1                    CITY OF JACKSONVILLE


       2                    LAND USE AND ZONING


       3                         COMMITTEE






       6             Proceedings held on Tuesday, February 2,


       7   2010, commencing at 5:00 p.m., City Hall, Council


       8   Chambers, 1st Floor, Jacksonville, Florida, before


       9   Diane M. Tropia, a Notary Public in and for the State


      10   of Florida at Large.




      12   PRESENT:


      13        RAY HOLT, Chair.

                WARREN JONES, Vice Chair.

      14        REGINALD BROWN, Committee Member.

                DANIEL DAVIS, Committee Member.

      15        JOHNNY GAFFNEY, Committee Member.

                STEPHEN JOOST, Committee Member.

      16        DON REDMAN, Committee Member.



           ALSO PRESENT:


                JOHN CROFTS, Deputy Director, Planning Dept.

      19        SEAN KELLY, Chief, Current Planning.

                FOLKS HUXFORD, Zoning Administrator.

      20        KEN AVERY, Planning and Development Dept.

                DYLAN REINGOLD, Office of General Counsel.

      21        RICK CAMPBELL, Research Assistant.

                MERRIANE LAHMEUR, Legislative Assistant.

      22        JESSICA STEPHENS, Legislative Assistant.


      23                         -  -  -









           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1                   P R O C E E D I N G S


       2   February 2, 2010                        5:00 p.m.


       3                         -  -  -


       4             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  We are now starting


       5        our Land Use and Zoning meeting for Tuesday,


       6        February 2nd.


       7             I'll go ahead and gavel us in and jump into


       8        our agenda.


       9             We don't have any items we're taking early


      10        for anybody, so I'll start on page 2.


      11             Item 1, 2008-541.  We will open the public


      12        hearing.


      13             Seeing no speakers, we will continue that


      14        public hearing to 3/2 and take no further


      15        action.


      16             2008-542.  We'll open the public hearing.


      17             Seeing no speakers, we'll continue that to


      18        3/2, take no further action.


      19             2009-91, on the top of page 3, open the


      20        public hearing.  No speakers.  We'll continue


      21        that to February 17th.


      22             Item 4 is deferred.


      23             Item 5, 2009-429.  Open the public


      24        hearing.


      25             No speakers.  We'll continue that to





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        February 17th, take no further action.


       2             2009-444 is deferred.


       3             Number 7, 2009-530, is deferred.


       4             Number 8, 2009-655.  Open the public


       5        hearing.


       6             Seeing no speakers, we'll continue that to


       7        February 17th.


       8             2009-656.  Open the public hearing.


       9             No speakers.  We will continue that to


      10        February 17th as well.


      11             Number 10, 2009-657.  I should probably be


      12        doing some of these at once, but -- open the


      13        public hearing.  No speakers.  Continued to


      14        February 17th.


      15             Top of page 6.  2009-658.  Open the public


      16        hearing.  Continue to February 17th.


      17             Number 12, 2009-751.  Open the public


      18        hearing, and we do have a speaker.


      19             Ms. Rewis.


      20             (Audience member approaches the podium.)


      21             THE CHAIRMAN:  It doesn't say for questions


      22        only, but --


      23             AUDIENCE MEMBER:  I'm not Ms. Rewis.


      24             Kathryn Whittington.


      25             THE CHAIRMAN:  I was going to say, you're





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        not Ms. Rewis.


       2             MS. WHITTINGTON:  As a matter of fact,


       3        Ms. Rewis is on the phone right now with


       4        Councilman Webb.


       5             Can we defer this behind another meeting --


       6        table?


       7             THE CHAIRMAN:  Do you want to just table it


       8        for --


       9             MS. WHITTINGTON:  A few minutes.


      10             THE CHAIRMAN:  A few minutes?  All right.


      11        We'll do that.


      12             We'll lay this on the table.  We'll move on


      13        with our agenda and come back to it in probably


      14        five or ten minutes.


      15             MS. WHITTINGTON:  Thank you.


      16             MR. JONES:  (Inaudible.)


      17             THE CHAIRMAN:  That's 2009-751.  They're


      18        talking to Mr. Webb right now.


      19             All right.  2009-864, the landscape bill.


      20        We'll open the public hearing.


      21             Seeing no speakers, we'll close that public


      22        hearing.


      23             Page 7, 2009-910.  Open the public


      24        hearing.


      25             Are we moving that bill?





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. REINGOLD:  (Inaudible.)


       2             THE CHAIRMAN:  Is the bill being moved


       3        tonight?


