LAND USE AND ZONING








                          Proceedings held on Tuesday, May 3rd,


                2011, commencing at 5:05 p.m., City Hall, Council


                Chambers, 1st Floor, Jacksonville, Florida, before


                Diane M. Tropia, a Notary Public in and for the


                State of Florida at Large.






                     JOHN CRESCIMBENI, Chair.

                     RAY HOLT, Vice Chair.

                     WILLIAM BISHOP, Committee Member.

                     DON REDMAN, Committee Member.

                     STEPHEN JOOST, Committee Member.

                     REGINALD BROWN, Committee Member.

                     DICK BROWN, Committee Member.



                ALSO PRESENT:


                     BILL KILLINGSWORTH, Director, Planning Dept.

                     JOHN CROFTS, Deputy Director, Planning Dept.

                     SEAN KELLY, Chief, Current Planning.

                     FOLKS HUXFORD, Zoning Administrator.

                     DYLAN REINGOLD, Office of General Counsel.

                     MERRIANE LAHMEUR, Legislative Assistant.

                     SHARONDA DAVIS, Legislative Assistant.


                                       - - -






             1                 P R O C E E D I N G S

                May 3rd, 2011                             5:05 p.m.

             2                         - - -


             3           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Good afternoon,


             4      everyone.


             5           We're going to call the May 3rd, 2011,


             6      Land Use and Zoning Committee meeting to order.


             7           To begin with, we're going to have


             8      everybody introduce themselves for the record,


             9      starting with Mr. Crofts down at the end, but


            10      before we do that, I'd like to introduce one of


            11      our council members elect, Lori Boyer, who will


            12      be the new district councilperson from


            13      District 5.


            14           And, Ms. Boyer, why don't you grab your


            15      stuff and come and sit up here with us.  A lot


            16      of committee members said they had some


            17      questions for you that they wanted to ask


            18      tonight, so come on up.  And to activate the


            19      mic, you just use the white button when that


            20      time comes.


            21           It's going to be a long meeting, folks.


            22           All right.  Fire away, Mr. Crofts.


            23           MR. CROFTS:  My name is John Crofts,


            24      deputy director of Planning.


            25           Good evening.






             1           MR. KELLY:  Sean Kelly, Planning and


             2      Development.


             3           MR. HUXFORD:  Folks Huxford, Planning and


             4      Development.


             5           MR. REINGOLD:  Good evening, everyone.


             6           Dylan Reingold with the Office of General


             7      Counsel.


             8           MR. YARBOROUGH:  Clay Yarborough,


             9      District 1, visiting.


            10           MR. D. BROWN:  Dick Brown, Council,


            11      District 13.


            12           MR. JOOST:  Stephen Joost, Group 3,


            13      at-large.


            14           MR. R. BROWN:  Reginald Brown,


            15      District 10.


            16           THE CHAIRMAN:  John Crescimbeni, the


            17      chairman, at-large, Group 2.


            18           MR. HOLT:  Ray Holt, District 11.


            19           MR. BISHOP:  Bill Bishop, District 2.


            20           MR. REDMAN:  Don Redman, District 4.


            21           MS. BOYER:  Lori Boyer, council member


            22      elect for District 5.


            23           THE CHAIRMAN:  Excellent, Ms. Boyer.


            24      You're going to fall right into this.


            25           All right.  Turning -- I'm sorry,






             1      Mr. Reingold, you need to read the LUZ Code of


             2      Conduct.


             3           MR. REINGOLD:  Would you like it today?


             4      There appear to be about six people in the


             5      audience, but I'd be happy to do it if you


             6      would like.


             7           THE CHAIRMAN:  Does anybody -- do we have


             8      any public hearing -- any public speaker cards


             9      that have been completed?


