairs, and this is a final


       9        outparcel, for lack of a better word, adjoining


      10        those parcels, which is in the immediate


      11        vicinity of Town Center.


      12             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, sir.


      13             Any questions from the committee?


      14             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      15             THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing none, anyone else


      16        care to address -- Mr. Reingold.


      17             MR. REINGOLD:  To the Chair, we've got


      18        several companion sort of comp plan amendments


      19        with rezonings, and obviously the rezoning parts


      20        are quasi-judicial.  I didn't know if, at this


      21        time, you would want to ask whether there were


      22        any quasi-judicial discussions.


      23             THE CHAIRMAN:  I'm going to open up the


      24        public hearing on that separately.


      25             Thank you, though.




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             Seeing no one else, the public hearing is


       2        closed and we're in committee.


       3             MR. BISHOP:  Move the bill.


       4             MR. REDMAN:  Second.


       5             THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion by Mr. Bishop, second


       6        by Mr. Redman.


       7             Discussion?


       8             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


       9             THE CHAIRMAN:  If not, open the ballot.


      10             (Committee ballot opened.)


      11             MR. CRESCIMBENI:  (Votes yea.)


      12             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      13             MR. BISHOP:  (Votes yea.)


      14             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      15             (Committee ballot closed.)


      16             THE CHAIRMAN:  Vote.


      17             MS. LAHMEUR:  Four yeas, zero nay.


      18             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you approved


      19        item 9, 2010-476.


      20             Item 10, 2010-477.  We have a public


      21        hearing.  Does anyone have any ex-parte


      22        communication to disclose?


      23             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      24             THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing none, the public


      25        hearing is open.




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             Mr. Harden, did you want to comment on this


       2        or just --


       3             MR. HARDEN:  No, but let me, in an


       4        abundance of caution -- Councilman Redman and I


       5        met on the other two items.  And while we didn't


       6        discuss this one specifically, it was in the


       7        same vicinity.  I'm sure he'll recognize that at


       8        the appropriate time.


       9             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, sir.


      10             Anyone else care to address the committee?


      11             AUDIENCE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      12             THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no one, the public


      13        hearing is closed.


      14             MR. BISHOP:  Move the bill.


      15             MR. HOLT:  Second.


      16             THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion on the bill by


      17        Mr. Bishop, second by Mr. Holt.


      18             Discussion?


      19             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      20             THE CHAIRMAN:  If not, open the ballot.


      21             (Committee ballot opened.)


      22             MR. CRESCIMBENI:  (Votes yea.)


      23             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      24             MR. BISHOP:  (Votes yea.)


      25             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             (Committee ballot closed.)


       2             THE CHAIRMAN:  Vote.


       3             MS. LAHMEUR:  Four yeas, zero nay.


       4             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you've


       5        approved item 10, 2010-477.


       6             Mr. Kelly, I'm sorry.  I cut you out of


       7        your little presentation.  If you'll wait after


       8        the meeting, you can give it.  We may not be


       9        here, but --


      10             Item 11, 2010- --


      11             MR. HARDEN:  Can I be excused nonetheless?


      12             THE CHAIRMAN:  Yes, you may.  We all can be


      13        excused.


      14             Item 11, 2010-478.  Mr. Crofts.


      15             MR. CROFTS:  Yes, sir.


      16             Item 11, 2010-478, seeks to amend the


      17        future land use map series of the comprehensive


      18        plan for a 2.31-acre parcel of land located in


      19        the Marietta area of Jacksonville, in Council


      20        District 12, from LDR, low density residential,


      21        to LI, light industrial, to allow for the


      22        development of light industrial uses.


      23             One of the major impact factors causing


      24        this change and others in the immediate area is


      25        the relocation and construction of the I-10




        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        interchange at Marietta, which has resulted, as


       2        I've said before, in similar requests for


       3        intensification of land uses.


       4             This property touches IL land to the north


       5        and to the east and is across the street from


       6        IL, as well as land to the south has been


       7        subject to land use amendments to commercial


       8        within the last year; thus, in light of the


       9        compatibility trend and evolution changes and


      10        consistency with the comp plan, staff recommends


      11        approval of this request.