       4             MR. REINGOLD:  No.  It was just open and


       5        close.  We will actually have a substitute


       6        before the LUZ Committee at some point.  And at


       7        that point, we will set new public hearings.


       8             THE CHAIRMAN:  I didn't think it was marked


       9        for --


      10             MR. JONES:  (Inaudible.)


      11             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Number 14, we'll


      12        open the public hearing.


      13             No speakers.  We'll continue that to


      14        February 17th.


      15             Number 15, an action item, 2009-931.  We'll


      16        open the public hearing.


      17             We have somebody up here waving his hand.


      18             Did you want to speak on this one, sir?


      19             AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Yes, sir.


      20             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  After you get


      21        done -- just give us your name and address for


      22        the record.  And then after you're done, you can


      23        give us a blue card.


      24             (Mr. Brown enters the proceedings.)


      25             AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Okay.  Jimmy L.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        Higginbotham.  I'm agent for my daughter, who is


       2        the property owner.


       3             We're just asking for a waiver of road


       4        frontage.  It's 30 foot of road frontage, which


       5        is adequate to approach the property.  It's been


       6        a lot -- it's been a lot since 1977.  If it had


       7        been one in 1972, it would have been a lot of


       8        record, but it missed it by five years.


       9             And I'll answer any questions y'all might


      10        have.


      11             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Mr. Jones has a


      12        question for you, sir.


      13             MR. JONES:  Thank you.


      14             Through the Chair to Mr. Higginbotham, are


      15        you familiar with the amendment and you're


      16        comfortable with the amendment?


      17             Mr. Higginbotham.


      18             MR. HIGGINBOTHAM:  What is the amendment?


      19             MR. REINGOLD:  The amendment would just be


      20        either to approve or deny the waiver.  There are


      21        actually no conditions that have been proposed


      22        by --


      23             MR. JONES:  There are --


      24             MR. REINGOLD:  No conditions by staff.


      25             MR. JONES:  Okay.  Thank you.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             THE CHAIRMAN:  Excellent.


       2             All right.  And we'll note that the


       3        Planning Department has recommended approval on


       4        this.


       5             We'll close the public hearing.


       6             MR. JONES:  Move the amendment.


       7             MR. BROWN:  Second.


       8             THE CHAIRMAN:  We have an amendment to --


       9             MR. DAVIS:  Move to approve.


      10             THE CHAIRMAN:  -- to grant the waiver.


      11             Motion and second to amend to grant the


      12        waiver.


      13             All in favor of the amendment, please


      14        signify by saying aye.


      15             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Aye.


      16             THE CHAIRMAN:  The amendment passes.


      17             MR. JONES:  Move the bill as amended.


      18             MR. BROWN:  Second.


      19             THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion and second to grant


      20        the waiver.


      21             Please open the ballot.


      22             (Committee ballot opened.)


      23             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      24             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


      25             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. DAVIS:  (Votes yea.)


       2             DR. GAFFNEY:  (Votes yea.)


       3             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


       4             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


       5             (Committee ballot closed.)


       6             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot, record the


       7        vote.


       8             MR. LAHMEUR:  Seven yeas, zero nay.


       9             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you have


      10        approved the waiver.


      11             Thank you, sir, for coming down.


      12             MR. HIGGINBOTHAM:  Thank you.


      13             (Discussion held off the record.)


      14             THE CHAIRMAN:  If you need to get on the


      15        queue, just raise your hand or yell at me.


      16             I don't see Ms. Rewis or anybody, so let's


      17        keep on going.


      18             Number 16 is deferred, 17.


      19             Page 8, 18 is deferred; 19, 20, 21, and 22


      20        are all read second.  All of page 9 is read


      21        second.


      22             All of page 10, except for the last one --


      23             MR. JOOST:  Move to withdraw.


      24             THE CHAIRMAN:  -- 2010-29.


      25             MR. DAVIS:  Second.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion and second to


       2        withdraw.


       3             Seeing nobody raising their hand, please


       4        open the ballot.


       5             (Committee ballot opened.)


       6             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


       7             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


       8             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


       9             MR. DAVIS:  (Votes yea.)


      10             DR. GAFFNEY:  (Votes yea.)


      11             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


      12             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      13             (Committee ballot closed.)


      14             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot, record the


      15        vote.


      16             MR. LAHMEUR:  Seven yeas, zero nays.


      17             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you have


      18        withdrawn 2010-29.


      19             All right.  Page 11 -- all of 11 is read


      20        second.


      21             Somebody tell me if I'm wrong because my


      22        agenda was not matching everybody else's at our


      23        agenda meeting.


