LAND USE AND ZONING








                          Proceedings held on Tuesday, June 7,


                2011, commencing at 5:07 p.m., City Hall, Council


                Chambers, 1st Floor, Jacksonville, Florida, before


                Diane M. Tropia, a Notary Public in and for the


                State of Florida at Large.






                     JOHN CRESCIMBENI, Chair.

                     RAY HOLT, Vice Chair.

                     WILLIAM BISHOP, Committee Member.

                     DON REDMAN, Committee Member.

                     REGINALD BROWN, Committee Member.

                     DICK BROWN, Committee Member.



                ALSO PRESENT:


                     BILL KILLINGSWORTH, Director, Planning Dept.

                     JOHN CROFTS, Deputy Director, Planning Dept.

                     SEAN KELLY, Chief, Current Planning.

                     FOLKS HUXFORD, Zoning Administrator.

                     DYLAN REINGOLD, Office of General Counsel.

                     MERRIANE LAHMEUR, Legislative Assistant.



                                       - - -






             1                 P R O C E E D I N G S

                June 7, 2011                              5:07 p.m.

             2                         - - -


             3           THE CHAIRMAN:  Good evening, everyone.


             4           We're going to call the June 7th, 2011,


             5      Land Use and Zoning Committee meeting to order.


             6      It's about eight minutes after five p.m.


             7           We have a couple of lengthy items on our


             8      agenda tonight.


             9           For those folks that picked up an agenda


            10      in the audience, I want to call your attention


            11      to the fact that on page 4, item 9, we are


            12      going to defer that this evening.  It's not


            13      marked accordingly.  But just in case you're


            14      here for that item, we are not going to take


            15      that item up.  Item 9, on page 4, 2011-254 will


            16      be deferred.


            17           All right.  We're going to start off with


            18      everybody introducing themselves for the


            19      record.


            20           Mr. Crofts, do want start that for me,


            21      please.


            22           MR. CROFTS:  Yes, Mr. Chairman.


            23           Good evening.  My name is John Crofts.


            24      I'm deputy director of Planning.


            25           MR. KELLY:  Sean Kelly, Planning and


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      Development.


             2           MR. HUXFORD:  Folks Huxford, Planning and


             3      Development.


             4           MR. REINGOLD:  Dylan Reingold, Office of


             5      General Counsel.


             6           MR. R. BROWN:  Reginald Brown,


             7      District 10.


             8           THE CHAIRMAN:  I'm John Crescimbeni,


             9      at-large member, Group 2.


            10           MR. HOLT:  Ray Holt, District 11.


            11           MR. BISHOP:  Bill Bishop, District 2.


            12           MR. REDMAN:  Don Redman, District 4.


            13           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Thank you,


            14      everyone.


            15           I do have an excused absence from


            16      Councilman Joost.


            17           And Councilman Brown is here, Dick Brown.


            18      I saw him earlier.  I think just -- he went


            19      back up to his office to get one of the books


            20      that we needed for an item coming up, so he is


            21      with us.


            22           Mr. Reingold, do you want to read the LUZ


            23      preamble?


            24           MR. REINGOLD:  I would be delighted, sir.


            25           Anyone who would like to address the


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      committee tonight must fill out a yellow


             2      speaker's card in its entirety.  The yellow


             3      speakers' cards are located on the desk up


             4      front, near the podium.  Once completed, please


             5      return the speaker's card to the basket on the


             6      front desk.


             7           Any person who lobbies the City for


             8      compensation is considered a lobbyist and is


             9      therefore required to register their lobbying


            10      activity with the City Council secretary.  If


            11      you are a lobbyist and have not registered with


            12      the City Council secretary, you will not be


            13      permitted to address the committee.


            14           Because a verbatim transcript of this


            15      meeting will be prepared by a court reporter,


            16      it is important that you speak clearly into the


            17      microphone when you address the committee.  It


            18      is also important that only one person speak at


            19      a time.


            20           Any tangible materials submitted with a


            21      speaker's presentation, such as documents or


            22      photographs, shall become a permanent part of


            23      the public record and will be retained by the


            24      committee.


            25           As a courtesy, please switch any cell


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      phones, pagers or other audible devices to a


             2      silent mode.


             3           Additionally, there will be no public


             4      displays of support or opposition, so please


             5      refrain from applause or speaking out of turn.


             6           Items are generally addressed in the order


             7      in which they are listed on the agenda.  Copies


             8      of the agenda are located on the desk up front,


             9      near the podium.


            10           On occasion, items may be heard out of


            11      order for the sake of efficiency or to


            12      accommodate scheduling conflicts.


            13           Unless there is a formal hearing on a


            14      particular item, each member of the public is


            15      limited to a single three-minute presentation.


            16      Presentations should be focused, concise, and


            17      address only the item pending before the


            18      committee.


            19           Prior to addressing the committee, please


            20      state your name and address for the court


            21      reporter.


            22           Decisions on rezonings, including PUDs,


            23      waivers of road frontage and appeals, are all


            24      considered quasi-judicial in nature and certain


            25      protocols will be followed for these


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      proceedings.


             2           First, each council member must disclose


             3      on the record any ex-parte communications they


             4      have had with any members of the public.  This


             5      shall occur prior to the public hearing on each


             6      applicable item.  The ex-parte statement shall


             7      include when the communication took place, who


             8      the communication was with, and what the


             9      subject matter of the communication was about.


            10           Second, the normal format is to allow the


            11      applicant or agent thereof to make their


            12      presentation first, followed by members of the


            13      public who wish to speak in support of the


            14      item, then members of the public who are in


            15      opposition will be allowed to speak.


            16           After all of the public comments have been


            17      received, the applicant will have a brief


            18      opportunity to wrap up or present a brief


            19      rebuttal.  The wrap-up or rebuttal shall be


            20      limited to the issues brought up by the


            21      speakers.


            22           In some instances, the Chair may permit a


            23      concise surrebuttal or response to the


            24      applicant's rebuttal.  That will be followed by


            25      a brief final response by the applicant.


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           Finally, all quasi-judicial decisions must


             2      be based upon substantial competent evidence,


             3      which means that the committee's decision must


             4      be supported by fact-based testimony or expert


             5      testimony and not generalized concerns or


             6      opinions.


             7           Thank you very much.


             8           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Reingold.


             9           Let the record reflect that Councilman


            10      Dick Brown has joined us.


            11           Our first item on the agenda tonight,


            12      2010-585.  I see a conference going on over


            13      here.


            14           Mr. Ingram, are you ready to take this up


            15      or do you want to -- are you conferring?


            16           MR. INGRAM:  Mr. Chairman, would it be


            17      possible to hear some of the other items --


            18           THE CHAIRMAN:  It absolutely --


            19           (Simultaneous speaking.)


            20           MR. INGRAM:  -- (inaudible) couple of


            21      minutes.


            22           THE CHAIRMAN:  -- wouldn't be.  We have no


            23      problem doing that.


            24           All right.  I just --


            25           MR. INGRAM:  Thank you very much.


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           THE CHAIRMAN:  That's why I kind of


             2      surmised that -- all right.  So we're going to


             3      pass over item 1 temporarily.


             4           Item 2 2010-670, is deferred.


             5           Item 3, 2010-856.


             6           MR. HOLT:  Move to withdraw.


             7           THE CHAIRMAN:  There's a motion to


             8      withdraw by Mr. Holt.


             9           Is there a second?


            10           MR. D. BROWN:  Second.


            11           THE CHAIRMAN:  Second by Councilman Dick


            12      Brown.


            13           Any discussion on that motion?


            14           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            15           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  I can tell you


            16      that some committee appointed me to a


            17      subcommittee.  I forget what committee it was


            18      now.  It might have been Rules.  And I'm


            19      working with the folks with regard to this


            20      issue, but we're at a point where we're


            21      probably going to be talking about rewriting


            22      Chapter 250 in its entirety, so whatever we end


            23      up coming up with is probably not going to be


            24      this, so I have no problem with the withdrawal


            25      as well.


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           All right.  Any further discussion on the


             2      withdrawal?


             3           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             4           THE CHAIRMAN:  Hearing none, open the


             5      ballot, vote.


             6           (Committee ballot opened.)


             7           MR. CRESCIMBENI:  (Votes yea.)


             8           MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


             9           MR. BISHOP:  (Votes yea.)


            10           MR. D. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            11           MR. R. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            12           MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


            13           (Committee ballot closed.)


            14           MS. LAHMEUR:  Six yeas, zero nays.


            15           THE CHAIRMAN:  By our action, you've


            16      withdrawn item 3, 2010-856.


            17           Item 4, 2011-158, is deferred.


            18           Turning to page 3, at the top, 2011-159 is


            19      deferred.


            20           And that brings us to item 6, 2011-179.


            21           Mr. Kelly.


            22           MR. KELLY:  Thank you.


            23           To the Chair, ordinance 2011-179 is a


            24      waiver of road frontage.  The subject property


            25      is located on Tierra Verde Court, on the south


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      side of Greenland Road, at the western terminus


             2      of Tierra Verde Lane.  Tierra Verde Lane is


             3      basically an approved private roadway.


             4           The waiver sought request is actually


             5      because of the -- the nature of the roadway is


             6      considered to be a cul-de-sac.  The request has


             7      actually diminished from 80 feet to 0 feet to


             8      35 feet to 0 feet.  The subject property is


             9      zoned RR zoning -- RR-acre zoning.


            10           The Department reviewed this and finds


            11      that there's really no practical difficulty in


            12      complying with the strict letter of the


            13      regulation.  The -- again, the minimum road


            14      frontage on a cul-de-sac is 35 feet.  The lot


            15      could be subdivided to provide a 35-foot


            16      unobstructed portion of property to the


            17      cul-de-sac to subdivide the lot legally without


            18      the need for the waiver of road frontage.


            19           The Department finds, again, that it


            20      doesn't meet the criteria for a waiver.


            21      There's no valid, effective easement proposed


            22      on the subject property.  This is basically


            23      creating a landlocked piece of property.  We


            24      find, again, that in these situations it


            25      becomes detrimental to the health, safety and


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      welfare as there's not adequate access to the


             2      subject property and the condition would make


             3      it difficult to find for emergency responders.


             4           The Department does not support even the


             5      diminished request in this instance, again, as


             6      there's no practical difficulty in carrying out


             7      the strict letter of the regulation.


             8           We find that this would alter the


             9      character of the area.  Additionally, there was


            10      no valid easement proposed for the new lot and,


            11      therefore, we are recommending denial.


            12           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Thank you,


            13      Mr. Kelly.


            14           Any questions from the committee for


            15      Mr. Kelly?


            16           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            17           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Seeing none,


            18      this is a quasi-judicial matter.  Does anyone


            19      have any ex-parte communication to disclose?


            20           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            21           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Seeing none, we


            22      have a public hearing scheduled this evening.


            23      The public hearing is open.  I have one


            24      speaker's card, David Taylor, a different


            25      David Taylor.


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           (Audience member approaches the podium.)


             2           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  A different David


             3      Taylor.


             4           David Taylor with Dunn Associates, 8375


             5      Dix Ellis Trail.


             6           I'm here representing Mr. LeCalsey.


             7           I have just a couple of handouts that I'd


             8      like to introduce.


             9           Mr. Kelly is correct in a couple of his


            10      statements.  One statement that we disagree


            11      with was the provision of an easement.  The


            12      intent was -- and on the included document, on


            13      the very last page of the package, a 25-foot


            14      access and utility easement was going to be


            15      provided, and that was presented to you, the


            16      Planning Department.  I'm not sure why they


            17      missed that, but the intent was to provide an


            18      easement to the back parcel, and that will


            19      occur.


            20           As far as the nature of the subdivision,


            21      the handout that I gave you basically


            22      identifies about five parcels in this area.  I


            23      mean, this is old Mandarin, in which there were


            24      a lot of long driveways, there were


            25      irregular-shaped lots.


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           It appears that there's about five parcels


             2      just to the southeast of the subject parcel.


             3      And, as you can see, it's labeled 1, 2, 3, 4,


             4      and 5.  Especially number 5, it has a long


             5      35-foot driveway, which would not meet the


             6      requirements.  1, 2, and 3 have basically a


             7      zero or a very small access point, according to


             8      the GIS.  So we are, you know, basically


             9      requesting that you review this, and in the


            10      nature of old Mandarin vote to -- to approve


            11      this waiver.


            12           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Thank you,


            13      Mr. Taylor.


            14           Any questions from the committee?


            15           MR. HOLT:  Yes.


            16           THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Holt.


            17           MR. HOLT:  Thank you.


            18           Through the Chair to Mr. Taylor, is the


            19      purpose of this to build just one additional


            20      home on the property?


            21           MR. TAYLOR:  That's -- the intent is only


            22      to build one additional home in the back, no


            23      more further subdivisions.  They would agree to


            24      that.  The original person bought this as five


            25      acres and decided that he didn't want the five


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      acres, and it was -- basically wanted to sell


             2      off the back half.


             3           MR. HOLT:  Okay.  Thank you.


             4           Through the Chair to Mr. Kelly, you were


             5      just explaining to us that it is possible for


             6      him to build an additional home under the


             7      35 foot, so what am I missing here?


             8           MR. KELLY:  That's correct.


             9           And, you know, we don't understand really


            10      the merit of the application either.  You know,


            11      this is something -- they could easily provide


            12      a 35-foot-wide strip of land to the Tierra


            13      Verde Lane cul-de-sac.  As long as that strip


            14      remains the same width and is unobstructed by


            15      any structures or anything back to the


            16      developable portion of parcel 2, there's no


            17      reason they couldn't do this by right as a


            18      matter of right.  So, you know --


            19           Our issue is the pattern of development.


            20      You see the cumulative effect based upon the


            21      GIS information.  These are all old approved


            22      private roadways, so the -- the lots that were


            23      mentioned, 1, 2, 3, and 5, you know, those lots


            24      are on approved private roadways and you don't


            25      actually have the dimension of the private


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      easement width, which is typically going to be


             2      a 50-foot easement for those.  And those lots


             3      are on the cul-de-sac as well, in which they


             4      probably have that same amount of legal


             5      frontage on that private easement, so --


             6           MR. HOLT:  Is what I'm missing here that


             7      he wants to enter on Tierra Verde Court, not


             8      Tierra Verde Lane; is that the difference?


             9           MR. KELLY:  No, that's not my


            10      understanding.


            11           The understanding was it was from Tierra


            12      Verde Lane South, which is the westerly, I


            13      guess, stub-out just north of Tierra Verde Lane


            14      Court, but it is also classified, according to


            15      Streets and Drainage, as an approved private


            16      roadway, which is a cul-de-sac.


            17           MR. HOLT:  So if he were to apply for a


            18      reduction from 80 feet to 35 feet, that would


            19      satisfy the Planning Department?  He could


            20      build an additional residence on the property


            21      and you would be willing to approve that?


            22           MR. KELLY:  If the parcel was recorded --


            23      he has over 100 feet of frontage on the


            24      cul-de-sac.  So if 35 feet of that 100 feet of


            25      frontage is dedicated to parcel 2, he can go


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      pull a permit tomorrow.  There's no need to


             2      landlock the lot himself.


             3           MR. HOLT:  Well, what's the issue here?


             4      If he would be able to do that --


             5           MR. TAYLOR:  Well, basically when we


             6      started this process, we were not aware of that


             7      until after the recommendation was given to us,


             8      while in denial, that that was pointed out to


             9      us.


            10           That is an option, and there are a couple


            11      of benefits to both parties by allowing the


            12      waiver because you have a 25-foot buffer.  Each


            13      party could put -- could build a fence and you


            14      wouldn't end up with dual fences 25 foot apart.


            15      The first property owner would retain access


            16      and could use that as a driveway versus


            17      basically not having access to that driveway at


            18      all or having to build double driveways side by


            19      side.


            20           So it's more from a practical standpoint


            21      and a usability standpoint and the neighborly,


            22      you know, aspect of having a neighbor getting


            23      along with them versus basically isolating them


            24      because of the fence requirements and other


            25      building requirements.


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           MR. HOLT:  All right.  Well, let me see if


             2      I can fix this with an amendment to this bill


             3      to reduce it from 80 feet to 35 feet.


             4           Would that satisfy everybody?


             5           MR. KELLY:  We -- we've agreed to that.


             6           The reduction was originally -- it was


             7      originally noticed as 80 feet, but the 35 feet


             8      is currently what's only required due to the


             9      nature, the status of the road as an approved


            10      private cul-de-sac.  I think they're proposing


            11      actually 25 feet of an easement, which would


            12      belong entirely to parcel 1.