      12             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Crofts.


      13             We have a public -- we have a public


      14        hearing scheduled on this matter.  The public


      15        hearing is open.  I have one speaker's card.


      16        It's Robert -- is it Massarelli?


      17             AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Yes, sir.


      18             THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Massarelli, you signed


      19        the card?


      20             AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Yes, I did.


      21             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  You may begin.


      22             I need your name and address for the


      23        record.


      24             AUDIENCE MEMBER:  My name is Bob


      25        Massarelli, 4810 Key Drive East, Titusville,




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        Florida 32780.


       2             The staff report is complete on this.  We


       3        agree with the staff report and the


       4        recommendation for approval.


       5             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Thank you, sir.


       6             Any questions from the committee?


       7             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


       8             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Seeing no one --


       9        with no other speakers' cards, anyone else care


      10        to address the committee?


      11             AUDIENCE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      12             THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no one, the public


      13        hearing is closed.


      14             MR. HOLT:  Move -478.


      15             MR. BISHOP:  Second.


      16             THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion by Mr. Holt, second


      17        by Mr. Bishop on item 11, 2010-478.


      18             Any discussion?


      19             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      20             THE CHAIRMAN:  If not, open the ballot.


      21             (Committee ballot opened.)


      22             MR. CRESCIMBENI:  (Votes yea.)


      23             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      24             MR. BISHOP:  (Votes yea.)


      25             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             (Committee ballot closed.)


       2             THE CHAIRMAN:  Vote.


       3             MS. LAHMEUR:  Four yeas, zero nay.


       4             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you have


       5        approved item 11, 2010-478.


       6             Item 12, 2010-479, is a companion rezoning.


       7             Mr. Kelly.


       8             MR. KELLY:  Thank you.


       9             Through the Chair to committee members,


      10        ordinance 2010-479 is the companion application


      11        for rezoning to industrial light in conjunction


      12        with the previous land use request.


      13             The department, again, has reviewed this


      14        for consistency with the comprehensive plan and


      15        finds it consistent with the Future Land Use


      16        Element objective 1.3, which requires the City


      17        to continuously improve coordination between


      18        transportation and land use planning efforts in


      19        order to optimize the transportation system


      20        capacity and promote high-quality site designs.


      21             This, again, property is located at the


      22        future interchange of I-10 and Marietta.  There


      23        was a neighborhood action plan that was done for


      24        this area back in the '70s, just to kind of


      25        caveat on what John was saying earlier.




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        However, the plan had not been substantially


       2        followed for this location.  It's no longer


       3        relevant for this area, just to indicate -- and


       4        the department, while it's inconsistent with the


       5        neighborhood action plan, finds it to be


       6        consistent with the trend and the interchange,


       7        which was never contemplated back when this plan


       8        was developed, and so the department is fully in


       9        support of this request.


      10             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Kelly.


      11             Any questions for Mr. Kelly?


      12             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      13             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Seeing none, we


      14        have a -- this is a quasi-judicial matter.  Does


      15        anyone have any ex-parte communication to


      16        disclose?


      17             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      18             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Seeing none, we


      19        have a public hearing.  The public hearing is


      20        open.  I have one speaker's card, again,


      21        Robert Massarelli.


      22             Mr. Massarelli, you signed the card,


      23        right?


      24             MR. MASSARELLI:  Yes, I did.


      25             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  And you have




        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        another three minutes if you'd like them or --


       2             MR. MASSARELLI:  Again, we agree with the


       3        staff report.  We find it complete.  I couldn't


       4        add anything to it, so we concur with the


       5        recommendation.


       6             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Thank you, sir.


       7             Any questions for Mr. Massarelli?


       8             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


       9             THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing none and no other


      10        speakers, the public hearing is closed.


      11             MR. BISHOP:  Move the bill.


      12             MR. HOLT:  Second.


      13             THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion on the bill by


      14        Mr. Bishop, second by Mr. Holt.


      15             Discussion?


      16             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      17             THE CHAIRMAN:  If not, open the ballot.