            10           MS. DAVIS:  Yes, one.


            11           THE CHAIRMAN:  Just one?


            12           Mr. Reingold, for the -- better err on the


            13      side caution here, so go ahead and --


            14           MR. REINGOLD:  I would be delighted,


            15      Chair.


            16           Anyone who would like to address the


            17      committee tonight must fill out a yellow


            18      speaker's card in its entirety.  The yellow


            19      speakers' cards are located on the desk up


            20      front, near the podium.  Once completed, please


            21      return the speaker's card to the basket on the


            22      front desk.


            23           Any person who lobbies the City for


            24      compensation is considered a lobbyist and is


            25      therefore required to register their lobbying






             1      activity with the City Council secretary.  If


             2      you are a lobbyist and have not registered with


             3      the City Council secretary, you will not be


             4      permitted to address the committee tonight.


             5           Because a verbatim transcript of this


             6      meeting will be prepared by a court reporter,


             7      it is important that you speak clearly into the


             8      microphone when you address the committee.


             9      It's also important that only one person speak


            10      at a time.


            11           Any tangible materials submitted with a


            12      speaker's presentation, such as documents,


            13      photographs, plans, drawings, et cetera, shall


            14      become a permanent part of the public record


            15      and will be retained by the committee.


            16           As a courtesy, please switch any cell


            17      phones, pagers, or audible devices to a silent


            18      mode.


            19           Items are generally addressed in the order


            20      in which they are listed on the agenda.  Copies


            21      of the agenda are located on the desk up front,


            22      near the podium.


            23           On occasion, items may be heard out of


            24      order for the sake of efficiency or to


            25      accommodate scheduling conflicts.






             1           Unless there is a formal hearing on a


             2      particular item, each member of the public is


             3      limited to a three-minute presentation.


             4      Presentations should be focused, concise, and


             5      address only the item pending before the


             6      committee.


             7           Prior to addressing the committee, please


             8      state your name and your address.


             9           Decisions on rezonings, including PUDs and


            10      waivers, are all considered quasi-judicial in


            11      nature and certain protocols will be followed


            12      for these proceedings.


            13           First, each council -- committee member


            14      must disclose on the record any ex-parte


            15      communications they have had with any members


            16      of the public prior to the hearing on each


            17      applicable item.  This includes a brief


            18      statement of when the communication took place,


            19      who the communication was with, and what the


            20      subject of the communication was about.


            21           Second, the normal format is to allow an


            22      applicant or agent thereof to make their


            23      presentation first, followed by members of the


            24      public who wish to speak in support of the


            25      item, then members of the public who are in






             1      opposition will be allowed to speak.


             2           After all the public comments have been


             3      received, the applicant will have a brief


             4      opportunity to wrap up or present a rebuttal.


             5      The wrap-up or rebuttal shall be limited to the


             6      issues brought up by the speakers.


             7           Finally, all quasi-judicial decisions must


             8      be based upon substantial competent evidence,


             9      which means the committee's decision must be


            10      supported by fact-based testimony or expert


            11      testimony and not generalized concerns or


            12      opinions.


            13           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Reingold.


            14           Turning to page 2 of the agenda, item 1,


            15      2010-585, is deferred.  Item 2, 2010-670, is


            16      deferred.  Item 3, 2010-856, is deferred.


            17           Item 4, 2011-38, we have a public hearing


            18      scheduled this evening.  This is a


            19      quasi-judicial matter.  Does anyone have any


            20      ex-parte communication to disclose?


            21           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            22           THE CHAIRMAN:  Nobody?  All right.


            23           Well, I do, and I have a piece of paper


            24      here that I've -- some e-mail correspondence


            25      that I'm going to go ahead and submit for the






             1      record between -- I'm sorry, Ms. Hemphill


             2      (phonetic), Linda Hemphill and myself over the


             3      past couple of days.


             4           All right.  If there's no other ex-parte,


             5      we have a public hearing scheduled this


             6      evening.  The public hearing is open.  I have


             7      one speaker's card, Walter Holton.


             8           (Audience member approaches the podium.)


             9           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Thank you, sir.


            10           My name is Walter Holton.  I live at 4304


            11      Fern Creek Drive, which is in the Charter Point


            12      community.


