RESEARCH DIVISION




August 16. 2010

1:30 p.m.


City Council Conference Room A

Suite 425, City Hall

117 West Duval Street


Attendance:  Council Members Bishop (Chair), Steve Rohan, Cherry Shaw, Office of General Counsel; Heather Norsworthy, Council Auditors Office; Lisa Rinaman, Administration; Lin White Public Works Department; Eric Lindstrom, JEDC; John Crofts, Stephen Smith, Planning & Development Department; Vince Seibold, Water Quality Division, Environmental & Compliance Department; Attorney Wyman Duggan;  Diane Smith, Celeste Hicks, Executive Council Assistants; Philip Zamarron, Legislative Assistant; John J. Jackson, Council Research Assistant.


The Chair called the meeting to order at 1:28 p.m. and proceeded to review the marked agenda provided by the Council Auditor’s Office. 


The Chair inquired as to whether or not Item 1, ORD 2008-758, Closing & Abandoning a Portion of Woodcrest Rd Right-of-Way, bet Labelle St & Cassat Ave, at Req of Westside Toyota, was reaching the 2-year time line for legislation.


Assistant General Counsel Steve Rohan indicated that it was possible that Council Member Brown would request the withdrawal of Items 10 & 11, ORD 2010-567, Renaming Soutel Dr (aka Soutel Court W) to “Millwright Court”, and ORD 2010-568, Renaming Soutel Dr (aka Soutel Court E) to “Timberland Grant Court.”


Attorney Wyman Duggan asked that the amendments to Item 17, ORD 2010-606, Apv Fair Share Assessmt with West Kernan, for “West Kernan PUD” Proj, be explained.


After a lengthy discussion, with Real Estate Chief Bob Williams fielding questions, the Committee decided to defer Item 18, ORD 2010-607, Auth Lease Agreemt with Southgate Shopping Center for Ofc Space for Court Facilities & Offices at 3490 Beach Blvd, until additional information on leases is furnished.  C/M Jones indicated that there had never been any intention at the outset to relocate any of the Court facilities at the Beach Blvd campus to the new courthouse under construction downtown.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:34 p.m.


John J. Jackson, Council Research Division (904) 630-1729



Posted: 3:00 p.m.