            13           MR. HOLT:  Okay.  Well, sir, it seems to


            14      me that if you're able to accomplish your goal


            15      with what the Planning Department is


            16      suggesting -- I don't know about the other


            17      members of this committee, but I find it very


            18      difficult to go against my Planning Department,


            19      so I would be inclined to deny at -- the


            20      current request to go to zero, but they're


            21      saying that by right you have the ability to go


            22      to 35 feet and accomplish your goal, so I'd


            23      certainly encourage you to take that route.


            24           Thank you.


            25           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Holt.


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           Mr. Taylor, have you had any conversations


             2      with the Planning Department staff on this


             3      matter?


             4           MR. TAYLOR:  I've had e-mail


             5      correspondence with Andy Hertzel -- Hetzel.


             6           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Like Mr. Holt, I


             7      feel like I'm missing something here.


             8           Why was --


             9           MR. KELLY:  We disclosed this information


            10      prior to issuing the report.  Andy had been in


            11      contact with the applicant and explained to him


            12      that he could legally, you know, subdivide the


            13      property and comply with the intent of the


            14      code.  They chose to proceed.


            15           MR. TAYLOR:  Actually, I believe I would


            16      argue different.  It was after the report was


            17      issued or given to us that we have e-mail


            18      correspondence to that fact.  I did ask that


            19      question and I am aware of the ability to do


            20      that.  We are still -- we were still requesting


            21      the waiver because of some functionality issues


            22      with the driveway and fencing and the landscape


            23      and, et cetera, so --


            24           THE CHAIRMAN:  How does the waiver impact


            25      that?


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           MR. TAYLOR:  Because the property line


             2      shifts over so the -- one parcel has a property


             3      line 25 foot from the other guy's property


             4      line, so his fence could not be on the --


             5      against the adjacent owner.  So you could, in


             6      fact, have two fences 25 foot apart.  And that


             7      would create an alley effect versus having a


             8      natural effect.  And if this guy wanted to put


             9      up a fence, he could put a fence and there


            10      would only be one fence.


            11           THE CHAIRMAN:  Do you live in this


            12      neighborhood or you just represent the property


            13      owner?


            14           MR. TAYLOR:  I just represent this area --


            15      I mean, this owner, but --


            16           THE CHAIRMAN:  Are you familiar with the


            17      area?


            18           MR. TAYLOR:  Yes, sir, I am.  I am.  I've


            19      been to this site, and it's -- I don't feel


            20      that it's not traditional.  The end of


            21      cul-de-sacs -- you know, I don't have the


            22      actual parcel information, but I would argue


            23      that they're less than 35 -- they're probably,


            24      you know, 10 feet -- this whole area, there was


            25      a lot of stuff that was going on.  It's an


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      improved private road before it wasn't even


             2      governed by the City, so --


             3           THE CHAIRMAN:  Is there a cul-de-sac at


             4      the terminus of that street?  Is there -- gets


             5      close to what you have identified as subject


             6      parcel A and B?


             7           MR. TAYLOR:  Yes, sir, there is a


             8      cul-de-sac there.


             9           THE CHAIRMAN:  Is it an approved


            10      cul-de-sac?


            11           MR. TAYLOR:  Yes, sir, it is.


            12           THE CHAIRMAN:  Is this the street that has


            13      the house with the wild Christmas display?


            14           MR. TAYLOR:  I don't know.  I've not been


            15      there at Christmastime.


            16           THE CHAIRMAN:  I think I've been on this


            17      street before.


            18           All right.  Any questions from the


            19      committee, any motions?


            20           Mr. Holt.


            21           MR. HOLT:  Thank you, Mr. Chair.


            22           I'm still kind of at a loss as to where to


            23      go with this.  If this gentleman insists on


            24      going with the 80 feet to 0 and not withdrawing


            25      this bill, then does it put him in a position


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      where he can't request it for a year or he


             2      can't request to go to 35 now?


             3           MR. KELLY:  Well, actually the request is


             4      to 35.  We agreed -- we've amended the actual


             5      request to go -- instead of 80 to 35.  It's


             6      from -- or 80 to 0.  It's from 35 to 0.


             7           We're still opposed to the reduction to


             8      0 from 35.


             9           MR. HOLT:  Okay.  So it already has been


            10      reduced to 35?  He's further wanting a


            11      reduction to 0?


            12           MR. KELLY:  Correct.


            13           He needs a reduction to zero to subdivide


            14      the property and basically take the whole west


            15      half of the lot and basically landlock it


            16      without any road frontage.


            17           MR. HOLT:  Okay.  Well, if you guys are


            18      recommending against the reduction to zero, I'm


            19      going to vote against it.


            20           Mr. Reingold seems to be very excited.


            21      Mr. Chair, can I --


            22           THE CHAIRMAN:  Sure.


            23           MR. HOLT:  -- have Mr. Reingold speak?


            24           THE CHAIRMAN:  Let's find out why


            25      Mr. Reingold is so excited.


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           MR. REINGOLD:  I didn't realize I was


             2      being so exciting.


             3           I guess the comment I wanted to add was


             4      that -- the request in the bill says 80 to 0.


             5      Because of the fact that it's on a cul-de-sac,


             6      the Office of General Counsel would just


             7      recommend, with whatever amendment it is,


             8      whether it's to approve or deny, is that the


             9      request be modified in the bill to say that


            10      it's from 35 to 0.  That issue was clarified or


            11      mentioned by Mr. Kelly, but it technically


            12      hasn't been made yet by this committee and we


            13      would look for that to be as part of the


            14      amendment.


            15           MR. TAYLOR:  If I can just clarify one


            16      thing.  If it's voted down, by standard land


            17      development code the person is still allowed to


            18      plat the property up and provide 35 foot.  So


            19      if you vote no, you're not diminishing his


            20      ability; you're just allowing him to make the


            21      property a little bit more palatable to both


            22      neighbors?


            23           THE CHAIRMAN:  Is that a question?


            24           MR. TAYLOR:  That was a question.


            25           THE CHAIRMAN:  That was a question?


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           MR. TAYLOR:  That was the question.


             2           THE CHAIRMAN:  Do you want to respond to


             3      that, Mr. Kelly?


             4           MR. KELLY:  If -- I mean, if the


             5      Department's recommendation is upheld, he could


             6      still go and pull a permit tomorrow after


             7      re-recording the properties and providing the


             8      adequate frontage, clear and unobstructed, back


             9      to the vacant parcel 2.


            10           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Kelly.


            11           Folks on the front row there, if you guys


            12      want to have a conversation, either go back to


            13      the back of the room -- but you're starting to


            14      distract myself and probably some of my


            15      committee members.  We don't discourage the


            16      conversations, but we just ask that you take


            17      them towards the back.


            18           All right.  Mr. Bishop, you were on the --


            19           MR. BISHOP:  No.  Mr. Kelly answered my


            20      questions.


            21           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.


            22           MR. BISHOP:  I make a motion to amend to


            23      deny the waiver.


            24           THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion by Mr. -- do you


            25      want to move the amendment first?


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           MR. BISHOP:  Move the amendment to --


             2           THE CHAIRMAN:  Are you incorporating --


             3           MR. BISHOP:  Point of order.


             4           Okay.  There is a --


             5           THE CHAIRMAN:  You're going to move to


             6      deny, but you're including the change from


             7      35 -- from 80 to 35, correct?


             8           Is that what we need?


             9           MR. KELLY:  Yes.


            10           MR. BISHOP:  Correct.


            11           MR. HOLT:  Second.


            12           THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Bishop offers a motion


            13      to deny but also includes the change from


            14      80 feet to 35 feet with a reduction to 0,


            15      seconded by Mr. Holt.


            16           Discussion on the amendment?


            17           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            18           THE CHAIRMAN:  All those in favor, say


            19      yes.


            20           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Yes.


            21           THE CHAIRMAN:  Opposed, say no.


            22           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            23           THE CHAIRMAN:  By our action, you've


            24      adopted the amendment.


            25           MR. HOLT:  Move the bill as amended.


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           MR. BISHOP:  Second.


             2           THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion on the bill as


             3      amended by Mr. Holt, second by Mr. Bishop.


             4           Discussion?


             5           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             6           THE CHAIRMAN:  If there's none, please


             7      open the ballot, vote.


             8           (Committee ballot opened.)


             9           MR. CRESCIMBENI:  (Votes yea.)


            10           MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


            11           MR. BISHOP:  (Votes yea.)


            12           MR. D. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            13           MR. R. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            14           MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


            15           (Committee ballot closed.)


            16           MS. LAHMEUR:  Six yeas, zero nay.


            17           THE CHAIRMAN:  By our action, you have


            18      approved 2011-179 with the amendment to deny


            19      the waiver.


            20           MR. TAYLOR:  Thank you.


            21           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Mr. Taylor,


            22      thank you.


            23           Item 7, 2011-252, we will not take this up


            24      tonight.  We do have a public hearing scheduled


            25      this evening.


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           Any speakers' cards?


             2           MS. LAHMEUR:  No.


             3           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  The public


             4      hearing is open.  We have no speakers' cards.


             5           Anyone care to address the committee on


             6      this issue?


             7           AUDIENCE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             8           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Seeing no one,


             9      the public hearing is continued until July


            10      19th.  And, again, no further action on that


            11      item.


            12           Mr. Ingram, are you ready?


            13           MR. INGRAM:  Yes.


            14           THE CHAIRMAN:  Would your counterparts


            15      concur?


            16           MR. INGRAM:  Yes.


            17           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Let's flip back


            18      to page 2, at the top, item 1, 2010-585.


            19           Mr. Kelly.


            20           MR. KELLY:  Thank you.


            21           To the Chair and committee, ordinance


            22      2010-585 seeks to rezone property located at


            23      9069 and 9109 San Jose Boulevard.  This is


            24      located just south of Goodby's Creek, on the


            25      east side, adjacent to some recently rezoned


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      City preservation land.  The current zoning


             2      district was a PUD that was approved in 2005


             3      and allowed for multifamily development,


             4      condominiums, I believe, approximately


             5      60 units.  Additionally, in 2010, a land use


             6      amendment from RPI to Neighborhood Commercial


             7      was approved for this site.  The land use was


             8      approved and this zoning has been deferred


             9      since the approval of that land use back in


            10      September of last year.


            11           This proposed PUD proposes Neighborhood


            12      Commercial uses in conjunction with this site,


            13      which is a commercial site, designated.  The


            14      Department finds that in conjunction with the


            15      approved NC land use category, we find that


            16      this PUD rezoning is consistent with the


            17      comprehensive plan.  We find it furthers the


            18      goals and policies and objectives of the


            19      comprehensive plan.  The Department finds


            20      that -- it to be internally compatible as well


            21      as externally compatible and is therefore


            22      recommending approval subject to the conditions


            23      as identified in --


            24           Oh, let me point out, the Planning


            25      Commission, again, did not support this


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      request.  This was denied at Planning


             2      Commission.  I believe four to three was the


             3      final vote.


             4           The conditions are as indicated in the


             5      staff report, page 9.  I'll read them into the


             6      record.


             7           "The subject property is legally described


             8      in the original legal description dated May 11,


             9      2010."


            10           "The subject property shall be developed


            11      in accordance with the revised written


            12      description dated May 18th, 2011."


            13           Condition 3, "The subject property shall


            14      be developed in accordance with the revised


            15      site plan dated May 12th, 2011."


            16           Condition 4, "The subject property shall


            17      be developed in accordance with the Development


            18      Services Division memorandum dated July 26th,


            19      2010, or as otherwise approved by the Planning


            20      and Development Department."


            21           Condition 5 is a condition specifically as


            22      it relates to lighting levels onto adjacent


            23      properties, residential and nonresidential.  I


            24      won't read it for the record, but it's a


            25      standard condition.


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           With those five conditions, the Department


             2      is recommending approval.


             3           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Kelly.


             4           This is a quasi-judicial matter, so we


             5      need to disclose any ex-parte communication.


             6      I'll start by disclosing that on June 2nd, I


             7      met with Tom Ingram and Ali Shelton, is it?


             8      That was a meeting held in my office here at


             9      City Hall.  We talked about the merits of the


            10      project.


            11           I had two telephone conversations with


            12      individuals today that had left me messages,


            13      Susie O'Quinn and Jeff Marks.  I returned their


            14      calls.  We talked about the procedural matters


            15      tonight, we talked about the change in the


            16      Planning Department's recommendation, and also


            17      about a request from the CPAC to defer.


            18           We also have -- I think the Legislative


            19      Services folks have all the information on


            20      this, with regard to the CPAC request for


            21      deferral, which they in turn rescinded.


            22           And we also have a note from Councilmember


            23      Webb -- do we read this into the record or --


            24           MR. REINGOLD:  We can.


            25           THE CHAIRMAN:  Does everybody have a copy


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      of this from Councilman Webb?


             2           Let's see.  It says, Council President


             3      Webb will do his best to attend the LUZ meeting


             4      this evening but may not be able to get here in


             5      time.  He wanted to respectfully request that


             6      you inform the other members of your committee


             7      that as the District 6 councilman he does not


             8      support going forward with this PUD.  The


             9      traffic isn't -- is that -- the traffic is


            10      [sic] that area of San Jose is already too


            11      heavy.  This will cause more problems and


            12      building another strip center at the location


            13      could possibly cause more safety issues to the


            14      constituents living in the area.  We have heard


            15      frequently from his constituents over the past


            16      month that they are totally against the


            17      legislation and hope that you and your members


            18      will consider their request and help them.


            19           Council President Webb requests that this


            20      correspondence be entered into the file for


            21      2010-585.


            22           All right.  That's all I have.


            23           Mr. Redman.


            24           MR. REDMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


            25           I need to declare ex-parte with


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      Tom Ingram, September of 2010.  With Bob Elrod


             2      with Mr. Ingram, it was -- and his support of


             3      this.  Bob Elrod, that same day and his


             4      opposition to it.  I talked with Paul Harden


             5      yesterday and -- concerning his support for


             6      this zoning.


             7           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Redman.


             8           Mr. Bishop.


             9           MR. BISHOP:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


            10           In addition to previously-disclosed


            11      ex-parte communications, I met with Mr. Ingram


            12      Friday in my private business office regarding


            13      this particular matter, and we discussed


            14      other -- or just further continuing discussions


            15      about the site plan and what's being planned


            16      for the project, and I also did receive the


            17      same e-mail that you read into the record from


            18      Council President Webb.


            19           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Bishop.


            20           Mr. Holt.


            21           MR. HOLT:  Thank you, Mr. Chair.


            22           I spoke today about 2:30 by phone with


            23      Attorney Paul Harden about this issue.  We


            24      discussed the changes in the uses for the


            25      property and traffic impacts.


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           Thank you.


             2           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Holt.


             3           I also have a meeting that I failed to


             4      disclose that occurred on July 21st of 2010,


             5      with Tom Ingram and Ali Korman-Shelton.  We


             6      talked about the land use amendment at that


             7      time and the zoning as well.


             8           I have a follow-up e-mail from Council


             9      President Webb.


            10           Mr. Reingold, do I need to read this whole


            11      thing or just the highlighted portion?


            12           MR. REINGOLD:  You can just -- as you


            13      wish, but you can certainly just read the


            14      highlight if you want.


            15           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  It just says that,


            16      as the District 6 councilman, he wanted to make


            17      sure that the LUZ committee members were aware


            18      that his constituent had -- constituents had


            19      various concerns, including the following, and


            20      he talks about the traffic that I read


            21      previously.


            22           All right.  With that, any other ex-parte


            23      to disclose?


            24           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            25           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  We have a


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      public hearing scheduled this evening.  The


             2      public hearing is open.  I have several


             3      speakers' cards.  We've kind of sorted


             4      these into listening to the proponents first


             5      and then the opponents second, so we'll start


             6      with Mr. Ingram.


             7           (Mr. Ingram approaches the podium.)


             8           THE CHAIRMAN:  I just need your name and


             9      address for the record and then we'll start the


            10      clock.


            11           MR. INGRAM:  Okay.  Thank you.


            12           Tom Ingram, 6620 Southpoint Drive South,


            13      Suite 120, Jacksonville.


            14           This is a proposed rezoning.  It's


            15      currently a Neighborhood Commercial land use


            16      and it's currently a PUD.  It's zoned for


            17      60 condominium units, five stories in height.


            18      It's on roughly five-and-a-half acres, just


            19      south of Baymeadows Drive and on San Jose


            20      Boulevard on the east side.


            21           A couple of things.  We have had some very


            22      productive discussions with the neighbors from


            23      the Rubin Road and Harbor Acres community, and


            24      I would like to read into the record several


            25      conditions that we would put in a revised


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      written description dated today, June 7, to try


             2      to work with the neighbors.  We've already


             3      substantially reduced the various types of


             4      uses, but I'd like to go ahead and read that


             5      list, if I could.


