LAND USE AND ZONING








                          Proceedings held on Wednesday,


                September 7, 2011, commencing at 5:00 p.m.,


                City Hall, Council Chambers, 1st Floor,


                Jacksonville, Florida, before Diane M. Tropia, a


                Notary Public in and for the State of Florida at








                     REGINALD BROWN, Chair.

                     RAY HOLT, Vice Chair.

                     LORI BOYER, Committee Member.

                     DOYLE CARTER, Committee Member.

                     JIM LOVE, Committee Member.

                     ROBIN LUMB, Committee Member.

                     DON REDMAN, Committee Member.



                ALSO PRESENT:


                     BILL KILLINGSWORTH, Director, Planning Dept.

                     SEAN KELLY, Chief, Current Planning.

                     FOLKS HUXFORD, Zoning Administrator.

                     KEN AVERY, Planning and Development Dept.

                     STEPHEN SMITH, Planning and Development Dept.

                     GARY KRESEL, Planning and Development Dept.

                     DYLAN REINGOLD, Office of General Counsel.

                     MERRIANE LAHMEUR, Legislative Assistant.


                                       - - -






             1                 P R O C E E D I N G S


             2  September 7, 2011                         5:00 p.m.

                                       - - -

             3           THE CHAIRMAN:  Good evening.


             4           My name is Reginald Brown, chairman for


             5      Land Use and Zoning.  Today's date is


             6      September 7th.  The time now is 5 o'clock.


             7           We're going to go ahead and start the


             8      meeting, if everyone could press their --


             9           MS. LAHMEUR:  (Inaudible.)


            10           THE CHAIRMAN:  We don't need to do that.


            11      You got everybody.


            12           All right.  Thank you.


            13           All right.  Well, let's go ahead and get


            14      started.


            15           Mr. Dylan.


            16           MR. REINGOLD:  Would you like to go around


            17      the room and have everybody introduce


            18      themselves?


            19           THE CHAIRMAN:  Yes.  We'll go ahead and


            20      start over there.


            21           Mr. Kelly.


            22           MR. KRESEL:  Gary Kresel, Planning


            23      Department.


            24           MR. HUXFORD:  Folks Huxford, Planning and


            25      Development.


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           MR. AVERY:  Ken Avery, Planning and


             2      Development.


             3           MR. REINGOLD:  Dylan Reingold with the


             4      Office of General Counsel.


             5           C/M BOYER:  Lori Boyer, City Council,


             6      District 5.


             7           C/M REDMAN:  Don Redman, City Council,


             8      District 4.


             9           C/M CARTER:  Doyle Carter, District 12.


            10           C/M HOLT:  Ray Holt.  I'm Ken Avery's


            11      council member.


            12           C/M LOVE:  Jim Love, City Council,


            13      District 14.


            14           C/M LUMB:  Robin Lumb, Group 5.


            15           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Mr. Dylan.


            16           MR. REINGOLD:  To the Chair, as we


            17      discussed in our agenda meeting today, I


            18      believe we were going to take an item -- item


            19      2011-536 up first.  It is on page 7.  And I


            20      believe Mr. Killingsworth is here for questions


            21      and I'm also here for questions.  There is a


            22      proposed TEU amendment.  And, additionally, I


            23      believe that Councilmember Boyer may have some


            24      questions or comments and certainly would


            25      welcome any others from the committee.


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Ms. Boyer.


             2           C/M BOYER:  Thank you.


             3           Through the Chair to Mr. Killingsworth --


             4      is he here?


             5           MR. REINGOLD:  Yes.


             6           C/M BOYER:  There he is.


             7           (Mr. Killingsworth approaches the podium.)


             8           THE CHAIRMAN:  And if you can give your


             9      name and address for the record.


            10           Thank you.


            11           MR. KILLINGSWORTH:  Bill Killingsworth,


            12      director of Planning and Development.


            13           C/M BOYER:  Thank you.


            14           Mr. Killingsworth, there are a number of


            15      exceptions that are considered de minimis.


            16      Could you run through those with us -- I


            17      believe it's on page 17 -- and just explain why


            18      those particular items were selected and what


            19      is included in those since those are exclusions


            20      from people against whom the mobility fee would


            21      be assessed, just so we're familiar with them?


            22           MR. KILLINGSWORTH:  Sure.


            23           Through the Chair to Councilmember Boyer,


            24      basically -- I'll run through the list here and


            25      kind of synopsize -- I'm not going to read it,


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      but the first item is basically that if you're


             2      going to reuse an existing structure or tear


             3      down a structure and put back the same number


             4      of square footage and a similar use that


             5      generates similar trip traffic, which is the


             6      way we've interpreted that, that that is de


             7      minimis.  There's no net change in trips, and


             8      so that is a de minimis use.


             9           The other is a type of development that


            10      creates no trip traffic.  So if there's an


            11      industrial property and they put up a cover or


            12      something like that, but they're not adding


            13      additional square footage, they're just


            14      covering -- building a cover for their


            15      containers or something like that, that doesn't


            16      generate additional trip generation and so


            17      that's considered de minimis.


            18           All public facilities for health and


            19      safety are considered de minimis, so that's


            20      fire, police, things like that.  Religious


            21      sanctuaries are considered de minimis.


            22           And I think that is the list of de minimis


            23      items.


            24           C/M BOYER:  There's also --


            25           MR. KILLINGSWORTH:  Well, there's also the


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      outside retail sales for holiday items.  Sorry.


             2           C/M BOYER:  And I might bring to the


             3      attention of the committee a conversation I


             4      just had with Mr. Reingold and


             5      Mr. Killingsworth.  Since we are exempting


             6      permits for outside retail sales of holiday


             7      items, that means we are not exempting outside


             8      retail sales that might go on year round, like,


             9      for example, landscape material in a parking


            10      lot or something else.  It's only the holiday


            11      items that are exempt.  And it makes sense in


            12      the sense that the others would generate


            13      regular transportation issues or traffic, so


            14      that -- that seemed to be rational.


            15           I have a question with respect to the


            16      public facilities paragraph.  It appears in my


            17      copy -- and maybe this is a Mr. Reingold


            18      question -- that it now exempts facilities for


            19      the protection of the health and safety but not


            20      general welfare and that it used to exempt


            21      facilities for general welfare, and could


            22      somebody explain to me the thinking about


            23      what's the difference and why we're changing


            24      it?


            25           MR. KILLINGSWORTH:  Sure.


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           The discussion was talked about a lot at


             2      the task force meeting, and so those uses that


             3      produce trips that are not for public safety


             4      purposes, like a library or tennis courts or


             5      things like that, put trips on the road.  And


             6      so when the City is planning new facilities,


             7      they should plan for the impacts and the cost


             8      of those impacts as part of generating that new


             9      facility, whereas in strict public safety


            10      things, like a fire department or a police


            11      station or something like that, they felt that


            12      use overrode the trip generation that might be


            13      generated by the use.


            14           C/M BOYER:  And so then they would be


            15      charged a mobility fee which essentially would


            16      just -- the City would be, which would


            17      essentially be just built into the capital cost


            18      of constructing whatever that new facility


            19      would be; is that the thinking --


            20           MR. KILLINGSWORTH:  That's correct.


            21           And then the fee would go into the


            22      appropriate zone, just like any other fee.


            23           C/M BOYER:  Thank you.


            24           And then I had one technical comment that


            25      I had discussed with Mr. Reingold earlier


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      regarding previously vested rights and a


             2      section referenced, which -- I don't know if I


             3      need to do that by a separate amendment or if,


             4      when we do the TEU amendment, we can just roll


             5      that into that somehow?


