1                    CITY OF JACKSONVILLE


       2                    LAND USE AND ZONING


       3                         COMMITTEE






       6             Proceedings held on Wednesday, February 17,


       7   2010, commencing at 5:05 p.m., City Hall, Council


       8   Chambers, 1st Floor, Jacksonville, Florida, before


       9   Diane M. Tropia, a Notary Public in and for the State


      10   of Florida at Large.




      12   PRESENT:


      13        RAY HOLT, Chair.

                WARREN JONES, Vice Chair.

      14        REGINALD BROWN, Committee Member.

                DANIEL DAVIS, Committee Member.

      15        STEPHEN JOOST, Committee Member.

                DON REDMAN, Committee Member.



      17   ALSO PRESENT:


      18        JOHN CROFTS, Deputy Director, Planning Dept.

                SEAN KELLY, Chief, Current Planning.

      19        FOLKS HUXFORD, Zoning Administrator.

                DYLAN REINGOLD, Office of General Counsel.

      20        RICK CAMPBELL, Research Assistant.

                MERRIANE LAHMEUR, Legislative Assistant.

      21        JESSICA STEPHENS, Legislative Assistant.


      22                         -  -  -











           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1                   P R O C E E D I N G S


       2   February 17, 2010                       5:05 p.m.


       3                         -  -  -


       4             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Good evening,


       5        everybody.


       6             We actually have a fairly lengthy agenda


       7        tonight.  Nothing like back in '07, but we want


       8        to try and get moving pretty quickly because


       9        I've got some council members that are going to


      10        be needing to leave a little early.  And I know


      11        some people want to get out and have some other


      12        meetings.  Some of our applicants have said they


      13        need to go to a community meeting.


      14             We don't have any visiting council members


      15        here tonight?  That's surprising.


      16             All right.  Folks, let's --


      17             Mr. Crofts, why don't you start us off.  Go


      18        around the horn and we'll introduce ourselves.


      19             MR. CROFTS:  I'm John Crofts, and I'm


      20        representing the Planning and Development


      21        Department.


      22             MR. KELLY:  Sean Kelly, Planning and


      23        Development.


      24             MR. REINGOLD:  Good evening.


      25             It's Dylan Reingold with the Office of





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        General Counsel.


       2             MR. DAVIS:  Daniel Davis.


       3             MR. BROWN:  Reginald Brown.


       4             THE CHAIRMAN:  Ray Holt, District 11.


       5             MR. JONES:  Warren Jones, District 9.


       6             THE CHAIRMAN:  Former president.


       7             MR. JOOST:  Stephen Joost, Group 3,


       8        at-large.


       9             MR. REDMAN:  Don Redman, District 4.


      10             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Starting on


      11        page 2, Councilmembers, item 1 is deferred,


      12        item 2 is deferred.


      13             Page 3, item 3, 2009-91.  We'll open the


      14        public hearing.


      15             We have no speakers.  We'll close the


      16        public hearing.


      17             We have an amendment.


      18             MR. JONES:  Move the amendment.


      19             MR. JOOST:  Second.


      20             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on the


      21        amendment.


      22             All in favor, please say aye.


      23             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Aye.


      24             THE CHAIRMAN:  Amendment passes.


      25             MR. JONES:  Move the bill as amended.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. REDMAN:  Second.


       2             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on the


       3        bill as amended.


       4             Anyone need to speak?


       5             AUDIENCE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


       6             THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no speakers, please


       7        open the ballot.


       8             (Committee ballot opened.)


       9             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      10             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


      11             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


      12             MR. DAVIS:  (Votes yea.)


      13             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


      14             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      15             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot, record the


      16        vote.


      17             (Committee ballot closed.)


      18             MR. LAHMEUR:  Six yeas, zero nays.


      19             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you have


      20        approved 2009-91.


      21             I'm going to skip over number 4 because I'm


      22        hoping that we're going to have some visiting


      23        council members on that later.


      24             Number 5, open the public hearing.


      25             Seeing no speakers, we'll continue that





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        public hearing to 3/2 and take no further


       2        action.


       3             Item 6 and 7 are deferred.


       4             Items 8, 9, 10 and 11 are related.  I'm


       5        going to open the public hearing on all four of


       6        those.


       7             Mr. Harden.


       8             (Mr. Harden approaches the podium.)


       9             MR. HARDEN:  Yes, sir, Mr. Chairman.


      10             Paul Harden, 501 Riverside Avenue.


      11             Are you going to have the staff go first?


      12             THE CHAIRMAN:  Yeah.


      13             Mr. Crofts, I believe there was an


      14        amendment issue on this one.  Can you clarify


      15        all that?


      16             MR. CROFTS:  Item number 8, there was not


      17        an amendment, 2009-655.


      18             Item 9, 2009-656 was the PUD for the


      19        property at 6220 and 6300 Norwood Avenue and


      20        921 Arden.  The amendment there was to delete


      21        the alley reference in the legal.  And there


      22        were basically six conditions in that


      23        legislation that dealt with development and the


      24        site plan.  I'm just generalizing.


      25             And then number 10, there was an amendment





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        2009-657, which excluded the alleyway.


       2             And number 11, basically the amendment


       3        there was to delete the alleyways and again to


       4        basically replicate the conditions that were in


       5        the PUD to the adjoining piece of property.


       6             And, again, that's just a generalization.


       7        I will read them specifically if you'd like.


       8             But the department has looked at this.  We


       9        have found it consistent with the comprehensive


      10        plan and complements the existing uses out there


      11        as an appropriate infill.  And with the PUD,


      12        supportive PUD and the conditions dealing with


      13        the uses and the buffers, we're in support of


      14        it.


      15             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Do you need all the


      16        conditions read, Mr. Harden, or are you in


      17        agreement?


      18             MR. HARDEN:  I do not.  I do not.


      19             This is an existing business that's been


      20        there 50 years.  It's -- the conditions just


      21        buffer it from an adjoining neighbor, so . . .


      22             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  All right.


      23             Do we have any speakers?


      24             Mr. Jones.


      25             MR. JONES:  Thanks.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             Through the Chair to Mr. Harden, why did


       2        you have to rezone if it's an existing


       3        business?


       4             MR. HARDEN:  Councilman Jones, it -- a


       5        portion of the business was designated LDR when


       6        they did the comp plan back in the '80s.  It had


       7        preexisted the comp plan since before '69.


       8             In the last year or so, the City realized


       9        that there was an inconsistent land use with the


      10        actual use, so we filed it to bring it into


      11        compliance.  And at that same time, we agreed to


      12        bring it up to code on some buffers and


      13        landscaping, that sort of thing.


      14             MR. JONES:  Okay.  Thank you.


      15             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  And,


      16        Councilmembers, items 9 and 11 are


      17        quasi-judicial.  So if you need to give your


      18        quasi-judicial on that.


      19             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      20             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Seeing no


      21        speakers, we will close that public hearing.


      22             I need a motion on -655, please.


      23             MR. JOOST:  Move the bill.


      24             MR. JONES:  Second.


      25             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        2009-655.


       2             Please open the ballot.


       3             (Committee ballot opened.)


       4             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


       5             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


       6             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


       7             MR. DAVIS:  (Votes yea.)


       8             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


       9             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      10             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot, record the


      11        vote.


      12             (Committee ballot closed.)


      13             MS. LAHMEUR:  Six yeas, zero nays.


      14             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you've


      15        approved -655.


      16             -656.


      17             MR. JOOST:  Move the amendment.


      18             MR. JONES:  Second.


      19             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on the


      20        amendment.


      21             All in favor of the amendment, please


      22        signify by saying aye.


      23             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Aye.


      24             THE CHAIRMAN:  The amendment passes.


      25             Motion on the bill.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. JOOST:  Move the bill as amended.


       2             MR. JONES:  Second.


       3             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on the


       4        bill as amended.


       5             Please open the ballot.


       6             (Committee ballot opened.)


       7             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


       8             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


       9             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


      10             MR. DAVIS:  (Votes yea.)


      11             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


      12             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      13             THE CHAIRMAN:  Record the vote.


      14             (Committee ballot closed.)


      15             MR. LAHMEUR:  Five yeas, zero -- six yeas,


      16        zero nays.


      17             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you've


      18        approved -656.


      19             Item 10, -657.  There's --


      20             MR. JOOST:  Move the amendment.


      21             MR. JONES:  Second.


      22             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on the


      23        amendment.


      24             All in favor of the amendment, signify by


      25        saying aye.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Aye.


       2             THE CHAIRMAN:  Amendment passes.


       3             MR. JONES:  Move the bill as amended.


       4             MR. JOOST:  Second.


       5             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on the


       6        bill as amended.


       7             Please open the ballot.


       8             (Committee ballot opened.)


       9             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      10             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


      11             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


      12             MR. DAVIS:  (Votes yea.)


      13             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


      14             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      15             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot, record the


      16        vote.


      17             (Committee ballot closed.)


      18             MS. LAHMEUR:  Six yeas, zero nays.


      19             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you've


      20        approved 2009-657.


      21             Page 6, number 11, 2009-658.


      22             MR. JONES:  Move the amendment.


      23             MR. JOOST:  Second.


      24             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on the


      25        amendment.  All in favor of the amendment,





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        signify by saying aye.


       2             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Aye.


       3             THE CHAIRMAN:  The amendment passes.


       4             MR. JONES:  Move the bill as amended.


       5             MR. JOOST:  Second.


       6             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on the


       7        bill as amended.


       8             Please open the ballot.


       9             (Committee ballot opened.)


      10             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      11             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


      12             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


      13             MR. DAVIS:  (Votes yea.)


      14             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


      15             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      16             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot, record the


      17        vote.


      18             (Committee ballot closed.)


      19             MR. LAHMEUR:  Six yeas, zero nays.


      20             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you've


      21        approved 2009-658.


      22             Thank you, Mr. Harden.


      23             MR. HARDEN:  Thank you.


      24             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Item 12 is


      25        deferred.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             Item 13, we're going to open the public


       2        hearing.  And seeing no speakers, we'll continue


       3        it and take no further action until March 2nd.


       4             Let's see.  There are a few items I wanted


       5        to take out of order.


       6             Councilmembers, if we could go to page 8,


       7        item 20 and 21.  Those are both together.  I


       8        want to open the public hearing on both of


       9        those.


      10             MR. HARDEN:  Paul Harden, 501 Riverside


      11        Avenue.


      12             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Mr. Crofts,


      13        could you go over -- well, there are no


      14        amendments on that.


      15             MR. HARDEN:  These are transmittals of a


      16        semiannual comp plan amendment.  So you'll see


      17        them again in several months with the adoption


      18        and the land use.


      19             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Anybody have any


      20        questions of Mr. Harden?  Anybody --


      21             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      22             THE CHAIRMAN:  Neither one of them are


      23        quasi-judicial.


      24             All right.  Seeing no speakers, we will


      25        close that public hearing.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             Need a motion on the bill on -19.


       2             MR. REDMAN:  Make a motion.


       3             MR. JOOST:  Second.


       4             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on


       5        2010-19.


       6             Please open the ballot.


       7             (Committee ballot opened.)


       8             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


       9             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


      10             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


      11             MR. DAVIS:  (Votes yea.)


      12             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


      13             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      14             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot, record the


      15        vote.


      16             (Committee ballot closed.)


      17             MS. LAHMEUR:  Six yeas, zero nays.


      18             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you've


      19        approved 2010-19.


      20             Number 21, 2010-20.  I need a motion on the


      21        bill.


      22             MR. REDMAN:  Make a motion to approve it.


      23             MR. JONES:  Second.


      24             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on


      25        2010-20.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             Please open the ballot.


       2             (Committee ballot opened.)


       3             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


       4             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


       5             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


       6             MR. DAVIS:  (Votes yea.)


       7             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


       8             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


       9             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot, record the


      10        vote.


      11             (Committee ballot closed.)


      12             MR. LAHMEUR:  Six yeas, zero nays.


      13             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you've


      14        approved 2010-20.


      15             Let's see.  And if we can move to page 9,


      16        number 25.


      17             MR. HARDEN:  Paul Harden, 501 Riverside


      18        Avenue.


      19             This is, again, a comp plan amendment,


      20        semiannual transmittal.  This is in the


      21        chairman's district.  It's to go to an


      22        industrial heavy use.  All the surrounding uses


      23        are industrial heavy currently.


      24             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.


      25             MR. HARDEN:  All the surrounding -- not





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        surrounding uses, surrounding zonings.


       2             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  We will open the


       3        public hearing.


       4             Anybody need to speak to Mr. Harden about


       5        this one?


       6             Mr. Crofts, do you have anything that needs


       7        to go in the public hearing?


       8             MR. CROFTS:  Staff recommends approval.


       9             And, you know, that basically wraps it up.


      10        I have nothing else to add.


      11             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Thank you, sir.


      12             Close the public hearing.


      13             Need a motion on the bill.


      14             MR. JONES:  Move the bill.


      15             MR. JOOST:  Second.


      16             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on the


      17        bill.


      18             Please open the ballot.


      19             (Committee ballot opened.)


      20             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      21             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


      22             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


      23             MR. DAVIS:  (Votes yea.)


      24             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


      25             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot, record the


       2        vote.


       3             (Committee ballot closed.)