            13           I'm the president of Charter Point


            14      Community Association.  And a couple of months


            15      ago, upon receiving the notice of request of a


            16      request for waiver, minimum footage, we


            17      expressed opposition with a written statement


            18      and provided it to the Planning Department as


            19      well as other agencies.


            20           We are still in opposition, and we


            21      understand that the vendor has requested that


            22      this ordinance be withdrawn.  Since we don't


            23      have a say in whether or not it's withdrawn,


            24      what I would like to point out to this


            25      committee is that the issues we raised in our






             1      initial document still exists and the mere fact


             2      that he's asking that it be withdrawn -- we


             3      have been told -- I was told, personally, by


             4      the person who submitted the waiver -- the


             5      request for waiver, that he was going to sell


             6      the property to the original owner and the


             7      original owner was going to build a larger


             8      house on the property.


             9           The fact that he's requesting that this


            10      waiver be withdrawn tells me that the owner --


            11      the new owner, projected new owner may or may


            12      not be required to submit a request for waiver


            13      on the property before building.


            14           It's not my concern that he's building on


            15      the property.  The real concern is that the


            16      original request for waiver included the


            17      installation of a septic system on the


            18      property, the installation of a well for use in


            19      drinking water, and the fact that we have a


            20      drainage problem along Fern Creek Drive in the


            21      Charter Point Community Association.


            22           It is the opinion of Charter Point that


            23      unless that -- the drainage problem or drainage


            24      issue is addressed, we're going to continue to


            25      have that problem.  And we believe that






             1      constructing any -- any house or structure on


             2      that property is going to continue to


             3      exacerbate the problem with drainage within


             4      Charter Point unless addressed, and we ask that


             5      the drainage issue be addressed.


             6           So if the waiver is withdrawn, I fear that


             7      the prospective owner or the new owner or


             8      whomever the person that will end up with the


             9      property may go ahead and build a house and our


            10      concerns will not be adjudicated.


            11           So I just want to present that to the


            12      committee to let you know that we still have


            13      that problem, we're still concerned with it,


            14      and we're asking that you strongly consider


            15      denying withdrawal of this waiver and deny it,


            16      deny the waiver versus withdrawing it.  That's


            17      our request.


            18           Thank you.


            19           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Holton.


            20           Any questions from the committee?


            21           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            22           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Anyone else


            23      care to address the committee?


            24           AUDIENCE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            25           THE CHAIRMAN:  Seeing no one, the public






             1      hearing is closed.


             2           Either Mr. Reingold -- perhaps you may


             3      just advise the committee of the differences


             4      between a denial and a withdrawal.  And also in


             5      the case of this withdrawal that was requested


             6      by the applicant, I'm assuming it does not


             7      include any refund of any fees paid; is that


             8      correct?


             9           MR. KELLY:  The Department does not


            10      support the refund of fees in instances where


            11      we've issued a staff report.


            12           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you for the


            13      clarification.


            14           Mr. Reingold, the options before the


            15      committee are several.  We could defer, we


            16      could approve, deny, withdraw.  Can you explain


            17      the differences or any differences between the


            18      withdrawal and the denial?


            19           MR. REINGOLD:  To the Chair and to the


            20      committee as a whole, essentially what the


            21      withdrawal is -- is as if nothing happened.  We


            22      would be back to square zero -- or square one,


            23      and anyone could then come forward and request


            24      another withdrawal, and they would have --


            25           THE CHAIRMAN:  Waiver.






             1           MR. REINGOLD:  -- another waiver.


             2           If this committee were to decide to deny


             3      this application, then, at a minimum, any


             4      future owner would have to wait one year before


             5      applying for another waiver.  And then on top


             6      of that, any application that they would submit


             7      would be barred by the principles of


             8      res judicata and would have to wait until


             9      substantial circumstances have changed in that


            10      area before their application could be


            11      considered.


            12           So there's that time bar that exists if


            13      you were to deny the application versus whether


            14      you were to just withdraw the application.