             6           MR. REINGOLD:  Through the Chair to


             7      Councilmember Boyer, essentially what we had


             8      discussed was that there needed to be a


             9      clarification that the substantial deviation


            10      criteria or percentage applied to changes in


            11      transportation impacts as well as the other


            12      impacts, and that just, as an LUZ amendment,


            13      could be incorporating the TEU amendment to


            14      include a reference to the substantial


            15      deviation criteria, including transportation


            16      impacts.


            17           C/M BOYER:  Thank you.


            18           And at the appropriate time, I will make


            19      that amendment.


            20           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Thank you.


            21           Mr. Holt.


            22           C/M HOLT:  Thank you, Mr. Chair.


            23           Mr. Killingsworth, the number 4 TEU


            24      amendment says, "Developer is required to


            25      resolve outstanding obligations and development


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      agreements."  Is this to address issues like


             2      the Duval Road agreements?  You know the issue


             3      that I'm talking about?


             4           MR. KILLINGSWORTH:  Well, that's


             5      investment -- the investment -- it might


             6      address that issue, but it's more in line of


             7      issues where somebody might have an


             8      outstanding -- because of the economic


             9      situation right now, there are a number of


            10      development agreements that are in arrears in


            11      terms of meeting their performance schedule,


            12      and generally the performance schedule is a


            13      payment to keep those reserved trips alive.


            14           The process to vacate those development


            15      agreements if they're not meeting the


            16      performance standards that they agreed to is


            17      onerous.  We have to put in a -- an ad in the


            18      paper, hold public hearings, go through


            19      essentially the whole process that we did to


            20      create it.  So the City hasn't really been


            21      pursuing that.


            22           So the idea behind this amendment is


            23      either they bring it up to date and then they


            24      can proceed with the mobility fee and hold onto


            25      that portion of the development agreement if


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      they want to or whoever holds the development


             2      agreement goes through the process of vacating


             3      it so that the City doesn't have to absorb the


             4      cost of abandoning that contract, and then they


             5      can come in through the mobility fee.


             6           We just didn't want development agreements


             7      that were sitting out there, that weren't


             8      performing, forever essentially.


             9           C/M HOLT:  Right.  I'm trying to wrap my


            10      brain around that because it's very complicated


            11      when you've got people who own a certificate


            12      basically and then surrounding land holders


            13      would now benefit from this new mobility fee,


            14      but it then puts that person who has the


            15      certificate in a position where they can't


            16      complete the project that they --


            17           MR. KILLINGSWORTH:  Well, in terms of -- I


            18      believe you're talking about Duval Station.


            19           Yeah, the mobility -- I think it's the


            20      way -- and, you know, I'll defer to -- we


            21      actually have T.R. in the audience here and he


            22      is the agent for that --


            23           C/M HOLT:  T.R. is --


            24           MR. KILLINGSWORTH:  -- particular fair


            25      share.


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           C/M HOLT:  T.R. is familiar with that.


             2           T.R., could you come up, please?


             3           MR. KILLINGSWORTH:  But the way I believe


             4      it's structured is the mobility fee would --


             5      any fees collected would go to recoup the cost


             6      borne by the --


             7           C/M HOLT:  But in many cases the new


             8      mobility fee is less than the -- the old fair


             9      share.


            10           MR. KILLINGSWORTH:  Yeah, but I believe a


            11      substantial amount of the fee has already been


            12      paid through fair shares.


            13           C/M HOLT:  Okay.


            14           (Mr. Hainline approaches the podium.)


            15           C/M HOLT:  Okay.  Can I get your insight


            16      on it, T.R.?  Because you know the situation --


            17           MR. HAINLINE:  T.R. Hainline, 1301


            18      Riverplace Boulevard.


            19           This provision, this amendment that


            20      addresses outstanding obligations under


            21      development agreements, it's my understanding


            22      that that's directed at a very specific thing,


            23      which is that -- there are a number of


            24      agreements out there that during the recession


            25      people have fallen behind in their annual


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      payments.  You have to make annual payments to


             2      keep these development agreements valid.  And


             3      during the recession people have fallen behind.


             4           To its credit, the City has been tolerant


             5      of that and has said, okay, we're going to let


             6      you fall behind, but, you know, we're not


             7      letting you off the hook.  When it does come


             8      time to develop, you need to come current on


             9      those payments.  And at least none of my


            10      clients have resisted that and they've been


            11      appreciative of the City's tolerance during


            12      this recession.


            13           So that's a very different thing than


            14      development agreements, of which there are


            15      many.  Duval Road is only one.  That's a very


            16      different thing than development agreements


            17      which have a whole bunch of obligations


            18      stretched out over a long period of time that


            19      have nothing to do with these annual fees or


            20      that kind of thing.


            21           So, I mean, my read of that provision is


            22      that it's targeted to a very specific thing.  I


            23      mean, I would look to Dylan and Bill maybe to


            24      clarify that, but -- but in terms of your


            25      question with regard to an agreement like the


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      Duval Road agreement, there are a whole host of


             2      provisions in the mobility fee that say to


             3      people who have either development agreements


             4      or fair shares, you could either do what you're


             5      doing now, which is a good thing, and stay


             6      under the agreement you have now, or if you


             7      want, you can go under the mobility fee, and


             8      that's your choice.  Whichever is -- whichever


             9      benefits you, whichever works for you, that's


            10      your choice.


            11           So I do not see this -- I certainly do not


            12      see the mobility fee as -- as having directly


            13      negative consequences on those people.  Now, it


            14      does -- it does have the consequence that the


            15      source of funds that they had and that they


            16      were counting on has been diminished somewhat,


            17      but there's no avoiding that.  I mean -- and I


            18      know that -- at least in -- as it relates to


            19      that applicant, you know, he -- he's okay with


            20      that, but there's no avoiding that.  We're


            21      going from a system where some people paid a


            22      lot to a system where everybody pays less, but


            23      the total amount of money, you know, is


            24      generally the same, so --


            25           The other thing that the mobility fee does


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      is it -- is it takes people who have built


             2      roads and accumulated credits and it allows


             3      them to use those credits against mobility fees


             4      and it does so from mobility fees that are


             5      generated within their mobility zone, a pretty


             6      broad area.  So in that respect, it attempts to


             7      make them whole, I guess, is what I'm -- in


             8      getting to your question.  I know this may be


             9      kind of confusing, but --


            10           You know, as to this specific amendment, I


            11      don't think it's addressed at the broader issue


            12      of development agreements and fair shares.  I


            13      think it's targeted at those development fees,


            14      people falling behind, but I certainly would


            15      look to Bill and Dylan to clarify.


            16           C/M HOLT:  Right.  And there's really not


            17      much that we can do to change the situations,


            18      such as Duval Road.  We're just going to --


            19      overall very happy with the new mobility fee


            20      system and look forward to supporting it, but


            21      just wanted to get some clarification.


            22           Thank you.


            23           MR. HAINLINE:  Sure.  Thank you.


            24           THE CHAIRMAN:  Are you done?


            25           MR. KILLINGSWORTH:  Any other questions,


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      I'll be happy to answer them.


             2           THE CHAIRMAN:  I don't have any questions.


             3      I don't have any on the queue.


             4           Being that I have no other questions, do I


             5      have a --


             6           C/M HOLT:  Move the amendment.


             7           C/M CARTER:  Second.


             8           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  I have a motion by


             9      Mr. Holt, second by Mr. Carter on the


            10      amendment.