       4             MR. LAHMEUR:  Six yeas, zero nays.


       5             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you've


       6        approved 2010-24.


       7             Thank you, sir.


       8             All right.  Let's see if I can get back to


       9        where we were before without missing any items.


      10             All right.  We have done all of page 4, 5,


      11        and up to number 11.


      12             Item 12 is deferred.  Item 13 we opened.  I


      13        think we need to pick up with item 14 on page 7,


      14        2010-13.  We'll open that public hearing.


      15             I have Paul Witt here for questions only.


      16             Anybody have any questions for Mr. Witt?


      17             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      18             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Mr. Crofts, do


      19        you have anything to add in the public hearing?


      20             MR. CROFTS:  No, sir.  This is a


      21        conventional rezoning and staff recommends


      22        approval.  It's consistent with the surrounding


      23        development and the 2010 Comprehensive Plan.


      24             THE CHAIRMAN:  Excellent.  Thank you, sir.


      25             We'll close that public hearing.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             Need a motion on the bill.


       2             MR. JONES:  Move the bill.


       3             MR. REDMAN:  Second.


       4             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on


       5        2010-13.


       6             Please open the ballot.


       7             (Committee ballot opened.)


       8             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


       9             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


      10             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


      11             MR. DAVIS:  (Votes yea.)


      12             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


      13             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      14             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot, record the


      15        vote.


      16             (Committee ballot closed.)


      17             MR. LAHMEUR:  Six yeas, zero nays.


      18             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you've


      19        approved 2010-13.


      20             All right.  Number 15 is a waiver of road


      21        frontage.  We will open that public hearing.


      22             I have Mr. Dan Boswell.


      23             (Audience member approaches the podium.)


      24             AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Yes.


      25             Dan Boswell, 4014 Ranie Road, Jacksonville,





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        Florida 32218.


       2             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Did you want to


       3        speak now, or did you want to hear from the


       4        Planning Department first?


       5             MR. BOSWELL:  Might as well hear from the


       6        Planning Department, please.


       7             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Mr. Crofts or


       8        Mr. Kelly, whoever wants to handle it, can


       9        you-all tell us about this?  Because I know we


      10        have a recommendation of denial on this.


      11             MR. KELLY:  That's correct.  Thank you.


      12             To the Chair, members of the Land Use and


      13        Zoning Committee, application for the waiver of


      14        minimum required road frontage, WRF-09-16, and


      15        ordinance 2010-14 seeks to reduce the required


      16        minimum road frontage for four lots.  There's


      17        actually five lots, I guess, proposed in this


      18        development, but four of the lots do not have


      19        any legal road frontage on an approved public or


      20        an approved private right-of-way.


      21             The department feels that this is an


      22        accumulative detrimental effect and, in fact,


      23        the de facto subdivision as a result where


      24        you're allowing for the continuation and the lot


      25        split without regard for the health, safety and





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        welfare in making sure that these lots are


       2        accessible from an approved public or an


       3        approved private road.  We feel that this


       4        request, again, circumvents the subdivision


       5        regulations.  And for this number of lots, we


       6        would not support this request.


       7             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, sir.


       8             Anybody have any questions for Mr. Kelly or


       9        any comments?


      10             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      11             THE CHAIRMAN:  I have a question,


      12        Mr. Kelly.


      13             Just looking through the notes on this, it


      14        was my understanding that at one point at least,


      15        there were four mobile homes on this property;


      16        is that right?


      17             MR. KELLY:  I would defer to the applicant


      18        if this was previously a mobile home park, which


      19        may have been there.  But even at that time,


      20        because of the condition --


      21             THE CHAIRMAN:  There are four addresses.


      22             MR. KELLY:  Correct.


      23             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.


      24             MR. KELLY:  So -- but even at that time,


      25        the condition of the Taylor Estates Lane was not





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        up to City standards.


       2             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.


       3             All right.  Go ahead, Mr. Boswell.  It's


       4        all yours.


       5             MR. BOSWELL:  Yes.  Thank you.


       6             This is -- these lots that face Taylor


       7        Estates Lane are preexisting mobile home lots.


       8        They've been there for many years, and each of


       9        them have their own septic tank and well


      10        system.  And there are -- this short private


      11        road, there are other mobile home lots on the


      12        same private road.


      13             There are not any mobile homes there right


      14        now.  They were removed by the owner because he


      15        was tired of renting these out and they were


      16        having some issues with the renters keeping the


      17        property up.  And he thought, well, with owners


      18        there, if they purchased the property in


      19        conjunction with a new mobile home, then they


      20        would take better care of the property and the


      21        neighborhood would be happier with the people


      22        living there.


      23             There are four separate addresses for those


      24        properties.  There are other residences on that


      25        same lane of the same size and condition of the





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        lots.  So this is not asking for a rezoning or


       2        land use change where we're taking something


       3        more aggressive in the neighborhood there.  It's


       4        already been there, it's preexisting.  And all


       5        he's asking to do is break up the property so it


       6        can be sold off, the lots can be sold off.


       7             And one of the things he is going to do is


       8        to provide public JEA water to the properties.


       9             And that's pretty much it.


      10             THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Jones, you have a


      11        question for Mr. Boswell?


      12             MR. JONES:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


      13             Through the Chair to Mr. Boswell.  If he's


      14        going to sell them off, how will people access


      15        those individual lots?


      16             MR. BOSWELL:  They'll access them from that


      17        Taylor Lane to a private road.  It's only about


      18        a one-block-long private road that comes off of


      19        Pritchard Road.


      20             Across the road facing these properties is


      21        all industrial park, which are warehousing


      22        and -- but on this side of the road, it's pretty


      23        much all mobile homes and very much older homes


      24        that are on this side of the road.  And most of


      25        them are RLD-60, which is 60-foot-wide lots.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        And that's what this is.  These have a minimum


       2        of 60-foot width plus.


       3             MR. JONES:  Now, the private road, who is


       4        it maintained by?


       5             MR. BOSWELL:  It's maintained right now


       6        privately.  It's not maintained by the City


       7        because it's a private road.  But all the other


       8        people on the road are in the same situation as


       9        these four lots are.


      10             There is no increase in the density, what's


      11        being asked for.  These are preexisting.


      12        They've been there for a long time.  And


      13        that's -- the only reason that we're going


      14        forward, it's -- right now, currently, they're


      15        all under one RE number.  And to be able to sell


      16        them off individually, they need to be broken


      17        up.  That's all.


      18             MR. JONES:  Does the private road meet the


      19        minimum City standards for a private road?


      20             MR. BOSWELL:  It appears to be.


      21             There's a short piece of a public road


      22        coming off -- what appears to be a public road


      23        coming off of Pritchard Road, which goes maybe


      24        40 to 50 feet in.  And then it goes from paved


      25        down to a dirt road and continues maybe -- maybe





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        250 feet further on this dirt road to service


       2        the other residences there as well as these.


       3             MR. JONES:  So in the event of an


       4        emergency, you have access?


       5             MR. BOSWELL:  Yes, sir.


       6             MR. JONES:  Police, fire, rescue?


       7             MR. BOSWELL:  Absolutely.  Yes, sir.


       8             MR. JONES:  Thank you.


       9             THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Brown.


      10             MR. BROWN:  Yes, Mr. Chairman.


      11             I would like to ask to defer this for two


      12        weeks.  The reason being is that typically I do


      13        like to lean towards the subject matter expert


      14        in their decision and support their decision


      15        because they are the subject matter expert, but


      16        I also like to be able to have a visual


      17        opportunity to go out to the site to see what


      18        you're talking about.  That way I won't make a


      19        decision to or not to support without all the


      20        information.


      21             And I didn't reach out to you, you didn't


      22        reach out to me.  But I would like that


      23        opportunity, you know, before.


      24             THE CHAIRMAN:  I'd be happy to.


      25             MR. BROWN:  Thank you.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             THE CHAIRMAN:  I'd be happy to defer this


       2        item.


       3             All right.  Mr. Boswell, if you can follow


       4        up with Mr. Brown another time.


       5             MR. BOSWELL:  (Inaudible.)


       6             THE CHAIRMAN:  We will defer this item and


       7        take it up in two weeks.


       8             MR. BOSWELL:  Thank you.


       9             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, sir.


      10             I'm sorry.  We will continue the public


      11        hearing.


      12             We will continue that public hearing until


      13        3/2.


      14             All right.  I'm sorry to be jumping around


      15        so much, folks, but I've got some folks that


      16        have to go to other public meetings.  So if we


      17        could jump forward to item number 27 on page 10,


      18        2010-26.  We will open that public hearing.


      19             All right.


      20             (Mr. Hainline approaches the podium.)


      21             THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Crofts, do you want to


      22        start us off on this, and then I know


      23        Mr. Hainline has been working with some of the


      24        neighbors on additional conditions.


      25             MR. CROFTS:  This proposed amendment





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        consists of approximately 2,312 acres of


       2        undeveloped land that's currently used for


       3        silviculture uses.  It's located in the north


       4        planning district at the intersection --


       5        approximately at the intersection of Braddock


       6        Road and Lem Turner Road.


       7             The existing AGR land uses exist on the


       8        property.  And the request is for a multiuse.


       9        The multiuse is intended to accommodate a


      10        large-scale project offering flexibility and


      11        intensity and a density through various


      12        development phases.


      13             There are some specific requirements in


      14        this land use amendment dealing with the detail


      15        number of drawing units, the maximum square


      16        footage, et cetera, and other improvements to


      17        the property dealing with public buildings


      18        facilities and recreation open space and


      19        conservation issues.


      20             Staff has looked at the proposed amendment,


      21        has evaluated it in terms of its attributes


      22        regarding the appropriate mix, internal


      23        compatibility and external compatibility, and


      24        consistency with the 2010 Comprehensive Plan.


      25             There are numerous objectives and policies





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        within that plan -- within our comprehensive


       2        plan that we find in support of this particular


       3        amendment.  And we do so, we recommend


       4        approval.


       5             And there are some specific recommendations


       6        in terms of specificity that are related in


       7        terms of a policy 3.18.  And with those specific


       8        recommendations, we find it's consistent with


       9        the comprehensive plan, the regional policy


      10        plan, and the state comprehensive plan.


      11             With that, the Planning and Development


      12        Department recommends approval with an


      13        asterisk.


      14             And I'll leave it at that for now.


      15             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you.


      16             Mr. Reingold.


      17             MR. REINGOLD:  To the Chair, just to follow


      18        up on what Mr. Crofts was saying.  There's


      19        just -- I know there's an amendment marked on


      20        your agenda and I just wanted to raise that.


      21        Essentially that is to change the exhibit


      22        dealing with RE numbers and ownership.


      23             And, second, there was a change to the


      24        policy that is reflected in the staff report.


      25             In addition to that, there is some language





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        that Mr. Hainline has presented at the Planning


       2        Commission that the Planning Commission


       3        adopted.  So that would be an amendment if the


       4        Planning -- if the LUZ Committee so chose.


       5             THE CHAIRMAN:  Excellent.  And if


       6        Mr. Hainline has anything else to add, we'll


       7        wrap them all up into one.


       8             Go ahead, Mr. Hainline.


       9             MR. HAINLINE:  T.R. Hainline, 1301


      10        Riverplace Boulevard.


      11             Some of the neighbors are here, so I want


      12        to make sure that they understand what's


      13        happening.  But what is part of this amendment


      14        is what the Planning Commission adopted


      15        regarding the no multifamily around that -- in


      16        the south of Braddock Road area and the buffer


      17        relating to 50 feet with a wall or 100 feet with


      18        landscaping.


      19             MR. REINGOLD:  Just to confirm, that is


      20        correct.


      21             MR. HAINLINE:  Councilman Holt, the only


      22        thing I would add to that, having discussed with


      23        some of the neighbors and with the Braddocks


      24        just here before the hearing is that everyone is


      25        in agreement that instead of a wall or





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        landscaping within these buffers or potential


       2        buffers, that everyone would be happy with a


       3        berm with some landscaping on it.


       4             So instead of a wall in the 50-foot buffer,


       5        I've written "berm" in here.  And then as to the


       6        potential 100-foot buffer, we've also added


       7        "with berm."  And we're in agreement with the


       8        neighbors that between now and adoption of the


       9        amendment -- which is the next set of hearings.


      10             And then also between now and the planned


      11        unit development rezoning, which would be the


      12        third set of hearings on this, that we would


      13        work out the details of the buffers, which would


      14        be a minimum of what's prescribed in here as


      15        well as the details of the berm.


      16             And we've knocked some things around that


      17        seem okay.  We need to have some engineers draw


      18        them out, but we've knocked around the


      19        possibility of a six-foot berm with a four-foot


      20        landscape buffer on top of it.  And we'll have


      21        some landscape architects and engineers knock


      22        that out between now and adoption in the PUD and


      23        think we'll be bringing something to you with


      24        that everybody agrees upon then.


      25             But for right now, we have minimums that





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        the Planning Commission adopted, and what I'm


       2        changing in it is -- and, Dylan, I can give you


       3        this (indicating) -- is that it would be a berm


       4        in either the 50- or the 100-foot buffer.  I


       5        think I've accurately represented that.  And it


       6        might be that either Mr. Woolridge or


       7        Mr. Steinmyer (phonetic) would want to come up


       8        here.