             6           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Mr. Ingram,


             7      first of all, do you agree to the conditions


             8      that were already read into the record?


             9           MR. INGRAM:  Yes, sir.


            10           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Thank you.


            11           If you want to proceed with the new


            12      conditions.


            13           Steve, if you want to stop the clock,


            14      we'll -- go ahead, Mr. Ingram.


            15           MR. INGRAM:  Okay.  The first would be


            16      that there be no drive-thrus associated with a


            17      permitted use except for banks and pharmacies.


            18      The second would be no convenience stores would


            19      be allowed.  The third would prohibit tattoo


            20      parlors, pawnshops, adult entertainment, adult


            21      novelty stores, check cashing establishments,


            22      and Internet cafes.  The fourth addition would


            23      be to limit the height of the main shopping


            24      center sign to 15 feet in height.  And the


            25      fifth would be that there be no


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      electronically-amplified outdoor sound.


             2           So those are the five, and we would put


             3      that in a new written description that we would


             4      submit and we'd ask that there be a new --


             5      change to the existing proposed ordinance to


             6      incorporate a written description of today's


             7      date into the ordinance.


             8           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Thank you,


             9      Mr. Ingram.


            10           Mr. Reingold, did you have a question?


            11           MR. REINGOLD:  I just would have loved to


            12      have seen that list that Mr. Ingram just read


            13      into the record.


            14           MR. INGRAM:  Mr. Reingold, me too.


            15           It was about five minutes ago, but we --


            16      we had been working diligently through last


            17      night and today to try to do that.  And we were


            18      able to today, so I thank you for letting us


            19      have a few extra minutes.


            20           The other thing I wanted to say is just --


            21      about the traffic issue that Council President


            22      Webb raised, this segment of San Jose Boulevard


            23      is operating one grade level of service better


            24      than its established level of service.  It's


            25      currently at a D, and that's even with our


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      project and even with any reserved trips that


             2      are in the system, so there is capacity for


             3      this.  We have a CCAS, as you -- y'all are


             4      familiar with.  Concurrency, that is a


             5      concurrency reservation that can be converted


             6      into a full concurrency reservation


             7      certificate.  So it -- it is not an area


             8      that's -- at least according to the established


             9      City's standards, it's not an area that's


            10      experienced an unacceptable level of


            11      congestion, so --


            12           But anyway, we just want to thank the


            13      residents, Harbor Acres and Rubin Road, for


            14      working with us all the way to the wire.  And I


            15      know that Councilman Webb and Councilman-Elect


            16      Schellenberg had been trying to get us to come


            17      to the table and -- as well as Councilman Shad,


            18      and appreciate your help.


            19           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Ingram.


            20           The conditions that you read into the


            21      record, do you have those written down in any


            22      kind of -- or are they just kind of shorthand


            23      or --


            24           MR. INGRAM:  Yes, sir, they are shorthand,


            25      but as soon as I can, I will get them to


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      Mr. Reingold.


             2           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Any questions


             3      from the committee for Mr. Ingram?


             4           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             5           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Our next


             6      speaker is Paul Harden.


             7           (Mr. Harden approaches the podium.)


             8           MR. HARDEN:  Mr. Chairman, my


             9      understanding is, based on -- sorry.


            10           Paul Harden, 501 Riverside Avenue.


            11           Based on that agreement, the -- Mr. Marks


            12      is just going to come up here and announce that


            13      understanding.


            14           Can I wait and make sure that -- if


            15      there's anything other than that, that I can


            16      respond at that time?


            17           THE CHAIRMAN:  Sure.


            18           MR. HARDEN:  Because I don't want to get


            19      into a debate since we resolved the issue.


            20           THE CHAIRMAN:  I understand.  All right.


            21           MR. HARDEN:  Thank you.


            22           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, sir.


            23           Any questions for Mr. Harden?


            24           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            25           THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Marks -- let's see, do


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      I have a card from you?


             2           MR. HARDEN:  Mr. Crescimbeni, let me say


             3      one thing.


             4           THE CHAIRMAN:  Yes.


             5           MR. HARDEN:  Councilman Shad called just


             6      before the meeting started.  His grandfather


             7      passed away in the last hour and he left to be


             8      with his mom.  He was going to be here tonight.


             9      He supports the PUD.  This is actually his


            10      district, but asked you to consider it on the


            11      merits but asked me to explain why he isn't


            12      here to --


            13           THE CHAIRMAN:  He called you?


            14           MR. HARDEN:  He did call me.


            15           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.


            16           MR. HARDEN:  I called him and he called me


            17      back.


            18           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.


            19           All right.  Well, we're sorry to hear that


            20      news.


            21           Mr. Marks, do you want to begin or --


            22           (Audience member approaches the podium.)


            23           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Yeah, I'll just speak


            24      briefly.


            25           I'm Jeffrey Marks, 3771 Rubin Road.


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           The consensus of the residents on Harbor


             2      Acres and Rubin that have opined and are here


             3      is that we agree with the way Tom Ingram read


             4      that into the record.


             5           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.


             6           MR. MARKS:  Thank you.


             7           THE CHAIRMAN:  Is there anything else you


             8      want to add or --


             9           MR. MARKS:  No, thank you.


            10           THE CHAIRMAN:  So do you support the


            11      application, then, with the original conditions


            12      and the supplemental five conditions today?


            13           MR. MARKS:  Yes.


            14           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Thank you, sir.


            15           Any questions from the committee?


            16           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            17           THE CHAIRMAN:  Ms. Bateh or Mr. Bateh -- I


            18      can't quite read the first name -- are you


            19      here?


            20           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Yes, I am, but --


            21           THE CHAIRMAN:  You're waiving?  You don't


            22      want to speak?


            23           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  (Inaudible.)


            24           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Susie O'Quinn, are


            25      you still here?


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Yes.


             2           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  You do not want to


             3      speak?


             4           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  No.


             5           THE CHAIRMAN:  Robert O'Quinn.


             6           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  I don't want to speak


             7      either.


             8           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Beth Dunn.


             9           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  No.


            10           THE CHAIRMAN:  Don't wish to speak?


            11           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  (Shakes head.)


            12           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Jean Ludlow, are you


            13      still here?


            14           (Audience member approaches the podium.)


            15           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Jean Ludlow, 9252


            16      San Jose Boulevard, Number 3101.


            17           I'm here only to emphasize the safety


            18      issue.  I know it's a done deal, but -- I can


            19      appreciate the technical language, that this


            20      fits the requirements for safety, but tell that


            21      to the people -- my neighbors who died trying


            22      to get out on San Jose.  Tell that to the


            23      person who was on San Jose and got hit and was


            24      in the hospital for several weeks.  And tell


            25      that to the person who tried to enter Solano


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      Grove and had her car totaled, and on and on.


             2      Those are human stories, not technical.


             3           So I urge you -- and I know this is a


             4      State highway, so the City has no


             5      responsibility for it, but we really have to do


             6      something.  You have two lanes, the eastbound


             7      lanes that are through lanes, and it is a


             8      dangerous place.  Obviously, none of you live


             9      there or you would know that.  And we -- we


            10      urge you to try to do something through the


            11      Planning Department, if this passes your


            12      committee, to have it a safer location.


            13           We have lost our neighbors and yet we're


            14      being told that it's a safe -- do come out


            15      there some day on the way to work or after work


            16      and see for yourself.


            17           Thank you.


            18           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Ms. Ludlow.


            19           Any questions from the committee?


            20           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            21           THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Harden, do you need to


            22      come back up or are you satisfied with


            23      Mr. Marks' acknowledgment?


            24           (Mr. Harden approaches the podium.)


            25           MR. HARDEN:  I am satisfied.


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           And let me apologize to Ms. Ludlow because


             2      we met with these folks last night and we went


             3      through these issues.


             4           And just for Ms. Ludlow's benefit, traffic


             5      issues as to capacity are dealt with with the


             6      concurrency management, but the safety issues


             7      are going to be dealt with with both a driveway


             8      permit that has to be applied for with the DOT


             9      and City traffic, which will both review this.


            10      And so the issues she's raising are still


            11      subject to approval and review by those folks,


            12      and it is our anticipation that the DOT nor the


            13      City would approve an unsafe entryway onto the


            14      site.  We kind of went through that issue in


            15      detail last night at our meeting and she wasn't


            16      there, and I apologize we didn't give that


            17      information to her.


            18           THE CHAIRMAN:  And you accept all the


            19      conditions that were read into the record both


            20      by staff and Mr. Ingram?


            21           MR. HARDEN:  I do, Mr. Crescimbeni.


            22           Just to make sure the record is clear,


            23      Mr. Ingram is going to incorporate the five


            24      additional items that he read tonight into an


            25      amended site -- written description dated


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      6/7/11, so all those are in one document when


             2      somebody starts to look for them.  So I think


             3      the conditions should be amended.  Instead of


             4      the May written description, it would be


             5      subject to an amended written description dated


             6      6/7/11, which Mr. Ingram will provide to


             7      Mr. Reingold tomorrow sometime.


             8           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Any questions


             9      for Mr. Harden?


            10           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            11           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, sir.


            12           Mr. Marks, did you have a follow-up


            13      comment?


            14           (Mr. Marks approaches the podium.)


            15           MR. MARKS:  Paul said five.  There were


            16      more than five.  I mean, when you count them


            17      off and we say tattoo parlor -- there were more


            18      than five, so if we can just say "the


            19      enumerated exceptions."


            20           MR. HARDEN:  I agree.  I lumped them as


            21      five.  Yes, Mr. Marks is correct.


            22           THE CHAIRMAN:  I think Mr. Ingram kind of


            23      read them off in five separate waves, if you


            24      will, but -- okay.  We'll make sure we get that


            25      all double-checked.


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           All right.  I have no more speakers'


             2      cards.  Does anyone else care to address the


             3      committee?


             4           AUDIENCE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             5           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Seeing no one,


             6      the public hearing is closed and we're back in


             7      committee.


             8           Comments, questions from members?


             9           MR. REINGOLD:  (Indicating.)


            10           THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Reingold.


            11           MR. REINGOLD:  Through the Chair and the


            12      committee as a whole, I would just


            13      appreciate -- and I completely respect the way


            14      that Mr. Ingram and Mr. Harden have negotiated


            15      with the neighborhood.  I just wouldn't mind


            16      hearing what those additional changes to the


            17      written description were again.  I've got some


            18      ideas on how to change the written description


            19      to incorporate them, but I would just


            20      respectfully request that I get to hear that


            21      again.


            22           THE CHAIRMAN:  Sure.


            23           Mr. Ingram.


            24           I guess this is my real chance to ask the


            25      court reporter to read that back from the


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      record, right, like on TV and stuff, but I


             2      guess that doesn't really work in real life.


             3           MR. INGRAM:  Where is my --


             4           THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Ingram already lost the


             5      conditions.


             6           MR. INGRAM:  I just want to be precise.


             7           Okay.  The first one -- and I'm going by


             8      five, but I agree with Mr. Marks, it's -- you


             9      know, it depends on how you count.


            10           The first one was no drive-thrus


            11      associated with any permitted uses except banks


            12      and pharmacies.  The second one, no convenience


            13      stores.  The third, no tattoo parlors,


            14      pawnshops, adult entertainment, adult novelty


            15      stores, check cashing establishments or


            16      Internet cafes.  The fourth was that the main


            17      shopping center sign shall be limited to


            18      15 feet in height.  It's currently 20, so


            19      that's a fairly easy change in the written


            20      description.  And then the fifth is no


            21      electronically-amplified outdoor sound.


            22           THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Reingold.


            23           MR. REINGOLD:  Through the Chair to


            24      Mr. Ingram, I believe on the signage issue that


            25      was C, Signs, subsection 3 -- or subsection 2,


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      entrance -- shared entrance sign, one shared


             2      entrance monument sign, having a maximum


             3      square -- maximum sign area of 100 square feet


             4      per side and 20 feet in height; is that the one


             5      that you were referring to about the height


             6      change?


             7           MR. INGRAM:  Yes, sir, it is.


             8           MR. REINGOLD:  Okay.  And what was that


             9      going to?


            10           MR. INGRAM:  Fifteen.


            11           MR. REINGOLD:  All right.


            12           Through the Chair and to the committee and


            13      to the applicant, what I was thinking was -- is


            14      on the written description, 1, 2, 3 -- or under


            15      2, Uses and Restrictions, there would be a new


            16      section E, Prohibited Uses, which would include


            17      the first three items that Mr. Ingram had read


            18      out, and then on the signage, on C, 2 would be


            19      changed from 20 feet to 15 feet, and then 3


            20      would just be one additional provision added


            21      within the written description that talks about


            22      the no amplified outdoor --


            23           THE CHAIRMAN:  No electronically-amplified


            24      outdoor sound.


            25           MR. REINGOLD:  -- outdoor sound, and


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      that -- and that's how the written description


             2      would be revised to reflect those changes.


             3           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, sir.


             4           All right.  Anything from the committee,


             5      questions, motion?


             6           MR. HOLT:  Move the amendment.


             7           MR. REDMAN:  Second.


             8           THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion on the amendment by


             9      Mr. Holt, second by Mr. Redman.


            10           Discussion on the amendment?  And that's


            11      the amendment to --


            12           MR. HOLT:  (Inaudible.)


            13           THE CHAIRMAN:  -- include the conditions.


            14           All right.  Discussion, Mr. Reingold.


            15           MR. REINGOLD:  Just to clarify, as we talk


            16      about the conditions, it's my understanding


            17      that the committee's will would be to adopt the


            18      Planning Commission -- or the Planning


            19      Department conditions as written in your book,


            20      except that the date of the written description


            21      would change to June 7th, 2011?


            22           THE CHAIRMAN:  That's what Mr. Holt meant,


            23      wasn't it?


            24           MR. HOLT:  Yes.


            25           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Any discussion?


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             2           THE CHAIRMAN:  If not, all those in favor,


             3      say yes.


             4           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Yes.


             5           THE CHAIRMAN:  Opposed, say no.


             6           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             7           THE CHAIRMAN:  By our action, you've


             8      adopted the amendment as --


             9           MR. BISHOP:  Move the bill as amended.


            10           MR. D. BROWN:  Second.


            11           THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion on the bill as


            12      amended by Mr. Bishop, second by Councilman


            13      Dick Brown.


            14           Discussion?


            15           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            16           THE CHAIRMAN:  If not, open the ballot,


            17      vote.


            18           (Committee ballot opened.)


            19           MR. CRESCIMBENI:  (Votes yea.)


            20           MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


            21           MR. BISHOP:  (Votes yea.)


            22           MR. D. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            23           MR. R. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            24           MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


            25           (Committee ballot closed.)


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           MS. LAHMEUR:  Six yeas, zero nay.


             2           THE CHAIRMAN:  By our action, you've


             3      approved item 1, 2010-585, as amended with the


             4      conditions and new site plan dated today.


             5           Thank you all for coming down this


             6      evening.  I appreciate it.  We haven't seen a


             7      big crowd like that in a while.


             8           (Inaudible discussion.)


             9           THE CHAIRMAN:  I'm sorry, written


            10      description of June 7th.


            11           All right.  Turning to page 4 -- have we


            12      already done page 4?  No, we haven't.


            13           Top of page 4, item 8, 2011-253.


            14           Mr. Reingold.


            15           And we have a separate book on this item.


            16      So if you all brought your books and you want


            17      to turn to that, that would be helpful.


            18           Mr. Reingold.


            19           MR. REINGOLD:  To the Chair, I didn't


            20      realize I was marked to speak on this item, but


            21      I'd be happy to sort of introduce it.


            22           Essentially, this is an appeal of a


            23      Planning Commission decision concerning a


            24      request in CCG-1 for the ability for retail


            25      sales of all alcoholic beverages, including


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      liquor, beer and wine, for off-premises or --


             2      for a property located at 1510 San Marco


             3      Boulevard.


             4           The Planning Commission had denied this


             5      request for the exception, and the applicant


             6      has requested an appeal of this item and thus


             7      it's before you today.


             8           It is my understanding that the applicant


             9      has expressed a desire for a deferral.  We


            10      could either hear that issue first and then


            11      move to the merits if the committee so chooses.


            12           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.


            13           MR. REINGOLD:  And just one other note,


            14      just to kind of give you a little bit brief


            15      history is that the Planning Department had


            16      originally recommended denial on this item.


            17      The Planning Department is certainly capable of


            18      explaining their denial.  And then the Planning


            19      Commission followed that denial or -- and then


            20      thus it's before you today.


            21           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Reingold.


            22           Does the Planning Department care to offer


            23      a report?