            11           Do we have any discussion?


            12           MR. REINGOLD:  (Indicating.)


            13           THE CHAIRMAN:  I'm sorry.  Mr. Reingold.


            14           MR. REINGOLD:  I'm going to just ask the


            15      committee, was this amendment including the


            16      technical amendment that Councilmember Boyer


            17      included or was this just the TEU amendment?


            18           THE CHAIRMAN:  Well, what I was going to


            19      do was the TEU amendment and then do the LUZ,


            20      make it separate.


            21           So this is for the TEU amendment.  We have


            22      a motion and a second on the amendment.


            23           Seeing no discussion, all in favor, say


            24      yea.


            25           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Yea.


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           THE CHAIRMAN:  Any opposed, say nay.


             2           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             3           THE CHAIRMAN:  The amendment passes.


             4           Can I have a motion -- sorry --


             5           C/M BOYER:  I'd like to make a motion to


             6      include the technical amendment that


             7      Mr. Reingold described earlier.


             8           C/M LOVE:  Second.


             9           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Mr. Reingold, you


            10      want to clarify that?


            11           MR. REINGOLD:  Absolutely.


            12           Councilmember Boyer just made a motion to


            13      include a technical amendment which will be


            14      wrapped up into what will be the LUZ amendment,


            15      which includes the TEU amendment, which


            16      essentially will -- when analyzing VPACs and


            17      substantial deviations of them, that there will


            18      be an analysis of the transportation


            19      modification as well as all the other public


            20      facilities.


            21           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  So I have a motion


            22      by Ms. Boyer, second by Mr. Love on the LUZ


            23      amendment.


            24           Do we have any discussions?


            25           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no discussion, all


             2      in favor of the amendment, say yea.


             3           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Yea.


             4           THE CHAIRMAN:  All opposed of the


             5      amendment, say nay.


             6           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             7           THE CHAIRMAN:  The amendment passes.


             8           Now we're going to move the bill --


             9           C/M HOLT:  (Inaudible.)


            10           THE CHAIRMAN:  -- as amended twice.


            11           MR. REINGOLD:  Just once.


            12           THE CHAIRMAN:  Just one time?


            13           Okay.  As amended once.


            14           I have a motion by Mr. Holt, second by


            15      Ms. Boyer?


            16           C/M BOYER:  (Nods head.)


            17           THE CHAIRMAN:  We have that on the record.


            18           Okay.  Any discussions?


            19           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            20           THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no discussions, open


            21      the ballot and record the vote.


            22           (Committee ballot opened.)


            23           C/M BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            24           C/M HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


            25           C/M BOYER:  (Votes yea.)


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           C/M CARTER:  (Votes yea.)


             2           C/M LOVE:  (Votes yea.)


             3           C/M LUMB:  (Votes yea.)


             4           C/M REDMAN:  (Votes Yea.)


             5           (Committee ballot closed.)


             6           MS. LAHMEUR:  Seven yeas, zero nay.


             7           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  By your actions, you


             8      have approved 2011-536.


             9           Let's go to page 2.  Item number 1,


            10      2011-341, is deferred.


            11           2011-363.  Going to open the public


            12      hearing and continue till October 18th, 2011,


            13      with no actions.


            14           Item 2011-443.  Do I have a motion?


            15           C/M HOLT:  Move the amendment.


            16           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  I have a motion by


            17      Mr. Holt, second by --


            18           C/M REDMAN:  Second.


            19           THE CHAIRMAN:  -- Mr. Redman to move the


            20      amendment.


            21           Before we do that, if we can just get for


            22      the record the two --


            23           MR. REINGOLD:  Absolutely.


            24           To the Chair, there were just some


            25      technical changes to the bill.  And then


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      second off is that there was going to be an


             2      hours of operation limitation that affected


             3      Ocean Street such that there could be not -- no


             4      on-street bars, cafes and the like before


             5      9 p.m.


             6           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Thank you.


             7           Okay.  Seeing no discussions, we've moved


             8      the amendment, now it's time to move the bill.


             9           MR. REINGOLD:  No.


            10           THE CHAIRMAN:  I'm sorry?


            11           C/M HOLT:  (Inaudible.)


            12           THE CHAIRMAN:  We have not moved the


            13      amendment.


            14           Okay.  Sorry.


            15           C/M LUMB:  Can we have -- I was getting


            16      ready to -- you said there was no discussion.


            17           THE CHAIRMAN:  You have -- okay.


            18           Go ahead.


            19           C/M LUMB:  So I'm absolutely clear on


            20      this, this strictly affects their ability to


            21      serve or to open or operate sidewalk cafes


            22      where they can serve food and liquor and/or


            23      liquor on City-owned property?  They still can


            24      operate their bars, their establishments?


            25           MR. REINGOLD:  (Nods head.)


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           C/M LUMB:  So this is -- this is going


             2      forward in the belief -- possibly good-faith


             3      belief that this outdoor activity creates a


             4      level of vibrancy that's important to bringing


             5      back downtown?


             6           MR. REINGOLD:  That is absolutely correct,


             7      sir.


             8           C/M LUMB:  Are there any vibrancy studies


             9      out there?  I'll take their word -- this seems


            10      to have been worked out.  I'm just -- I'm just


            11      struck by the fact that the real discussion


            12      here is on the use of City property for outdoor


            13      cafes at certain hours when, in fact, they can


            14      do whatever they want whenever they want based


            15      upon the liquor license they -- they own, they


            16      just can't do it outdoors?


            17           MR. REINGOLD:  (Nods head.)


            18           C/M LUMB:  All right.  Thank you.


            19           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Mr. Redman.


            20           C/M REDMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


            21           This is an agreement that I came up with


            22      with the -- agreed to limit the hours on one


            23      street, but this still holds to the ordinance


            24      that there has to be so much space -- enough


            25      space -- and I forget what the footage is --


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      for pedestrian, bicycle traffic on the


             2      sidewalk, and I was assured that that would be


             3      enforced.


             4           Thank you.


             5           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  I have no other


             6      questions.


             7           All in favor of the amendment, say yea.


             8           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Yea.


             9           THE CHAIRMAN:  All opposed, say nay.


            10           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            11           THE CHAIRMAN:  The amendment passes.


            12           Do I have a motion?


            13           C/M HOLT:  Move the bill.


            14           C/M LOVE:  Second.


            15           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  I have a motion by


            16      Mr. Holt, second by Mr. Love as the bill is


            17      amended.


            18           Any discussions?


            19           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            20           THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no discussions, open


            21      the ballot, record your vote.


            22           (Committee ballot opened.)


            23           C/M BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            24           C/M HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


            25           C/M BOYER:  (Votes yea.)


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           C/M CARTER:  (Votes nay.)


             2           C/M LOVE:  (Votes yea.)


             3           C/M LUMB:  (Votes yea.)


             4           C/M REDMAN:  (Votes Yea.)


             5           (Committee ballot closed.)


             6           MS. LAHMEUR:  Six yea, one nay.


             7           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  2011-443 passes.


             8           Let's go to page 3.  Mr. Dylan.


             9           MR. REINGOLD:  To the Chair, as we


            10      discussed at our agenda meeting, the next


            11      several items are all City-sponsored land use


            12      bills and their companion rezonings, all of


            13      which are City-owned property going from some


            14      form of land use district or designation to CSV


            15      and, similarly, from some sort of zoning


            16      district to CSV.


            17           Were there any speaker cards on any of


            18      these items?


            19           MS. LAHMEUR:  No.


            20           THE CHAIRMAN:  I am seeing Merriane


            21      shaking her head no.


            22           At this time, it would -- since there are


            23      no -- there's no one here to speak on any of


            24      these items, do you just want to hear kind of


            25      an abbreviated report from the Planning


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      Department?