       9             Overall, this is more than 2,000 acres.


      10        And there's a lot I could say about it, but I


      11        think Mr. Crofts has summarized it.  You have a


      12        long agenda, so I won't go into a big


      13        presentation, but I will turn in this modified


      14        language here.  And there's a lot more I could


      15        say.  But, again, you've got a long agenda.


      16             THE CHAIRMAN:  Anybody else have any


      17        questions of Mr. Hainline?  If not, I do.


      18             Mr. Joost.


      19             MR. JOOST:  Just real quick.


      20             The berm is going around the part that you


      21        outlined as the outparcel?


      22             MR. HAINLINE:  It will go -- we anticipate


      23        that there will be some retail commercial uses


      24        at that southeast corner of Braddock and


      25        Lem Turner.  There will be no multifamily uses





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        in that quadrant.  The berm is applicable


       2        between any existing residential and any retail


       3        commercial.  So, yes, sir, if there is --


       4             MR. JOOST:  It will primarily be the thing


       5        that's labeled "outparcel," roughly?


       6             MR. HAINLINE:  Correct.


       7             That's the only place it applies because


       8        that's the only existing residential that this


       9        amendment is adjacent to.


      10             MR. JOOST:  And how high is the berm


      11        again?


      12             MR. HAINLINE:  Well, we have a PUD that can


      13        work out the details of it.  What the Planning


      14        Commission's condition specified was a minimum


      15        50-foot buffer with a wall.  We'll substitute


      16        that with a berm, or a minimum 100-foot buffer


      17        with landscaping, and that would be a landscaped


      18        berm as well.


      19             So dimensions that we talked about were a


      20        six-foot berm and four foot of landscaping, but


      21        we need a -- we need a landscape architect and


      22        an engineer to plot that out to see exactly what


      23        that looks like and how it fits within that 50-


      24        to 100-foot dimension.


      25             MR. JOOST:  All that's going to come back





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        to us anyway; is that correct?


       2             MR. HAINLINE:  You will see the details of


       3        that, yes, sir, in the PUD that we bring before


       4        you.  And that will have been something that


       5        Mr. Steinmyer and Mr. Woolridge and Mr. Braddock


       6        and his family have all through -- with me


       7        working with them will all have worked out.


       8             MR. JOOST:  Okay.  Thank you.


       9             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Joost.


      10             And that was basically my question, was --


      11        so the language will say that -- you say 50 and


      12        100.  Basically you would go to the 100, being


      13        higher.  It would be a 100-foot buffer from any


      14        of those properties with a berm -- landscape


      15        berm?


      16             MR. HAINLINE:  Well, yes, sir, except there


      17        is the possibility, if everything fits in the


      18        50 feet, the berm and the landscaping and


      19        everything to everyone's satisfaction, then that


      20        would be -- that could work out too.


      21             So, in other words, we're not specifying a


      22        minimum of 100 feet.  We're specifying a minimum


      23        of 50 feet, but we are saying that within that,


      24        there will be a visual screen that will include


      25        a berm.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.


       2             MR. HAINLINE:  When you do a six-foot berm,


       3        you have to have the slopes, the side slopes on


       4        it.  And what I can't tell you right now is, if


       5        you do a six-foot berm, how wide those side


       6        slopes are.  It has to do with the angle, it has


       7        to do -- you don't want something so steep that


       8        it erodes.  You want it gradual.  It will have


       9        to do with the landscaping and where it's put,


      10        both on the top and sides.


      11             THE CHAIRMAN:  Right.  But it will


      12        certainly be less than 50 feet, I would think.


      13             MR. HAINLINE:  Yes, probably.


      14             But, for example, if it's within that


      15        50 feet, there's going to be this -- there's


      16        going to be this berm.  It may be that there's


      17        some existing trees within that that they would


      18        want to save.  So the berm may wrap around a


      19        little bit.  I mean, there are different things


      20        that might happen.  And it may be that it fits


      21        fine within the 50 feet or it may be that it


      22        doesn't.


      23             What we would like is the possibility


      24        that -- if it fits fine within that 50 feet and


      25        everybody is happy with it within that 50 feet,





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        that we can do it within that 50 feet.


       2             There are some parcels that are Braddock


       3        parcels that they're keeping as family parcels,


       4        and those are going to serve as buffers in


       5        part.  And so if it's 50 feet plus the Braddock


       6        parcel, that's yet even a bigger dimension.  So,


       7        I mean, we would like to be able to keep the


       8        50 feet as a possibility if everything can be


       9        done within it.


      10             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.


      11             All right.  And you guys are going to work


      12        on this in the next week before we come to


      13        council to get clarification on it?


      14             MR. HAINLINE:  We can, or between now and


      15        the PUD -- I mean, we won't be coming back to


      16        the council with you're going to have


      17        four-foot-high ligustrums because that's not --


      18             THE CHAIRMAN:  No, I don't expect that.


      19             MR. HAINLINE:  Right.


      20             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Well, I


      21        appreciate it.


      22             Mr. Reingold.


      23             MR. REINGOLD:  I know we've kicked this


      24        around a little bit, but I just wanted to ask,


      25        through the Chair to Mr. Hainline, when you read





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        it and it says either a minimum 50-foot buffer


       2        and berm or a minimum 100-foot buffer and


       3        landscaping with berm, it almost makes the


       4        second portion about the 100-foot buffer


       5        superfluous.  And I'm just trying to get my


       6        hands around if we're allowing it to be 50 foot


       7        with a berm or 100 foot with a berm, why the


       8        second part of that phrase is added.


       9             MR. HAINLINE:  Well, here's the facts on


      10        that.  We just -- we just discussed this five


      11        minutes before the hearing.  If I'd had more


      12        time to wordsmith it, like between now and next


      13        Tuesday, I might be able to do that.


      14             And if we want to do that and make this


      15        condition something we'll work on between now


      16        and next Tuesday, I'm happy to do that.  But


      17        Mr. Steinmyer and I had tried to reach each


      18        other over the past 24 hours and just hadn't


      19        been able to, so this was the best I could do in


      20        the few minutes that we had.


      21             So, I mean, I'm happy to take that and work


      22        some more on it between now and Tuesday if


      23        that's -- if that's what the committee's wish


      24        is.


      25             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Well, I'm





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        comfortable with you guys moving over the next


       2        week and getting some of these details hammered


       3        out.


       4             Anybody have anymore questions of


       5        Mr. Hainline?


       6             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


       7             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  We have one


       8        other speaker, Mr. Braddock.


       9             (Audience member approaches the podium.)


      10             THE CHAIRMAN:  Good evening, Mr. Braddock.


      11             If you could give your name and address for


      12        the record, please.


      13             AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


      14             I am Tom Braddock, and I raise pine trees


      15        and cattle and grow hay out at 14960 Braddock


      16        Road, and that's some wet country right now.


      17             We've been blessed with excessive rainfall


      18        this year, but the old land is holding well and


      19        the water table is favorable to all of us.  I


      20        guess I want some of it to recede quickly.  I'm


      21        not going to get into details with you-all.


      22        That's left for these other folks.


      23             But I would like to share with you the fact


      24        that I was born a long time ago on that very


      25        land.  My father and his father acquired that





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        land in the first part of the 19th century.  My


       2        dad and his fathers partnered in a sawmill and


       3        operated that sawmill until my father died.


       4             And I have to share this with you:  I


       5        can't -- I think of it every time I drive by the


       6        old terminal downtown.  They had a contract with


       7        the WCP People's Company to supply the two by


       8        eights, the floor, the area between the trains


       9        that would come in there.  And that contract


      10        went for years, and people would debark from the


      11        trains and get on that walkway and go into the


      12        main terminal, but that's part of history.


      13             And on that land, mom and dad raised seven


      14        of us children.  Dad passed away in 1960.  And


      15        they put us all through college.  We had a good


      16        education.  And every one of them are living in


      17        Jacksonville, which I think says a lot about our


      18        confidence in the city of Jacksonville and its


      19        future.


      20             The children of all of the families -- and


      21        there's some fourth generation that are here in


      22        Jacksonville making this their home and one has


      23        just come back from Tallahassee.


      24             So I say that to say this:  When dad passed


      25        away and the land came to we children, we all





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        together agreed that some day that land would be


       2        needed for a different use.  And in view of


       3        that, we all were in total agreement that


       4        whatever use it was put to, we'd like to do all


       5        we could to assure that it was put to use in a


       6        project that would be a credit to the north side


       7        of Jacksonville, and we think this project


       8        that's being proposed will do that.


       9             This property was a part of an earlier


      10        plan -- and I'll move on -- part of an earlier


      11        plan of a DRI that was headed up by Mitch


      12        Montgomery called Timucuan (phonetic).  And, of


      13        course, the economy went flat.  And that was


      14        beside.  And so we've decided to go ahead on our


      15        own to ask for a land use amendment to bring it


      16        up to a plan that would assure us and Northside


      17        Jacksonville and the citizens in that area that


      18        it would not be a hodgepodge development but a


      19        good master plan.


      20             So we're hopeful that that can happen.  And


      21        if it's not in my lifetime, after that.  But


      22        we're hopeful that it will happen and it will be


      23        a credit to Jacksonville.  And we're just


      24        hopeful that you folks will feel in agreement


      25        with what we hope will take place.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             Thank you for your --


       2             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Braddock.


       3        Mr. Jones has a question for you.


       4             MR. JONES:  I just wanted to thank you,


       5        Mr. Braddock, for that support.


       6             It makes it a lot easier on us to


       7        understand that the community is supporting it.


       8        And we know about your service through the


       9        extension center and we appreciate that and all


      10        the contributions you made to this community.


      11             Thank you.


      12             MR. BRADDOCK:  Thank you so much.  And I


      13        say the same to you, Mr. Jones.


      14             Been a pleasure to see all of you.  Thank


      15        you for your public service.


      16             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you for coming down.


      17             All right.  Seeing no further speakers, we


      18        will close that public hearing and --


      19             MR. JOOST:  Move the amendment.


      20             MR. REDMAN:  Second.


      21             THE CHAIRMAN:  We'll move the amendment as


      22        amended by Mr. Hainline.


      23             Do we have all that language,


      24        Mr. Reingold?


      25             MR. REINGOLD:  To the Chair and to the





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        committee, the amendment would essentially be


       2        that it would change the exhibit with the RE


       3        numbers and the ownership, and also would change


       4        the policy to reflect the policy as written in


       5        the staff report and the language adopted by the


       6        Planning Commission with the small change.


       7             The one thing I would recommend is that, if


       8        the berm was wanting to be included as part of


       9        the amended language, I would just recommend


      10        that at the end it just says either include --


      11        that includes a minimum 50-foot buffer and


      12        landscaped berm, period.  As I said it before, I


      13        just think "and a minimum 100-foot buffer" makes


      14        it confusing and superfluous.


      15             That would be my recommendation.


      16             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Well, let's move


      17        forward with the amendment with that language


      18        and the understanding that they're going to work


      19        on this over the next week and come up with the


      20        final version.


      21             Mr. Joost, did you want to speak again?


      22             MR. JOOST:  Just real quick.


      23             I mean, not to beat a dead horse.  Why


      24        couldn't you just say with the minimum 50 feet


      25        with the max of 100 feet?  I mean, that's kind





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        of what I got out of it.


       2             MR. REINGOLD:  I guess if they want to do


       3        more than 150-foot buffer, certainly I think --


       4        I don't think anyone would fight them on doing


       5        more than 100 feet.


       6             MR. JOOST:  All right.


       7             THE CHAIRMAN:  Yeah.  All right.  So that


       8        amendment has been moved.  And did I get a


       9        second?


      10             MR. JONES:  Second.


      11             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on the


      12        amendment as amended this evening.


      13             All in favor signify by saying aye.


      14             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Aye.


      15             THE CHAIRMAN:  Amendment passes.


      16             MR. JOOST:  Move the bill as amended.


      17             MR. JONES:  Second.


      18             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on the


      19        bill as amended.


      20             Please open the ballot.


      21             (Committee ballot opened.)


      22             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      23             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


      24             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


      25             MR. DAVIS:  (Votes yea.)





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


       2             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


       3             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot, record the


       4        vote.


       5             (Committee ballot closed.)


       6             MR. LAHMEUR:  Six yeas, zero nays.


       7             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you have


       8        approved 2010-26 as amended.


       9             Mr. Reingold.


      10             MR. REINGOLD:  And just to let the Chair


      11        know, I will be happy to work with both


      12        Mr. Hainline and the neighbors to come up with


      13        some revised language over the next couple days.


      14             THE CHAIRMAN:  That would be excellent.


      15        Thank you, sir.


      16             All right.  I'm going to do one more jump


      17        for Mr. Hainline here because he's got to go to


      18        a meeting.


      19             Page 11, number 30, which is 2010-30


      20        ironically enough.


      21             We'll open the public hearing.


      22             Mr. Crofts.


      23             MR. CROFTS:  Yes.  Mr. Chairman and members


      24        of the committee, this proposed amendment


      25        consists of approximately 2,200 -- I'm sorry --





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        2,216 acres of undeveloped land.  It is located


       2        in the north planning district, off Yellow Bluff


       3        Road, north of Starratt Road, and within the


       4        boundaries of Council District 11.