            24           Mr. Kelly.


            25           MR. KELLY:  Yes, sir.  Thank you.


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           To the Chair and to the committee, this


             2      resolution, 2011-253, again, seeks to appeal


             3      the Planning Commission's recommendation of


             4      denial for the zoning exception to allow a


             5      package store located at 1510 San Marco


             6      Boulevard that would allow for the off-premise


             7      consumption.


             8           There's history to this site.  There was a


             9      previous request that was denied back in 19- --


            10      or, I'm sorry, that was denied back in 1995 for


            11      this same site and this same request.


            12           There's been a lot of discussion.  There


            13      were speakers at the Planning Commission in


            14      support of the request and there were numerous


            15      speakers in opposition of the request.


            16           The Department found, in our staff review


            17      of this request, again, found to be generally


            18      consistent with the recommendation from 1995,


            19      which was also for denial.  We found it not to


            20      be compatible with the character of the area.


            21      We felt it was too intense and too intrusive to


            22      the residential neighbors on Cedar Street,


            23      which is a local road and this had direct


            24      access to.


            25           So we felt it was just too intense and not


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      compatible with the surrounding uses.  The


             2      Planning Commission effectively felt the same


             3      way.  There's good testimony from the chairman,


             4      Mr. Hardesty, as it relates to all the


             5      improvements over the past 10, 16 years, since


             6      1985, that have gone into the neighborhood.


             7      And a lot of the testimony and discussion was


             8      about the removal and elimination of some of


             9      these real obtrusive uses in the neighborhood


            10      over that time frame and -- and that this is


            11      kind of, in essence, opening the door again to


            12      allow that type of intense use within this


            13      neighborhood and, again, felt it would not be


            14      appropriate, therefore, again, the Department


            15      would ask you to uphold the Commission's


            16      recommendation as well as the Department's


            17      recommendation of denial.


            18           Thank you.


            19           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Kelly.


            20           Any questions from the committee?


            21           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            22           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Let me also --


            23      let the record reflect that Councilmember-Elect


            24      Lori Boyer has been with us since the beginning


            25      of the meeting, and normally I get her to come


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      and sit up here.


             2           And, Ms. Boyer, I'm sorry, I didn't get


             3      you to do that tonight, but we appreciate you


             4      being here.  And, present company excluded


             5      here, you have one of the better attendance


             6      records of some of my colleagues.  You're at


             7      all the committee meetings and I commend you


             8      for showing such interest, and I hope you have


             9      the same enthusiasm after July 1st.  Don't wear


            10      yourself out, pace yourself.


            11           With that said, this matter is a


            12      quasi-judicial matter and anyone that has


            13      ex-parte communication to disclose -- and I


            14      will begin by doing so.


            15           I have an e-mail from Mr. Shad dated


            16      today.  Councilman Shad is in opposition to the


            17      above bill and would like this read into the


            18      record at tonight's LUZ meeting as well as


            19      marked on the agenda.


            20           I also have written communication that


            21      I've received from Steve Clark on May 21st;


            22      Isabelle Clark on May 23rd; Sue Turner on


            23      May 24th; Harold Friedlin on May 24th; Charles


            24      Cason, May 25th; John Zollinhoffer, May 26th;


            25      Melinda Friedlin on May 25th, and an attachment


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      from the Friedlins as well.


             2           I'll submit all this for the record.


             3           And then I had a voicemail message on


             4      May 24th from a Nancy Maguire, who stated she


             5      opposed the bill.  I did not return that call.


             6           I had a voicemail message on June 6th from


             7      Isaac [sic] Khazal, who identified himself as


             8      the applicant.  He left a message about -- just


             9      that he was calling in about that item.  I


            10      returned his call today and we spoke about my


            11      inclination to not defer this matter.  He had


            12      requested a deferral through written


            13      communication to the Legislative Services'


            14      office.


            15           And then also I had a phone conversation


            16      on June 6th with Charles Cason, just advising


            17      him, as a member of the opposition, that a


            18      request for a deferral had been made.


            19           I think that covers the extent of my


            20      ex-parte.


            21           Mr. Bishop.


            22           MR. BISHOP:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


            23           Just would like to indicate that I have


            24      received numerous e-mails from residents of the


            25      area in opposition to this waiver.


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           And I confess I was not as diligent as our


             2      chairman in printing them out, so I don't have


             3      them here to read, but I will introduce -- I


             4      will enter them into the record.


             5           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Bishop.


             6           Anyone else?


             7           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             8           THE CHAIRMAN:  And I forgot, I've got two


             9      more here.  Coleman Hawk, written communication


            10      on May 31st; and Louise McCreight on May 31st,


            11      Ms. Carlucci, Matt Carlucci's mother.


            12           All right.  With that said and all the


            13      ex-parte, we do have a public hearing scheduled


            14      this evening, but I guess the first matter


            15      is -- we did have a request from the applicant


            16      to defer this matter.  As I stated earlier,


            17      it's the Chair's inclination to proceed,


            18      but does any -- do any committee members have


            19      comments on the deferral?


            20           MR. BISHOP:  Yes.


            21           THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Bishop.


            22           MR. BISHOP:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


            23           I'm not aware of any reason why we should


            24      defer.  The public hearing has been advertised.


            25      Everyone who was interested to speak is --


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      would be here tonight, so I would be inclined


             2      to take it up.


             3           THE CHAIRMAN:  Anyone have an opinion to


             4      the contrary on that matter?


             5           Councilman Dick Brown.


             6           MR. D. BROWN:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


             7           I was just thinking, don't we often honor


             8      the request of an applicant?  I know there must


             9      be concern about putting it off, people have


            10      come to speak, but quite often that would seem


            11      to be a given right to -- to an applicant for


            12      whatever reason, but -- so I'm sort of neutral,


            13      but I'm -- just a question.


            14           THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Brown, I can't


            15      specifically recall.  I think I've probably


            16      deferred items at the request of applicants and


            17      opponents.  My problem with this was the short


            18      notice of the request, and generally I prefer


            19      to make deferrals well in advance so that all


            20      people can be notified prior to the meeting.


            21      I'm not a fan of last-minute requests, so --


            22           MR. D. BROWN:  That's a good answer.


            23           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Well, if the


            24      committee has no problem proceeding --


            25      Mr. Redman, did you want to weigh in on that?


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           MR. REINGOLD:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


             2           I know that we probably have deferred


             3      these in the past, but this actually has been


             4      an ongoing thing for many years apparently and


             5      to defer it at this point would just prolong


             6      the misery for the -- everybody concerned here,


             7      so I think we --


             8           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Well, thank


             9      you, sir.


            10           With that, we have a public hearing


            11      scheduled this evening.  The public hearing is


            12      open.  We have two speakers' cards supporting


            13      the measure and several in opposition.  We'll


            14      hear from the proponents first --


            15           Mr. Reingold, did you want to speak on the


            16      matter?


            17           MR. REINGOLD:  Sir, I actually don't --


            18      I'm not part of either the opposition or the


            19      support of the matter.  I just wasn't sure if


            20      the committee just wanted to at least hear


            21      maybe one -- you know, 30 seconds or a minute


            22      as to what the request for the deferral was all


            23      about before making that decision, but that was


            24      just a recommendation from --


            25           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  We will take


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      your recommendation.


             2           Mr. -- is it Khazal?


             3           (Audience member approaches the podium.)


             4           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Essa Khazal.


             5           THE CHAIRMAN:  If you would, would you


             6      just explain why you requested the deferral?


             7      And then I'll open up the public hearing for


             8      your comments relating to the bill and to give


             9      you your full amount of time.  We're not going


            10      to put you on the clock at the moment --


            11           MR. KHAZAL:  Actually, I have a gentleman,


            12      he's been helping me, his name is Charlie Mann.


            13      At the last minute he said, you know, I can't


            14      help you out, so what you recommend?  You know,


            15      I had to hire a lawyer because this matter need


            16      to -- some councilman.  And I think I e-mail


            17      you why -- what the reason is, because I can't


            18      find, the last minute, you know, a lawyer.


            19           And, actually, I call Mr. Paul Harden


            20      also.  He had some problem, so he don't call me


            21      back, so that's why we have -- we don't have


            22      any lawyers, so that's why I need to defer the


            23      matter.


            24           THE CHAIRMAN:  Did you retain the services


            25      of Mr. Mann?


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           MR. KHAZAL:  Yeah.


             2           THE CHAIRMAN:  Did he represent you at the


             3      Planning Commission?


             4           MR. KHAZAL:  No.


             5           THE CHAIRMAN:  When did you retain


             6      Mr. Mann?


             7           MR. KHAZAL:  What happened is, you know,


             8      he has problem with his mother.  You know,


             9      that's -- he has -- so he had some problem.


            10      That's why he can't represent me, so --


            11           THE CHAIRMAN:  When did you have a


            12      conversation with Mr. Mann?  When did you try


            13      to --


            14           MR. KHAZAL:  With Charlie Mann?


            15           THE CHAIRMAN:  Uh-huh.


            16           MR. KHAZAL:  Actually, Charlie Mann, we


            17      already talk about it and he advised me to have


            18      a councilman because he can't help me with that


            19      one.


            20           THE CHAIRMAN:  Have a what?


            21           MR. KHAZAL:  Councilman -- I mean, I'm


            22      sorry, lawyers.


            23           THE CHAIRMAN:  A lawyer.  Okay.


            24           But when did you speak to Mr. Mann?  Was


            25      it a month ago, two months ago?


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           MR. KHAZAL:  Friday.


             2           THE CHAIRMAN:  Friday.  All right, sir.


             3           Any questions from the committee?


             4           MR. R. BROWN:  (Indicating.)


             5           THE CHAIRMAN:  Councilman Reggie Brown.


             6           MR. R. BROWN:  Yes.  Through the Chair --


             7      and I'm not opposed to -- because I do


             8      understand the seriousness of the nature when


             9      you're looking for legal representation because


            10      apparently it -- you know, it warrants that


            11      from your vantage point.


            12           I wanted to find out from -- I guess that


            13      would be the opposition, whether or not they


            14      would have any objections because he's now


            15      seeking legal representation.  That would


            16      pretty much kind of guide my position in terms


            17      of whether or not we should honor it because I


            18      would hate for any citizen to feel that they


            19      are not given the time that's required.  I


            20      mean, we're only talking about two weeks and


            21      we'll be back here at it, and maybe they have


            22      an opportunity to vet the situation and we


            23      won't have opposition.


            24           THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Reingold, is there a


            25      way -- I mean, do we just -- is there a way to


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      accommodate Mr. Brown's request?  I mean, can


             2      we just -- a show of hands or --


             3           MR. REINGOLD:  You could certainly look to


             4      the audience to see if they may want to choose


             5      somebody from their group who may wish to


             6      address the issue of their position on the


             7      deferral.


             8           THE CHAIRMAN:  Who's here in opposition to


             9      this bill?  Raise your hand, please.


            10           AUDIENCE MEMBERS:  (Comply.)


            11           (Audience member approaches the podium.)


            12           THE CHAIRMAN:  Are you choosing this


            13      gentleman, then?


            14           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Yes.


            15           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Your name and


            16      address for the record, sir.


            17           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Hi.


            18           My name is Niels Murphy.  My address is


            19      949 Elder Lane.  I also own the property


            20      directly across the street from the address at


            21      issue.


            22           THE CHAIRMAN:  You'll need to speak into


            23      the microphone --


            24           MR. MURPHY:  Can you hear me?


            25           THE CHAIRMAN:  Were you able to get that,


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      Diane?


             2           THE REPORTER:  Yes.


             3           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Speak into the


             4      microphone because we are recording this and


             5      the court reporter needs to be able to enter it


             6      into the record.


             7           MR. MURPHY:  This issue has been pending


             8      for quite sometime.  Originally, the


             9      application was denied in 1995.  The Planning


            10      Department denied the application -- supported


            11      the denial of the application.  The Commission


            12      denied the application.  This is an appeal


            13      that's pending.


            14           I know -- not only do I live in the


            15      neighborhood with small children -- which a lot


            16      of these people live in the neighborhood.  It's


            17      a very important issue to them, but why we


            18      would suffer prejudice and myself in particular


            19      and my law partner is -- we purchased the


            20      property directly across the street from this


            21      property --


            22           THE CHAIRMAN:  Can you comment more


            23      towards the request for the deferral other than


            24      the merits --


            25           MR. MURPHY:  Yes.  This is directly on


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      point.


             2           We are making a decision -- we own a law


             3      firm.  We employ seven lawyers.  We have


             4      multiple staff.  We -- the decision for us to


             5      move forward -- the vision of the City on this,


             6      on San Marco Boulevard -- if you know where


             7      this is, it's directly across from Peterbrooke


             8      chocolate, and our -- we're on the -- the


             9      corner there.


            10           Our decision is to invest millions of


            11      dollars into the property directly across the


            12      street, and I can assure you that we will not


            13      be doing that if this -- if this organization


            14      decides to overturn the Planning Department's


            15      recommendation.  We need to make decisions on


            16      that with financing, with applications for


            17      permitting.  We have a deviation request


            18      currently pending.  All those issues are


            19      proceeding.  We have our plans.  We're ready to


            20      go.


            21           I don't know how long this would be


            22      deferred, but we would seriously suffer


            23      prejudice.  We've hired lawyers, engineers,


            24      architects, and we would suffer prejudice if


            25      this particular issue were deferred any longer


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      because I can assure you, we're not going to be


             2      bringing our Fortune 500 clients to that


             3      neighborhood and spending millions of dollars


             4      if a liquor store is going to be across the


             5      street from us.


             6           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Murphy.


             7           Any questions from the committee?


             8           MR. R. BROWN:  Yes, I have a --


             9           THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Brown.


            10           Mr. Murphy.


            11           MR. MURPHY:  Yes.


            12           THE CHAIRMAN:  Could you come back,


            13      please?


            14           MR. MURPHY:  (Complies.)


            15           MR. R. BROWN:  Yeah.  Through the Chair to


            16      Mr. Murphy, you are an attorney?


            17           MR. MURPHY:  Yes, I am an attorney.


            18           MR. R. BROWN:  Okay.  We're talking


            19      approximately two weeks is what my


            20      understanding is, if we were to defer today, to


            21      give this gentleman an opportunity to seek


            22      legal representation.  I'm not understanding


            23      you to say that -- because we're not implying


            24      one way or the other which way we're going to


            25      support this particular legislation.


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           MR. MURPHY:  Well, he's had -- he's had a


             2      significant amount of time to retain counsel.


             3      It's not like he just learned about this issue


             4      yesterday.  This has been pending for months.


             5      The appeal has been pending for months.  He's


             6      had a clear opportunity to -- it's not like he


             7      wasn't aware of what the issues were, and he's


             8      had an opportunity to retain counsel.


             9           It's also not a situation where he had


            10      counsel and at the last minute his counsel


            11      said, "Oh, my God, I can't be there."  This is


            12      a situation where he hasn't taken any effort to


            13      actually retain counsel and prepare for the


            14      hearing.


            15           The other issue is I don't see a lot of


            16      legal issues before you.  This is really a


            17      factual issue and the issues for this appeal


            18      are whether or not this type of use, given the


            19      family environment and the vision of the City,


            20      is appropriate.  I don't see a lot of legal


            21      issues raised here or legal objections that


            22      have been asserted in the appeal.


            23           So while not, you know, representing him


            24      or commenting on what the legal effect is, to


            25      me, as a property owner and a businessman,


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      don't really see that -- the need for a


             2      deferral.


             3           MR. R. BROWN:  Mr. Reingold, do we have


             4      any legal issues here that we're pending


             5      tonight?


             6           MR. REINGOLD:  To the -- through the Chair


             7      to Councilmember Brown, I guess some of the


             8      research I was doing today was kind of looking


             9      at what the due process rights were for


            10      applicants and for parties in quasi-judicial


            11      type areas.


            12           Simply put, I didn't see any legal issues


            13      as long as the applicant and the opposition had


            14      their ability to sort of explain what their


            15      request for the deferral was and why and then


            16      the other side had the ability to rebut it.


            17           Essentially, an applicant would have the


            18      ability to present evidence, cross-examine


            19      witnesses -- although in this case they've


            20      waived that right without the request for a


            21      formal hearing -- and be informed of all the


            22      facts upon which the commission acts.


            23           And as the opponents stated, it's the same


            24      decision-making process that goes through at


            25      the Planning Commission.  And it's my


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      understanding that this gentleman spoke at


             2      Planning Commission, so he's very well familiar


             3      with what the Planning Department position was,


             4      the Planning Commission's position was, and


             5      what all the facts and what all the criteria


             6      are.


             7           MR. R. BROWN:  Okay.  My last question is


             8      to this gentleman.  Do you feel competent


             9      enough to represent yourself tonight?