             2           THE CHAIRMAN:  That's correct, Mr. Dylan.


             3           MR. REINGOLD:  Okay.  I just wanted to


             4      confirm that.


             5           THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Kresel.


             6           MR. KRESEL:  If it pleases the committee,


             7      I will indicate the ordinance number and both


             8      the land -- the proposed land use change and


             9      the accompanying rezoning.  Stop at any -- stop


            10      me at any time if there are any questions.


            11           Starting with ordinance 2011-502, the


            12      request is to take the land use from the


            13      current AGR-4 category to Conservation.  The


            14      accompanying rezoning is to go from Agriculture


            15      to Conservation.


            16           Ordinance 2011-504 and its accompanying


            17      rezoning, -505, in this case, the current land


            18      use is Low Density Residential and the proposed


            19      land use is Conservation.  The accompanying


            20      rezoning is currently Rural Residential Acre


            21      and Low Density Residential 60 to Conservation.


            22           Ordinance 2011-506 and -507, the land use


            23      request is going from Rural Residential to


            24      Conservation.  The accompanying rezoning is


            25      Rural Residential Acre to Conservation.


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           Ordinance 2011-508 and the accompanying


             2      -509, the land use change is going from


             3      Agriculture 2 and Agriculture 4 to


             4      Conservation.  The accompanying rezoning is


             5      Agriculture and Public Buildings and


             6      Facilities 1 to Conservation.


             7           And the last of these --


             8           THE CHAIRMAN:  (Inaudible.)


             9           MR. KRESEL:  I'm sorry.


            10           THE CHAIRMAN:  No, go ahead, please.


            11           MR. KRESEL:  Ordinance 2011-510 and the


            12      accompanying -511, the land use change is from


            13      Low Density Residential, Medium Density


            14      Residential, and Residential-Professional-


            15      Institutional to Conservation.  The


            16      accompanying rezoning is from Planned Unit


            17      Development to Conservation.


            18           And that is the end of the land use and


            19      accompanying rezonings.


            20           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Mr. Carter.


            21           C/M CARTER:  Just -- when we go from them


            22      to Conservation, is there -- like, you know, we


            23      have to get -- sometimes we have to swap


            24      wetland issues and stuff like that.  Is that --


            25      is that a whim, that -- where we get -- that we


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      can get wetland mitigation by swapping it out


             2      of this zoning and another zoning?  Is that


             3      a -- is that a legitimate question?


             4           MR. KRESEL:  It's possible that -- should


             5      we see any other development in the future,


             6      that we could look at -- excuse me -- the


             7      wetlands that are on these City-owned


             8      properties, but as part of this -- these


             9      changes, there was no intent to identify the


            10      wetlands for future swaps or development


            11      potential, but it's something we can certainly


            12      look at in the future and I'll so note it.


            13           C/M LUMB:  Mr. Chairman.


            14           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Mr. Lumb.


            15           C/M LUMB:  When we're talking about


            16      conservation land, does -- does this land


            17      permanently lie fallow as it were or are we


            18      allowed to develop this as parks or for any


            19      recreation purpose or -- or what is the


            20      limitation that the City is operating under


            21      once we accept this as conservation land?


            22           MR. KRESEL:  As conservation land, it's


            23      very limited to development.  It can be


            24      utilized for passive recreation and limited


            25      recreation opportunities.  The intent, though,


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      is to keep development very, very limited.


             2           C/M LUMB:  When you say "passive," we


             3      could create paths and walkways and picnic


             4      areas or -- how far could we go in developing


             5      this as recreational?


             6           MR. KRESEL:  One second.  Let me just


             7      double-check that so I can answer your question


             8      properly.


             9           MR. HUXFORD:  Through the Chair, I would


            10      just list off the uses that are allowed under


            11      the Conservation zoning district:  Regional,


            12      state or national forest parks; sanctuaries or


            13      preserves; special management areas; public or


            14      private wildlife management areas; valuable


            15      environmental resources, such as sensitive


            16      vegetation, high-valued habitat, wetlands and


            17      the like; and essential services.  It's pretty


            18      much limited to that.


            19           As far as, like, a regional park or


            20      something like that, probably the more


            21      appropriate zoning district would be Recreation


            22      and Open Space.


            23           C/M LUMB:  So all those categories you


            24      mentioned, I mean, that's -- that's about as


            25      passive as you can get, sanctuaries and


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      preservation zones, and -- so basically this


             2      land -- I mean, the entire purpose here is to


             3      create conservation land, but there's very


             4      little the City can do with it?


             5           MR. HUXFORD:  That's correct.


             6           The intent would be to leave it in a


             7      passive, natural state as best as possible.


             8           C/M LUMB:  All right.  Thank you.


             9           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Councilman Holt.


            10           C/M HOLT:  Through the chair to Councilman


            11      Lumb, I just wanted to say that there are


            12      conservation parks all over that -- we have


            13      bicycle trails and walking trails.  That's


            14      conservation land.  Even have some bathroom


            15      facilities and things like that.  So these


            16      properties, if you're not making wetland


            17      impacts, would be great for that.


            18           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Ms. Boyer.


            19           C/M BOYER:  Thank you.


            20           Through the Chair to the staff, on my


            21      agenda for 2011-511, it does not refer to PUD,


            22      but I think you said PUD.  Can you just verify


            23      which is the correct -- on the rezoning on


            24      -511?  The agenda says RPI, LDR, and MDR, which


            25      I think are land uses.  So is it actually PUD


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      to CSV?


             2           MR. HUXFORD:  Through the Chair, you are


             3      correct.  That's an error on the agenda.  In


             4      fact, this is an ordinance to rezone the


             5      property from Planned Unit Development,


             6      pursuant to ordinance 1988-1241, to


             7      Conservation.


             8           THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Dylan, do we need to


             9      make a --


            10           MR. REINGOLD:  I'm just checking the bill


            11      right now, but it should have referenced a PUD


            12      and I recall doing so.  But, if you want, I can


            13      just take a moment to look at that.


            14           Merriane confirmed it.  It actually says


            15      "PUD" on the ordinance itself, so no amendment


            16      is necessary.


            17           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Thank you.


            18           Okay.  We don't have any other questions.


            19      Let's go ahead and start with 2011- --


            20      Mr. Dylan.


            21           MR. REINGOLD:  Did you just want to open


            22      the public hearing and then acknowledge -- no


            23      one here, close the public hearing, then we can


            24      run through them all?


            25           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Make sure that I


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      understand.  We're going to open the public


             2      hearing, run through them all, and then close


             3      the public hearing?


             4           MR. REINGOLD:  Well, what we could do is


             5      just -- and I'll do -- the public hearing is


             6      open on these items.  Is there anyone in the


             7      audience who wants to speak on these bills?


             8           AUDIENCE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             9           MR. REINGOLD:  All right.  Seeing none,


            10      you can close the public hearing and now you


            11      can run through them all.


            12           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  That's fine.


            13           Okay.  2011-502.


            14           C/M HOLT:  Move the bill.


            15           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  We have a motion --


            16           C/M BOYER:  Second.


            17           THE CHAIRMAN:  -- by Mr. Holt, second by


            18      Ms. Boyer to move the bill.


            19           On the bill, any discussion?


            20           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            21           THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no discussion, open


            22      the ballot.


            23           (Committee ballot opened.)


            24           C/M BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            25           C/M HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           C/M BOYER:  (Votes yea.)


             2           C/M CARTER:  (Votes yea.)


             3           C/M LOVE:  (Votes yea.)


             4           C/M LUMB:  (Votes yea.)


             5           C/M REDMAN:  (Votes Yea.)


             6           (Committee ballot closed.)