      18             (Committee ballot opened.)


      19             MR. CRESCIMBENI:  (Votes yea.)


      20             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      21             MR. BISHOP:  (Votes yea.)


      22             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      23             (Committee ballot closed.)


      24             THE CHAIRMAN:  Vote.


      25             MS. LAHMEUR:  Four yeas, zero nay.




        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you have


       2        approved item 12, 2010-479.


       3             Items 13 and 14 are companions.


       4             Item 13, 2010-480.  Mr. Crofts, are you --


       5             MR. CROFTS:  Mr. Chairman, items 13 and 14


       6        are going to be open and continued.


       7             THE CHAIRMAN:  I'm sorry.  I'm sorry.


       8             The public hearing is open.  We have no


       9        speakers' cards.  The public hearing is


      10        continued until September 8th.


      11             Top of page 6, item 14, 2010-481.  The


      12        public hearing is open.  No speakers' cards.


      13        That item is -- the public hearing is continued


      14        until September 8th.


      15             Item 15, Mr. Crofts, 2010-482.


      16             MR. CROFTS:  Mr. Chairman and members of


      17        the committee, item 15, ordinance 2010-482,


      18        seeks to amend the future land use map series of


      19        the 2030 Comprehensive Plan for a


      20        nine-tenths-acre piece of property located at


      21        3941 and 3951 Baymeadows Road, slightly east of


      22        San Jose Boulevard, at the intersection of


      23        San Jose Boulevard and Council District 5.


      24             This proposed use is to allow for the


      25        expanded use of two office buildings, two uses




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        of a more general commercial nature, as


       2        reflected in the application.


       3             The area experiences retail uses to the


       4        south, across Baymeadows Road, and to the west


       5        along Baymeadows Road.  Baymeadows Road is a


       6        five-lane minor arterial serving as a major


       7        east-west connector in the southeast planning


       8        district.


       9             The applicant has stated that he has no


      10        intent to modify the building's configuration on


      11        the property and staff has recommended approval


      12        in view of this blending and integration


      13        potential of the proposed use and consistency


      14        with the surrounding land uses.


      15             Thank you.


      16             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Crofts.


      17             Any questions from the committee?


      18             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      19             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Seeing none, we


      20        have a public hearing on this bill.


      21             The public hearing is open.  I have one


      22        speaker's card, Charles Mann.


      23             MR. MANN:  Questions only.


      24             THE CHAIRMAN:  Questions only.


      25             Mr. Mann, you signed the card?




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. MANN:  Yes, I did.


       2             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Thank you.


       3             Any questions from the committee?


       4             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


       5             THE CHAIRMAN:  Any other speakers care to


       6        address the committee?


       7             AUDIENCE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


       8             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Seeing none, the


       9        public hearing is closed.


      10             MR. BISHOP:  Move the bill.


      11             MR. REDMAN:  Second.


      12             THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion by Mr. Bishop on the


      13        bill, second by Mr. Redman.


      14             Discussion?


      15             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      16             THE CHAIRMAN:  If not, open the ballot.


      17             (Committee ballot opened.)


      18             MR. CRESCIMBENI:  (Votes yea.)


      19             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      20             MR. BISHOP:  (Votes yea.)


      21             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      22             (Committee ballot closed.)


      23             THE CHAIRMAN:  Vote.


      24             MS. LAHMEUR:  Four yeas, zero nay.


      25             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you have




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        approved item 15, 2010-482.


       2             Item 16.  Mr. Kelly.


       3             MR. KELLY:  Thank you.


       4             To the Chair and committee members,


       5        ordinance 2010-483.  This is the companion


       6        rezoning application for the subject property


       7        that was previously introduced by Mr. Crofts.


       8             This is located, again, at 3951 Baymeadows


       9        Road, between Goodby's Creek and San Jose


      10        Boulevard.  This seeks to rezone approximately


      11        a .91-acre parcel from CRO to CCG-1.  And for


      12        all the reasons John gave in terms of


      13        consistency with the comprehensive plan for the


      14        land use amendment, the department supports this


      15        conventional rezoning to CCG-1.