            10           MR. KHAZAL:  No.  Especially there's a


            11      couple of lawyers down here now.


            12           THE CHAIRMAN:  Speak into the microphone,


            13      please.


            14           MR. R. BROWN:  The mic.


            15           THE CHAIRMAN:  Speak into the microphone.


            16           MR. KHAZAL:  I'm sorry.


            17           Especially there is couple of legal


            18      counsel --


            19           MR. R. BROWN:  Did you say no?  Is that


            20      what I'm --


            21           MR. KHAZAL:  Yeah.


            22           MR. R. BROWN:  You do not feel competent


            23      tonight?


            24           MR. KHAZAL:  No, sir.


            25           MR. R. BROWN:  Okay.  No other questions.


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Brown.


             2           Mr. Bishop.


             3           MR. BISHOP:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


             4           Mr. Khazal.


             5           MR. KHAZAL:  Yes, sir.


             6           MR. BISHOP:  The Planning Commission


             7      issued their denial order on March 24th.  At


             8      what point did you then attempt to try to


             9      secure counsel to help you on this?


            10           MR. KHAZAL:  Oh, actually down here -- I


            11      think Planning Commission, they say, you know,


            12      it's going to make a lot of traffic if --


            13           MR. BISHOP:  No, no.  I'm not asking about


            14      the issue as to why they made a denial.


            15           The denial is dated March 24th.  That was


            16      a little over two months ago.


            17           MR. KHAZAL:  Two months ago.


            18           MR. BISHOP:  When did you first attempt to


            19      try to secure legal counsel to help you with


            20      this?


            21           MR. KHAZAL:  Actually, when I received


            22      the certified letter from the City.  You know,


            23      you want to see the certified letter?  I


            24      started looking for a councilman.


            25           MR. BISHOP:  Okay.  Just a second ago you


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      said you talked with Charlie Mann last Friday;


             2      is that --


             3           MR. KHAZAL:  No.  The last time I talked


             4      to him was on Friday when he advised me to hire


             5      a lawyer.


             6           MR. REINGOLD:  Microphone.


             7           MR. KHAZAL:  Sorry.


             8           I talked to him the last time Friday, you


             9      know, when he advised me to hire a lawyer.


            10           MR. BISHOP:  Well, I'm -- I guess I'm


            11      still not clear as to when you were -- I guess


            12      I'm having a little bit of trouble here in


            13      trying to understand how you -- what you did to


            14      try to find -- I find it hard to believe you


            15      couldn't find a lawyer in two months.


            16           MR. KHAZAL:  Charlie Mann, he tried to


            17      help me out, you know, and the last minute, you


            18      know, Friday, last -- you know, three, four


            19      days ago, he said, I can't help out because you


            20      have to hire a lawyer.  That's the last time,


            21      you know --


            22           MR. BISHOP:  So is that the first time


            23      somebody suggested to you to hire a lawyer?


            24           MR. KHAZAL:  Yes, sir.


            25           MR. BISHOP:  So what did you do in the


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      intervening two months here?


             2           MR. KHAZAL:  That's what I say.  I was --


             3      you know, Charlie Mann tried to help me out


             4      with that.


             5           MR. BISHOP:  So Charlie Mann was trying to


             6      help you out for two months before he said he


             7      couldn't do it on Friday?


             8           MR. KHAZAL:  It's not two months.


             9      Actually, a month and a half.


            10           MR. BISHOP:  Well, March 24th was two


            11      months and a week ago.


            12           MR. KHAZAL:  Well, actually, we apply, I


            13      think, April the 7th for the appeal.


            14           MR. BISHOP:  Well, the order issuing a


            15      denial was on March 24th.  That's the document


            16      that I'm looking at right here.  So at that


            17      point --


            18           MR. KHAZAL:  Actually, I was trying, you


            19      know, to receive the -- the study from the


            20      commissioner, to see what's -- why they deny


            21      it.  So then, you know, we went and appeal.


            22           MR. BISHOP:  Well, I guess --


            23           MR. KHAZAL:  So it took time, you know, to


            24      see why they denied that case and then, you


            25      know, we start looking for a -- lawyers, then I


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      spoke to Charlie Mann and he will try to help


             2      me out.  And then the last minute he said, you


             3      know, I can't help you out because, you know,


             4      you have to hire a lawyer.  So that's why, you


             5      know, it took us --


             6           MR. BISHOP:  So how long -- what period of


             7      time was Charlie Mann attempting to help you


             8      out to find a lawyer?


             9           MR. KHAZAL:  Try to help me out, Charlie


            10      Mann?


            11           MR. BISHOP:  You said you've been working


            12      with Charlie Mann, who was trying to help you


            13      find an attorney --


            14           MR. KHAZAL:  Friday -- you know, last


            15      Friday, he try to help me out to find another


            16      lawyer.


            17           MR. BISHOP:  Okay.  So he tried to help


            18      you on -- he tried to help you on Friday or was


            19      he trying to help you prior to Friday and


            20      Friday is when he called you?


            21           MR. KHAZAL:  Prior to Friday he was


            22      helping me out; you know, he was going to


            23      present a case for me.  After Friday, he said,


            24      I can't help you out.  You have to hire a


            25      lawyer.


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           MR. BISHOP:  Okay.  When did you contact


             2      Mr. Mann to ask his assistance on this case?


             3           MR. KHAZAL:  When?


             4           MR. BISHOP:  When.


             5           MR. KHAZAL:  Monday.


             6           MR. BISHOP:  A week ago Monday.


             7           Okay.  What did you do in the previous six


             8      weeks prior to that?


             9           MR. KHAZAL:  Actually -- okay.  Let me


            10      tell you the real story.  I try to talk to Paul


            11      Harden.  The gentleman was here a while ago.


            12      And the gentleman, he was so busy, so someone


            13      tell me, you know, about Charlie Mann.  Charlie


            14      Mann, he tried to help me out.  And that


            15      gentleman, you know, he said, I can't help you


            16      out; you know, you have to hire a lawyer.


            17      That's the real story, you know, about what


            18      happened with us.


            19           MR. BISHOP:  Well --


            20           MR. KHAZAL:  But --


            21           MR. BISHOP:  Okay.  Thank you.


            22           MR. KHAZAL:  Okay.


            23           MR. BISHOP:  Mr. Chairman, I'm not hearing


            24      there was any real serious effort here to -- on


            25      behalf of the applicant to find counsel on this


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      for over two months.


             2           MR. KHAZAL:  Actually --


             3           MR. BISHOP:  What I'm hearing just sounds


             4      kind of like a delaying issue here.  That's


             5      something we just need to -- we just need to


             6      take this up.


             7           Thank you.


             8           MR. KHAZAL:  It's not easy to find a


             9      lawyer in this town, you know, just put it that


            10      way.


            11           THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Redman.


            12           MR. BISHOP:  Mr. Chairman, there's --


            13      there are pages and pages and pages of lawyers


            14      in the phone book in Jacksonville.  I find it


            15      very hard to believe that it's hard to find a


            16      lawyer.


            17           MR. KHAZAL:  Well, it's not specialized


            18      with exceptions, unfortunately.


            19           THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Redman.


            20           MR. REDMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


            21           Have you --


            22           MR. KHAZAL:  Yes, sir.


            23           MR. REDMAN:  -- attempted to actually get


            24      a contract with a lawyer to help you with this


            25      situation?


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           MR. KHAZAL:  That's why I spoke to


             2      Mr. John, if he could give me another, you


             3      know, couple weeks or three week, you know, to


             4      find a good lawyer.  Actually, I find another


             5      lawyer now.  His name -- actually, I got it.


             6      His name, Tom Anger [sic].


             7           MR. REDMAN:  I read through some of your


             8      previous attempts to do this, and it appears


             9      that in these other cases you did not have an


            10      attorney represent you then as well, right?


            11           MR. KHAZAL:  No, but I --


            12           MR. REDMAN:  Okay.


            13           MR. KHAZAL:  -- spoke early in the morning


            14      with Tom and he were willing to, you know, take


            15      over that case.


            16           MR. REDMAN:  Well, it appears to me that,


            17      you know, you're just biding time and --


            18           MR. KHAZAL:  I'm not biding time.


            19           MR. REDMAN:  -- but, you know, I think we


            20      need to go ahead and vote on this.


            21           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Redman.


            22           Mr. Brown, you were on.  You dropped off.


            23      Did you want to --


            24           MR. D. BROWN:  When we're back in


            25      committee, I'll --


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Any other


             2      comments or questions?


             3           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             4           THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Reingold, do you have


             5      any words of wisdom?


             6           MR. REINGOLD:  (Shakes head.)


             7           THE CHAIRMAN:  What?


             8           All right.  We're kind of in the hearing.


             9      Do we want to proceed with this?  Anybody


            10      object to proceeding?


            11           Mr. Brown.


            12           MR. R. BROWN:  Well, Mr. Chairman, it's


            13      not that I -- well, I do have some reservations


            14      and I do understand delay tactics, but I have a


            15      greater concern because it's going to cost this


            16      gentleman money to obtain or acquire an


            17      attorney.  And we're going to -- as a body,


            18      going to have to make the vote on it.  I mean,


            19      it's more of a legal question.


            20           If we proceed tonight -- because it sounds


            21      as though he's still going to acquire an


            22      attorney.  And if it's denied, he would have to


            23      wait one year, at least one year before


            24      bringing it back towards -- before this


            25      commission or -- Mr. Kelly.


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           MR. REINGOLD:  Through the Chair to


             2      Councilmember Brown.  If the issue is the


             3      one-year wait on refiling an application, it --


             4      it's kind of awkward because -- and I probably


             5      should have looked at this issue.


             6           He's made a request for an exception.


             7      There's not only just a one-year bar, but


             8      there's just a general principle as to -- if


             9      you can't demonstrate how things have changed


            10      in that area or your request has changed,


            11      you're barred until that point that there is


            12      actually an ability to demonstrate a change.


            13           If he came in and applied two years from


            14      now and said, "I want to apply for an exception


            15      for this type of liquor use," the Planning


            16      Department would accept that application, they


            17      would take it to the Planning Commission.  And


            18      the first question the Planning Commission


            19      would have to ask is -- this looks like the


            20      same application, it sounds like the same


            21      application.  Has anything changed?  And if


            22      they found that there was no change, they'd


            23      have to say, "I'm sorry, you're denied based


            24      upon the principles of what we call


            25      res judicata."


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           And so that principle is always out there.


             2      And so if there's no demonstrated change, they


             3      would be barred for -- until there is a change,


             4      and that's the purpose of providing certainty


             5      to an area.


             6           MR. R. BROWN:  Mr. Chairman, with that


             7      being said, then I would have to object to


             8      proceed tonight.


             9           I understand it's time sensitive for those


            10      that oppose this particular application.  I do


            11      believe if we hold the applicant to a time


            12      line, that way those that -- that's in


            13      opposition or have future plans for the


            14      property across the street can proceed.  I


            15      mean, I wouldn't want to leave it out there


            16      where he can come whenever he says that it's


            17      ready.


            18           I mean, either -- either you establish a


            19      contract with an attorney and two weeks from


            20      now we move forward with it one way, up or


            21      down, but I would hate to be responsible for


            22      moving forward tonight when he stood before us


            23      and said that he's uncomfortable.


            24           And we can say that maybe it is a delay


            25      tactic; however, when we think about justice


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      and fairness in terms of time -- I think we're


             2      talking two weeks.  This is what I see.  And we


             3      can vet this situation out, come back before


             4      us, and we can vote it up or down in two weeks.


             5      We do have -- it's not like we're not going to


             6      have another committee meeting before we go on


             7      break.


             8           So if -- if the applicant feels that he


             9      can acquire an attorney and be back before us


            10      in two weeks, then I would be in favor of that.


            11      I would not want to be responsible for setting


            12      up a situation as Mr. Dylan has just explained


            13      to us.


            14           THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Brown, would you like


            15      to offer a motion, then, to defer?


            16           MR. R. BROWN:  Yes, I would.  I would like


            17      to offer a motion to defer for two weeks.


            18           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Councilman


            19      Reggie Brown to defer.


            20           Is there a second to that motion?


            21           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            22           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  That motion


            23      dies for a lack of a second.


            24           Thank you, Mr. Brown.


            25           Dick Brown, did you have a comment?


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           MR. D. BROWN:  Mr. Chairman, thank you.


             2           I was going to -- if there was a vote, I


             3      couldn't support it because after listening --


             4      we'd be doing him a disservice if he -- if we


             5      gave him some encouragement to come back in a


             6      couple of weeks with an attorney and he spends


             7      a lot of money.  There's already significant


             8      neighborhood opposition and it's failed in the


             9      past and it's -- as Mr. Reingold has said, it's


            10      basically the same request.  So I think the --


            11      we'd be doing the neighbors a disservice as


            12      well as the applicant because he'd spend good


            13      money and it's not going to pass.  That's my


            14      prediction.


            15           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Brown.


            16           All right.  We are in the public hearing


            17      and we will begin the public hearing process.


            18           Again, we're going to take up the


            19      proponents of the legislation first and then


            20      we'll hear from the opponents.


            21           I have two speakers' cards, Essa Khazal --


            22           MR. KHAZAL:  Khazal (pronouncing.)


            23           THE CHAIRMAN:  I just need you to state


            24      your name and address for the record.  We're


            25      going to put three minutes on the clock.  You


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      see this little light tree here in front of me?


             2      It turns green and then it -- when you get


             3      about half way through, it will turn yellow.


             4      And when it turns red, your time is up.


             5           So begin by stating your name and address


             6      for the record and then we will start the


             7      clock.


             8           MR. KHAZAL:  Okay.  Start now?


             9           THE CHAIRMAN:  Name and address for the


            10      record.


            11           MR. KHAZAL:  Essa Khazal, 9452 Kells Road,


            12      Jacksonville, Florida 32257.


            13           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you.


            14           This is your time to address the committee


            15      with regard to why you want the committee to


            16      support the appeal.


            17           MR. KHAZAL:  Okay.  First, you know, I've


            18      been in that location for 19 years.  Our


            19      neighborhood has been changed dramatically.  We


            20      have four bar and restaurant.  They serve beer,


            21      wine and liquor.  There's Bistro Aix, there is


            22      Sherwood, there is Hurricane, there is Wings,


            23      also there is Mediterranean restaurant, and


            24      there is Q.


            25           Our, you know, street, it change from


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      residential to commercial.  And long time ago,


             2      when we apply, we have church close to us and


             3      school close to us.  Now there's no church and


             4      there's no school.


             5           And I brought police report from different


             6      liquor stores and, plus, I own a liquor store


             7      on Atlantic Boulevard.  Most of the people


             8      think, you know, we're going to attract a lot


             9      of homeless people to town.  Unfortunately, I


            10      have a liquor store and I been succeed and


            11      successful.  I never have problem with the


            12      neighborhood.  And we doing very good down


            13      there.  And there's a lot of liquor stores.


            14      You know, they never have problem.


            15           I already sell beer and wine in my store.


            16      We've been down there 19 years and we never


            17      have problem.  We never call police, you know.


            18      And I'm going to show you these two reports


            19      from two different neighborhood.  They have a


            20      liquor store.  One of them in Riverside and the


            21      other one in Lakewood.  It's not far away from


            22      us, like three miles away from our store.


            23           Unfortunately, I know San Marco


            24      Preservation, they think, you know, I'm going


            25      to turn the neighborhood upside down and I'm


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      going to turn it to a low-class area.


             2      Actually, it will not turn that way because,


             3      like -- you know, I already spend over $100,000


             4      to remodel my store.  And I've been there for,


             5      like I say, 19 years old [sic].  We never have


             6      problem with the neighborhood.


             7           And I'm going to show you two different


             8      police report from different area, and they


             9      never have a problem like most people say.


            10           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Thank you, sir.


            11           Any questions from the committee?


            12           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            13           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  I see no one.


            14           Thank you, sir.


            15           Our next speaker will be speak --


            16           MR. KHAZAL:  Mounirah.


            17           THE CHAIRMAN:  -- Mounirah Mashour.


            18           I'm sorry.


            19           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  That's okay, sir.


            20           THE CHAIRMAN:  I'm sensitive to


            21      mispronunciation of names, as you can imagine


            22      with my last name, but --


            23           (Audience member approaches the podium.)


            24           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  You did good anyway.


            25           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Well, thank


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      you.


             2           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  My name is Mounirah


             3      Mashour.  They call me Mary, most of San Marco


             4      people.  I live at 5530 Hickson Road.


             5           I've been employed at this store for


             6      almost six-and-a-half years, and I'm running it


             7      mostly.