             7           MS. LAHMEUR:  Seven yeas, zero nays.


             8           THE CHAIRMAN:  2011-502 has been approved.


             9           Okay.  Let's move to 2011-503.


            10           C/M HOLT:  Move the bill.


            11           C/M BOYER:  Second.


            12           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  We have it moved by


            13      Mr. Holt, seconded by Ms. Boyer.  We'll just


            14      keep that consistent.


            15           Do we have any discussion?


            16           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            17           THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no discussion, open


            18      the ballot, record your vote.


            19           (Committee ballot opened.)


            20           C/M BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            21           C/M HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


            22           C/M BOYER:  (Votes yea.)


            23           C/M CARTER:  (Votes yea.)


            24           C/M LOVE:  (Votes yea.)


            25           C/M LUMB:  (Votes yea.)


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           C/M REDMAN:  (Votes Yea.)


             2           (Committee ballot closed.)


             3           MS. LAHMEUR:  Seven yeas, zero nay.


             4           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  2011-503 has been


             5      approved by your actions.


             6           Okay.  2011-504.  Do I have a motion?


             7           C/M LOVE:  Move the bill.


             8           C/M BOYER:  Second.


             9           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Motion by Mr. Love,


            10      second by Ms. Boyer.


            11           Any discussion?


            12           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            13           THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no discussion, open


            14      the ballot, record the vote.


            15           (Committee ballot opened.)


            16           C/M BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            17           C/M HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


            18           C/M BOYER:  (Votes yea.)


            19           C/M CARTER:  (Votes yea.)


            20           C/M LOVE:  (Votes yea.)


            21           C/M LUMB:  (Votes yea.)


            22           C/M REDMAN:  (Votes Yea.)


            23           (Committee ballot closed.)


            24           MS. LAHMEUR:  Seven yeas, zero nay.


            25           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  By your actions,


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      2011-504 has been approved.


             2           2011-505.


             3           C/M REDMAN:  Move the bill.


             4           C/M HOLT:  Second.


             5           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Moved by Mr. Redman,


             6      second by Mr. Holt.


             7           Seeing no discussion, open the ballot,


             8      record your vote.


             9           (Committee ballot opened.)


            10           C/M BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            11           C/M HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


            12           C/M BOYER:  (Votes yea.)


            13           C/M CARTER:  (Votes yea.)


            14           C/M LOVE:  (Votes yea.)


            15           C/M LUMB:  (Votes yea.)


            16           C/M REDMAN:  (Votes Yea.)


            17           (Committee ballot closed.)


            18           MS. LAHMEUR:  Seven yeas, zero nay.


            19           THE CHAIRMAN:  By your actions, 2011-505


            20      has been approved.


            21           Let's go to page 4.  2011-506.


            22           C/M HOLT:  Move it.


            23           C/M REDMAN:  Second.


            24           THE CHAIRMAN:  Moved by Mr. Holt, second


            25      by Mr. Redman.


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           Any discussions?


             2           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             3           THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no discussions, open


             4      the ballot, record your vote.


             5           (Committee ballot opened.)


             6           C/M BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


             7           C/M HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


             8           C/M BOYER:  (Votes yea.)


             9           C/M CARTER:  (Votes yea.)


            10           C/M LOVE:  (Votes yea.)


            11           C/M LUMB:  (Votes yea.)


            12           C/M REDMAN:  (Votes Yea.)


            13           (Committee ballot closed.)


            14           MS. LAHMEUR:  Seven yeas, zero nay.


            15           THE CHAIRMAN:  By your actions, 2011-506


            16      has been approved.


            17           C/M CARTER:  (Indicating.)


            18           THE CHAIRMAN:  Yes, sir.  Mr. Carter.


            19           C/M CARTER:  Now, that -- that -505 and


            20      -504 wasn't on these ones that we was doing on


            21      the -- on the conservation, correct?  So did we


            22      clarify that we have any public hearings on


            23      these two guys?  We have -- ex-parte was never


            24      talked about either as we done these.


            25           MR. REINGOLD:  Through the Chair to


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      Councilmember Carter, -504 and -505 actually


             2      were a companion set going to CSV.  They were


             3      just in Councilmember Love's district, if I


             4      recall correct.


             5           Second off, you're absolutely right,


             6      Councilmember Carter.  If someone's had an


             7      ex-parte communication with an applicant or


             8      someone from the citizens, they should


             9      absolutely disclose them where it says


            10      "quasi-judicial."


            11           THE CHAIRMAN:  So do we have any --


            12           C/M CARTER:  (Shakes head.)


            13           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  We're now on -507.


            14           C/M REDMAN:  Move it.


            15           C/M LOVE:  Second.


            16           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  I have a motion by


            17      Mr. Redman, second by Mr. Love.


            18           Any discussions?


            19           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            20           THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no discussions, open


            21      the ballot, record your vote.


            22           (Committee ballot opened.)


            23           C/M BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            24           C/M HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


            25           C/M BOYER:  (Votes yea.)


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           C/M CARTER:  (Votes yea.)


             2           C/M LOVE:  (Votes yea.)


             3           C/M LUMB:  (Votes yea.)


             4           C/M REDMAN:  (Votes Yea.)


             5           (Committee ballot closed.)


             6           MS. LAHMEUR:  Seven yeas, zero nay.


             7           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  By your actions,


             8      2011-507 has been approved.


             9           2011-508.


            10           C/M HOLT:  Move it.


            11           C/M REDMAN:  Second.


            12           THE CHAIRMAN:  Moved by Mr. Holt, second


            13      by Mr. Redman.


            14           Any discussions?


            15           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            16           THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no discussions, open


            17      the ballot, record your vote.


            18           (Committee ballot opened.)


            19           C/M BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            20           C/M HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


            21           C/M BOYER:  (Votes yea.)


            22           C/M CARTER:  (Votes yea.)


            23           C/M LOVE:  (Votes yea.)


            24           C/M LUMB:  (Votes yea.)


            25           C/M REDMAN:  (Votes Yea.)


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           (Committee ballot closed.)


             2           MS. LAHMEUR:  Seven yeas, zero nay.


             3           THE CHAIRMAN:  By your actions, 2011-508


             4      has been approved.


             5           2011-509.


             6           C/M HOLT:  Move it.


             7           C/M REDMAN:  Second.


             8           THE CHAIRMAN:  Moved by Mr. Holt, second


             9      by Mr. Redman.


            10           Do I have any discussions?


            11           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            12           THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no discussions, open


            13      the ballot.


            14           (Committee ballot opened.)


            15           C/M BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            16           C/M HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


            17           C/M BOYER:  (Votes yea.)


            18           C/M CARTER:  (Votes yea.)


            19           C/M LOVE:  (Votes yea.)


            20           C/M LUMB:  (Votes yea.)


            21           C/M REDMAN:  (Votes Yea.)


            22           (Committee ballot closed.)


            23           MS. LAHMEUR:  Seven yeas, zero nay.


            24           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  By your actions, you


            25      have approved 2011-509.


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           At the top of the page, page 5, 2011-510.


             2           C/M BOYER:  Move the bill.


             3           C/M REDMAN:  Second.


             4           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Moved by Ms. Boyer,


             5      second by Mr. Redman.


             6           Do I have any discussions?


             7           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             8           THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no discussions, open


             9      the ballot, record your vote.


            10           (Committee ballot opened.)


            11           C/M BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            12           C/M HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


            13           C/M BOYER:  (Votes yea.)


            14           C/M CARTER:  (Votes yea.)


            15           C/M LOVE:  (Votes yea.)


            16           C/M LUMB:  (Votes yea.)


            17           C/M REDMAN:  (Votes Yea.)


            18           (Committee ballot closed.)