      16             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Kelly.


      17             Any questions from the committee?


      18             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      19             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Seeing none --


      20        this is a quasi-judicial.  Does anyone have any


      21        ex-parte communication to disclose?


      22             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      23             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Seeing none, we


      24        have a public hearing scheduled this evening.


      25             The public hearing is open.  Again, one




        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        speaker's card, Mr. Mann.


       2             Mr. Mann.


       3             MR. MANN:  Questions only.


       4             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, sir.


       5             Any other speakers?


       6             AUDIENCE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


       7             THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing none, the public


       8        hearing is closed.


       9             MR. HOLT:  Move the bill.


      10             MR. BISHOP:  Second.


      11             THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion by Mr. Holt on the


      12        bill, second by Mr. Bishop.


      13             Discussion?


      14             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      15             THE CHAIRMAN:  If not, open the ballot.


      16             (Committee ballot opened.)


      17             MR. CRESCIMBENI:  (Votes yea.)


      18             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      19             MR. BISHOP:  (Votes yea.)


      20             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      21             (Committee ballot closed.)


      22             THE CHAIRMAN:  Vote.


      23             MS. LAHMEUR:  Four yeas, zero nay.


      24             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you have


      25        approved item 16, 2010-483.




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. MANN:  Thank you very much.


       2             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Mann.


       3             Item 17, we have a scheduled public


       4        hearing.  The public hearing is open.  I have no


       5        speakers' cards.


       6             Anyone care to address the committee?


       7             AUDIENCE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


       8             THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no one, the public


       9        hearing is continued until September 8th.


      10             Top of page 7, item 18, 2010-485.  We have


      11        a scheduled public hearing this evening.  I have


      12        no speakers' cards.


      13             Does anyone care to address the committee?


      14             AUDIENCE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      15             THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no one, that public


      16        hearing is continued until September 8th.


      17             Item 19, 2010-486.  It's scheduled for a


      18        public hearing tonight.  I have no speaker


      19        cards.


      20             Anyone care to address the committee?


      21             AUDIENCE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      22             THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no one, that public


      23        hearing is continued until September 8th.


      24             Item 20, 2010-487.  It's scheduled for a


      25        public hearing this evening.  I have no




        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        speakers' cards.


       2             Anyone care to address the committee?


       3             AUDIENCE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


       4             THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no one, that public


       5        hearing is continued until September 8th.


       6             Item 21, at the bottom of the page,


       7        2010-495.


       8             Is Ms. Reed still here?


       9             MS. REED:  Thank you.


      10             2010-495 is the subject of the workshop


      11        this afternoon.  That's an ordinance amending


      12        the City's Future Land Use Element and


      13        supporting amendments to the infrastructure and


      14        Capital Improvement Elements.


      15             The department recommends approval of those


      16        with the changes that were recommended by the


      17        Planning Commission.  Those recommendations are


      18        included in the cover letter from the Planning


      19        Commission.


      20             And we'd request, if possible, if those


      21        amendments are approved here, that we could


      22        incorporate that into a revised exhibit so we


      23        will have one complete exhibit of the Future


      24        Land Use Element.


      25             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Ms. Reed.




        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             Mr. Reingold, how can we do that?


       2             MR. REINGOLD:  Essentially, your amendment


       3        tonight would be the -- adding a revised exhibit


       4        to the bill, which would reflect the changes


       5        that Ms. Kristen Reed has brought today.


       6             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Thank you, sir.


       7             We have a public hearing on item 21,


       8        2010-495.  The public hearing is open.  I have


       9        no speakers' cards.


      10             Anyone care to address the committee?


      11             AUDIENCE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      12             THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no one, the public


      13        hearing is closed.


      14             MR. HOLT:  Move the amendment, including


      15        the exhibit.


      16             MR. BISHOP:  Second.


      17             THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion on the amendment,


      18        including the exhibit or fashioned into a


      19        separate exhibit, by Mr. Holt, second by


      20        Mr. Bishop.


      21             Is there discussion on that?


      22             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      23             THE CHAIRMAN:  If not, all those in favor


      24        of the amendment say yes.