            15           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Reingold.


            16           Any questions from the committee or --


            17           MR. BISHOP:  Yes.


            18           THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Bishop.


            19           MR. BISHOP:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


            20           Through the Chair to Mr. Reingold,


            21      understanding if it were denied the one year


            22      requirement before we -- reapplying, does that


            23      not mean the same waiver -- I mean, if a new --


            24      if the property were sold and a new owner were


            25      to submit -- to apply for a waiver, instead of






             1      forty-eight to zero, it was forty-eight to


             2      twenty-four, that would be a perfectly


             3      acceptable application, would it not?


             4           MR. REINGOLD:  Such an application --


             5      actually, it would be up for the committee to


             6      decide because the issue would be whether that


             7      was a substantially similar application as the


             8      first one.  And the committee may view it and


             9      say, "Wow, forty-eight to twenty-four, that


            10      seems like a lot different.  We think this is a


            11      new application.  It's not barred by


            12      res judicata."


            13           However, for some reason the committee may


            14      say, "Wow, forty-eight to twenty-four, it's


            15      pretty much the same thing.  They're doing one


            16      house.  Therefore, we think it's really the


            17      same.  We're going to deny that application on


            18      the principles of res judicata."


            19           So you've got --


            20           MR. BISHOP:  So from the standpoint of


            21      procedural, in other words, whether we take it


            22      up or whether we determine that it is -- that


            23      it's substantially the same, as far as an


            24      applicant is concerned, they go through the


            25      process, any -- the same process anyway, and so






             1      it may be just something different we decide,


             2      but we decide it in committee and it goes


             3      through the entire process to begin with.  So


             4      from the standpoint of what the -- the


             5      neighbors' concern is, whether we approve it or


             6      deny it, a new property owner has the ability


             7      to go through essentially the same process


             8      provided it's a -- it's a different application


             9      in their mind, so --


            10           MR. REINGOLD:  (Nods head.)


            11           MR. BISHOP:  -- so the -- but the process


            12      essentially plays out the same?


            13           MR. REINGOLD:  The process plays out


            14      similarly; however, again, the key -- whole


            15      issue for the determination is whether it's the


            16      same application.


            17           MR. BISHOP:  Okay.  Thank you.


            18           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Bishop.


            19           Mr. Joost.


            20           MR. JOOST:  Thank you.


            21           But if the -- through the Chair to


            22      Mr. Reingold, wouldn't the Planning


            23      Department -- I mean, it's going to go to the


            24      Planning Department and they would say, we


            25      recommend -- we would recommend it being denied






             1      because the application is basically the same?


             2           MR. REINGOLD:  (Nods head.)


             3           MR. JOOST:  So, I mean, in a sense, you


             4      are still making the hurdle, I think, a little


             5      bit higher if -- if we deny it versus just


             6      withdrawing it, so --


             7           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Joost.


             8           Mr. Yarborough, the district


             9      councilperson.


            10           MR. YARBOROUGH:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman,


            11      committee.  I appreciate the time to discuss


            12      this.


            13           I would encourage the committee to deny


            14      the waiver.  I think Mr. Holton aptly stated


            15      the concerns of the neighborhood and also


            16      explained the importance of a denial instead of


            17      just a withdrawal, and you see --


            18           You have the Planning Department's report


            19      in front of you, and if you'll note under the


            20      standards and criteria and findings, a


            21      particular note where it asks if the request is


            22      based exclusively upon the desire to reduce the


            23      cost of developing the site.  It answers, yes;


            24      the request is applied specifically to the


            25      subject property, does appear to be based






             1      exclusively upon the desire to reduce costs.


             2           Also, question 3, will the proposed waiver


             3      substantially diminish property values and/or


             4      alter the essential character of the area, and


             5      that answer is also, yes; a reduction in the


             6      road frontage will set a precedence for similar


             7      requests for the creation of additional lots


             8      not meeting minimum road frontage requirements.


             9      And, of course, it goes on and you've seen


            10      that.