            19           MS. LAHMEUR:  Seven yeas, zero nay.


            20           THE CHAIRMAN:  By your actions, you have


            21      approved 2011-510.


            22           2011-511.


            23           C/M HOLT:  Move the bill.


            24           C/M REDMAN:  Second.


            25           THE CHAIRMAN:  Moved by Mr. Holt, second


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      by Mr. Redman.


             2           Any discussions?


             3           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             4           THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no discussions, open


             5      the ballot, record your vote.


             6           (Committee ballot opened.)


             7           C/M BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


             8           C/M HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


             9           C/M BOYER:  (Votes yea.)


            10           C/M CARTER:  (Votes yea.)


            11           C/M LOVE:  (Votes yea.)


            12           C/M LUMB:  (Votes yea.)


            13           C/M REDMAN:  (Votes Yea.)


            14           (Committee ballot closed.)


            15           MS. LAHMEUR:  Seven yeas, zero nay.


            16           THE CHAIRMAN:  By your actions, you have


            17      approved 2011-511.


            18           Okay.  2011-512.


            19           C/M HOLT:  Move the bill.


            20           C/M REDMAN:  Second.


            21           THE CHAIRMAN:  Moved by Mr. Holt, second


            22      by Mr. Redman.


            23           MR. KRESEL:  Mr. Chairman.


            24           THE CHAIRMAN:  I'm sorry.  I'm moving too


            25      fast?


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           MR. KRESEL:  We've kind of changed


             2      directions here, though.  The next four


             3      amendments deal with the text of the


             4      comprehensive plan.  The previous ones that we


             5      just went through were map changes.


             6           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.


             7           MR. KRESEL:  They're basically some


             8      housekeeping purposes for the Planning


             9      Department, and I will be brief and try to


            10      explain them as quickly and as clearly as


            11      possible.


            12           THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Kresel, go ahead.


            13           Thank you.


            14           MR. KRESEL:  Ordinance 2011-512, there is


            15      language currently in the public schools and


            16      facilities element of the comp plan that makes


            17      reference to transportation concurrency.  The


            18      City has now adopted the mobility plan;


            19      therefore, we're asking to take out language


            20      that refers to concurrency in that element, and


            21      that is the nature of the change.


            22           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Mr. Dylan.


            23           MR. REINGOLD:  To the Chair, are there any


            24      speaker cards for items -512, -514, -515 or


            25      -516?


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           THE CHAIRMAN:  No, there's not.


             2           MR. REINGOLD:  Well, why don't we open


             3      those public hearings and, seeing no speakers,


             4      close those public hearings, and that way we


             5      don't have to worry about doing that process


             6      through these next four bills.


             7           THE CHAIRMAN:  Yes, Mr. Dylan.


             8           Okay.  I had a motion by Mr. Holt, second


             9      by Mr. Redman on 2011-512.


            10           Do we have any discussion?


            11           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            12           THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no discussion, open


            13      the ballot, record your vote.


            14           (Committee ballot opened.)


            15           C/M BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            16           C/M HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


            17           C/M BOYER:  (Votes yea.)


            18           C/M CARTER:  (Votes yea.)


            19           C/M LOVE:  (Votes yea.)


            20           C/M LUMB:  (Votes yea.)


            21           C/M REDMAN:  (Votes Yea.)


            22           (Committee ballot closed.)


            23           MS. LAHMEUR:  Seven yeas, zero nay.


            24           THE CHAIRMAN:  By your actions, 2011-512


            25      has been approved.


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           2011-514.


             2           MR. KRESEL:  Ordinance 2011-514.  The


             3      Department is proposing to add some additional


             4      language, a requirement in rural villages, that


             5      they show -- excuse me -- that the development


             6      will generate -- at least 15 percent of the


             7      traffic that is originated from the project


             8      would be within the project itself as opposed


             9      to going off the parcel.


            10           And that's the nature of that request,


            11      sir.


            12           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  I have questions.


            13           Councilmember Boyer and then


            14      Councilman Holt.


            15           C/M BOYER:  Thank you.


            16           Through the Chair to staff, I noticed that


            17      this particular provision uses p.m. peak hour


            18      measurement, and I remember in our discussion


            19      of the mobility plan the other day we discussed


            20      that we were going away from p.m. peak hour


            21      measurement.  Can you explain to me the


            22      rationale for why we have something different


            23      here than what we're doing in the mobility


            24      plan?


            25           MR. KRESEL:  That I'm not qualified to


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      answer.  I'm sorry.  Mr. Killingsworth is no


             2      longer here.


             3           We proposed this language separate from


             4      the mobility plan, and I will not even attempt


             5      to try to respond to that.  Let me verify that


             6      with our transportation experts and get back


             7      with you tomorrow, if that's -- if that would


             8      be satisfactory.


             9           C/M BOYER:  That's fine.


            10           Do I understand that since this is a comp


            11      plan amendment, it has already gone through a


            12      process where it's been sent to the State and


            13      back and reviewed already?


            14           MR. KRESEL:  That is correct.


            15           C/M BOYER:  So that's fine if you want to


            16      get back to me after the meeting and after


            17      we've voted, but I -- but I do have a concern


            18      that if we're changing to a different standard


            19      and a different philosophy that we should be


            20      consistent about it, and I just don't know why


            21      we're adopting something using the old


            22      philosophy, if -- and maybe it applies in this


            23      context.  I just don't know.


            24           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Mr. Dylan.


            25           MR. REINGOLD:  Absolutely.


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           To the council member, I'll work with the


             2      Planning Department addressing whether it


             3      should be an internal capture rate of


             4      15 percent of the annual daily -- average


             5      daily -- the terminology that's used in the


             6      mobility plan.  And certainly Gary and myself


             7      and Mr. Killingsworth and Laurie Kattreh will


             8      work on that issue and get an answer to you as


             9      soon as possible.


            10           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Mr. Holt.


            11           C/M HOLT:  Thank you, Mr. Chair.


            12           I just had a question generally,


            13      Mr. Kelly, about this category.


            14           Are we using anymore the rural village or


            15      is this just in here for those rural villages


            16      that were established years ago?


            17           MR. KELLY:  This is addressing, I guess,


            18      both of them, the ones that haven't developed


            19      as of yet.  There were, obviously, a number of


            20      rural villages approved as PUD satellite


            21      communities and there still are proposals out


            22      there to do new ones and expand existing ones.


            23           C/M HOLT:  I thought we were getting away


            24      from doing those, but I'd be curious to know


            25      where those proposed are, if you could send me


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      that information off line.


             2           MR. KELLY:  I'd be glad to.


             3           C/M HOLT:  Thank you.


             4           THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Lumb.


             5           C/M LUMB:  Mr. Kelly or whoever, one more


             6      tutorial, please.  What is a rural village?


             7           MR. KELLY:  I'll just summarize.


             8           I mean, I'm sure there's a defined term


             9      specific in our comp plan.  Specifically,


            10      though, a rural village is designed to be kind


            11      of a self-sufficient, so to speak, overall mix


            12      of development, kind of a compact town pattern


            13      with a central square, residential uses,


            14      commercial uses that the residential uses can


            15      do, far from the node.  And they have acreage


            16      requirements.  There's density provisions.  And


            17      so it's basically like a little, small town


            18      that you're developing as an overall


            19      master-planned development.


            20           C/M LUMB:  Name one.


            21           MR. KELLY:  The -- well, the one that --


            22      and I'll bring the information -- was the ICI


            23      rural village proposal on 301, north of the


            24      landfill facility off of 301 and south of I-10.