      24             All of 12 -- no.  38, 39 and 40 are read


      25        second.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             Item 41, 2010-45.


       2             MR. JOOST:  Move the bill.


       3             MR. JONES:  Second.


       4             THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion and second on


       5        2010-45.


       6             Seeing no speakers, please open the ballot.


       7             (Committee ballot opened.)


       8             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


       9             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


      10             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


      11             MR. DAVIS:  (Votes yea.)


      12             DR. GAFFNEY:  (Votes yea.)


      13             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


      14             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      15             (Committee ballot closed.)


      16             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot, record the


      17        vote.


      18             MR. LAHMEUR:  Seven yeas, zero nays.


      19             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you have


      20        approved 2010-45.


      21             Item 42, 2010-70, is read second.


      22             Page 13, items 43 and 44 are read second.


      23             Are we ready to go back to your item?


      24             (Ms. Rewis approaches the podium.)


      25             THE CHAIRMAN:  What item was that?





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MS. REWIS:  It's 2009-751 and --


       2             THE CHAIRMAN:  -751, page 6, council


       3        members.


       4             MS. REWIS:  It's item number 12.  Sorry.


       5             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Did we open and


       6        close the public hearing?  Where were we on


       7        that?


       8             MS. LAHMEUR:  You tabled it.


       9             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  But we were in the


      10        middle of the public hearing, I guess?


      11             MS. LAHMEUR:  Yes.


      12             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  So we'll, I guess,


      13        reopen the public hearing if necessary.


      14             Ms. Rewis, how are you doing?


      15             MS. REWIS:  Hi.  Good.  How are you?


      16             THE CHAIRMAN:  Good.


      17             MS. REWIS:  Staci Rewis, 245 Riverside


      18        Avenue, Suite 400, Jacksonville, 32202.


      19             You have a PUD before you for a --


      20        1.1 acres, to rezone a portion of property over


      21        off of Loretto Road.


      22             We have had up-to-the-minute discussions


      23        with the neighbors.  And we have, we believe,


      24        reached a compromise.  I just got off the phone


      25        with Councilman Webb.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             We have one more modification to the PUD


       2        written description, which is -- the neighbors


       3        have asked if we would remove some more of the


       4        additional commercial uses.  On page 2 of the


       5        PUD, under the permitted uses, uses 2 through 5


       6        would be removed, which are the medical and


       7        dental offices, professional offices, the


       8        neighborhood retail sales and service, and


       9        restaurants.


      10             Essentially this would leave the PUD with a


      11        convenience store, to have the convenience store


      12        that's currently existing there to remain.  It


      13        would also provide for a single-family


      14        residential unit in the northern portion of the


      15        property limited to only caretakers or a


      16        watchperson on the site, essential services, and


      17        the parking spaces.


      18             We have met with numerous individuals in


      19        the Mandarin community.  We've gone to the CPAC


      20        meeting and we've gone to the Mandarin Community


      21        Association meeting.  This is -- this will be


      22        the fourth revision, so we've worked with the


      23        community extensively.  We'd appreciate your


      24        support as well.


      25             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  And you're fine





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        with all of those.


       2             Mr. Crofts, do you have those recorded?


       3             MR. CROFTS:  I have received a revised


       4        written description that was dated today, and I


       5        did mark through the conditions.  It's a matter


       6        of legally what would be suitable, how we


       7        reflect those in the conditions of the PUD, but


       8        basically those conditions, 2, 3, 4, and 5,


       9        would be deleted and it would be the same


      10        written description as was dated today,


      11        February 2nd, 2010.  And I forwarded those to


      12        Mr. Reingold.


      13             There were three other conditions, and they


      14        are pretty standard, basically dealing with the


      15        written descrip- -- legal description, revised


      16        site plan dated January 15th, and the memo from


      17        the Transportation Planning Division -- or


      18        actually the Development Services memorandum.


      19             So we're fine with the amendment.  It's


      20        just a matter of the format that's acceptable


      21        from the General Counsel's Office.


      22             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  And everyone is clear


      23        on the conditions or do you want Mr. Crofts to


      24        go over them on the record?


      25             MS. REWIS:  Well, I -- can we figure out





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        how we're going to do, legally, the change, the


       2        written description?  Because it may change the


       3        date.  I'm not sure about that.


       4             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Mr. Reingold, do you


       5        want to jump in here or figure it out later?


       6             MR. REINGOLD:  No, I'd actually like to


       7        just kind of quickly figure it out here.


       8             And I was struggling with the same issue


       9        that Staci Rewis and John Crofts have been


      10        talking about.