            11           This is a concern not only for this area,


            12      but it can -- it can have that effect in other


            13      parts of the city too, so I appreciate your


            14      consideration of it.  And for protection


            15      certainly for Charter Point residents and


            16      others in that area but also for other parts of


            17      the city, I would encourage you not only to


            18      withdraw but to make the step to deny as the


            19      Planning Department has recommended.


            20           MR. HOLT:  Move denial.


            21           MR. YARBOROUGH:  Thank you.


            22           MR. BISHOP:  Second.


            23           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Yarborough.


            24           Motion to deny by Mr. Holt, second by


            25      Mr. Bishop, I believe.






             1           MR. BISHOP:  Yes.


             2           THE CHAIRMAN:  Any discussion on that


             3      motion?


             4           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             5           THE CHAIRMAN:  If not, open the ballot,


             6      please, vote.


             7           I'm sorry.  Mr. Reingold.


             8           MR. REINGOLD:  I would just be curious to


             9      know from staff if they had any communications


            10      with the applicant regarding the request for


            11      withdrawal, if there was any -- any statements


            12      to them about the fact that there is a public


            13      hearing tonight, they should attend, just want


            14      to know if there was any communication between


            15      staff and the applicant.


            16           MR. HUXFORD:  I met with the applicant, I


            17      believe it was late last week, and he simply


            18      asked for my business card so he could have my


            19      e-mail address.  And he wanted to send in a


            20      request for withdrawal, but he did not discuss


            21      attending today, but he should know that the


            22      committee could decide however they wish to go


            23      on this.


            24           MR. KELLY:  For the record, the Department


            25      would like to add, as it relates to the -- the






             1      lot in question, this lot was subdivided off of


             2      an existing lot of record back in 2010, and


             3      under no circumstances -- if the lot is


             4      reconfigured back to its original


             5      configuration, I just want to make sure that


             6      everybody is aware of -- that it's no longer a


             7      lot of record and the waiver is still required.


             8           The owner of the property might have some


             9      misconception that they can reconfigure the lot


            10      back to its original configuration, granting


            11      them a lot of record status, which would exempt


            12      them from lot area and road frontage and that


            13      requirement, but that's not the case, so I just


            14      want to make that clear.


            15           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Kelly.


            16           All right.  The ballot is still open?


            17           MS. LAHMEUR:  Yes.


            18           THE CHAIRMAN:  Please vote on the denial.


            19           (Committee ballot opened.)


            20           MR. CRESCIMBENI:  (Votes yea.)


            21           MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


            22           MR. BISHOP:  (Votes yea.)


            23           MR. D. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            24           MR. R. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            25           MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)






             1           MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


             2           (Committee ballot closed.)


             3           MS. LAHMEUR:  Seven yeas, zero nays.


             4           THE CHAIRMAN:  By our action, you have


             5      denied item 4, 2011-38.


             6           MR. YARBOROUGH:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


             7           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Yarborough,


             8      any time.


             9           MR. YARBOROUGH:  Have a good evening.


            10           THE CHAIRMAN:  You were much quicker than


            11      the last visiting council member.


            12           (Inaudible discussion.)


            13           THE CHAIRMAN:  I wasn't going to mention


            14      any names.


            15           All right.  Turning to page 3, at the top,


            16      item 5, 2011-158, is deferred.  Item 6,


            17      2011-159, is deferred.


            18           Item 7, 2011-179, we're not taking any


            19      action on this tonight.  We do have a public


            20      hearing scheduled.  The public hearing is open.


            21      We have no public -- we have no speakers' cards


            22      completed, so the public hearing is continued


            23      until May 17th of this year.


            24           Item 8, 2011-180, is deferred.


            25           Turning over to page 4, at the top,






             1      item 9, 2011-205, is deferred.


             2           Item 10, 2011-206, we are taking up.


             3           Mr. Crofts.  And, Mr. Crofts, do you want


             4      to discuss both of these simultaneously or


             5      individually?