      25             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Yes.




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             THE CHAIRMAN:  Opposed say no.


       2             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


       3             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you have


       4        adopted the amendment.


       5             MR. HOLT:  Move the bill as amended.


       6             MR. REDMAN:  Second.


       7             THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion on the bill as


       8        amended by Mr. Holt, second by Mr. Redman.


       9             Discussion?


      10             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      11             THE CHAIRMAN:  Ms. Reed, you did very


      12        well.  No sense of nervousness on the second


      13        round.


      14             Open the ballot.


      15             (Committee ballot opened.)


      16             MR. CRESCIMBENI:  (Votes yea.)


      17             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      18             MR. BISHOP:  (Votes yea.)


      19             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      20             (Committee ballot closed.)


      21             THE CHAIRMAN:  Vote.


      22             MS. LAHMEUR:  Four yeas, zero nay.


      23             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you have


      24        approved item 2010-495 as amended.


      25             On page 8, items 22, 23, 24, and 25 are all




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        deferred this evening.


       2             Turning to page 9, at the top of the page,


       3        item 26, 2010-523, a development agreement.


       4             Mr. Smith.


       5             MR. SMITH:  Yes.  Mr. Chairman, members of


       6        the committee, thank you.


       7             This is a -- 2010-523 seeks a concurrency


       8        performance-based development agreement for the


       9        purpose of reserving traffic circulation


      10        capacity.


      11             This parcel consists of approximately


      12        one-half of an acre.  It's called Black Rock


      13        Professional Office.  It's located at Dana


      14        Drive, between Fayal Drive and Columbia Park


      15        Drive.  It is -- the proposed development


      16        includes approximately 8,000 enclosed square


      17        feet of professional office.


      18             The duration of the agreement is for five


      19        years, and the agreement is subject to a


      20        performance schedule and an annual review fee


      21        each year that the agreement is in effect.


      22             Staff has reviewed this application and


      23        does have a recommendation for approval.


      24             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Smith.


      25             Any questions from the committee?




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


       2             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  This item is


       3        scheduled for a public hearing this evening.


       4        The public hearing is open.


       5             I have one speaker's card, Greg Kupperman.


       6             (Mr. Kupperman approaches the podium.)


       7             THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Kupperman, did you sign


       8        the card?


       9             MR. KUPPERMAN:  Yes, sir.


      10             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you.


      11             MR. KUPPERMAN:  Greg Kupperman, 200 First


      12        Street, Neptune Beach.


      13             I'm just avail- -- Mr. Smith has explained


      14        everything completely.  I'm just really


      15        available for any questions.


      16             THE CHAIRMAN:  Any questions from the


      17        committee?


      18             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      19             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Thank you,


      20        Mr. Kupperman.


      21             Anyone else care to address the committee?


      22             AUDIENCE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      23             THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no one, the public


      24        hearing is closed.


      25             MR. HOLT:  Move the bill.




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. BISHOP:  Second.


       2             THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion on the bill by


       3        Mr. Holt, second by Mr. Bishop.


       4             Discussion?


       5             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


       6             THE CHAIRMAN:  If not, open the ballot.


       7             (Committee ballot opened.)


       8             MR. CRESCIMBENI:  (Votes yea.)


       9             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      10             MR. BISHOP:  (Votes yea.)


      11             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      12             (Committee ballot closed.)


      13             THE CHAIRMAN:  Vote.


      14             MS. LAHMEUR:  Four yeas, zero nay.


      15             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you've


      16        approved item 26, 2010-523.


      17             Item 27, another development agreement.


      18             Mr. Smith.


      19             MR. SMITH:  Yes.  Mr. Chairman, members of


      20        the committee, ordinance 2010-524 is also an


      21        application for a proposed development agreement


      22        that seeks a concurrency performance-based


      23        development agreement for the purpose of


      24        reserving traffic circulation capacity.


