May 18, 2010
3:45 p.m.
City Council Conference Room A
117 West Duval Street
Attendance: Committee Chair Ray Holt; Committee Member Don Redman; Dylan Reingold and Jason Gabriel, Office of General Counsel; John Crofts and Folks Huxford, Department of Planning and Development; Merriane Lahmeur, Jessica Stephens, Office of City Council
The Committee Chair, Ray Holt, called the meeting to order at 3:45 p.m. He asked Mr. John Crofts to take everyone through the marked agenda containing the suggested committee actions.
Changes, additions, and comments concerning the agenda as marked included:
10-261 and -262 will have public hearings opened and continued and the bills deferred – the applicant was not present at the LUZ Committee meeting
10-263 and -264 companion bills awaiting submission of a PUD; the public hearing for 10-263 will be opened and continued and the public hearing for 10-264 can be closed as the substitute will need to be readvertised.
10-291 may be the subject of some opposition as it was in the Planning Commission.
10-297 has been the subject of considerable public interest and may be up for considerable discussion today.
10-298 Chairman Holt will be offering an amendment.
2010-256 has been requested to be heard early in the meeting by the agent.
As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:52 p.m.
Jeff Clements, Chief of Research
(904) 630-1405
Posted 05.19.10
2:00 p.m.