            25           C/M LUMB:  Thank you.


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Ms. Boyer.


             2           C/M BOYER:  Thank you.


             3           Through the Chair to Councilmember Holt, I


             4      had asked the same question of


             5      Mr. Killingsworth earlier regarding whether we


             6      were still doing these and whether this was


             7      still a category because I have a concern that


             8      it is somewhat contrary to our philosophy of


             9      what we want to see in future development, and


            10      so if -- this is an opportunity that we can


            11      discuss it.  If it's something in the future


            12      that you want to pursue, I certainly am in


            13      agreement that these are probably not in our


            14      best interest to continue to do.


            15           THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Holt.


            16           C/M HOLT:  Thank you for those comments,


            17      Ms. Boyer.


            18           My recollection of that ICI project was


            19      that it may have been land use/rural village,


            20      but it was a PUD zoning; is that right?


            21           MR. KELLY:  That's correct.


            22           Each of the rural villages have to have a


            23      designated PUD satellite community zoning


            24      district associated with that.


            25           C/M HOLT:  But --


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           MR. KELLY:  The rural village, from a land


             2      use perspective, really exempts the density


             3      provisions normally applied within the AGR


             4      category because of the -- the mixed-use


             5      component and the mix of uses that make it


             6      self-sufficient.


             7           C/M HOLT:  So does the land use affect the


             8      concurrency or does the zoning?


             9           MR. KELLY:  In terms of the capture rate?


            10           C/M HOLT:  Right.  We're talking here


            11      about internal capture rates, and Ms. Boyer's


            12      question earlier was how this might be


            13      affected, the change from --


            14           MR. KELLY:  Oh, from going --


            15           C/M HOLT:  -- from the old fair share


            16      system to the new mobility fee system.  How


            17      does the rural village fit into that?  Is there


            18      an effect of internal capture rate in a rural


            19      village?


            20           MR. KELLY:  Yes, and that's kind of


            21      reviewed when we review the rezoning, the


            22      satellite community, the mix of the uses.  And


            23      that's reviewed also through part of the


            24      traffic study to -- to assure that that


            25      internal capture percentage is being met.


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           Now, whether it's ADT or p.m. peak hour,


             2      the ADT is going to certainly have a lot more


             3      trips as opposed to the -- you know, basing it


             4      on the p.m. peak hour, but that 15 percent


             5      would be -- would be based on --


             6           C/M HOLT:  Okay.


             7           MR. KELLY:  -- the development.


             8           C/M HOLT:  Well, let's talk about it later


             9      because this is educational and taking up time


            10      in committee.


            11           Thank you.


            12           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Can I get a motion?


            13           C/M HOLT:  Move the bill.


            14           C/M BOYER:  Second.


            15           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  We have a motion by


            16      Mr. Holt, second by Ms. Boyer.


            17           Any discussion?


            18           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            19           THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no discussion, open


            20      the ballot, record your vote.


            21           (Committee ballot opened.)


            22           C/M BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            23           C/M HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


            24           C/M BOYER:  (Votes yea.)


            25           C/M CARTER:  (Votes yea.)


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           C/M LOVE:  (Votes yea.)


             2           C/M LUMB:  (Votes yea.)


             3           C/M REDMAN:  (Votes Yea.)


             4           (Committee ballot closed.)


             5           MS. LAHMEUR:  Seven yeas, zero nay.


             6           THE CHAIRMAN:  By your actions, you have


             7      approved 2011-514.


             8           2011-515.  Staff report, Mr. Kresel.


             9           MR. KRESEL:  Ordinance 2011-515.  The


            10      Department worked on, a couple of years ago,


            11      the creation of, again, a -- generally large


            12      mixed-use or multiuse-type projects, and we're


            13      introducing now the -- a clarification.


            14           When we created the multiuse category, the


            15      corresponding zoning that must go along with


            16      this land use category is a new zoning category


            17      called PUD-MU, and this is the language that


            18      makes that possible.  So this is primarily just


            19      referring to the new zoning category and just


            20      acknowledges the new title of the corresponding


            21      zoning.


            22           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Thank you.


            23           I don't have any questions.


            24           Do I have a motion?


            25           C/M HOLT:  Move the bill.


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           C/M CARTER:  Second.


             2           THE CHAIRMAN:  I have a motion by


             3      Mr. Holt, second by Mr. Carter.


             4           Any discussions?


             5           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             6           THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no discussions, open


             7      the ballot, record your vote.


             8           (Committee ballot opened.)


             9           C/M BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            10           C/M HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


            11           C/M BOYER:  (Votes yea.)


            12           C/M CARTER:  (Votes yea.)


            13           C/M LOVE:  (Votes yea.)


            14           C/M LUMB:  (Votes yea.)


            15           C/M REDMAN:  (Votes Yea.)


            16           (Committee ballot closed.)


            17           MS. LAHMEUR:  Seven yeas, zero nay.


            18           THE CHAIRMAN:  By your actions, you have


            19      approved 2011-515.


            20           Item number 17, 2011-516.


            21           Mr. Kresel.


            22           MR. KRESEL:  Ordinance 2011-516.  This is


            23      introducing two new policies to the


            24      comprehensive plan that relates to community


            25      gardens.  One, it -- it creates the --


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      acknowledges that community gardens can be


             2      created.  They -- and acknowledges that -- that


             3      they be allowed in a variety of land use


             4      categories except for Heavy Industrial, Light


             5      Industrial and Water Related/Water Dependent,


             6      and it allows for retail operations that might


             7      occur off site.  For example, if someone raises


             8      vegetables or flowers on site, they would not


             9      be allowed to sell from that site, be it their


            10      backyard or some sort of community vacant lot,


            11      but they would be allowed to transport those


            12      materials and sell them in an appropriate


            13      location.


            14           We got some feedback from the Department


            15      of Agriculture and they were concerned that our


            16      original language was just a little bit too


            17      drastic.  This allows for someone to take their


            18      produce and sell it or distribute it in an


            19      appropriate location.


            20           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Seeing that I have


            21      no one on the queue, do I have a motion and a


            22      second?


            23           C/M HOLT:  Move the bill.


            24           C/M REDMAN:  Move the bill.


            25           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  I have a motion by


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      Mr. Holt, second by Mr. Redman.


             2           Seeing no discussions, open the ballot,


             3      record your vote.


             4           (Committee ballot opened.)


             5           C/M BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


             6           C/M HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


             7           C/M BOYER:  (Votes yea.)


             8           C/M CARTER:  (Votes yea.)


             9           C/M LOVE:  (Votes yea.)


            10           C/M LUMB:  (Votes yea.)


            11           C/M REDMAN:  (Votes Yea.)


            12           (Committee ballot closed.)


            13           MS. LAHMEUR:  Seven yeas, zero nay.


            14           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  By your actions, you


            15      have approved 2011-516.


            16           Item 18 is 2011-517, deferred.


            17           2011-524.  Staff report by Mr. Smith.


            18           MR. SMITH:  Yes, Mr. Chairman, members of


            19      the committee.


            20           Ordinance 2011-524 is an application for a


            21      performance-based development agreement for the


            22      purpose of reserving traffic circulation


            23      capacity.  This parcel consists of


            24      approximately 24.35 acres.  It is located on


            25      State Road A1A, between Mayport Road and


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      Wonderwood Drive.


             2           This proposed development includes


             3      approximately 487 apartment uses, has a


             4      duration of seven years.  And I might add, this


             5      development agreement is subject to a


             6      performance schedule and an annual renewal for


             7      each -- renewal fee for each year that the


             8      agreement is in effect for the remaining


             9      undeveloped residential units.