      25             This development is also known as LMI East




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        and is located on Fayal Drive South, between


       2        Fayal Drive and Columbia Park Drive West.  This


       3        project proposes to develop approximately


       4        100,000 enclosed square feet of warehouse use.


       5             I would mention the duration of this


       6        agreement is also for five years.  The


       7        development agreement is subject to a


       8        performance schedule and an annual renewal fee


       9        each year that the agreement is in effect for


      10        the remaining undeveloped enclosed area.


      11             Staff has reviewed this for compliance and


      12        recommends approval.


      13             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Smith.


      14             Any questions from the committee?


      15             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      16             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Seeing none, we


      17        have a public hearing scheduled this evening.


      18             The public hearing open.  I have one


      19        speaker's card from Mr. Greg Kupperman.


      20             MR. KUPPERMAN:  Greg Kupperman, 200 First


      21        Street, Neptune Beach.


      22             Again, I'm available for any questions.


      23        Mr. Smith has explained everything completely.


      24        I'm available for questions.


      25             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Kupperman.




        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             You signed this card as well?


       2             MR. KUPPERMAN:  Yes, I did.


       3             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you.


       4             Anyone else care to address the committee?


       5             AUDIENCE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


       6             THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no one, the public


       7        hearing is closed.


       8             MR. BISHOP:  Move the bill.


       9             MR. HOLT:  Second.


      10             THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion on the bill by


      11        Mr. Bishop, second by Mr. Holt.


      12             Discussion?


      13             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      14             THE CHAIRMAN:  If not, open the ballot.


      15             (Committee ballot opened.)


      16             MR. CRESCIMBENI:  (Votes yea.)


      17             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      18             MR. BISHOP:  (Votes yea.)


      19             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      20             (Committee ballot closed.)


      21             THE CHAIRMAN:  Vote.


      22             MS. LAHMEUR:  Four yeas, zero nay.


      23             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you have


      24        approved item 27, 2010-524.


      25             Item 28, 2010-525, another development




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        agreement.


       2             Mr. Smith.


       3             MR. SMITH:  Yes.  Mr. Chairman, members of


       4        the committee, this ordinance, 2010-525, seeks a


       5        concurrency performance-based development


       6        agreement for traffic circulation capacity.  It


       7        is known as Rolling River Estates, mixed use.


       8        This is a first amendment.  The -- located at


       9        Dunn Avenue, between U.S. Highway 1 and Braddock


      10        Road.


      11             This proposed development agreement


      12        amendment includes the development of the


      13        remaining commercial uses, which is


      14        approximately 207,254 enclosed square feet.


      15        That's what remains to be developed in this --


      16        this development agreement.  It also had a


      17        residential component to it.  That's been built,


      18        and so this is the remaining part of this.


      19             So the proposed amendment also includes


      20        reducing the acreage from approximately


      21        174 acres to 28.45 acres, which, as I mentioned,


      22        is a result of the residential portion of the


      23        development being built out.


      24             Also, the site plan has been revised to


      25        reflect the change in the property area.




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             The duration of this agreement is for five


       2        years.  An additional five years for the first


       3        agreement was also for five years, so it will be


       4        a total of ten years.


       5             There is a performance schedule and it is


       6        subject to an annual renewal fee each year that


       7        the agreement is in effect.


       8             Staff has reviewed this application and


       9        does have a recommendation to approve.


      10             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Smith.


      11             Any questions from the committee?


      12             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      13             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Seeing none, we


      14        have a scheduled public hearing this evening.


      15             The public hearing is open.  I have one


      16        speaker's card, Randall Gallup.


      17             (Mr. Gallup approaches the podium.)


      18             MR. GALLUP:  Good evening.


      19             I'm here -- present for questions, sir.


      20             THE CHAIRMAN:  Does the committee have any


      21        questions for Mr. Gallup?


      22             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      23             THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Gallup used to work for


      24        me many, many years ago when he was in high


      25        school, and it's very strange to have -- I mean,




        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        be sitting here with you at the podium, so --


       2        I'm sure this isn't as much fun as selling


       3        cheese and sausage, right?