             6           MR. CROFTS:  Simultaneously, if you will.


             7           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  So you're going


             8      to address item 10 and 11, 2011-206 and -207.


             9           Mr. Crofts.


            10           MR. CROFTS:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman and


            11      members of the committee.


            12           These two pieces of legislation involve a


            13      Notice of Proposed Change or Notice of Proposed


            14      Changes, NOPCs, for two developments of


            15      regional impact on properties located on


            16      opposite quadrants, along the east side of


            17      Southside Boulevard, where it intersects or


            18      interchanges with J. Turner Butler Boulevard.


            19           In summary, we are moving or subtracting


            20      development rights in the form of available


            21      trips from the southeast quadrant, or Deerwood


            22      Park, which is owned by G.L. National, by


            23      64,000 square feet, and converting 10,000


            24      square feet of commercial development to


            25      general office type development in the






             1      northeast quadrant to allow a grand total of


             2      four million square feet of general office


             3      space from the southeast quadrant to the


             4      northeast quadrant, DRI.


             5           In addition, we're shifting the


             6      development capacity, which I believe


             7      translates into 500,000 square feet of general


             8      office space, and the transfer of 405 peak-hour


             9      trips to the northeast quadrant.


            10           Also, it pushes back the buildout and


            11      termination dates for both of the northeast and


            12      the southeast quadrant DRIs to December 31st,


            13      2021.


            14           The outcome of this legislation and its


            15      inherent adjustments from the southeast


            16      quadrant to the northeast quadrant is to


            17      provide opportunities and capacity for future


            18      growth in the form of general office


            19      development, up to four million square feet,


            20      for the northeast quadrant, development of


            21      regional impact.


            22           In summary, the State and DOT, Florida


            23      Department of Community -- of Transportation


            24      had comments concerning the methodology


            25      utilized by the consultant that were, I think,






             1      and staff believes, were adequately addressed.


             2           There was a recommendation of approval


             3      from the Northeast Florida Regional Planning


             4      Council -- actually, the Northeast Florida


             5      Regional Council, and also the recommendation


             6      is for approval from your Planning and


             7      Development Department.


             8           So, again, it's a transfer of development


             9      opportunity from one DRI to another and it --


            10      it is the recommendation of the Regional


            11      Planning Council as well as the Planning and


            12      Development Department, and we support that.


            13           Thank you.


            14           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Crofts.


            15           Mr. Reingold.


            16           MR. REINGOLD:  To the Chair, I know you


            17      opened up 2011-206.  Seeing as Mr. Crofts dealt


            18      with both of the bills at the same time, do you


            19      also want to open up 2011-207 at the same time?


            20           THE CHAIRMAN:  We could do that.


            21           All right.  We have a public hearing


            22      scheduled this evening on both of these bills,


            23      -206 and -207.  We'll conduct that


            24      simultaneously; however, both of them are


            25      quasi-judicial.  Does anyone have any ex-parte






             1      communication to disclose?


             2           MR. REDMAN:  (Indicating.)


             3           THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Redman.


             4           MR. REDMAN:  Yes.  I had communication


             5      with T.R. Ha inline a couple of weeks ago on


             6      this.


             7           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  Thank you,


             8      Mr. Redman.


             9           Anybody else?


            10           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            11           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.  I also had a


            12      telephone conversation with Mr. Ha inline


            13      yesterday regarding this matter and have


            14      received an e-mail from him on April 27th,


            15      which a copy is here that can be added to the


            16      file as well, just detailing what was


            17      happening, and it -- presented a copy of the


            18      report from the Planning Council, was it?


            19           MR. HA INLINE:  (Nods head.)


            20           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  So the public


            21      hearing is open.  I have one -- on both bills,


            22      2011-206 and -207.  I have one card, T.R. Ha


            23      inline.


            24           Mr. Ha inline.


            25           (Mr. Ha inline approaches the podium.)






             1           MR. HA INLINE:  Yes, sir.


             2           T.R. Ha inline, 1301 Riverplace Boulevard.


             3           I'm here representing G.L. National, which


             4      is a Gate subsidiary, which is the master


             5      developer for both of these DRIs.