             8           I do know most of San Marco people.  I


             9      even do know them by names, and I love them so


            10      much.  Yes, I'm not part of the San Marco


            11      Preservation.  I would love to be, but I work


            12      so hard in that store, trying to make it the


            13      best store ever to serve those fine people.


            14           I didn't see what's the reason that can,


            15      you know, stop us from having the liquor store.


            16      Having a liquor store, it's not a bad thing in


            17      the area.


            18           I know San Marco has the name of


            19      high-class area.  And I think, in my opinion,


            20      San Marco has to have one of a kind, as a


            21      pharmacy, convenience store, liquor store,


            22      supermarket, to have all that in San Marco to


            23      be a -- a city or -- you know, all the complete


            24      things to complete it, so --


            25           And I don't think the liquor, that's going


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      to affect any of the areas.  And if gentleman


             2      say that we have kids and we worry, I have


             3      kids.  I worry about my kids.  And we decided,


             4      if we have the liquor store, we can separate


             5      the convenient from the liquor, which is -- we


             6      have a separate entrance for the liquor.


             7      That's for the adult people to go in and buy


             8      what they want.  It's completely [sic] from the


             9      other convenience store where we have the other


            10      grocery to people or to the kids to go and buy


            11      whatever they want.


            12           And every -- if they worried about


            13      homeless people come to the area, we are none


            14      of the people that -- you know, me, personally,


            15      when I work at the store, every time that a


            16      homeless guy come to the store, I follow him


            17      outside, making sure that he's not going to


            18      hang out in the area.  And if he did, I know


            19      that I have to call the police on them.  I try


            20      to make it clear all the time and -- and, you


            21      know, not to let them hang out in the area.


            22           And, I mean, we are so excited that we're


            23      going to have very big building in front of us


            24      and excited that we're going to have more


            25      business in there, and we would love to have


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      their business.  I'm so sad that -- how come I


             2      never seen any of you in my store, just as a


             3      convenience?


             4           So, I mean, I don't know.  I'm trying so


             5      hard, really, to -- and I promise and I'm


             6      willing to negotiate with them to see whatever


             7      they please them, we will do.  I do not mind.


             8      Whatever they want us to do, we will do, if


             9      that will give us the opportunity to have the


            10      liquor license in the store.


            11           If the -- selling the liquor on Sunday,


            12      it's not allowed, we'll do that.  We have no


            13      problem.  If they don't want us to sell the


            14      liquor after 12 o'clock midnight, sure.  Our


            15      store's hour from 7:00 in the morning till


            16      10:00 at night.  If we can open late, till


            17      midnight and we're going to be closing, so


            18      that's not going to be any harm to anybody.


            19           Bistro Aix, they do serve the liquor in


            20      the restaurant, which is the people drink and


            21      eat, get drunk, and God knows what's going to


            22      happen to them when they drive to their houses,


            23      but we're going to sell them the liquor.  They


            24      are going to take it home, stay home to drink,


            25      so there is no harm.  I mean, how can they


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      allow Bistro Aix to have the liquor?  We don't


             2      allow anybody else to have it, which is --


             3           I'm sure that there is no harm that's


             4      going to be done, and we will try our best.


             5      Whatever please you guys, folks, whatever


             6      please you, whatever you want us to


             7      negotiate --


             8           THE CHAIRMAN:  Ma'am, please address the


             9      committee.  You need to speak into the


            10      microphone.


            11           MS. MASHOUR:  Yes, sir.  I'm sorry.


            12           THE CHAIRMAN:  And you need to wrap up


            13      because you --


            14           MS. MASHOUR:  Whatever they want us to do


            15      to -- to have the liquor license, we will do.


            16      I mean, I do not mind.  They can give me an


            17      options, tell me you have to do this, you have


            18      to do this, we will do it.  I know.  That's San


            19      Marco Preservation, the people, they run this


            20      area, and they trying to keep it nice and clean


            21      and high class.  I would love to keep it the


            22      same way.


            23           THE CHAIRMAN:  Well, thank you for your




            25           Any questions from the committee?


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             2           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Thank you,


             3      ma'am.


             4           MS. MASHOUR:  Thank you.


             5           THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Khazal, we will hear


             6      from the opponents now, but I will give you an


             7      opportunity to close at the end.  So you may


             8      want to pay attention to -- careful attention


             9      to what's being stated by the opposition and


            10      address their comments when you have a chance


            11      to come back up and close.


            12           Okay?  Is that all right?


            13           MR. KHAZAL:  All right.


            14           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  I have several


            15      speakers' cards in opposition.  We'll start


            16      with Neils Murphy, followed by Charles Cason.


            17           (Audience member approaches the podium.)


            18           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Thank you.


            19           Neils Murphy again.  I'll try to be brief.


            20           The City had a vision for San Marco


            21      Boulevard, and that was to spend millions of


            22      dollars, work with the Planning Department, and


            23      you can already see that vision coming to


            24      realization.  I mean, the palm trees look


            25      fantastic, the streets are being redone, and


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      you can already see the businesses -- just this


             2      week, businesses are repainting their


             3      storefronts.  Everyone's improving the


             4      commercial sector along that street.  And by


             5      potentially allowing a liquor store, a package


             6      store, you're really impeding that vision


             7      because, as we all know, the liquor store is


             8      going to bring a totally different element.


             9           Next to the food store that's applying for


            10      this, there is an empty lot.  And although it


            11      was represented these people would just get in


            12      their cars and take the liquor home, I think we


            13      all know that's not what's going to happen.


            14      What's going to happen is they're going to take


            15      it in the brown bag and they're going to sit in


            16      the parking lot and they're going to drink.


            17           And there was also representation that


            18      there are no schools within the area, which


            19      surprises me because Landon Middle School,


            20      which is the academic magnet for this area, is


            21      literally hundreds of yards away.  Also,


            22      there's a Montessori school within walking


            23      distance, so that -- that's just not an


            24      appropriate representation.


            25           I know that my law firm, we've spent a


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      great deal of time and money and relied upon


             2      the City's vision along that corridor to buy a


             3      dilapidated building across the street that we


             4      plan to spend a significant amount of time and


             5      money and build a law practice there, which we


             6      will then bring -- we do banking and securities


             7      litigation, and we represent banks and


             8      financial institutions.  We also represent


             9      manufacturers.  We have over 20 Fortune 500


            10      company clients.  They will come to our


            11      business, but they're not going to come to our


            12      business because our business is not going to


            13      be there if there's a liquor store across the


            14      street.


            15           So our business is trying to be in tune


            16      with the vision of the City to spend the money


            17      to get the appropriate commercial sector up and


            18      running, to bring tax dollars and revenue to


            19      the city, consistent with that vision.


            20           I'm also a homeowner in the neighborhood,


            21      and I have small children.  And I can just tell


            22      you, just from a personal perspective, that I


            23      would seriously oppose a package liquor store.


            24      Having a restaurant serving liquor is very


            25      different than having a brown bag package


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      store.


             2           Thank you for your time.


             3           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Murphy.


             4           Any questions from the committee?


             5           MR. R. BROWN:  Yes, Mr. Chair.


             6           THE CHAIRMAN:  Councilman Reggie Brown.


             7           MR. R. BROWN:  Through the Chair to


             8      Mr. Murphy, excellent segue.  I was going to


             9      ask you, if you could, for this body, from your


            10      vantage point, talk about the difference


            11      between off-premise consumption versus


            12      on-premise consumption because I want to make


            13      sure that we are understanding and talking


            14      about the same thing, if you can --


            15           MR. MURPHY:  Well, they're very different


            16      from my vantage point.


            17           I mean, it -- Bistro Aix, we've all -- I


            18      don't know if y'all have been there.  It's a


            19      very nice restaurant.  All these restaurants


            20      that have come to the area, they're a


            21      controlled environment.  They're being


            22      monitored on a minute-by-minute basis by the


            23      servers, whereas a drive-up package store --


            24      they're even -- I didn't even realize, they're


            25      talking about creating a different door now, so


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      this is definitely going to be drive-up --


             2      they're probably going to have concurrency


             3      issues with traffic, people driving up,


             4      grabbing a package of liquor, drinking it in


             5      the car, drinking it in the parking lot.  It's


             6      a totally different environment.


             7           MR. R. BROWN:  Okay.  Mr. Murphy, then,


             8      we -- it's safe to say that it's an assumption


             9      with an off-premise establishment that one


            10      would drink after purchasing liquor, but it's


            11      not an assumption that one would drink on an


            12      on-premises establishment?


            13           MR. MURPHY:  Well, I --


            14           MR. R. BROWN:  Would you agree with that?


            15           MR. MURPHY:  I think there's absolutely a


            16      presumption that if you go to a restaurant and


            17      you buy liquor, you're going to drink it there,


            18      if that's what you're saying, versus taking it


            19      off site.


            20           Now, I'll let my law partner, Geddes


            21      Anderson, who was a State Attorney, tell you


            22      what he thinks about people who buy liquor at


            23      liquor stores and what they typically do and


            24      where they consume it.  I'm not an expert in


            25      that area.


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           MR. R. BROWN:  Okay.  Well, we're not here


             2      really to assume or take the position on


             3      assuming that just because one will stop at a


             4      liquor store that he or she will be


             5      irresponsible to open up the package of


             6      whatever they purchase and start drinking.  We


             7      would hope that the reason that they went to a


             8      package store was to take it with them to their


             9      destination.


            10           And so as I was listening to you talk


            11      about the vision of San Marco -- I can tell you


            12      that a Publix is coming there.  They sell


            13      liquor.  I can tell you that -- you talk about


            14      Landon Middle School --


            15           MR. MURPHY:  But they're going to have to


            16      apply for a liquor license.  I don't think that


            17      Publix, just because they're Publix, gets a


            18      liquor license, but --


            19           MR. R. BROWN:  But what I'm talking about


            20      is the future of San Marco --


            21           MR. MURPHY:  Yes.


            22           MR. R. BROWN:  -- and if you just allow me


            23      to finish.


            24           We have restaurants in that area.  I'll be


            25      honest with you, I'm not a huge proponent one


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      way or the other.  And I do listen to the


             2      residents.  That's something that I believe,


             3      that we, as a body, need to listen to our


             4      constituents, but I think that it's unfair to


             5      send a message publicly that we have citizens


             6      within this city, will go to an off-premise


             7      liquor store with intent and drinking it -- it


             8      happens all the time, but I don't think we


             9      should take that position and put it before our


            10      community.


            11           One can easily take the position that if


            12      you walk into Hurricane, Bistro, and if you


            13      decide to have a drink, that our law


            14      enforcement officers are not equipped to sit


            15      outside of these establishments and determine


            16      who has had more than their share of alcohol.


            17      Now, that's a fact.  We cannot do that.


            18           So my position tonight is that -- although


            19      we are moving forward with this, I think that


            20      we're being unfair, and I like to be fair


            21      across the board.  If we have an issue with a


            22      particular establishment -- this is not


            23      reasons -- I mean, if you don't want to come to


            24      San Marco because of a liquor store, you might


            25      as well pack up and leave now because they're


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      selling liquor all around you.  If it's because


             2      of the model of the building is not designed to


             3      the standard that San Marco is moving in the


             4      direction of, that's -- that's another


             5      conversation, but to use it as an argument,


             6      consumption on-site versus off-site and what


             7      it's going to do for the community, how


             8      dangerous it is for our kids, I don't think


             9      that's fair.  And I just wanted to make sure


            10      that we all tonight know that that is not the


            11      case.


            12           And if we're going to deny it, let's deny


            13      it on the basis of whatever we're going to deny


            14      for, but not under the basis or the premise


            15      that consumption is going to -- consumption off


            16      site is going to destroy our -- the fabric of


            17      the San Marco community.  I just don't see


            18      that.


            19           Thank you.


            20           MR. MURPHY:  Was that a question?


            21           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Brown.


            22           Any other questions from the committee?


            23           MR. MURPHY:  Was that a question or a


            24      statement?


            25           MR. R. BROWN:  Well, it was just a


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      conclusion from your statement about


             2      consumption on site and off site.


             3           MR. MURPHY:  If you'd like me to respond,


             4      I can.


             5           MR. R. BROWN:  No, it's not necessary.


             6           Thank you.


             7           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Murphy.


             8           Our next speaker is Charles Cason,


             9      followed by Nancy Maguire.


            10           (Audience member approaches the podium.)


            11           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  I'm Charles Cason.  I


            12      live at 1119 River Oaks Road in San Marco.


            13           There are many reasons for denying the


            14      permit to take out liquor, but I'll only cover


            15      one of them.  In this area, they have a large


            16      gathering of the Alcohol [sic] Anonymous.  They


            17      have a two-story building in this area.  It's


            18      open in the daytime.  They have a lounge where


            19      the people can go there and hang out, where


            20      they can get coffee and sandwiches.  They have


            21      an upstairs where they have the meetings.  In


            22      addition to that, the Al-Anon meets in this


            23      area.  And I just think it would be -- not be


            24      proper to put out another enticement to these


            25      people who are trying to recover their lives.


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Cason.


             2           Any questions from the committee?


             3           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             4           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Nancy Maguire,


             5      followed by Jane Friedlin.


             6           (Audience member approaches the podium.)


             7           THE CHAIRMAN:  Ms. Maguire --


             8           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Do I go ahead?


             9           THE CHAIRMAN:  -- your name and address,


            10      please.


            11           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Nancy Maguire, 1039


            12      River Oaks Road, Jacksonville, 32207.


            13           I'm from a family of five.  We live in


            14      San Marco, and I have a different approach why


            15      I don't want it.


            16           I'm a stay-home mom, lived in the


            17      neighborhood for 14 years, and have three young


            18      girls.  We are a walking neighborhood.  We're


            19      also a running neighborhood.  The River Run


            20      runs right through our area.  Many people come


            21      to our neighborhood, believe it or not, just to


            22      walk their dogs or walk the neighborhood.


            23           So as far as I'm concerned, I am -- I have


            24      three young girls.  I feel like -- you put a


            25      package store or whatever you want to call it,


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      it is to the detriment of the neighborhood.


             2      When we walk, we are picking up -- right now


             3      we're picking up mostly beer bottles.  I live


             4      off of River Oaks, and there's -- that's


             5      usually what we find in the park.  It's not


             6      Coca-Cola bottles, but it's beer bottles.  So I


             7      can only imagine the elements that are going to


             8      be added to beer bottles on the route.


             9           In addition, we've lived in our


            10      neighborhood for 14 years.  Well, it's a pretty


            11      safe neighborhood, but it's not totally safe.


            12      Three weeks ago, my car was broken into.  And


            13      it more than likely -- the police officers are


            14      checking into it because three cars were broken


            15      into.  It was probably somebody on foot looking


            16      for change, taking CDs, whatever they can find


            17      and, you know, getting some sort of money out


            18      of it.  So I'm concerned for the security and


            19      safety of our area.


            20           I feel like if it was a -- if the store


            21      that he has there would sell some high-end


            22      sandwiches, trust me, all the moms, all the


            23      stay-home moms, and all their kids would be


            24      down there lined up to buy that kind of


            25      merchandise, but to sell beer and wine and


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      whatever else little items they have in there


             2      is not -- it's not going to enhance our


             3      neighborhood.


             4           So please do not pass this for the zoning


             5      exemption.  We want to enhance San Marco.  We


             6      want it to be a wonderful place to live, a safe


             7      place, and a really safe place to be able to


             8      walk the neighborhood.


             9           And the other people that are in the


            10      neighborhood are also the Ronald McDonald


            11      House.  These are people that are out of town.


            12      A lot of them do not have vehicles and they do


            13      walk the neighborhood.  They -- you know, they


            14      have a lot on their mind and they need to be


            15      able to get out and be in a safe neighborhood.


            16      And I'm sorry to say, we -- you know, it -- you


            17      have to be careful.  I don't walk late at night


            18      down in that area.  I walk during the day.


            19           So thank you very much.


            20           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Ms. Maguire.


            21           Any questions from the committee?


            22           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            23           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Thank you,


            24      ma'am.


            25           Jane Friedlin, followed by Doug Skiles.


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           (Audience member approaches the podium.)


             2           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  My name is Jane


             3      Friedlin.  I live at 2711 West Cove Lane,


             4      32207.


             5           We have lived in that house for 45 years


             6      this September.  Forty-two years ago, we bought


             7      a seven-unit apartment building on Cedar


             8      Street, a half a block from San Marco Food


             9      Store.  When we bought that apartment building,


            10      there was not -- there was a nice, little


            11      grocery store and meat market there.  That has


            12      changed to the San Marco Food Store, which not


            13      too many of my friends feel safe enough to go


            14      into.  I have heard several people say recently


            15      that they went in there and turned around and


            16      said, "What in the world am I doing in here,"


            17      and turned around and left because they did not


            18      feel safe.


