RESEARCH DIVISION




October 18, 2010

9:30 a.m.


City Council Conference Room A

Suite 425, City Hall

117 West Duval Street




Attendance:  Council Member Bishop (Chair); Margaret Sidman, Dylan Reingold, Office of General Counsel; Heather Norsworthy, Council Auditor’s Office;  Sherry Hall, Administration; Mickey Miller, Chief Financial Officer; Charrise Wilks, Central Operations; George Dandelake, Edw. Waters College; Allison Miller, ECA (Hyde);  Lin White,  John Jones, Public Works; Vince Seibold, Environmental Quality; Philip Zamarron, Legislative Services, John J. Jackson, Council Research Division


The Chair called the meeting to order at 1:31 p.m. and proceeded to review the agenda.


The Chair indicated that Chief Administrative Officer Mickey Miller would be at the Committee meeting to field questions on Item #1, ORD 2009-499, Auth  Issuance of $360,000,000 BJP Tax Rev Bonds to Refund Outstanding Spec Rev Bonds.


Dylan Reingold would explain why Item #3, ORD 2010-332, Apv Fair Share Assessmt with Signature Land, Inc. for “Biddy Parcel Commercial” Proj, required a 2-cycle deferral.


The Chair indicated that Items # 4 and 5, ORD 2010-608, Granting Shaws’ Land Clearing, LLC’s Appl for Renewal of CON to Operate a Yard Trash Processing Facility and  ORD 2010-609,Granting Action Recycling Corp Appl for Renewal of CON to Operate a Constrn & Demolition Materials Recovery Facility, were being deferred at the request of the District Council Member.


The Chair announced that since it was deferred in Rules, Item #7, ORD 2010-742, Approp $100,000 from Environmental Protection Fund to the Planning & Dev Dept to Create a Low Impact Dev Design Manual, would be deferred in TEU, as well.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:34 p.m.


John J. Jackson, Council Research Division (904) 630-1729



Posted: 3:00 p.m.