            10           Staff has reviewed the application for


            11      compliance with Chapter 655, Ordinance Code,


            12      and does have a recommendation to approve.


            13           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Thank you,


            14      Mr. Smith.


            15           And we have one speaker's card and it's


            16      just for questions only.


            17           We're going to open the public hearing.


            18           Ms. Pierce.


            19           MS. PIERCE:  (Indicating.)


            20           THE CHAIRMAN:  No questions.  Okay.


            21           We're going to close the public hearing.


            22      There's no more speakers.


            23           Did we need to bring her forward?


            24           (Discussion held off the record.)


            25           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           MR. REINGOLD:  She's here and she waved.


             2           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  The public hearing


             3      is closed.


             4           Do I have a motion to move --


             5           C/M HOLT:  Move the bill.


             6           C/M REDMAN:  Second.


             7           THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion by Mr. Holt, second


             8      by Mr. Redman.


             9           Seeing no discussions, open the ballot,


            10      record your vote.


            11           (Committee ballot opened.)


            12           C/M BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            13           C/M HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


            14           C/M BOYER:  (Votes yea.)


            15           C/M CARTER:  (Votes yea.)


            16           C/M LOVE:  (Votes yea.)


            17           C/M LUMB:  (Votes yea.)


            18           C/M REDMAN:  (Votes Yea.)


            19           (Committee ballot closed.)


            20           MS. LAHMEUR:  Seven yeas, zero nay.


            21           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  By your actions,


            22      2011-524 has been approved.


            23           Let's go to the top of page 7, 2011-525.


            24           Mr. Smith.


            25           MR. SMITH:  Yes.  Mr. Chairman, members of


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      the committee, ordinance 2011-525 is a


             2      performance-based development agreement


             3      application known as Project USA, Jax Offices,


             4      San Jose West.  This property consists of


             5      approximately 1.1 acres.  It's located on


             6      San Jose Boulevard, between Orange Picker Road


             7      and Marbon Road.  This proposed development


             8      includes approximately 50,000 enclosed square


             9      feet of general office use.  The duration of


            10      this agreement is for five years.  Again, this


            11      agreement is subject to a performance schedule


            12      and an annual renewal fee for each year that


            13      the agreement is in effect.


            14           And staff has reviewed this application


            15      for compliance with Part 2, Chapter 655,


            16      Ordinance Code, and does have a recommendation


            17      to approve.


            18           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Smith.


            19           Okay.  We're going to open the public


            20      hearing.  We have one speaker, Mr. Kupperman.


            21           This was -- questions only?


            22           MR. KUPPERMAN:  (Indicating.)


            23           THE CHAIRMAN:  Got a wave.


            24           Okay.  Thank you, sir.


            25           Okay.  We have no other speakers.  We're


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      going to close the public hearing.


             2           Do I have a motion --


             3           C/M REDMAN:  Move the bill.


             4           C/M LOVE:  Second.


             5           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  I have a motion by


             6      Mr. Redman, second by Mr. Love.


             7           Seeing no discussions, open the ballot,


             8      record your vote.


             9           (Committee ballot opened.)


            10           C/M BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            11           C/M HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


            12           C/M BOYER:  (Votes yea.)


            13           C/M CARTER:  (Votes yea.)


            14           C/M LOVE:  (Votes yea.)


            15           C/M LUMB:  (Votes yea.)


            16           C/M REDMAN:  (Votes Yea.)


            17           (Committee ballot closed.)


            18           MS. LAHMEUR:  Seven yeas, zero nay.


            19           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  By your actions, you


            20      have approved 2011-525.


            21           Item 21, 2011-526.


            22           Mr. Smith.


            23           MR. SMITH:  Yes.  Mr. Chairman, ordinance


            24      2011-526, known as Water's Bluff, is a


            25      performance agreement for reserving traffic


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      circulation capacity.  The property consists of


             2      approximately 11.68 acres.  It is located on


             3      St. Johns Bluff Road, between Alden Road and


             4      Lost Pine Drive.  This proposed development


             5      includes approximately 240 apartment units.  It


             6      has a duration agreement -- a duration for five


             7      years.


             8           Staff has reviewed the application for


             9      compliance with Chapter 655, Ordinance Code,


            10      and has a recommendation to approve.


            11           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Smith.


            12           We're going to open the public hearing.


            13      We have one speaker's card.  That's


            14      Ms. Johnston.


            15           For questions only?


            16           MS. JOHNSTON:  (Indicating.)


            17           THE CHAIRMAN:  She left?  She did wave.


            18           Thank you.


            19           No other speakers out there, so we're


            20      going to close the public hearing.


            21           Do I have a motion and second?


            22           C/M REDMAN:  Move the bill.


            23           C/M LOVE:  Second.


            24           THE CHAIRMAN:  I have a motion by


            25      Mr. Redman, second by Mr. Love.


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           Any discussions?


             2           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             3           THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no discussions, open


             4      the ballot, record your vote.


             5           (Committee ballot opened.)


             6           C/M BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


             7           C/M HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


             8           C/M BOYER:  (Votes yea.)


             9           C/M CARTER:  (Votes yea.)


            10           C/M LOVE:  (Votes yea.)


            11           C/M LUMB:  (Votes yea.)


            12           C/M REDMAN:  (Votes Yea.)


            13           (Committee ballot closed.)


            14           MS. LAHMEUR:  Seven yeas, zero nay.


            15           THE CHAIRMAN:  By your actions, you have


            16      approved 2011-526.


            17           We have covered 2011-536.


            18           Go to the final page, page 8.  Item 23,


            19      2011-539, read second, rerefer.  Item 24 is


            20      2011-550, read second, rereferred.  2011-551,


            21      read second, rerefer.  2011-552, read second


            22      and rereferred.


            23           And 2011-553 --


            24           C/M HOLT:  Move withdrawal.


            25           C/M REDMAN:  Second.


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  We have a motion by


             2      Mr. Holt, second by Mr. Redman.


             3           Any discussions?


             4           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             5           THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no discussions, open


             6      the ballot, record your vote.


             7           (Committee ballot opened.)


             8           C/M BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


             9           C/M HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


            10           C/M BOYER:  (Votes yea.)


            11           C/M CARTER:  (Votes yea.)


            12           C/M LOVE:  (Votes yea.)


            13           C/M LUMB:  (Votes yea.)


            14           C/M REDMAN:  (Votes Yea.)


            15           (Committee ballot closed.)


            16           MS. LAHMEUR:  Seven yeas, zero nay.


            17           THE CHAIRMAN:  By your actions, you have


            18      approved --


            19           MR. REINGOLD:  Withdrawn.


            20           THE CHAIRMAN.  -- withdrawn -- by your


            21      actions, you have withdrawn 2011-553.


            22           By my account, I think we've covered


            23      everything; is that correct?


            24           MR. REINGOLD:  Absolutely, sir.


            25           THE CHAIRMAN:  Do we have any questions


                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      from the body?


             2           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             3           THE CHAIRMAN:  If not, meeting is


             4      adjourned.


             5           (The above proceedings were adjourned at


             6      5:55 p.m.)


             7                        -  -  -






































                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1                      CERTIFICATE




             3  STATE OF FLORIDA)


             4  COUNTY OF DUVAL )






             7           I, Diane M. Tropia, Court Reporter,


             8  certify that I was authorized to and did


             9  stenographically report the foregoing proceedings


            10  and that the transcript is a true and complete


            11  record of my stenographic notes.








            15            DATED this 11th day of September, 2011.




            17             ___________________________


            18                   Diane M. Tropia
















                      Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203