            19           This area was not zoned for alcohol.  This


            20      is a residential neighborhood.  The apartments


            21      and homes in that area are redoing, they're


            22      fixing up.  These are not shoddy buildings.


            23      The City is redoing that area.  And this was


            24      not intended for beer or wine and certainly not


            25      for a package store.


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           The abuse of alcohol can lead to the wrong


             2      element, and that brings about the need for AA


             3      chapters.  And we have one, as they said, right


             4      down the street.  We have hired several people


             5      from that AA chapter, and it is doing a


             6      wonderful job of helping people get their lives


             7      back together.  With a package store right down


             8      the street, that would be a great temptation.


             9      And I know what temptation is; I'm a diabetic.


            10      And sweets to me are like alcohol is for an


            11      alcoholic.  And, you know, to have a doughnut


            12      shop right down the street from me would be a


            13      bad thing.


            14           There are schools that bring children to


            15      Peterbrooke on field trips.  And if you pass


            16      this, that would be right across the street


            17      from a liquor store, and that would not be a


            18      good thing.


            19           This area is not meant for this kind of


            20      facility, and I would very much like it if you


            21      did not pass it.


            22           Thank you very much.


            23           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Ms. Friedlin.


            24           Any questions from the committee?


            25           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, ma'am.


             2           Next speaker is Doug Skiles, followed by


             3      Laurence Coles.


             4           (Audience member approaches the podium.)


             5           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  I'm Doug Skiles.


             6      Address is 1212 Mapleton Road.


             7           I'm also the president for the San Marco


             8      Preservation Society, and we -- when this thing


             9      was introduced to the Planning Commission, we


            10      voted on it, our board did, and voted


            11      unanimously to oppose the application for the


            12      primary reason that we knew -- and some of our


            13      members had been involved in 1995, and that --


            14      if, you know -- certainly nothing has changed,


            15      as Mr. Reingold explained.  If anything has


            16      changed, then that particular area has


            17      improved, that there's even more of a reason


            18      now to deny a liquor license in that location


            19      than there was in '95.  Many businesses are --


            20      have and are investing, as we've heard,


            21      millions of dollars.  Now the City is investing


            22      millions of dollars on the road.


            23           To allow this use would really be going


            24      backwards on that vision.  As others have


            25      explained tonight, Alcoholics Anonymous is


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      across the street.  The Ronald McDonald House


             2      is down there.  Swain Memorial Church is there.


             3      There are two schools in the area, so we do ask


             4      that you would uphold the Planning Commission's


             5      decision and deny this application tonight.


             6           Thank you.


             7           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Thank you,


             8      Mr. Skiles.


             9           Any questions from the committee?


            10           Mr. Brown.


            11           MR. R. BROWN:  Yes, Mr. Skiles, as to the


            12      president -- how long have you been the


            13      president?


            14           MR. SKILES:  I have been president since


            15      June 1st.


            16           MR. R. BROWN:  Junes 1st?


            17           MR. SKILES:  Yeah.


            18           MR. R. BROWN:  Well, congratulations.


            19           MR. SKILES:  Thank you.


            20           MR. R. BROWN:  But you've been in the


            21      community for --


            22           MR. SKILES:  I have.  I have.


            23           MR. R. BROWN:  -- quite some time?


            24           How long have you been in the community?


            25           MR. SKILES:  I'm sorry.  I've been --


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      actually had a business that was just down the


             2      street at 1633 San Marco Boulevard for seven


             3      years.


             4           I have been in the store several times to


             5      get snacks late in the day.  It is somewhat --


             6      the kinds of people that I would run into in


             7      there maybe didn't fit with the rest of the


             8      neighborhood to some degree, but that's not


             9      saying anything against the store owners.  I've


            10      had an opportunity to talk to them about this.


            11      They are nice people, and they -- I believe


            12      they do want what's best for the neighborhood.


            13      It would just be my encouragement to them that


            14      they would upgrade the business and try to fit


            15      in with the rest of what's happening there.


            16           Our past president, John Singleton, also


            17      met with the applicant and spoke to him about


            18      it.  He couldn't be here tonight, though.


            19           MR. R. BROWN:  Okay.  Although, there -- I


            20      do understand clearly that there's an issue


            21      with alcohol, liquor, because you are selling


            22      alcohol, wine and beer there currently.  And it


            23      doesn't appear that they're going to close down


            24      any time soon, so you are going to continue to


            25      sell beer and wine.  People will have access to


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      it.  Whether the folks passing by or living in


             2      the community choose to shop there, that's


             3      really their prerogative.


             4           But what I'm hearing is that it's more of


             5      an aesthetic concern, you know, where folks are


             6      not pleased with the way that the business


             7      owner is currently -- the upkeep of the


             8      facility is just not fitting in right now, and


             9      that -- we have programs to assist, you know,


            10      business owners.  And I think, you know, this


            11      just -- in the future I think that -- for


            12      businesses within the San Marco area that need


            13      assistance or -- you know, we do have the JEDC


            14      and some other places that we can tap into


            15      because I think everyone wants to have a


            16      beautiful community, but what's the closest


            17      package store to this address?


            18           MR. SKILES:  I don't know where the


            19      closest one is.  I haven't done that research.


            20           MR. R. BROWN:  You don't.  Okay.


            21           Okay.  Well, since you don't know, I'll


            22      wait and -- then maybe someone coming behind


            23      you.  If not, I'll go back to the young lady


            24      because -- where I'm going with this is here --


            25      I'm sorry?  Someone know the closest?


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Lakewood is your closest


             2      one --


             3           (Simultaneous speaking.)


             4           MR. R. BROWN:  Okay.  Further down, about


             5      two miles down the road.


             6           Okay.  That answers my question, then.


             7      Okay.  Which is also --


             8           (Simultaneous speaking.)


             9           MR. R. BROWN:  Go ahead.


            10           Everyone needs to --


            11           MR. REINGOLD:  I just heard a bunch of


            12      yelling from the audience and then a council


            13      member saying, oh, that answered my question.


            14      I wasn't sure if you might want to call one of


            15      those representatives up and -- or ask them


            16      when their turn comes.


            17           MR. R. BROWN:  I understand.  Thank you,


            18      Dylan.


            19           My understanding is that the closest one,


            20      for the record, is Lakewood that we can reach


            21      out to right now in terms of our understanding.


            22      And, again, Lakewood is a very nice community


            23      as well, and I'm interested in knowing whether


            24      or not selling package -- having a package


            25      store in that Lakewood area -- because there's


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      residents in that area as well.  Have you heard


             2      of any crime issues in the Lakewood area?


             3           MR. SKILES:  I haven't.  I haven't really


             4      investigated it.


             5           One thing I would like to add, though.


             6      Your point about improving the neighborhood --


             7      improving the businesses, the Preservation


             8      Society works very hard with the local


             9      businesses and -- to assistant them, and we


            10      want to see them succeed, particularly with the


            11      San Marco Merchants Association.  So we partner


            12      with all of these businesses to -- to help --


            13      because it benefits everybody for them to


            14      succeed.


            15           MR. R. BROWN:  Absolutely, and I agree


            16      with that.  And I was going down that path.


            17           No further questions for you.  Thank you


            18      for your time.


            19           MR. SKILES:  Thank you.


            20           MR. R. BROWN:  And continue to do a good


            21      job in your community.


            22           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Brown.


            23           Any other questions for Mr. Skiles?


            24           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            25           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Our next


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      speaker is Laurence Coles, followed by Don


             2      H-a-r- -- something -- -u-n-g.


             3           (Audience member approaches the podium.)


             4           THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Coles.


             5           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Yes, sir.


             6           THE CHAIRMAN:  Your name and address,


             7      please.


             8           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  I'm Dr. Laurence Coles,


             9      pastor of the Swain United Methodist Church.


            10      We're within four blocks of the area that we're


            11      talking about.


            12           The concern that -- this is a


            13      neighborhood, a lot of children in it.  We were


            14      going through the demographics, and there are


            15      over 6,000 children of elementary age and below


            16      concerned about this influence.


            17           You've already made the point, yes, beer


            18      and wine is already sold.  We're aware of that,


            19      but now we're talking about a package store.  I


            20      hear the concern about the attorneys just


            21      across the street.  Thousands of dollars are


            22      being spent on the upgrading of that particular


            23      street, and hopefully that will continue.


            24           I'm just going to concern [sic] about a


            25      local -- I'm a local pastor.  I do live


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      considerably [sic] amount of time away.  I'm on


             2      500 Chaffee Road South.  That's 12-and-a-half


             3      miles out, but this is my neighborhood because


             4      of the church that I serve, and we do house the


             5      AA groups that have been referred to.  We're


             6      glad to have them in our church.


             7           I don't know what else I can say that's


             8      already really been said.  I really think the


             9      case has been made that this is not a place for


            10      this particular neighborhood.


            11           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Coles.


            12           Question from Reggie Brown, Councilman


            13      Brown.


            14           MR. R. BROWN:  Yes.  Through the Chair to


            15      Pastor Coles, we're back to talking about


            16      liquor and wine and beer, the impact that it's


            17      having on the community.  From your vantage


            18      point, as a pastor in the community, I'm sure


            19      you're aware of all the restaurants in the area


            20      that serve --


            21           MR. COLES:  Yes, we are.


            22           MR. R. BROWN:  -- liquor, beer and wine?


            23           MR. COLES:  Aware of that.


            24           MR. R. BROWN:  Have there been any impact


            25      in terms of the quality of life --


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           MR. COLES:  I would say about my


             2      knowledge, no, but I would say that's a much


             3      more controlled situation than we're talking


             4      about here.


             5           MR. R. BROWN:  Okay.  When you say


             6      "controlled," you're talking about controlled


             7      as to they're sitting inside of a facility or


             8      you're talking about when they finish having


             9      their drink of choice for the evening, they're


            10      able to get in their cars and drive through the


            11      neighborhood?


            12           MR. COLES:  Yes, but usually during the --


            13      or in the consumption of that alcohol they are


            14      having a meal, and I would say that would have


            15      a considerable amount of difference with how


            16      it's affecting their body.


            17           MR. R. BROWN:  Okay.  I don't think we're


            18      in that posture tonight to -- any of us are, in


            19      that posture in terms of our discipline, to


            20      determine whether or not one is impaired based


            21      on the amount of food consumption, but I will


            22      tell you this, is that I do understand the


            23      community concerns about package stores.  I see


            24      far too many of them in my district, so I do


            25      understand that.


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           Again, I like for us to really -- I guess


             2      I'm not really understanding the real issue


             3      tonight, Pastor.  If it's liquor, beer or wine


             4      impacting the quality of life in our community,


             5      then maybe we need to move in another direction


             6      because if it's wrong on one front, it's wrong


             7      on every front.  Would you not agree with that,


             8      Pastor?


             9           MR. COLES:  You're absolutely right.  And


            10      who's to say we're not going in that direction.


            11           MR. R. BROWN:  Thank you, sir.


            12           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Brown.


            13           Any other questions?


            14           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            15           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Thank you,


            16      Mr. Coles.


            17           Next speaker is Don --


            18           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Harjung.


            19           THE CHAIRMAN:  -- Harjung?


            20           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Yes, sir.


            21      H-a-r-j-u-n-g.


            22           It's not H-a-r-something-u-n-g, as you


            23      stated.


            24           THE CHAIRMAN:  Well, it looked like a


            25      "something" to me.


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           MR. HARJUNG:  I know.  I understand.  No


             2      problem.


             3           I'm Don Harjung.  I live at 11006 Citron


             4      Court in Jacksonville, Florida 32223.


             5           I'm a member of Swain Memorial United


             6      Methodist Church.  I am not a part of the


             7      community in San Marco; however, I do support


             8      the happenings and the goings on in that


             9      community.


            10           As a former radio announcer here in


            11      Jacksonville, Florida, I've been here 66 years.


            12      I have watched changes made.  Some of them have


            13      been for the good, some of them have been for


            14      the worse.


            15           Gentlemen of the council, ladies, I urge


            16      you to reconsider this bill and look at it from


            17      a different point of view.  Change is good only


            18      if it benefits all concerned.


            19           We as a community, as San Marco community,


            20      as a member of Swain United Methodist Church, I


            21      oppose -- definitely oppose reinstituting this


            22      bill and allowing this to happen.


            23           I did a little demographic, along with


            24      Dr. Laurence Coles, the pastor of our church.


            25      I looked at the amount of police calls that


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      were made in a 30-day period in a half-mile


             2      radius from this point of which this new


             3      package store is to be possibly put into


             4      effect.  Seventy-seven calls were made in a


             5      30-hour period, police calls, 77.  Of those, 20


             6      were alcohol or drug related.  Whether or not


             7      that consumption or those packages or that beer


             8      or wine was bought from that store or any other


             9      store, I don't know that, but I can tell you


            10      this:  One lady has already made a very adamant


            11      statement about temptation.  Remove the


            12      temptation before it's there.  Get rid of it


            13      before it happens.  Don't allow something to


            14      come about that doesn't need to be there.


            15           Mr. Brown, you're absolutely right.  There


            16      are other beer and wine establishments.


            17      There's one across the street.  I'd like to see


            18      it go, I really would.


            19           As a former pastor myself, I abhor


            20      alcohol.  I'm a teetotaler.  I took an oath,


            21      same as you gentlemen did to uphold the law.  I


            22      uphold law the God, and that law says I am not


            23      to consume much alcohol.  I took it a step


            24      further.  I don't consume any.


            25           I ask you, I implore you, don't let this


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      happen, for the sake of the community, for the


             2      sake of those in the community, and for the


             3      sake of the Lord.


             4           Thank you.


             5           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Harjung.


             6           Any questions from the committee?


             7           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  No response.)


             8           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, sir.


             9           I'm probably going to pronounce this name


            10      wrong too.  It's Anderson -- is it Geddes?


            11           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Yes, sir, Geddes.


            12           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  I got the Anderson


            13      right.


            14           (Audience member approaches the podium.)


            15           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Yes, sir.


            16           My name is Geddes Anderson.  I reside at


            17      1112 River Oaks Road.


            18           You heard earlier from my law partner,


            19      Neils Murphy.  I would echo his points about


            20      the business perspective, but it would also


            21      point to some of the things that -- when we


            22      were looking at the property, we did actually


            23      physically see beer cans and bottles around the


            24      property.  Now, again, we don't know where it


            25      came from, but I will say that that convenience


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      store is directly across the street.  And I


             2      would imagine that if -- if the appeal and the


             3      longstanding tradition of the planning


             4      committee [sic] is overturned, that those beer


             5      bottles that I saw would probably -- and I


             6      guess that would be an assumption, but it might


             7      turn into a -- a liquor bottle or something


             8      else.  I would imagine that we also would see


             9      more police calls to that unit, echoing or


            10      following up on the piece about the alcohol


            11      calls towards the -- the area.


            12           I think that the -- the permission to


            13      allow a package store at that location would be


            14      entirely inconsistent with the character of


            15      San Marco and what the -- what the community is


            16      trying to portray there.  I recall going to the


            17      last planning committee meeting and there was


            18      a -- I think there was a $7 million road


            19      project that's currently being done there,


            20      which is one of the main reasons that we're


            21      moving -- wanting to move to that area, and I


            22      think that having a package store would


            23      definitely be contrary to what the character


            24      of -- what San Marco is trying to portray.  It


            25      is a jewel of Jacksonville, the Duval County,


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      Jacksonville.


             2           I want to speak just briefly about the


             3      other businesses that are there that would also


             4      be contrary to having a liquor store there.


             5      Aside from the AA unit, we also have the Ronald


             6      McDonald House, where -- which is within a


             7      stone's throw of this location.  That's where


             8      folks come from all over the country to stay


             9      and where their children fight cancer and


            10      things of that nature.  We have Baptist, which


            11      is a hospital there.  I think, you know, when


            12      they're walking and they're in from out of


            13      town -- you've got children and parents walking


            14      in the area.  They are going to be exposed, we


            15      believe, to a worse element than what we


            16      already have, so --


            17           I see that my time is getting short.  The


            18      Peterbrooke -- I think to explain a little bit


            19      more about what happens at Peterbrooke, they


            20      have children that come in -- which is right


            21      next door to the location.  They have field


            22      trips to the location to see where they make


            23      the chocolate.  That's the manufacturing plant


            24      for Peterbrooke.  I think that would be a


            25      deterrence and contrary to what we're trying to


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      achieve for San Marco.


             2           So we would ask you, implore you to uphold


             3      the prior decision back in 1995, the most


             4      recent decision back in 1995, and to deny the


             5      appeal that is being offered before you.


             6           Thank you.


             7           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Anderson.


             8           Any questions from the committee?


             9           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            10           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, sir.