       4             MR. GALLUP:  It's a different line of work,


       5        yes.


       6             THE CHAIRMAN:  Good answer.


       7             All right.  If there's no questions, I have


       8        no other speakers' cards -- you signed this


       9        card, correct?


      10             MR. GALLUP:  Yes, sir, I did.


      11             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  The public


      12        hearing is closed.


      13             We have an amendment on this bill.


      14             MR. HOLT:  Move the amendment.


      15             MR. BISHOP:  Second.


      16             THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion on the amendment by


      17        Mr. Holt, second by Mr. Bishop.


      18             Mr. Reingold.


      19             MR. REINGOLD:  The amendment essentially


      20        does two things.  One, it revises the acreage in


      21        the bill, as Mr. Smith described, to drop it to


      22        28.45 acres, and just revises the contract to


      23        reflect the exhibits referenced by Mr. Smith.


      24             THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Gallup, you concur with


      25        the amendment?  You agree?




        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. GALLUP:  That is correct.


       2             The information Mr. Smith described is


       3        correct.


       4             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, sir.


       5             On the amendment, any discussion?


       6             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


       7             THE CHAIRMAN:  If not, all those in favor


       8        say yes.


       9             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Yes.


      10             THE CHAIRMAN:  Opposed say no.


      11             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      12             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you've


      13        adopted the amendment.


      14             MR. BISHOP:  Move the bill as amended.


      15             MR. HOLT:  Second.


      16             THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion on the bill as


      17        amended by Councilman Bishop, second by


      18        Mr. Holt.


      19             Discussion?


      20             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      21             THE CHAIRMAN:  If not, open the ballot.


      22             (Committee ballot opened.)


      23             MR. CRESCIMBENI:  (Votes yea.)


      24             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      25             MR. BISHOP:  (Votes yea.)




        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


       2             (Committee ballot closed.)


       3             THE CHAIRMAN:  Vote.


       4             MS. LAHMEUR:  Four yeas, zero nay.


       5             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you have


       6        approved item 28, 2010-525.


       7             MR. GALLUP:  Thank you.


       8             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Gallup.  Good


       9        to see you.


      10             Bottom of page 9, item 29 is second and


      11        rerefer.


      12             Page 10, all items -- 30, 31, 32, 33,


      13        and 34 -- are second rerefer.


      14             Page 11, items 35, 36, 37, 38, and 39 are


      15        rereferred.


      16             Same holds true for the entire page 12.


      17        All items, 40 through 44, are second rerefer.


      18             Page 13, items 45 through 49, are second


      19        rerefer.


      20             And on page 14, items 50 and 51 are second


      21        rerefer.


      22             We have a lot of folks in the audience.  Is


      23        anyone here to address the committee on


      24        anything?


      25             AUDIENCE MEMBERS:  (No response.)




        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             THE CHAIRMAN:  No?


       2             All right.  Anything else to come before


       3        the committee?


       4             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


       5             THE CHAIRMAN:  Do you have a speaker's card


       6        for anybody in the audience?


       7             MS. DAVIS:  No.


       8             AUDIENCE MEMBER:  (Indicating.)


       9             THE CHAIRMAN:  Yes, sir.  If you'd like to


      10        address the committee, come on down.


      11             (Audience member approaches the podium.)


      12             THE CHAIRMAN:  I need you to fill out one


      13        of the yellow speaker's cards, if you haven't


      14        already done so, but you can address the


      15        committee and fill out the card afterwards if


      16        you'd like.


      17             AUDIENCE MEMBER:  I'm here to speak on


      18        the -- concerning the Black Rock --


      19             THE CHAIRMAN:  If you would, if you'd just


      20        start by giving your name and address for the


      21        record.


      22             AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Okay.  Frank Ford.


      23             THE CHAIRMAN:  And your address?


      24             MR. FORD:  7243 Koleda Drive --


      25             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Thank you, sir.




         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. FORD:  -- Jacksonville, Florida 32210.