       5             The existing rural residential land use


       6        designation is proposed to be a change to the


       7        multiuse land use designation, similar to the


       8        previous amendment.


       9             The proposed MU category, when it's --


      10        we've indicated previously, incorporate a mix of


      11        uses, including those uses within the rural


      12        residential, low density residential, medium


      13        density residential, community/general/


      14        commercial and public buildings and facilities


      15        categories as well as recreation and open space


      16        and the conservation land use category.


      17             The current zoning of the property is rural


      18        residential and the proposed ultimate rezoning


      19        of this property will be to planned unit


      20        development.  A mix of residential and


      21        nonresidential uses will be incorporated into


      22        this multiuse land use category.


      23             The proposed development potential of this


      24        land use amendment includes up to 7,500


      25        residential dwelling units, a maximum of 900,000





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        square feet of nonresidential CGC types of uses,


       2        and a minimum of 66.5 acres of PBF uses and


       3        slightly over 200 acres of ROS or recreation


       4        open space and conservation uses.


       5             The department has gone through an


       6        extensive review of this proposal and evaluated


       7        its impacts.  We have evaluated, in terms of


       8        consistency with the comprehensive plan, the


       9        applicable vision and master plan, the regional


      10        policy plan and the state comprehensive plan.


      11        There are numerous policies in each of those


      12        documents that this -- we find this to be --


      13        this application to be consistent with.  And the


      14        staff recommends approval with an asterisk,


      15        which amends the legislation that has some


      16        specific requirements.


      17             And I'll be glad to answer those if there


      18        are any further questions or any more inquires


      19        about the specific policy, but it relates back


      20        to specific levels of use and intensity of use


      21        and some other conditions that we're


      22        incorporating into the approval of this


      23        amendment.


      24             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Mr. Reingold has a


      25        question.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. REINGOLD:  Just a comment.


       2             The amendment as identified on this side is


       3        just that the number of trips would not be 7,757


       4        but 7,794.  I just wanted to clarify what the


       5        amendment was.


       6             THE CHAIRMAN:  You guys okay with that,


       7        Mr. Crofts?  Got that language correct?


       8             MR. CROFTS:  Yes.


       9             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Mr. Hainline, you're


      10        on.


      11             MR. HAINLINE:  T.R. Hainline, 1301


      12        Riverplace Boulevard.


      13             Mr. Chairman, are there any other speakers


      14        who submitted cards on this?


      15             THE CHAIRMAN:  No, sir.


      16             MR. HAINLINE:  Okay.  Then I'll be brief.


      17             When we started off on this amendment,


      18        Mr. Holt asked us to have community meetings out


      19        there.  About eight community meetings later, we


      20        have -- we have this amendment with nobody here


      21        to speak, which I'm grateful for the effort of


      22        Mr. Holt's staff and the CPAC and Don Ruckman,


      23        who is my boss on this amendment, who went to


      24        all these community meetings with us.


      25             And I see Mike Detrael (phonetic) is there





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        too, who -- he was one of the communities we met


       2        with.


       3             This is a big piece of property.  It is a


       4        beautiful piece of property with frontage on the


       5        Nassau River.  It could be, you know, the next


       6        Amelia Island some day for the Northside, and


       7        it's very exiting.


       8             So to have it go through so quickly is a


       9        good thing, but I don't want you to


      10        underestimate that this is a lot of property and


      11        going to be a great thing one day.


      12             So thank you.  I'll be happy to answer any


      13        questions.


      14             THE CHAIRMAN:  Anybody have any questions


      15        for Mr. Hainline?


      16             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      17             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Seeing none, we'll


      18        close that public hearing.


      19             MR. JOOST:  Move the amendment.


      20             MR. JONES:  Second.


      21             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on the


      22        amendment.


      23             Ail in favor of the amendment, signify by


      24        saying aye.


      25             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Aye.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             THE CHAIRMAN:  The amendment passes.


       2             MR. JONES:  Move the bill as amended.


       3             MR. DAVIS:  Second.


       4             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on the


       5        bill as amended.


       6             Please open the ballot.


       7             (Committee ballot opened.)


       8             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


       9             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


      10             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


      11             MR. DAVIS:  (Votes yea.)


      12             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


      13             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      14             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot, record the


      15        vote.


      16             (Committee ballot closed.)


      17             MR. LAHMEUR:  Six yeas, zero nays.


      18             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you've


      19        approved 2010-30.


      20             All right.  Let's see.  All right.  Going


      21        back to where we left off, which I believe is


      22        number 16 on page 7.  Sorry about that jumping


      23        around, folks.


      24             We'll open the public hearing.  We have


      25        Emilio Montilla.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             (Audience member approaches the podium.)


       2             THE CHAIRMAN:  Good evening, sir.


       3             Please give your name and address for the


       4        record.


       5             AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Emilio Montilla, 7504


       6        (inaudible) Lane, Jacksonville, Florida.


       7             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you.


       8             You have three minutes.


       9             MR. MONTILLA:  This is for a sign waiver on


      10        a property I'm an agent for on Beaver Street,


      11        2363 Beaver Street.


      12             That sign's been in the family company for


      13        over -- the building -- the lot has been in the


      14        family business for over 20 years.  That sign


      15        has been there for the whole time.  It was taken


      16        down in '92 when the FDOT worked on Beaver


      17        Street and it was put back up that same month


      18        with the fence, which were both taken down.  I


      19        was just hoping I could keep my sign where it's


      20        at.


      21             That's pretty much it.


      22             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Mr. Jones, did


      23        you want to ask a question, or did you want to


      24        have Mr. Crofts speak first?


      25             MR. JONES:  (Inaudible.)





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Sir, if you could


       2        hold on and we'll let Mr. Kelly say something.


       3             I'm sorry.  I kind of went out of order, so


       4        let's hear from Mr. Kelly first.


       5             MR. KELLY:  Thank you.


       6             To the Chair and committee, ordinance


       7        2010-15 seeks to allow for a reduction in the


       8        minimum setback of an existing sign from ten


       9        feet to four feet.  The subject property is


      10        zoned CCG-2.


      11             Apparently some of the road widening effort


      12        and work that have gone on along Beaver Street


      13        essentially made the sign illegal, and I


      14        believe -- I believe there was a change in


      15        ownership on this site, which necessitated the


      16        waiver requirement.


      17             The department finds that it's no hindrance


      18        to any health, safety issue and is recommending


      19        approval.


      20             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, sir.


      21             Mr. Jones.


      22             MR. JONES:  Thank you.  Through the Chair.


      23        The last name?


      24             THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Montilla.


      25             MR. JONES:  Montilla?





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. MONTILLA:  Yes, sir.


       2             MR. JONES:  There was no road widening


       3        there.  Why did you have to take the sign down?


       4        All they did was resurface Beaver Street in that


       5        area.


       6             MR. MONTILLA:  They asked to take the fence


       7        down and the sign because the -- for the


       8        machinery to work in that area.  They actually


       9        didn't work on that specific ground, but the


      10        machinery needed to go there and use that area.


      11        So they actually didn't build on there, but the


      12        machinery needed to go through there.  They just


      13        needed access.


      14             MR. JONES:  And the sign is back up now?


      15             MR. MONTILLA:  Yes, sir, it is.


      16             MR. JONES:  Okay.  I go that way every day.


      17             MR. MONTILLA:  Yes, sir.


      18             MR. JONES:  Are you the agent or are you


      19        the owner?


      20             MR. MONTILLA:  I'm the agent for the


      21        company that owns the property.


      22             MR. JONES:  Okay.  You don't have a


      23        financial interest in the company, then?


      24             MR. MONTILLA:  It's a tenant that runs the


      25        body shop in there.  I own the property.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. JONES:  Okay.  But the tenant is the


       2        one that needs the sign back up?


       3             MR. MONTILLA:  Yes, sir.


       4             MR. JONES:  Okay.  I'll call you, but I


       5        have no problem with it.  I think it doesn't


       6        interfere with or distract the traffic flow on


       7        Beaver Street.  And I just know that they didn't


       8        widen the road.  That's why I was curious why


       9        you had to get a waiver to put it back.


      10             All right.  Thank you.


      11             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Jones.


      12             All right.  I need an amendment to either


      13        grant the waiver or deny the waiver.


      14             MR. JONES:  Move the amendment to grant the


      15        waiver.


      16             MR. JOOST:  Second.


      17             THE CHAIRMAN:  I have a motion and second


      18        on the amendment to grant the waiver.


      19             All in favor of the amendment, please


      20        signify by saying aye.


      21             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Aye.


      22             THE CHAIRMAN:  Amendment passes.


      23             MR. JONES:  Move the bill as amended to


      24        grant the waiver.


      25             MR. JOOST:  Second.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             THE CHAIRMAN:  I have a motion and a second


       2        on the bill to grant the waiver.


       3             Please open the ballot.


       4             (Committee ballot opened.)


       5             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


       6             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


       7             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


       8             MR. DAVIS:  (Votes yea.)


       9             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


      10             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      11             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot, record the


      12        vote.


      13             (Committee ballot closed.)


      14             MR. LAHMEUR:  Six yeas, zero nays.


      15             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you have


      16        granted the waiver.


      17             Item 17, 2010-16.  Open that public


      18        hearing.


      19             I have Mr. Saylor here.


      20             (Mr. Saylor approaches the podium.)


      21             MR. SAYLOR:  Mr. Chairman, Mike Saylor,


      22        1450 Flagler Avenue.


      23             I'm --


      24             THE CHAIRMAN:  You want to speak first?


      25             MR. SAYLOR:  I will defer my comments and





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        let staff make my argument for me.


       2             Thanks.


       3             THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Crofts, Mr. Kelly, who


       4        wants to go?


       5             MR. CROFTS:  I will basically make it very


       6        brief in the sense that we've reviewed this.


       7             There is a recommendation of approval.  We


       8        feel it's appropriate in the area.  It's so


       9        designated for industrial development, and


      10        that's what the request is.


      11             It's in the industrial overlay area that


      12        we've created, and it's the appropriate use at


      13        this location on the St. Johns River and it's


      14        being used for this, as a matter of fact, at the


      15        current situation.  So we're really bringing it


      16        back into conformity with its current use as


      17        well.


      18             And as I said earlier on the other


      19        amendments, it's consistent with the variety --


      20        the litany of plans that we've utilized,


      21        including the comprehensive plan, and the staff


      22        recommends approval.


      23             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Did we want to go


      24        through the amendment or are you guys okay?


      25             Mr. Reingold.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. REINGOLD:  Just the amendment swaps out


       2        the map included with the bill.  It essentially


       3        reflects the map that's in your book.


       4             THE CHAIRMAN:  Excellent.


       5             All right.  Well, with that, we will close


       6        the public hearing.  I don't have any speakers.


       7             And I need a motion on the amendment.


       8             MR. REDMAN:  Make a motion to move the


       9        amendment.


      10             MR. JOOST:  Second.


      11             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on the


      12        amendment.


      13             All in favor of the amendment, signify by


      14        saying aye.


      15             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Aye.


      16             THE CHAIRMAN:  Amendment passes.


      17             MR. JONES:  Move the bill as amended.


      18             MR. DAVIS:  Second.


      19             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on the


      20        bill as amended.


      21             Please open the ballot.


      22             (Committee ballot opened.)


      23             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      24             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


      25             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. DAVIS:  (Votes yea.)


       2             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


       3             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


       4             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot, record the


       5        vote.


       6             (Committee ballot closed.)


       7             MS. LAHMEUR:  Six yeas, zero nays.


       8             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you've


       9        approved 2010-16.


      10             Thank you, Mr. Saylor, for coming down.


      11             MR. SAYLOR:  Thank you.


      12             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Page 8, number


      13        18, 2010-17.


      14             We'll open the public hearing.


      15             Mr. Crofts.


      16             MR. CROFTS:  Okay.  Before the public


      17        hearing -- okay.  I will basically indicate


      18        again that staff has reviewed this application.


      19        It is property located on the north side of


      20        Atlantic Boulevard.  It's approximately 2,500


      21        feet west of Kernan Boulevard and access to the


      22        property is from Atlantic Boulevard.  It's a


      23        63.95-acre amendment, and the applicant proposes


      24        to use the property for commercial/retail.


      25             From the existing business park and RPI





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        land use classification -- and staff has gone


       2        through an extensive analysis, feels that it's


       3        appropriate at this location and consistent with


       4        the comprehensive plan and applicable regional


       5        policy plan and state comprehensive plan.


       6             Thank you.


       7             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, sir.


       8             Mr. Herzberg.


       9             (Audience member approaches the podium.)


      10             AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Mr. Chairman, my name is


      11        Mike Herzberg.  My address is 1 Sleiman Parkway,


      12        Jacksonville, Florida 32216.


      13             I stand by to answer any questions,


      14        gentlemen.


      15             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.


      16             Seeing no questions, I will close that


      17        public hearing.


      18             Mr. Jones, did you want to --


      19             MR. JONES:  (Inaudible.)


      20             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  I'm going to close


      21        the public hearing.


      22             I need a motion on the bill.


      23             MR. JOOST:  Move the bill.


      24             MR. DAVIS:  Second.


      25             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on the





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        bill.


       2             Please open the ballot.


       3             (Committee ballot opened.)