            11           Ms. Tropia, how are you on time?  Do you


            12      need a break?


            13           (Discussion held off the record.)


            14           THE CHAIRMAN:  Our court reporter, we try


            15      not to push her past two hours without taking a


            16      little break so that she will have some use of


            17      her fingertips after the meeting, so we will


            18      take a five-minute recess and reconvene


            19      shortly.


            20           (Brief recess.)


            21           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  If everyone would


            22      return to your seats, we'll reconvene.


            23           We still are in the public hearing, and I


            24      have a couple more late speakers' cards that


            25      have come in.  I have one that's in support,


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      Frederick Dorsey.


             2           Mr. Dorsey, would you like to address the


             3      committee?


             4           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Yes.


             5           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Come on down,


             6      sir, and just give your name and address for


             7      the record, and then you have three minutes.


             8           (Audience member approaches the podium.)


             9           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  How you all doing today?


            10           I stay at 1050 West 6th, Street.  And, no,


            11      that's not in San Marco's area, but --


            12           THE CHAIRMAN:  Your name, sir.


            13           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Frederick Dorsey --


            14           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you.


            15           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  -- 32209, Jacksonville,


            16      Florida.


            17           I don't stay over in their neighborhood,


            18      but I do travel over there every now and then.


            19      And the reason why I support this bill is


            20      because -- from what I'm hearing right now,


            21      it's a lot of discrimination towards this bill.


            22      A lot of people don't -- don't want the liquor


            23      store there because they got kids walking the


            24      neighborhood.  They got, you know, schools in


            25      the area.  If that's the case, then they need


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      to go ahead and shut down Publix.  They need to


             2      go ahead and fight towards Publix and all the


             3      rest of the places, the restaurants that sell


             4      alcohol, but mainly what -- what I'm hearing a


             5      lot of people saying is about the trash that's


             6      going to be in the neighborhood.  That can be


             7      cleaned up.  They keep the area very nice, from


             8      what I -- from what I see.


             9           I support the bill, and I don't see no


            10      harm in putting a liquor store in the San Marco


            11      neighborhood, just for the simple fact --


            12      because, I mean, why take the enjoyment out of


            13      people lives, the ones that do drink.  That's


            14      not right.  And I support everything that you


            15      said.


            16           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Dorsey.


            17           Any questions from the committee?


            18           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            19           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  And the final


            20      speaker card is in opposition.  It's Michael


            21      Maguire.


            22           (Audience member approaches the podium.)


            23           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Michael Maguire, 1039


            24      River Oaks Road, Jacksonville, 32207.


            25           I just wanted to kind of cover what I've


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      heard and how long this process has been going


             2      on for several months is -- is -- you've got a


             3      request for an exception to the standard zoning


             4      code, which is outside the parameters of what


             5      is normally permitted.  The Planning Department


             6      is saying it should not be permitted.  The


             7      gentleman sells beer and wine already.


             8           You know, I'm not a teetotaler.  I like a


             9      drink as much as anybody else, but a package


            10      store is a different animal.  A package store


            11      is different than a restaurant.  Serving wine,


            12      beer or a hard drink with a meal, it's a


            13      different situation.


            14           You know, we don't need to go into


            15      statistics and we don't need to go into a lot


            16      of detail about who said, what said, how many


            17      accident reports, how many crime scenes we're


            18      going to have.  It's going to be a significant


            19      change.  And all of the people here have taken


            20      time out of their busy schedules to be here


            21      this evening to support it, and it's


            22      additionally challenging every time this drags


            23      out for us to go through the same process again


            24      and again.


            25           Is it unfair that he can't do everything


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      he wants to do with his property or his


             2      leasehold or whatever component it might be?


             3      Perhaps.  But my parents taught me a long time


             4      ago, life isn't fair.  But it's about what's


             5      permitted.


             6           That's all I wanted to share with you.


             7           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, sir.


             8           Any questions from the committee for


             9      Mr. Maguire?


            10           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            11           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Thank you, sir.


            12           MR. MAGUIRE:  Thank you.


            13           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  That takes us


            14      back to -- Mr. Khazal, you have an opportunity


            15      to close here.  Is five minutes sufficient?


            16           Sorry.  Mr. Reingold.


            17           MR. REINGOLD:  To the Chair, I believe


            18      before the applicant proceeds with his


            19      rebuttal, I just want to make sure --


            20      Councilmember Brown, I believe, had an issue he


            21      wanted to clarify.


            22           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Thank you, sir.


            23           Mr. Dick Brown.


            24           MR. D. BROWN:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


            25           I did want to clarify my comments of a few


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      minutes ago.  I didn't see -- I didn't favor a


             2      deferral, but at the time I was, of course,


             3      recognizing the Planning Department's denial of


             4      this proposal as well as significant


             5      neighborhood opposition, but I wanted to say


             6      that I certainly support the process of hearing


             7      both sides and I certainly have no idea how the


             8      committee votes.  I misspoke when I was


             9      suggesting that it had a lot of opposition, but


            10      certainly the process is important and the vote


            11      is an individual matter for each council


            12      member, so I wanted to clear that up.


            13           I appreciate the time.


            14           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Brown.


            15           And thank you for keeping an open mind


            16      through the process.  And I think most of my


            17      committee members do likewise until we hear all


            18      the facts in evidence that are provided to us


            19      in the process.


            20           So, with that said, Mr. Khazal, will five


            21      minutes be adequate for you to close?


            22           MR. KHAZAL:  Okay.  The main issue for the


            23      denial of the staff report was the traffic


            24      issue and the parking issue.  This issue


            25      already exists and they will not be increased


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      by adding liquor license to the exiting


             2      business, which is convenience store.  In fact,


             3      according to the zoning statistic by industry,


             4      convenience store has four time the amount of


             5      trip or visit during the peak hour.  This --


             6      that liquor license will decrease the


             7      (inaudible) of -- that is used and decrease


             8      parking and traffic.


             9           Also, what's my comment is about San Marco


            10      Preservation, they care about San Marco area.


            11      Why they allowed to have full liquor license


            12      issue for the area?  They have Bistro Aix


            13      recently, they have Hurricane recently, they


            14      have Wings recently.  They have Mediterranean


            15      that's recently.  And also the issue -- the


            16      permit for a convenience store, 2004.  The


            17      address was 1570 San Marco Boulevard, but the


            18      gentleman, he never use it.


            19           I'm not here to fight San Marco


            20      Preservation.  Like I said, I've been in that


            21      neighborhood for 19 years.  It's part of me.


            22      That's what all my business start.  And I have


            23      15 business, convenience store and liquor


            24      store, so I'm not here to fight with them or


            25      damage my reputation with them.


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           I hope so, you grant that bill for me.


             2           Thank you.


             3           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, sir.


             4           Does that conclude your remarks?


             5           MR. KHAZAL:  Yes.


             6           THE CHAIRMAN:  Any questions from the


             7      committee?


             8           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             9           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Anyone else


            10      care to address the committee?


            11           AUDIENCE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            12           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Seeing no one,


            13      the public hearing is closed and we're back in


            14      committee.


            15           Mr. Holt.


            16           MR. HOLT:  Thank you, Mr. Chair.


            17           Mr. Crofts or Mr. Kelly, the last speaker


            18      just mentioned issues of parking.  Could you


            19      explain to me what your opposition to this was


            20      in relation to parking?


            21           MR. KELLY:  The site plan, as you know,


            22      it's -- it's an older property.  The structure


            23      was probably built back in the '40s, so it's


            24      currently nonconforming as it relates to


            25      appropriate landscaping and the parking lot


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      and -- and the required number of parking


             2      spaces.


             3           Additionally, the access, the driveways,


             4      there's really no controlled access to the


             5      site.  It's pretty much wide-open pavement.


             6      And Cedar Street is a local residential street


             7      along this section, and their primary access


             8      would be from Cedar.  Most of that is just a


             9      paved driveway connection to Cedar Street, in


            10      addition to the driveway connection from


            11      San Marco Boulevard.


            12           So the -- encouraging that traffic to come


            13      into that neighborhood, we feel, is going to be


            14      disruptive to the character and quality of life


            15      for those residential neighbors.


            16           MR. HOLT:  So, to summarize, there's no


            17      clear entry and exit point and you've got a


            18      neighborhood street there, so there's a safety


            19      risk there with the parking lot and also


            20      it's -- it doesn't have sufficient landscaping


            21      in the area?


            22           MR. KELLY:  Yes.


            23           MR. HOLT:  Okay.  Thank you very much.


            24           With that, I would move the amendment to


            25      deny the appeal.


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           MR. REDMAN:  Second.


             2           THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion on the amendment to


             3      deny the appeal by Mr. Holt, second by


             4      Mr. Redman.


             5           Discussion on the amendment?


             6           MR. R. BROWN:  Yes.


             7           THE CHAIRMAN:  Councilman Reggie Brown.


             8           MR. R. BROWN:  Yes.  I definitely would


             9      like to just share with all of us tonight, you


            10      know, my struggle.  It wasn't necessarily the


            11      issue itself.  It was with whether or not the


            12      applicant was comfortable, slash, competent


            13      versus delay tactics.  That's something that I


            14      had to deal with within myself.


            15           But I do support the process.  And I know


            16      that it took a little more time than we


            17      probably would have anticipated tonight, but


            18      this is why we're here, you know, to vet the


            19      process, and I support it.


            20           We are here tonight to talk about the


            21      exception, and I did truly understand that.


            22      That's -- basically moved in the direction to


            23      do -- offer an additional service.


            24           What I struggle with was the timing,


            25      whether or not the applicant -- moving from


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      Mr. Mann to an attorney.  You know, I know


             2      we've been dealing with this a long time, but


             3      would two weeks -- or, you know, two weeks or a


             4      month would have made the difference?  I'm not


             5      really sure whether or not it would have.  I'm


             6      sure the testimony from the ones that oppose


             7      this position would have been the same, it


             8      would be the same whether it was today or, you


             9      know, two or four weeks from now.


            10           But just as a committee member with LUZ, I


            11      want you all to know I believe it's our duty to


            12      make sure that every applicant, whether they're


            13      in support of Planning -- and they do a


            14      wonderful job -- or not support Planning and


            15      their recommendations, we want to make sure


            16      that every taxpayer, every applicant in this


            17      city feel that the process was fair.  Whether


            18      the outcome is not favorable, that's not what


            19      we're talking about tonight.  We want to make


            20      sure that the outcome is fair.


            21           I am prepared to move on with the vote


            22      tonight.  I would abstain only because we did


            23      not -- I'm not comfortable whether or not we


            24      reached the fairness in terms of -- it's not


            25      the issue.  It's whether the applicant had the


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      time required to satisfy the entire process.


             2      The outcome may have been the same.  That's not


             3      what we're discussing.  It's just, you know,


             4      would it -- what would it have harmed in terms


             5      of progress, moving forward two weeks?  And


             6      that's -- that's what I struggle with tonight.


             7      It's nothing else.


             8           I said earlier and I'll continue to say


             9      that we do like to see our constituents when


            10      they come down.  We like to support our


            11      constituents.  It's not always that way, but we


            12      have to hear and vet the entire process.


            13           So if I can -- I don't know whether that's


            14      something I can do, abstain or not, as we vote,


            15      but that -- that would be my position.


            16           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Brown.


            17           I don't think an abstention is


            18      appropriate, but I'll defer to legal counsel.


            19      I think you would have to have a pecuniary gain


            20      to qualify for a justified conflict.


            21           Mr. Reingold.


            22           MR. REINGOLD:  Yeah.  To the Chair,


            23      specifically on the abstention issue, through


            24      the Chair to Councilmember Brown, I guess there


            25      are two issues that the Office of General


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      Counsel always makes recommendations to.


             2           One, absolutely under the law, if you've


             3      got a pecuniary gain or loss that would enure


             4      to you or your family, company you work for or


             5      the like, then we would ask that you abstain


             6      because of a voting conflict.


             7           The second one that we always recommend to


             8      our council members is that -- and to Planning


             9      Commission members or any other voting member


            10      on a quasi-judicial item is that you do not


            11      vote on an item if you have taken a position on


            12      it prior to the vote.


            13           So those would be the two examples of


            14      times where -- if you have taken a position on


            15      an item before all the evidence was in, we


            16      recommend you do not vote, or if you have a


            17      personal interest or gain, that you do not


            18      vote.  Otherwise, you should vote on the item.


            19      And if your conscience tells you you should


            20      vote a certain way because of what's turned


            21      out, then that's the best way to handle it.


            22           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Reingold.


            23           We have a motion and a second to deny.


            24           Any further discussion on the motion?


            25           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           THE CHAIRMAN:  All those in favor, say


             2      yes.


             3           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Yes.


             4           THE CHAIRMAN:  Opposed, say no.


             5           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             6           THE CHAIRMAN:  By our action, you have


             7      adopted the amendment.


             8           MR. BISHOP:  Move the bill as amended.


             9           MR. REDMAN:  Second.


            10           THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion on the bill as


            11      amended by Mr. Bishop, second by Mr. Redman.


            12           Discussion on the bill as amended?


            13           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            14           THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no discussion --


            15      Mr. Reingold, did you have a question?


            16           MR. REINGOLD:  I was having a


            17      conversation, I'm sorry, on the side with


            18      Councilmember Brown.


            19           Although I don't believe his comments at


            20      the beginning were intended to hint that he had


            21      taken a position, I think -- he was kind of


            22      asking, since it sounded like he had taken a


            23      position, whether it would be good for him to


            24      abstain, and I -- I just cautioned that it


            25      might be a good idea to abstain based upon the


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      fact that it may have been a perception that he


             2      had taken a position on a quasi-judicial item


             3      before all the evidence was made.


             4           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Thank you, sir.


             5           Any further discussion on the --


             6           MR. REDMAN:  (Inaudible.)


             7           THE CHAIRMAN:  If you support the amended


             8      version of the bill, which would deny the


             9      appeal, you'd vote the green button.  If you


            10      object to the amended version of the bill,


            11      which would deny the appeal, you'll vote the


            12      red button.  And if you abstain, you'll vote


            13      the yellow button.  Anybody that pushes the


            14      blue button is in big trouble.


            15           All right?  I don't want this to be like a


            16      one to one to one to one vote.


            17           All right.  Any further discussion?


            18           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            19           THE CHAIRMAN:  If not, open the ballot,


            20      please, and vote.


            21           (Committee ballot opened.)


            22           MR. CRESCIMBENI:  (Votes yea.)


            23           MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


            24           MR. BISHOP:  (Votes yea.)


            25           MR. D. BROWN:  (Abstains.)


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1           MR. R. BROWN (Votes nay.)


             2           MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


             3           (Committee ballot closed.)


             4           MS. LAHMEUR:  Four yea, one nay, one


             5      abstention.


             6           THE CHAIRMAN:  By our action, you've


             7      approved 2011-253 as amended, which -- the


             8      appeal is denied.  This matter will be taken up


             9      by the full City Council on Tuesday evening,


            10      the 14th of June.


            11           All right.  Mr. Skiles, as president of


            12      San Marco, would you mind just hanging around


            13      for a couple of minutes?  I need to ask you a


            14      quick question about another matter.  We're


            15      almost finished here.


            16           Item 9, 2011-254, we deferred earlier in


            17      the evening.


            18           Item 10, 2011-316, is deferred, as is


            19      item 11, 2011-317.


            20           Turning over to page 5, beginning with


            21      item 12, all those items on that page -- items


            22      12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 -- are all read second


            23      and rerefer.


            24           Turning over to page 6, all the items on


            25      that page -- items 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 -- are


                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1      all read second and refer.


             2           And then, finally, on page 7, the last two


             3      items, items 22 and 23, are both read second


             4      and rerefer.


             5           I believe that concludes our agenda.


             6           Is there anyone else that would care to


             7      address the committee or any business to come


             8      before the committee?


             9           AUDIENCE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            10           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            11           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Well, I thank


            12      everybody for their patience this evening.


            13           Ms. Tropia, appreciate you being here,


            14      staff.


            15           We have -- our next meeting will be in two


            16      weeks and we'll see everybody here at that


            17      time.


            18           This meeting is adjourned.


            19           (The above proceedings were adjourned at


            20      7:35 p.m.)


            21                        -  -  -










                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203






             1                      CERTIFICATE




             3  STATE OF FLORIDA)


             4  COUNTY OF DUVAL )



                         I, Diane M. Tropia, Court Reporter,

             6  certify that I was authorized to and did

                stenographically report the foregoing proceedings

             7  and that the transcript is a true and complete

                record of my stenographic notes.




                          DATED this 12th day of June, 2011.



            11                   Diane M. Tropia






























                Diane M. Tropia, Inc., P.O. Box 2375, Jacksonville, FL 32203