       2             Yeah, I believe you have already voted on


       3        this -- on this application here.  I just want


       4        to find out a little bit about -- what it's all


       5        about.  I believe it's concerning the traffic in


       6        that area.  Y'all want (inaudible) -- an


       7        extension on this, 2010-523.


       8             THE CHAIRMAN:  2010-523, number 26.


       9             Okay.  We have voted on that.  Mr. Smith


      10        gave an explanation about that.  Did you hear


      11        the discussion about the bill when we took it


      12        up?


      13             MR. FORD:  I heard that.


      14             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.


      15             MR. FORD:  My question is -- now is -- I


      16        believe it already had been approved, the


      17        rezoning.


      18             THE CHAIRMAN:  You need to speak into the


      19        microphone so we can get you on the record and


      20        the court reporter can hear you.


      21             MR. FORD:  Yeah.  The rezoning have already


      22        been approved for -- for this project?


      23             THE CHAIRMAN:  This wasn't a rezoning.


      24        This was a development agreement.


      25             MR. FORD:  Okay.  Now, what -- what does




        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        that consist of?  This is concerning traffic,


       2        concerning extension for this project?


       3             THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Smith, can you recap


       4        this for -- I'm sorry, what was your name


       5        again?


       6             MR. FORD:  Frank Ford.


       7             THE CHAIRMAN:  Ford?


       8             MR. FORD:  Ford, F-o-r-d.


       9             THE CHAIRMAN:  -- for Mr. Ford and


      10        particularly the traffic component.


      11             MR. SMITH:  Certainly, Mr. Chairman.


      12             Thank you.


      13             Yes, this was -- this is a traffic


      14        reservation that they have in place for their


      15        concurrency application that they have reserved


      16        capacity for this proposed project.  And the


      17        project is for 8,000 square feet of enclosed


      18        space for office use, and so this is a


      19        development agreement to allow for them time to


      20        develop this structure, this use, while having


      21        the certainty of holding those transportation


      22        trips for a period up to five years.  The


      23        zoning, land use, and everything is already in


      24        place, so this proposed project is consistent


      25        with the zoning and land use.




        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. FORD:  Okay.  Well, I have -- I just


       2        wonder have they studied the impact that the


       3        traffic will have in that area once it gets


       4        building up and -- the road in that area, would


       5        it -- would it be a -- strong enough to take


       6        extra traffic and stuff like that that will be


       7        coming?


       8             THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Ford, what I'll do is --


       9        this is a public comment period.  So if you


      10        wanted to address the committee, you can


      11        certainly do that.  But if you have questions,


      12        I'm going to ask Mr. Smith to just meet with you


      13        after the meeting and perhaps he can address


      14        your specific questions.


      15             Is there anything that you wanted to tell


      16        the committee?


      17             MR. FORD:  Well, no.  I just wanted to -- I


      18        just wanted to mainly find out --


      19             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.


      20             MR. FORD:  -- what impact --


      21             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Mr. Smith, will you


      22        meet with Mr. Ford after we adjourn?  Because


      23        we're at the end of our meeting.


      24             MR. SMITH:  Yes, sir.


      25             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  So he'll get with you




        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        immediately upon adjournment and hopefully he


       2        can answer any of your questions.


       3             MR. FORD:  Okay.


       4             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Anyone else care to


       5        address the committee?


       6             AUDIENCE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


       7             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Seeing no one, I


       8        appreciate everybody being here, I appreciate


       9        everybody sticking through.  And thanks to the


      10        staff, Sharonda, Steve, Merriane, and our


      11        diligent court reporter, Diane.


      12             So this meeting is adjourned and we'll see


      13        you in a couple of weeks.


      14             (The above proceedings were adjourned at


      15        5:52 p.m.)


      16                         -  -  -






















         Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1                  C E R T I F I C A T E




       3   STATE OF FLORIDA:


       4   COUNTY OF DUVAL :




       6             I, Diane M. Tropia, certify that I was


       7   authorized to and did stenographically report the


       8   foregoing proceedings and that the transcript is a


       9   true and complete record of my stenographic notes.


      10             Dated this 8th day of August, 2010.








      14                                 Diane M. Tropia










      19   -
















        Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203