       4             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


       5             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


       6             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


       7             MR. DAVIS:  (Votes yea.)


       8             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


       9             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      10             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot, record the


      11        vote.


      12             (Committee ballot closed.)


      13             MS. LAHMEUR:  Six yeas, zero nays.


      14             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you've


      15        approved 2010-17.


      16             MR. HERZBERG:  Thank you.


      17             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, sir, for coming


      18        down.


      19             All right.  Now, 2010-18 I have marked as


      20        moved, but I have a note here from somebody with


      21        Edwards Cohen to withdraw.


      22             Now, let me go ahead and open the public


      23        hearing and hear from this gentleman.


      24             Mr. Sanders.


      25             (Mr. Sanders approaches the podium.)





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. SANDERS:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


       2             Karl Sanders with the law firm Edwards


       3        Cohen.


       4             Council President Clark had some concerns


       5        with our application.  Some of his constituents


       6        had some concerns about our application, and we


       7        have agreed to request withdrawal of that


       8        application, along with a request for refund of


       9        the fees at this time.


      10             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Thank you, sir.


      11             MR. JOOST:  Move to withdraw.


      12             THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Crofts or Mr. Kelly,


      13        what is your opinion on a withdrawal with fees?


      14             MR. CROFTS:  Our opinion would be that it's


      15        inconsistent with the policy of the department


      16        because we have -- on the land use amendment


      17        because we have conducted the review and


      18        analysis and done the work on the item.


      19             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Mr. Reingold,


      20        you were raising your hand.


      21             Yes, sir.


      22             MR. REINGOLD:  Yes, to the Chair on the


      23        issue -- and I'm pulling it up on Municode.


      24        There's actually a specific reference within


      25        Chapter 650 about the return of fees and whether





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        it happens before or after the initial public


       2        hearing or any public workshop is held.  I just


       3        wanted to warn the committee that there is that


       4        provision.  You might need to waive it if there


       5        was a return of fees.


       6             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Mr. Davis.


       7             MR. DAVIS:  I guess I'd like to hear from


       8        the council president because obviously there


       9        was communication with him and the applicant.


      10        And I think if the council president had that


      11        desire, that would give me the ability to make


      12        the waiver.  So maybe Mr. Sanders can comment on


      13        that.


      14             THE CHAIRMAN:  Sure.


      15             MR. SANDERS:  Through the Chair to the


      16        commission, yes, I can represent the council


      17        president.  He could not be here tonight, but he


      18        is supportive of the request for refund of the


      19        application fees.


      20             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.


      21             MR. DAVIS:  So I guess with that,


      22        Mr. Reingold, would I just have to make an


      23        amendment to waive the requirement?


      24             MR. REINGOLD:  That would be in addition


      25        to -- essentially we would have to waive





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        Section 650.403.  But when you withdraw the


       2        bill, essentially it's as if this bill was never


       3        acted on.  So that's kind of the conflict in the


       4        procedural aspect of it that I'm just trying to


       5        work out.


       6             MR. DAVIS:  Like how do you -- I guess I


       7        understand what you're saying, is how do you


       8        refund the fees if you're withdrawing the bill?


       9             MR. SANDERS:  Refund first.


      10             MR. JOOST:  By check.


      11             THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Reingold, you look like


      12        you're reading something.


      13             MR. DAVIS:  I guess -- maybe I could ask


      14        this to Mr. Sanders.  Would it matter if we


      15        withdraw in two weeks and let the president try


      16        to work this out?


      17             MR. SANDERS:  That's fine.


      18             MR. DAVIS:  I mean, because tonight I think


      19        I'm kind of in limbo because I'd like to hear


      20        from him.  And I know he probably talked with


      21        you about this and --


      22             MR. SANDERS:  Right.  Literally just within


      23        the past couple of hours.


      24             THE CHAIRMAN:  If you withdraw it, it


      25        doesn't matter.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. DAVIS:  Mr. Chair, would you mind if


       2        you just --


       3             THE CHAIRMAN:  Why don't we just defer it.


       4             MR. DAVIS:  Defer it for two weeks and then


       5        let the president figure it out.


       6             THE CHAIRMAN:  If it's withdrawn, it


       7        doesn't matter to you.


       8             MR. SANDERS:  Okay.


       9             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.


      10             MR. SANDERS:  Thank you.


      11             THE CHAIRMAN:  Well, we'll defer this item,


      12        then.


      13             Did you still want to speak to him,


      14        Mr. Jones?


      15             MR. JONES:  (Inaudible.)


      16             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.


      17             All right.  We'll continue that public


      18        hearing to 3/2, take no further action.


      19             All right.  Let's see.  We've already


      20        handled items 20 and 21.


      21             Item 22, 2010-21.


      22             (Mr. Ingram approaches the podium.)


      23             MR. INGRAM:  Good evening.


      24             Tom Ingram, 207 North Laura Street,


      25        Suite 260, Jacksonville.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             THE CHAIRMAN:  Good evening, sir.


       2             Did you want to -- questions only, or did


       3        you want to hear from Mr. Crofts?


       4             MR. INGRAM:  Yeah, sure.  I'll be happy to


       5        give an overview of this.


       6             This is the Avenues Walk regional activity


       7        center.  It's currently approved for a mixture


       8        of retail, office, hotel, and multifamily uses.


       9             The proposed amendment to the multiuse text


      10        policy is to allow a -- for conversion of uses.


      11        You may be familiar with the conversion tables


      12        and developments of regional impact where some


      13        flexibility is allowed to increase or decrease


      14        one or more of the uses in the project within


      15        certain minimums and maximums, and we've been


      16        working with the Planning Department as to what


      17        the appropriate minimums and maximums would be.


      18             These conversions would not result in an


      19        increase in the p.m. peak-hour trips.  It's a --


      20        the conversion rate is based on the trip


      21        generation rate or traffic generated from the


      22        various uses.


      23             So that's essentially what it is.


      24             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.


      25             MR. INGRAM:  I'll be happy to answer any





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        questions.


       2             THE CHAIRMAN:  Well, let's hear from


       3        Mr. Crofts and make sure that everybody is


       4        squared away on the conditions in the amendment.


       5             MR. CROFTS:  Yes.  Mr. Chairman, members of


       6        the committee, the staff is, again, in


       7        concurrency with Mr. Ingram's presentation, that


       8        it is a reconfiguration to some degree and


       9        distribution of uses within the regional


      10        activity center of the Avenues Walk.


      11             Again, this property is located in the


      12        proximity of Philips Highway, I-95, and


      13        295/State Road 9A interchange.  The Avenues Mall


      14        is within close proximity as well as some other


      15        strip commercial or other commercial-type


      16        development along that strip of development.


      17             The staff has evaluated this.  Again, the


      18        overriding factor here in terms of the


      19        redistribution, in response to issues and market


      20        conditions, is -- the bottom line deals with the


      21        p.m. peak-hour trips that are generated by


      22        the -- external trips that are generated by the


      23        development as set forth in the methodologies


      24        provided in the ITE trip generation manual.


      25             Staff has reviewed this application,





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        reviewed it for consistency with the applicable


       2        plans, local and state, and recommends approval


       3        with the asterisk.  And the asterisk basically


       4        deals with the development limits, the maximums


       5        and minimums that were referred to by


       6        Mr. Ingram.


       7             Thank you.


       8             THE CHAIRMAN:  So you guys are both in


       9        agreement on the conditions?


      10             MR. INGRAM:  (Nods head.)


      11             THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Reingold.


      12             MR. REINGOLD:  Just to clarify, the


      13        asterisk language is different from the original


      14        one that's submitted.  It's the one that's


      15        contained within your staff report.  And also


      16        there's just some other technical changes with


      17        regards to RE numbers in the bill.


      18             MR. INGRAM:  Yes.  And that's part of an


      19        amendment that's before you tonight.


      20             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.


      21             All right.  So having heard the amendment


      22        and you're okay with it, we will close that


      23        public hearing.  I don't have any speakers.


      24             MR. JOOST:  Move the amendment.


      25             MR. JONES:  Second.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on the


       2        amendment.


       3             All in favor of the amendment, signify by


       4        saying aye.


       5             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Aye.


       6             THE CHAIRMAN:  The amendment passes.


       7             MR. JOOST:  Move the bill as amended.


       8             MR. REDMAN:  Second.


       9             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on the


      10        bill as amended.


      11             Please open the ballot.


      12             (Committee ballot opened.)


      13             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      14             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


      15             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


      16             MR. DAVIS:  (Votes yea.)


      17             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


      18             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      19             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot, record the


      20        vote.


      21             (Committee ballot closed.)


      22             MR. LAHMEUR:  Six yeas, zero nays.


      23             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you've


      24        approved 2010-21.


      25             Thank you, Mr. Ingram.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             All right.  We've already -- we have not


       2        handled yet 23 and 24.


       3             I'm going to open the public hearing on


       4        items 23 and 24.  They're related.


       5             All right.  Mr. Crofts.


       6             MR. CROFTS:  Yes, sir.


       7             The recommendations -- or the applications


       8        that were received for these land use amendments


       9        are located off Normandy Boulevard in the


      10        southwest planning district, and there are two


      11        separate parcels involved.  And the application


      12        is from -- one of these is from AGR-3 to AGR-4.


      13        That would be the 2010-22.


      14             The staff has reviewed these amendments --


      15        this amendment, 22.  And, again, finds it


      16        consistent with the comprehensive plan, the


      17        Southwest Jacksonville Vision Plan, the


      18        Strategic Regional Policy Plan, and the state


      19        comprehensive plan.  As well as item 23, which


      20        is, again, on -- west of Solomon Road and


      21        encompasses 674 acres.  The amendment is from


      22        AGR-3 to RR, RR being a maximum of two dwelling


      23        units per acre.


      24             Staff, again, recommends approval as


      25        consistent with applicable plans and development





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        in the general area.


       2             Thank you.


       3             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Crofts.


       4             Ms. Pierce, how are you doing this


       5        evening?


       6             (Ms. Pierce approaches the podium.)


       7             MS. PIERCE:  Emily Pierce, 1301 Riverplace


       8        Boulevard.


       9             As you heard, these are two related but


      10        separate amendments.  I'd be happy to answer any


      11        questions if anybody has any, but we do have


      12        recommendations of approval and we request your


      13        approval as well.


      14             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  I don't see


      15        anybody on my queue.  And you guys are all okay


      16        with the conditions?


      17             MS. PIERCE:  We don't have any yet.  We are


      18        going to work on -- and we have spoken with --


      19             THE CHAIRMAN:  I'm sorry.


      20             MS. PIERCE:  -- Councilman Holt about


      21        working on the 171-acre parcel and getting


      22        some -- when we come back, in a PUD or deed


      23        restrictions or whatever.


      24             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  My mistake.


      25             All right.  I need a motion on 2010-22.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. JOOST:  Move the bill.


       2             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the public hearing.


       3             Need a motion on -22.


       4             MR. JOOST:  Move the bill.


       5             MR. REDMAN:  Second.


       6             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on


       7        2010-22.


       8             Please open the ballot.


       9             (Committee ballot opened.)


      10             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      11             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


      12             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


      13             MR. DAVIS:  (Votes yea.)


      14             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


      15             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      16             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot, record the


      17        vote.


      18             (Committee ballot closed.)


      19             MR. LAHMEUR:  Six yeas, zero nays.


      20             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you've


      21        approved 2010-22.


      22             MR. JOOST:  Move -23.


      23             MR. REDMAN:  Second.


      24             THE CHAIRMAN:  2010-23.


      25             Please open the ballot.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             (Committee ballot opened.)


       2             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


       3             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


       4             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


       5             MR. DAVIS:  (Votes yea.)


       6             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


       7             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


       8             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot, record the


       9        vote.


      10             (Committee ballot closed.)


      11             MR. LAHMEUR:  Six yeas, zero nays.


      12             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you've


      13        approved 2010-23.


      14             Thank you, Ms. Pierce.


      15             MS. PIERCE:  Thank you.


      16             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  We have done


      17        number 24 -- or 2010-24.


      18             Number 26, which is 2010-25.


      19             Mr. Crofts.


      20             MR. CROFTS:  This application consists of


      21        two parcels.  One is located at 6720 Norwood


      22        Avenue and the other is 938 Alderside Street.


      23        The properties are located in the Metro North


      24        neighborhood in the Northwest Planning District


      25        and Council District 8.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             In this particular case, the Norwood


       2        Elementary School has been closed and we're


       3        using the school in a reuse fashion for housing


       4        for the seniors, and so we're going to receive a


       5        proposal from public buildings and facilities to


       6        high density residential.


       7             Staff has found it consistent, again, with


       8        applicable plans and the development in the area


       9        and feel it's a very positive influence in the


      10        reuse of an underused facility in this part of


      11        the city.


      12             Thank you.


      13             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  There's an amendment


      14        or an asterisk on this.  Are you guys squared


      15        away on this?


      16             MR. CROFTS:  Yeah.  The amendment, if I


      17        may, is the deletion of the alley.  I think that


      18        was incorporated in the description of this


      19        property.


      20             THE CHAIRMAN:  Excellent.


      21             Mr. Reingold, you're good with that?


      22             MR. REINGOLD:  (Nods head.)


      23             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.