      11             Essentially on here what I can do is we'll


      12        have it dated the February 2nd written


      13        description, that is what today is, and then


      14        what we will do is -- I'm just going to modify


      15        this written description that's been handed to


      16        me and literally just have crossed out 2, 3, 4,


      17        and 5, and then change in -- 6 to 7 to 8 will


      18        turn into 2, 3, and 4, and then that will be the


      19        February 2nd, 2010, written description that


      20        will be attached to the bill.


      21             Is that acceptable to the Planning


      22        Department and to the applicant?


      23             MR. CROFTS:  (Nods head.)


      24             THE CHAIRMAN:  We've got a head shake over


      25        there from Mr. Crofts.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             MR. CROFTS:  We're fine.


       2             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  You're fine?


       3             MR. CROFTS:  Yeah.


       4             MS. REWIS:  Yes.


       5             THE CHAIRMAN:  Everybody is fine with that.


       6             Any council members need to declare


       7        ex-parte while we're in the public hearing?


       8             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


       9             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.


      10             MS. REWIS:  Excuse me.


      11             THE CHAIRMAN:  I'm sorry.  Go ahead.


      12             MS. REWIS:  One more second.


      13             I just want to make sure that the PUD


      14        conditions are revised to reflect the February


      15        2nd written description because I believe what's


      16        in front of you has an old written description


      17        dated January 26th, and it should be February


      18        2nd.


      19             MR. CROFTS:  (Nods head.)


      20             MS. REWIS:  Okay.  Sorry.


      21             MR. REINGOLD:  The ordinance will be


      22        drafted and amended to reflect a February 2nd,


      23        2010, written description.


      24             THE CHAIRMAN:  Excellent.


      25             All right.  I'm sure Mr. Webb is concerned





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        with that too, so . . .


       2             Seeing that, we will close the public


       3        hearing and we need somebody to move an


       4        amendment.


       5             MR. JOOST:  Move the amendment.


       6             DR. GAFFNEY:  Second.


       7             THE CHAIRMAN:  I have a motion and second


       8        on the amendment as described.


       9             Yes, sir.  Mr. Reingold.


      10             MR. REINGOLD:  I think -- just to clarify,


      11        I think the amendment is the revised written


      12        description, the revised site plan, and then


      13        there's a traffic memorandum?


      14             I just --


      15             MR. CROFTS:  (Nods head.)


      16             MR. REINGOLD:  I see John Crofts nodding


      17        his head up and down.


      18             THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Motion and second on


      19        the amendment as described by Mr. Reingold and


      20        Mr. Crofts, including the new changes that


      21        Ms. Rewis said -- the elimination of those


      22        three.


      23             All right.  All in favor of the amendment


      24        signify by --


      25             MR. REINGOLD:  Four.





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1             THE CHAIRMAN:  Elimination of four possible


       2        uses.


       3             All in favor of the amendment signify by


       4        saying aye.


       5             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Aye.


       6             THE CHAIRMAN:  Any opposed?


       7             COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


       8             THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  The amendment


       9        passes.


      10             I need a motion and a second.


      11             MR. JONES:  Move the bill as amended.


      12             MR. JOOST:  Second.


      13             THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion and a second on the


      14        bill as amended.


      15             Please open the ballot.


      16             (Committee ballot opened.)


      17             MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


      18             MR. JONES:  (Votes yea.)


      19             MR. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


      20             MR. DAVIS:  (Votes yea.)


      21             DR. GAFFNEY:  (Votes yea.)


      22             MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


      23             MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


      24             (Committee ballot closed.)


      25             THE CHAIRMAN:  Close the ballot and record





           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1        the vote.


       2             MR. LAHMEUR:  Seven yeas, zero nay.


       3             THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you have


       4        approved 2009-751, with no restaurants.


       5             All right.  Am I missing anything, folks,


       6        or have we covered every item?


       7             MR. CROFTS:  (Inaudible.)


       8             THE CHAIRMAN:  We are?


       9             Y'all have a good evening.


      10             (The above proceedings were adjourned at


      11        5:10 p.m.)


      12                         -  -  -































           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203





       1                  C E R T I F I C A T E




       3   STATE OF FLORIDA:


       4   COUNTY OF DUVAL :




       6             I, Diane M. Tropia, certify that I was


       7   authorized to and did stenographically report the


       8   foregoing proceedings and that the transcript is a


       9   true and complete record of my stenographic notes.


      10             Dated this 6th day of February, 2010.








      14                                 Diane M. Tropia



























           Diane M. Tropia, P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203