RESEARCH DIVISION



March 15, 2010

9:30 a.m.


City Council Conference Room A

Suite 425, City Hall

117 West Duval Street




Attendance:  Council Members Shad (Chair), Bishop, Yarborough; Rick Mullaney, Cindy Laquidara, Margaret Sidman, John Phillips, Charlotte Austin, Office of General Counsel; Sherry Hall and Lisa Rinaman, Administration, Heather Norsworthy, Council Auditor’s Office; Susan Stewart, Duval Delegation; Bob Williams, Lin White, Public Works Department; Linda Aycock, Rogers Towers; Martha Shirko, Alison Miller, Diane Smith, Debbie Delgado, ECAs; Philip Zamarron, Legislative Services; John J. Jackson, Council Research Division.


The Committee Chair, Council Member Shadd, called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.


The Chair proceeded to review the agenda, indicating what items were ready for action, what items were being deferred and what items were being seconded and re-referred.


The Chair indicated to General Counsel Rick Mullaney that Item #21, ORD 2010-170, Supplementing Original $450,000 Approp of Ord 2009-362-E; Auth addnl $750,000 & Extension of Retainer Agreemt with Firm of Tanner Bishop as Spec Counsel to assist Gen Counsel in Pending Litigation re Trail Ridge Landfill, Inc Contractual Disputes, will be taken out or order.  A shade meeting was going to be meeting at noon to address the issue.


The Chair asked Margaret Sidman, Office of General Counsel, to explain the amendment to Item #7, RESO Conf Appt of Leslie Goller as Member of Duval County Election Adv Panel.  Ms. Sidman explained that at the previous Finance Committee meeting, Council Member Corrigan had asked for a clarification as to the issue of Ms. Goller serving simultaneously as a Panel Member and an activist with the Democratic Party.  A memorandum from Steve Rohan had been prepared that addressed the concern but the memorandum had not yet been circulated.


Although Item #26, RESO 2010-192, Appt Patricia Gee-Jones as a Member of Jax Health Facilities Auth, had been marked “Deferred” on the marked agenda, it was done so in error.  The item will be acted upon.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:38 a.m.



John J. Jackson, Council Research Division (904) 630-1720



Posted: 5:15 p.m.