      24             Mr. Mousa.


      25             (Mr. Mousa approaches the podium.)





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. MOUSA:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


       2             Nick Mousa, 1301 Riverplace, on behalf of


       3        the owners.


       4             We have a staff recommendation for


       5        approval.  The only thing I'd like to add is


       6        that we will be coming back with a detailed PUD


       7        to staff probably in about 30 days.  There will


       8        also be a mix of neighborhood commercial


       9        office -- neighborhood commercial and office


      10        uses associated with this.  It's a great


      11        redevelopment project.


      12             And, with that, available to answer any


      13        questions.


      14             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Thank you.


      15             I don't have anyone on my queue to ask


      16        questions, so we'll close that public hearing.


      17             Need to move -- somebody to move the


      18        amendment.


      19             MR. JOOST:  Move the amendment.


      20             MR. REDMAN:  Second.


      21             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on the


      22        amendment.  All in favor of the amendment,


      23        signify by saying aye.


      24             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Aye.


      25             THE CHAIRMAN:  Amendment --





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. JOOST:  Move the bill as amended.


       2             MR. DAVIS:  Second.


       3             THE CHAIRMAN:  -- passes.


       4             A motion and second on the bill as amended.


       5             Please open the ballot.


       6             (Committee ballot opened.)


       7             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


       8             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


       9             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


      10             MR. DAVIS:  (Votes yea.)


      11             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


      12             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      13             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot, record the


      14        vote.


      15             (Committee ballot closed.)


      16             MS. LAHMEUR:  Six yeas, zero nays.


      17             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you've


      18        approved 2010-25.


      19             MR. MOUSA:  Thank you.


      20             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Mousa.


      21             All right.  We've done number 27.


      22             Number 28, 2010-27.


      23             MR. JOOST:  (Inaudible.)


      24             THE CHAIRMAN:  Yes, we did.  That was


      25        Mr. Hainline.  That was the Braddock.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. REINGOLD:  I think we're on 2010-27.


       2             THE CHAIRMAN: Correct.  It's confusing


       3        because the numbers of the legislation --


       4             MR. JOOST:  (Inaudible.)


       5             THE CHAIRMAN:  I'll say it.  We're on


       6        item 28, which is 2010-27.


       7             All right.  Mr. Crofts, save us.


       8             MR. CROFTS:  Yes, sir.


       9             We're -- the subject property in this


      10        particular application is located north of


      11        Eastport Road in the North Planning District and


      12        it consists of 23.77 acres.  This particular


      13        property was subject to a land use amendment


      14        previously to multifamily MDR.


      15             In this particular case, what we're doing


      16        is we're going back to this particular


      17        outparcel -- actually it's 2.34 acres.  I'm


      18        sorry.  The current land use is MDR, proposed


      19        BP.  This particular strip of property will


      20        function as a buffer, so to speak, between the


      21        industrial to the north and the residential to


      22        the south.


      23             And staff recommends approval.


      24             THE CHAIRMAN:  Excellent.  Thank you,


      25        Mr. Crofts.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             I'll open the public hearing.


       2             Mr. Blanchard.


       3             (Audience member approaches the podium.)


       4             AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Daniel Blanchard, 2926


       5        Sandy Branch Lane.


       6             I'm available for any questions.


       7             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Seeing none, I


       8        will close the public hearing.


       9             MR. JOOST:  Move the bill.


      10             MR. DAVIS:  Second.


      11             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on the


      12        bill.


      13             Please open the ballot.


      14             (Committee ballot opened.)


      15             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      16             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


      17             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


      18             MR. DAVIS:  (Votes yea.)


      19             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


      20             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      21             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot, record the


      22        vote.


      23             (Committee ballot closed.)


      24             MR. LAHMEUR:  Six yeas, zero nays.


      25             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you've





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        approved 2010-27, item number 28.


       2             Item number 29, 2010-28.


       3             Mr. Crofts.


       4             MR. CROFTS:  The items 28 and 29 are --


       5             MR. DAVIS:  (Inaudible.)


       6             THE CHAIRMAN:  Item 29 is separate.


       7             MR. CROFTS:  I'm sorry.


       8             THE CHAIRMAN:  Item 29.  Genuine Giants.


       9             MR. CROFTS:  Okay.  This particular land


      10        use amendment -- okay.  I'm sorry.  It's one


      11        amendment, two pieces of property, right.  This


      12        is a development that came before you


      13        previously.  It's sort of followed up in terms


      14        of development intensity.  It has two


      15        components, a residential component and a


      16        commercial component.


      17             And staff has, again, gone through a review


      18        and assessment of the property.  We have met


      19        with the applicant, worked with the applicant,


      20        done an assessment and evaluated in terms of the


      21        compatibility and the infrastructure surrounding


      22        it and the comprehensive plan influence as well


      23        as the North District Vision Plan and the


      24        strategic and state comprehensive plans and


      25        recommends approval with an asterisk.  The





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        asterisk basically limits the dwelling units to


       2        275 and the maximum square footage of


       3        neighborhood commercial to 143,000 square feet.


       4             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Thank you, sir.


       5             I'll open the public hearing.  I've got one


       6        card from Mr. Duncan Ross for questions only.


       7             Seeing no questions, we'll close that


       8        public hearing.


       9             There is an amendment.


      10             MR. JONES:  Move the amendment.


      11             MR. JOOST:  Second.


      12             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on the


      13        amendment.


      14             All in favor of the amendment, signify by


      15        saying aye.


      16             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Aye.


      17             THE CHAIRMAN:  The amendment passes.


      18             MR. JONES:  Move the bill as amended.


      19             MR. JOOST:  Second.


      20             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on the


      21        bill as amended.


      22             Please open the ballot.


      23             (Committee ballot opened.)


      24             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      25             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


       2             MR. DAVIS:  (Votes yea.)


       3             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


       4             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


       5             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot, record the


       6        vote.


       7             (Committee ballot closed.)


       8             MR. LAHMEUR:  Six yeas, zero nays.


       9             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you have


      10        approved 2010-28.


      11             Thank you, Mr. Ross.


      12             Mr. Reingold.


      13             MR. REINGOLD:  Just to clarify again, the


      14        amendment was just an issue with regards to


      15        having the square footage be at 143,000 square


      16        feet and the bill consistent throughout.


      17             THE CHAIRMAN:  You guys good with that?


      18             MR. CROFTS:  (Nods head.)


      19             THE CHAIRMAN:  Excellent.  All right.


      20             Number 30 we already did.


      21             Number 31, 2010-31.  Okay.  Now we're in


      22        line with the item number and the bill number.


      23             Mr. Crofts, tell us about number 31.


      24             MR. CROFTS:  This item is located 2,000


      25        feet north of Arnold Road, south of the Nassau





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        River.  The subject property is landlocked and


       2        has no direct access to Arnold Road, and this


       3        particular piece of property is being requested


       4        to basically move from AGR-2 and -4 in public


       5        buildings to a -- well, actually it will be


       6        going to a rezoning to PUD.


       7             The staff has evaluated this, reviewed it


       8        in terms of consistency with the comprehensive


       9        plan, the vision plan, strategic plan and state


      10        comprehensive plan and recommends approval with


      11        regard to consistency and compatibility with


      12        these particular documents.


      13             And this property, again, is adjacent to,


      14        as I said, the Palmetto Bay RAC or mixed-use


      15        development which is designed to accommodate


      16        growth for residential development.


      17             Thank you.


      18             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Crofts.


      19             I'll open the public hearing.


      20             I have Mr. Mike Herzberg.


      21             (Mr. Herzberg approaches the podium.)


      22             MR. HERZBERG:  Mr. Chairman, Mike Herzberg


      23        again for the applicant.  My address is 4071


      24        Cove St. Johns Road, Jacksonville, Florida


      25        32277.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             I'll stand by for questions.


       2             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  I don't see


       3        any.


       4             Close the public hearing.


       5             MR. DAVIS:  Move the bill.


       6             MR. REDMAN:  Second.


       7             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on the


       8        bill.


       9             Please open the ballot.


      10             (Committee ballot opened.)


      11             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      12             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


      13             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


      14             MR. DAVIS:  (Votes yea.)


      15             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


      16             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      17             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot, record the


      18        vote.


      19             (Committee ballot closed.)


      20             MS. LAHMEUR:  Six yeas, zero nays.


      21             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you've


      22        approved 2010-31.


      23             Mr. Davis.


      24             MR. DAVIS:  Anybody that -- anybody that's


      25        been sitting in the audience, if Mr. Herzberg is





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        next, I apologize for making this request, but I


       2        have to leave early to head to a meeting.  And I


       3        was going to see if we could take up, I believe,


       4        item 37, which is the discussion we had on the


       5        future land use element changes.


       6             THE CHAIRMAN:  Sure.


       7             Thank you, Mr. Herzberg.


       8             MR. HERZBERG:  Thank you all.


       9             THE CHAIRMAN:  Yeah.  Let's move on to


      10        page 12, item 37, council members.


      11             MR. DAVIS:  And it may be 36 and 37.


      12             THE CHAIRMAN:  Well, there's a -- that


      13        whole page is land use element issues.


      14             MR. DAVIS:  Okay.


      15             THE CHAIRMAN:  That's all staff material.


      16             Did you want to have Mr. Crofts go over


      17        item number 37?


      18             MR. DAVIS:  I believe it's 36 and 37,


      19        Mr. Chairman.


      20             THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Reingold, can I -- these


      21        all seem related.  Rather than going through


      22        opening all the public hearings on them, can I


      23        open them all at once, on items 34, 35, 36, 37?


      24             MR. REINGOLD:  You can certainly open them


      25        all up at once.  That's consistent kind of with





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        what we do at City Council.


       2             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Well, let's do


       3        that.  We'll open the public hearing on items 34


       4        through 37, but Mr. Davis specifically wanted to


       5        hear about 36 and 37.


       6             So, Mr. Crofts, could you address that.


       7             MR. CROFTS:  If I may, I'm going to


       8        defer --


       9             THE CHAIRMAN:  I'm sorry.  Ms. Reed.


      10             MR. CROFTS:  I'm going to go ahead and let


      11        Kristen go ahead.  And I highlight how we've


      12        addressed the issues that were brought up and


      13        bring you up to speed.  And if there are any


      14        questions, I'll be glad to entertain them.


      15             Thank you.


      16             Kristen Reed.


      17             THE CHAIRMAN:  Sorry, Ms. Reed.  Go ahead.


      18             MS. REED:  Thank you.


      19             Ordinance 2010-36, amending the capital


      20        improvements element of the 2010 Comprehensive


      21        Plan revises language -- or adds a policy to the


      22        capital improvement element that offers the


      23        opportunity for an alternative process for a


      24        fair share contribution for a proposed


      25        development until such time as a mobility fee





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        system is adopted and implemented.


       2             The proposed policy would not affect fair


       3        share contracts entered into prior to the


       4        adoption of this ordinance or final development


       5        orders issued pursuant to such fair share


       6        contracts.


       7             And the department has recommended approval


       8        of that amendment.


       9             THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Reingold.


      10             MR. REINGOLD:  And I just wanted to clarify


      11        the amendment.  Essentially the Planning


      12        Commission approved the exhibit and some


      13        technical changes in the bill.


      14             MR. DAVIS:  Okay.  I just wanted to make


      15        sure that's what the amendment was.


      16             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Did we address our


      17        issues?


      18             MR. DAVIS:  Yes.


      19             THE CHAIRMAN:  Excellent.


      20             All right.  Mr. Jones.


      21             MR. JONES:  Through the Chair, you


      22        mentioned mobility fee.  What is that, and are


      23        we required to implement a mobility fee?


      24             MS. REED:  Yes.  Mobility fee, legislative


      25        changes in the 2009 -- forgive me -- 2009





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        legislative changes mandate that we, as --


       2        designated as a transportation concurrency


       3        exception area, implement a mobility fee system


       4        in replacement of the concurrency system.  That


       5        needs to be adopted by July of 2011.


       6             MR. JONES:  So the mobility fee will


       7        replace the concurrency fee?


       8             MS. REED:  That is correct.


       9             MR. JONES:  Okay.  I'm -- what's the


      10        thought?  Is that better for Jacksonville or


      11        not?  I mean, that's the question I have.


      12             MS. REED:  I'm sorry?


      13             MR. JONES:  Is that mobility fee better for


      14        Jacksonville as a community?


      15             MS. REED:  The intent of the mobility fee


      16        is to pay for other transportation improvements


      17        other than just roadway improvements.  It's


      18        intended to promote transit and more of a green


      19        kind of transportation system, lower carbon


      20        emissions, things of that nature.


      21             Concurrency they also have identified as


      22        something that pushes development out to the


      23        greenfields rather than -- or encouraging or


      24        enticing infill redevelopment in a more


      25        compact --





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. JONES:  So the mobility fee is designed


       2        to increase the density of neighborhoods as


       3        opposed to --


       4             MS. REED:  That is one goal, I believe the


       5        intent in part of the legislature and


       6        implementing and requiring the mobility fee,


       7        yes.


       8             MR. JONES:  Okay.  All right.  Thank you.


       9             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Mr. Joost.


