July 19, 2010
9:30 a.m.
City Council Conference Room A
117 West Duval Street
Attendance: Committee Chair Denise Lee; Committee Member
Bill Bishop; Council Member Glorious Johnson; Janice Billy and Sean Costigan, Office
of Council Auditor; Steve Rohan, Office of General Counsel; Juliette Williams,
Philip Zamarron, and Rick Campbell, Office of City Council; Sherry Hall and
Lisa Rinaman, Office of the Mayor
The Chair, Denise Lee, called
the meeting to order at 9:31 a.m., and she proceeded to take everyone through
the marked agenda containing the suggested committee actions.
Changes, additions, and
comments concerning the agenda as marked included:
09-549 C/M Johnson verified
that she is requesting deferral
10-226 C/M Johnson verified
that she is requesting deferral; Mr. Bob Williams, Real Estate Division, gave an update and will
provide additional information; it was suggested that a meeting be convened
between staff and C/M Johnson
10-227 Administration is requesting withdrawal
10-420 C/M Johnson advised
that she is prepared for consideration of this item, and requested early action at the meeting
10-465 Low attendance was
noted; in response to inquiry, Mr. Rohan advised that he was not aware of a percentage limit on meetings
missed by an appointee; Mrs. Hall stated that the appointee will be present at the meeting to address attendance
10-473 In response to a question concerning the reason for deferral, Mrs.
Rinaman indicated that C/M
Clark had made the request and that she would pursue the reason for this
10-510 Low attendance was
noted, and Mrs. Hall explained reappointment recommendation process; the Chair voiced general
concern with attendance and may defer reappointments where the attendance record is low
The meeting was adjourned at
9:50 a.m.
Rick Campbell, Research
Posted 07.20.10/9:30 a.m.