      10             MR. JOOST:  Just real quick.


      11             And I guess through the Chair to Mr. Davis,


      12        wasn't the mobility fee -- we discussed it in


      13        the seaport committee.  So what it does is


      14        basically it helps infill.  And where there's


      15        already infrastructure, obviously the fee would


      16        be less in those areas.  Say like you had


      17        downtown development, and then kind of as you


      18        move out into rural areas, the fee would be


      19        higher.  And then in other concentrated


      20        industrial areas, it would help development that


      21        way.  I mean, kind of in a broad perspective.


      22             Is that basically correct?


      23             MR. DAVIS:  Yes, councilman.


      24             THE CHAIRMAN:  That's basically correct.


      25             But just for the record, we're not passing





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        the mobility fee in this.  This is --


       2             MR. DAVIS:  Yeah, that's --


       3             MR. JONES:  But, I mean, that's a part of


       4        it.


       5             MR. DAVIS:  Yeah.  I mean, I think that you


       6        do understand that we're going to be required to


       7        implement some type of mobility fee.  And I


       8        think that we probably all know dealing with


       9        fair share that it needs to be fixed and -- not


      10        too much fair about it when you're the last guy


      11        in.  So I think that that's something that we


      12        should be dealing with in the near future.


      13             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Thank you all


      14        for the discussion.


      15             Did you want to just do 36 and 37 now and


      16        then --


      17             MR. DAVIS:  (Inaudible.)


      18             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.


      19             MR. JOOST:  You've got to close the public


      20        hearing.


      21             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  We'll close the


      22        public hearing on all those items.


      23             MR. JOOST:  Move the amendment on 36.


      24             MR. JONES:  Second.


      25             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  I have a motion





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        and second on the amendment on 2010-36.


       2             All those in favor of the amendment signify


       3        by saying aye.


       4             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Aye.


       5             THE CHAIRMAN:  The amendment passes.


       6             MR. JOOST:  Move the bill as amended.


       7             MR. JONES:  Second.


       8             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on


       9        2010-36 as amended.


      10             Please open the ballot.


      11             (Committee ballot opened.)


      12             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      13             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


      14             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


      15             MR. DAVIS:  (Votes yea.)


      16             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


      17             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      18             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot, record the


      19        vote.


      20             (Committee ballot closed.)


      21             MR. LAHMEUR:  Six yeas, zero nays.


      22             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you have


      23        approved 2010-36.


      24             2010-37.


      25             MR. JOOST:  Move the amendment.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. JONES:  Second.


       2             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on the


       3        amendment.


       4             Mr. Crofts or Ms. Reed.


       5             MR. CROFTS:  No, it's not the same thing.


       6        And I think that it's probably a good idea to


       7        hear the amendment, and I'm going to ask


       8        Ms. Reed to kind of summarize that for you.


       9             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.


      10             MR. CROFTS:  This is item 37.


      11             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.


      12             MS. REED:  Forgive me.


      13             Ordinance 2010-37 is the update of the


      14        future land use element.  There were two


      15        amendments the Planning Commission recommended,


      16        and there's one additional one that I would like


      17        to offer up as well in reviewing the document.


      18             One is -- the first amendment is to remove


      19        FLUE policy 2.2.13.  It's just a very specific


      20        policy that is in relation to the vision plans


      21        that are still kind of in their final draft


      22        form.  And we just thought it was a little


      23        premature to include that in the future land use


      24        element, something that we can address in the


      25        future.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             In addition to that, at the LUZ workshop on


       2        February 2nd, there were some concerns, I


       3        believe, Councilman Davis raised about minimum


       4        densities.  And I've offered up language that


       5        would go in the description and interpretation


       6        of the future land use map series section of the


       7        FLUE, and that language states -- and I have


       8        copies of that I can pass around as well.


       9             That language states that minimum


      10        densities, as required in the various plan


      11        categories, do not apply to accessory uses such


      12        as security, a watchman or caretaker


      13        residences.  And unless specifically stated


      14        otherwise in a plan category or for transit


      15        oriented development, TOD, minimum density shall


      16        not be construed to require residential uses.


      17             The third amendment that I would like to


      18        offer up is -- in reviewing the exhibit that was


      19        originally submitted, the transit oriented


      20        development category, had it been intended to be


      21        removed, transit oriented development has been


      22        incorporated into a multitude -- or most of the


      23        future land use element categories and doesn't


      24        need its own category.  So we'd just like to


      25        offer up that that be struck through, removed





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        from the future land use element.


       2             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Ms. Reed.


       3             MS. REED:  Thank you.


       4             THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Davis.


       5             MR. DAVIS:  I would hear what Mr. Reingold


       6        has to say, but I wanted to --


       7             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Mr. Reingold, then


       8        Mr. Davis.


       9             MR. REINGOLD:  Just to add, there's just


      10        one more aspect to the amendment.  And it's all


      11        just going to be one amendment, whether you


      12        adopt all the parts or just some of it.


      13             Essentially that assisted living facilities


      14        and housing for the elderly, so long as those


      15        facilities are located within three miles of a


      16        hospital and on an arterial road, are allowed as


      17        a secondary use in the LDR district or in the


      18        LDR land use category.


      19             THE CHAIRMAN:  And all those wrapped up


      20        into one.


      21             Mr. Davis.


      22             MR. DAVIS:  I guess this is something we


      23        can always address in the adoption stage of this


      24        because we're just sending this off.  It's


      25        coming back.  It's something that we can





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        correct.  This is like a work in progress.


       2             MS. REED:  Absolutely.  There will be a


       3        whole other round of public hearings starting up


       4        in June and we can certainly work on things in


       5        the meantime as well, address any concerns, do


       6        additional research.


       7             MR. DAVIS:  And the minimum density


       8        language could be what solves it.  It might not


       9        be.  I don't have a problem moving forward.  I


      10        guess the problem I have -- and there was


      11        another area when I was reading this week


      12        regarding transitional where you had


      13        parameters -- very specific parameters on


      14        transitions between different uses.


      15             And whenever we start getting extremely


      16        specific in this, I just worry that we're boxing


      17        ourself in a corner because we can't determine


      18        exactly what situations may come up.  So maybe


      19        we can work on those things between now and


      20        then.


      21             I appreciate you taking a look at this


      22        because I do believe that minimum guidelines


      23        here would cause problems in the future and


      24        addressing those other issues.


      25             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Thank you, sir.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             Okay.  So we are on the amendment.  I


       2        believe I had a --


       3             MR. JOOST:  Move the amendment.


       4             MR. JONES:  Second.


       5             THE CHAIRMAN:  -- had a motion and second.


       6             All in favor of the amendment, signify by


       7        saying aye.


       8             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Aye.


       9             THE CHAIRMAN:  The amendment passes.


      10             MR. JOOST:  Move the bill as amended.


      11             MR. JONES:  Second.


      12             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on


      13        2010-37.


      14             Mr. Jones.


      15             MR. JONES:  I assume the motion that we


      16        made for the amendment included all three of the


      17        amendments?


      18             MR. REINGOLD:  Yes.


      19             MR. JONES:  That's all of them.  Okay.


      20        Just wanted to make sure.


      21             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Thank you, sir.


      22             Seeing no further speakers, please open the


      23        ballot.


      24             (Committee ballot opened.)


      25             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


       2             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


       3             MR. DAVIS:  (Votes yea.)


       4             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


       5             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


       6             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot, record the


       7        vote.


       8             (Committee ballot closed.)


       9             MR. LAHMEUR:  Six yeas, zero nays.


      10             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you've


      11        approved 2010-37.


      12             Okay.  Mr. Reingold.


      13             MR. REINGOLD:  To the Chair, it was my


      14        understanding that we had closed the public


      15        hearings on items 34 and 35.  Do you just want


      16        to take them up now since you just closed the


      17        public hearing?


      18             THE CHAIRMAN:  Yeah.  We'll go ahead and do


      19        34 and 35, but Mr. Davis has got to go.


      20             (Mr. Davis exits the proceedings.)


      21             THE CHAIRMAN:  So go back up to the top of


      22        that page.


      23             Item 34, which is 2010-34.


      24             MR. JOOST:  Move the amendment.


      25             MR. REDMAN:  Second.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             THE CHAIRMAN:  Did we need to have any


       2        information on that amendment, Mr. Crofts or


       3        Ms. Reed?


       4             MR. REINGOLD:  It's essentially the


       5        multiuse language that was incorporated in your


       6        staff report.


       7             THE CHAIRMAN:  Excellent.


       8             MR. CROFTS:  Basically, just -- it just


       9        helps us -- with the going away of DRIs in


      10        Jacksonville, the deal with the DRI types of


      11        developments through the multiuse category.  So


      12        it's a substitute local government provision to


      13        allow us to deal with the larger master plan


      14        developments.


      15             THE CHAIRMAN:  So there won't be any more


      16        DRIs?


      17             MR. CROFTS:  That's correct.  DRIs have


      18        been eliminated in Jacksonville.


      19             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  All right.


      20             Mr. Jones.


      21             MR. JONES:  Thank you.


      22             Through the Chair to Mr. Crofts, what's the


      23        difference between a mixed use and a multiple


      24        use?


      25             MR. CROFTS:  Strictly terminology because





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        we use multiuse as a land use category.  We


       2        tried to make it -- it's basically the same --


       3        refers to the same thing.  It's just a choice of


       4        words or preference of words.  There's no


       5        difference.


       6             MR. JONES:  Because I noticed the MU and I


       7        was thinking of one thing.  You used the term


       8        "mixed use" -- I mean "multiuse."


       9             MR. CROFTS:  I just -- just to answer


      10        Mr. Jones, technically we call it "multiuse,"


      11        and that's why I referred to it more to the --


      12        more than the generic mixed-use type of


      13        development.  We've just -- when we created the


      14        land use category, we called it "multiuse."


      15             MR. JONES:  And not "mixed"?


      16             MR. CROFTS:  Not mixed use, yes.


      17             MR. JONES:  Someone has a zoning, and I


      18        think you had recommended -- and they came back


      19        and said you recommended mixed use, and that's


      20        the first time I'd heard that.


      21             Thank you.


      22             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  And I believe I


      23        had a motion and second on the amendment on 34;


      24        is that right?


      25             MR. JOOST:  Uh-huh.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             THE CHAIRMAN:  All in favor of the


       2        amendment, signify by saying aye.


       3             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Aye.


       4             THE CHAIRMAN:  The amendment passes.


       5             MR. JOOST:  Move the bill as amended.


       6             MR. JONES:  Second.


       7             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on the


       8        bill as amended.


       9             Please open the ballot.


      10             (Committee ballot opened.)


      11             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      12             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


      13             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


      14             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


      15             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      16             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot and record


      17        the vote.


      18             (Committee ballot closed.)


      19             MR. LAHMEUR:  Five yeas, zero nays.


      20             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you've


      21        approved 2010-34.


      22             2010-35.  I need a motion on the bill.


      23             MR. JOOST:  Move it.


      24             MR. JONES:  Second.


      25             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on -35.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             Please open the ballot.


       2             (Committee ballot opened.)


       3             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


       4             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


       5             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


       6             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


       7             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


       8             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot, record the


       9        vote.


      10             (Committee ballot closed.)


      11             MR. LAHMEUR:  Five yeas, zero nays.


      12             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you've


      13        approved 2010-35.


      14             Sorry.  I got distracted there because that


      15        one is slightly different than the others.


      16             Okay.


      17             MR. JONES:  I have a question.


      18             THE CHAIRMAN:  Sure.  Give me a chance to


      19        find my spot.


      20             MR. JONES:  Question on the previous bill,


      21        2010-35, Mr. Reingold.  In revising the language


      22        for adult entertainment, does that -- does that


      23        change anything that we're doing currently?


      24             MR. REINGOLD:  No, sir.  It essentially


      25        clarifies what the intent of the council was and





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        what our regulations are.  They're allowed in


       2        CCG-2 by right.


       3             MR. JONES:  Okay.  Thank you.


       4             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Somebody correct


       5        me if I'm wrong, but I believe we left off at


       6        number 32.


       7             MR. JOOST:  That's what I got.


       8             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Mr. Crofts or


       9        Mr. Kelly.


      10             MR. KELLY:  Yes.  Very briefly, item 32 is


      11        a land use amendment that essentially resolves


      12        a -- during the legislative process for this


      13        amendment when it went through originally, the


      14        applicant had proposed a change in the asterisk


      15        that limits the development in this particular


      16        application to -- from 2.2 million to


      17        2.5 million square feet of light industrial and


      18        supportive uses, and that did not get reflected


      19        in the land use amendment.  I think it was part


      20        of the deliberations, part of the rezoning, but


      21        it was not reflected in the land use amendment.


      22             And we're going back to correct that, which


      23        was kind of -- which was the intent of this


      24        particular land use amendment.


      25             And as you'll see that you, in fact, are





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        the applicant of record on this particular


       2        amendment.  Again, it consists of 287 acres of


       3        property, and we're simply increasing the square


       4        footage that would be allowed in this particular


       5        development.


       6             And I know that you and Mr. Ingram are very


       7        familiar with some of the actual occurrences and


       8        events that took place with this.  It was a


       9        rather long and laborious process.  And


      10        ultimately it was approved, but we failed to


      11        include the appropriate square footage that was


      12        agreed upon when it was all said and done, and


      13        we're basically correcting that.


      14             And we find it consistent with the


      15        applicable plans for the City of Jacksonville.


      16             Thank you.


      17             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Crofts.


      18             I'll open the public hearing.


      19             Mr. Ingram, do you want to tell the folks?


      20        And if you miss anything, I'll fill in the gap.


      21             (Mr. Ingram approaches the podium.)


      22             MR. INGRAM:  Okay.  Tom Ingram, 207 North


      23        Laura Street, Suite 260, Jacksonville.  And I'm


      24        here representing the landowner, Alta Lakeside


      25        LLC.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             As Mr. Crofts explained, the proposal that


       2        was before the Land Use and Zoning Committee,


       3        when it was up for adoption in 2008, was for


       4        2.5 million square feet of light industrial.


       5        That was part of an amendment to the application


       6        that was filed approximately two weeks prior to


       7        the LUZ hearing and it was part of a larger


       8        compromise or continuing negotiations with the


       9        City and with the surrounding neighborhood about


      10        the makeup of this project.


      11             The original Alta Lakes project


      12        contemplated access on Alta Drive and New Berlin


      13        Road.  As part of the negotiations, the


      14        applicant offered to eliminate the Alta Drive


      15        access, but in exchange requested that the


      16        square footage be increased to 2.5 million


      17        square feet of light industrial.


      18             What they had found as they were going


      19        through the application process was that the


      20        site could accommodate more square feet than


      21        they had originally thought.  The site is about


      22        287 acres, so the yield is still less than


      23        10,000 square feet per acre, which is the normal


      24        rule of thumb.


      25             I will also tell you that at the LUZ





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        hearing, I had described the application as


       2        being for 2.5 million square feet.  The


       3        opposition made some hay about it and


       4        Councilwoman Lee had asked me to confirm, is


       5        this for 2.5?  I said yes.  But, in sum, the --


       6        our proposal was for 2.5.  The opposition had


       7        understood it to be for 2.5.  And I believe the


       8        Land Use and Zoning Committee had also


       9        understood that to be the proposal.


      10             So I know, you know, the signs have been


      11        posted.  I know there were some e-mails to the


      12        Marsh Winds community.  They're aware of this


      13        application going through.


      14             So I'm happy to answer any other questions


      15        you may have about it.


      16             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, sir.


      17             And I would just say that basically I kind


      18        of sponsored this bill because it was the Land


      19        Use and Zoning Committee's fault that that


      20        didn't get properly moved, and I was on the


      21        committee at that time.


      22             So I don't have any other speakers, no one


      23        on my queue, so I will close the public hearing.


      24             MR. JOOST:  Move the bill.


      25             MR. REDMAN:  Second.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on the


       2        bill.


       3             Please open the ballot.


       4             (Committee ballot opened.)


       5             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


       6             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


       7             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


       8             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


       9             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      10             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot, record the


      11        vote.


      12             (Committee ballot closed.)


      13             MR. LAHMEUR:  Five yeas, zero nays.


      14             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you've


      15        approved 2010-32.


      16             All right.  Number 33, 2010-33.


      17             Mr. Crofts.


      18             MR. CROFTS:  Yes.  Mr. Chairman, members of


      19        the committee, 2010-33 is an application that


      20        basically revises an asterisk that was attached


      21        to this land use amendment when it was


      22        originally approved in the 2008D series under


      23        ordinance 2009-142.


      24             Subsequent to the City's adoption of this,


      25        there was concern raised by the Department of





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        Transportation about the ability to accommodate


       2        the traffic impacts on the affected roads with


       3        regard to the square footage that was allowed.


       4             What basically is happening in this


       5        particular case is that -- the amendment


       6        essentially consists of revising that asterisk


       7        that goes with this development to limit,


       8        restrict light industrial uses to the extent


       9        that the number of trips, p.m. peak-hour trips,


      10        does not exceed 671.


      11             We're not changing any land uses.  We're


      12        basically reducing the impact intensity of the


      13        uses on this particular piece of property.  And


      14        staff and all the applicable agencies that have


      15        looked at this in their review are in support of


      16        it.


      17             And that concludes my report.


      18             THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, sir.


      19             So basically we're just -- we're changing


      20        the number of trips in the p.m. or reducing it?


      21             MR. CROFTS:  That's correct.


      22             THE CHAIRMAN:  Reducing it because DCA


      23        requires that.


      24             All right.  Let's see.  2010-33 has no


      25        amendment.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             I need a motion on the bill.


       2             MR. JOOST:  Close the public hearing.


       3             THE CHAIRMAN:  No.  I need to close the


       4        public hearing.


       5             Close the public hearing.


       6             MR. JOOST:  Move the bill.


       7             MR. JONES:  Second.


       8             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on the


       9        bill.


      10             Please open the ballot.


      11             (Committee ballot opened.)


      12             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      13             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


      14             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


      15             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


      16             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      17             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot, record the


      18        vote.


      19             (Committee ballot closed.)


      20             MR. LAHMEUR:  Five yeas, zero nays.


      21             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you've


      22        approved 2010-33.


      23             We've done items 34 through 37.  Item 38 is


      24        deferred.


      25             Item 39.  There is a sub.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. JOOST:  Move the sub.


       2             MR. JONES:  Second.


       3             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second on the


       4        sub.  And we're going to be rereferring, so


       5        there's no public hearing.


       6             All in favor of the sub, signify by saying


       7        aye.


       8             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Aye.


       9             THE CHAIRMAN:  The sub passes.


      10             MR. JOOST:  Move to rerefer as substituted.


      11             MR. JONES:  Second.


      12             THE CHAIRMAN:  A motion and second to


      13        rerefer to LUZ.


      14             Please open the ballot.


      15             (Committee ballot opened.)


      16             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      17             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


      18             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


      19             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


      20             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      21             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot, record the


      22        vote.


      23             (Committee ballot closed.)


      24             MR. LAHMEUR:  Five yeas, zero nays.


      25             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you've





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        rereferred number -- 2010-71.


       2             72 is deferred.


       3             Items 41 and 42, 43, 44 and 45 are all


       4        second and rereferred.


       5             If I'm not mistaken, the only thing we have


       6        left is back to page 3, number 4.


       7             Tell me if I'm wrong anyone.


       8             Okay.  All right.  2009-402, which is our


       9        bill on public pay phone and transit shelter


      10        signage.


      11             MR. JOOST:  Move to withdraw the bill.


      12             MR. JONES:  Second.


      13             THE CHAIRMAN:  Are we going to withdraw it


      14        or -- we don't have a public hearing.


      15             MR. JOOST:  Move to deny.


      16             THE CHAIRMAN:  Are we in the right posture


      17        for that?


      18             Mr. Reingold, do you want to give us the --


      19             MR. REINGOLD:  I'll just give a very brief


      20        history.


      21             Back in October, this committee considered


      22        the bill.  This committee adopted an amendment


      23        to strike the language regarding transit


      24        shelters.


      25             When it went to City Council the next week,





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        City Council rereferred it.  It did not adopt it


       2        with the amendment, didn't rerefer it with the


       3        amendment.  And so that's before you.  You have


       4        sitting -- 2009-402 as originally drafted.


       5             And as I understand it, Councilmember


       6        Crescimbeni had asked that it be taken up


       7        today.  I believe there are a couple of


       8        individuals in the audience who would probably


       9        like to speak.  There's not a public hearing,


      10        per se.  Anyone who spoke would be at the


      11        discretion of the Chair.


      12             And that's the posture that we're in right


      13        now.


      14             THE CHAIRMAN:  Well, first of all, I have a


      15        handwritten note that there's an amendment.


      16             Is that right?


      17             MR. REINGOLD:  The amendment is still the


      18        sort of same one that was contemplated or


      19        adopted by the LUZ Committee in October.


      20             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  So there's no new


      21        amendment.


      22             So there's no new amendment?


      23             MR. REINGOLD:  Not that I'm aware of,


      24        unless Planning staff or anyone else hears


      25        otherwise.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  So would we be


       2        best to just go ahead and move the bill for


       3        approval and then vote it that way or move it


       4        for denial?


       5             MR. REINGOLD:  Well, the one thing I would


       6        say is if you do not amend the bill and it


       7        contains the essential prohibition in


       8        Chapter 326 on having signs on transit shelters,


       9        you would have an inconsistency in our ordinance


      10        code.  That's the only issue I would raise.


      11             THE CHAIRMAN:  So are you saying you would


      12        recommend that we move it for denial or move it


      13        for approval and vote it?  I mean, if someone


      14        were to want to deny this, what would be the


      15        best way for us to handle that?


      16             MR. REINGOLD:  If you just wanted to deny


      17        this bill, you could certainly move to deny it.


      18             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Mr. Kelly, you looked


      19        like you wanted to say something.


      20             MR. KELLY:  I was just going to bring up


      21        again the discussion on what the amendment was


      22        at that time.  It was a friendly amendment


      23        offered up, I believe, by Councilman Davis that


      24        would remove the transit shelter component of it


      25        but still prohibit the advertising on pay





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        phones.


       2             So if you were to approve with that


       3        amendment in mind, in lieu of withdrawing, then


       4        you'd be prohibiting the advertising on the pay


       5        phones only and not on the bus shelters.


       6             THE CHAIRMAN:  Well, now, correct me if I'm


       7        wrong, but I think I was reading the bill itself


       8        and it included more than just pay phones and


       9        transit shelters.  It was all kinds of -- it was


      10        affixed to just about anything.


      11             Mr. Reingold.


      12             MR. REINGOLD:  Currently, the section


      13        that's dealt with in this ordinance says that if


      14        it's tacked, tied, or -- to a hydrant, a tree, a


      15        lamppost, a telephone, telegraph or electric


      16        utility pole, fence or building.  And what this


      17        is doing is it's saying, well, if you paste it


      18        on or otherwise affix it and you include into


      19        those list of -- laundry list of items,


      20        pay phones and transit shelters, then those are


      21        also prohibited.


      22             The ones that I read off originally, the


      23        lampposts and the trees, those are already part


      24        of the prohibited items for advertising or


      25        signage in our code.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Mr. Jones.


       2             MR. JONES:  Thank you.


       3             Mr. Chairman, I think Mr. Joost's motion


       4        was to deny.  I second it.  So we do have a


       5        motion and a second to -- I'm sorry --


       6        withdraw.


       7             His original motion was to withdraw.  And I


       8        think the bill, as we just noted already,


       9        prohibits -- the existing sign ordinance already


      10        prohibits advertising on everything but the


      11        pay phones; is that correct?


      12             MR. REINGOLD:  (Nods head.)


      13             MR. JONES:  So if we want to move forward,


      14        I would support the bill as we did originally


      15        with the amendment to exclude transit shelters


      16        and move forward excluding -- including pay


      17        phones only in the bill because you would have a


      18        conflict.


      19             Thank you.


      20             THE CHAIRMAN:  So are we -- I'm not sure if


      21        we're moving forward with it as a withdrawal or


      22        a denial.  It's not looking good for the bill,


      23        though.


      24             Mr. Reingold.


      25             MR. REINGOLD:  Again, I kind of heard a





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        couple of things in that, Councilmember.  I'm


       2        not sure.  I've heard a couple of things.  I've


       3        heard a lot of discussion.


       4             It may be best if, one, the Chair decided


       5        if they wanted to hear anyone from the audience;


       6        and, two, just someone make a clear motion,


       7        whether it's withdrawal, deny, or move an


       8        amendment.


       9             THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Joost, it was your


      10        motion to withdraw.  Did you want to change that


      11        to a different motion?


      12             MR. JOOST:  No.  I think the current law is


      13        already pretty clear on what we're allowed to


      14        do.  And now it's just getting redundant.  I


      15        mean, you're not -- you know, people are still


      16        going to put signs up on telephone poles,


      17        they're still going to tack them to fences and


      18        whatnot.  No matter how many laws we write, it's


      19        going to continue.  You know, apartment for


      20        sale, whatever.  Lost dog, lost cat.  You know,


      21        what, are we going to send the police out every


      22        time somebody puts a poster up on the telephone


      23        pole for a lost dog or cat?


      24             So, to me, it's -- a lot of this is just


      25        being redundant and we should just withdraw the





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        whole thing and make it go away.


       2             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  I have a motion for


       3        withdrawal  --


       4             MR. JONES:  Second.


       5             THE CHAIRMAN:  -- and a second.


       6             Please open the ballot.


       7             (Committee ballot opened.)


       8             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


       9             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


      10             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


      11             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


      12             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      13             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot and record


      14        the vote.


      15             (Committee ballot closed.)


      16             MR. LAHMEUR:  Five yeas, zero nays.


      17             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action you have


      18        withdrawn 2009-402.


      19             Anybody got any other items?


      20             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


      21             THE CHAIRMAN:  That's it?  Everybody


      22        happy?


      23             Good night.


      24             (The above proceedings were adjourned at


      25        6:45 p.m.)





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1                  C E R T I F I C A T E




       3   STATE OF FLORIDA:


       4   COUNTY OF DUVAL :




       6             I, Diane M. Tropia, certify that I was


       7   authorized to and did stenographically report the


       8   foregoing proceedings and that the transcript is a


       9   true and complete record of my stenographic notes.


      10             Dated this 21st day of February, 2010.








      14                                 Diane M. Tropia



























           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203