             6           Let me just step back and briefly kind of


             7      give you a context because Mr. Crofts threw


             8      some square footage numbers out there and --


             9      and let me step back and try and give a little


            10      broader overview.


            11           These are two Notices of Proposed Change


            12      for two DRIs.  One we refer to as the northeast


            13      quadrant, which is the northeast quadrant of


            14      Southside and J. Turner Butler.  Part of that


            15      is an area known by everybody as Tinseltown.


            16      And this also relates to the DRI immediately to


            17      the south of that, which we call the southeast


            18      quadrant but most of the world knows as


            19      Deerwood Park.


            20           Both were approved in 1986.  So in terms


            21      of DRI status, these are like dinosaurs.  These


            22      are old DRIs.


            23           When somebody does a DRI -- and it's been


            24      a while, thanks to the recession, but if we all


            25      remember, when somebody does a DRI, what






             1      happens is the developer projects and


             2      anticipates certain traffic impacts and then


             3      the City and the Regional Council and the


             4      Department of Community Affairs all set what is


             5      a traffic exaction or a payment that that


             6      developer makes towards traffic improvements


             7      intended to offset traffic impacts.


             8           And back in 1986, that's exactly what


             9      happened with these two DRIs.  And, at that


            10      time, Gate paid in excess of $6.2 million in


            11      1986 dollars for a series of traffic


            12      improvements in that area.  I can go into


            13      detail about those if you wish in questions,


            14      but that -- a large amount of money in 1986


            15      dollars was spent on traffic improvements in


            16      that area to deal with traffic impacts caused


            17      by -- that would be caused by these DRIs.


            18           The two changes -- the changes -- we are


            19      proposing changes to these DRIs, and state law


            20      says that you can propose a series of changes.


            21      Some of them are substantial, if you meet


            22      certain criteria, and some of them are


            23      insubstantial, if you meet certain criteria.


            24           We're are proposing the following changes,


            25      and Mr. Crofts went through them to some






             1      extent:


             2           In the northeast quadrant -- that includes


             3      Tinseltown -- we are proposing simultaneous


             4      decreases in commercial square footage that has


             5      been approved and simultaneous increase in


             6      office square footage in the northeast


             7      quadrant.  We're also extending that DRI, the


             8      buildout date, out to 2021.


             9           In the southeast quadrant, in part -- as


            10      Mr. Crofts alluded to, in part, to offset any


            11      impacts that there might be in the northeast


            12      quadrant with these changes, in the southeast


            13      quadrant we are decreasing office square


            14      footage.  There are no increases in the


            15      southeast quadrant.  We're decreasing office


            16      square footage, and we're also extending the


            17      buildout date to 2021 down there.


            18           THE CHAIRMAN:  T.R., hang on one second.


            19           Mr. Cassada, you can put another three


            20      minutes on there since we've got two bills


            21      before us.  Okay?


            22           MR. CASSADA:  (Complies.)


            23           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you.


            24           All right.  Sorry about that, T.R.


            25           Go ahead.






             1           MR. HA INLINE:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


             2           Under state law, the burden is on us to


             3      show that these changes will not generate new


             4      traffic impacts which were not mitigated for by


             5      Gate in its original $6.2 million that paid for


             6      a whole series of improvements out there.  If


             7      we show that there are no new impacts by our


             8      changes that weren't mitigated for before, then


             9      we are in an insubstantial change to the DRI.


            10      If we hadn't been able to show that and if the


            11      agencies had concluded that indeed there are


            12      new impacts, then we would have been what's


            13      called a substantial deviation.


            14           We've worked closely with the Regional


            15      Council staff and with your City staff and as


            16      well as with the FDOT over many months to


            17      establish that indeed we meet the statutory


            18      criteria for an insubstantial deviation, that


            19      we are not generating with these changes any


            20      new traffic impacts which were not mitigated


            21      for by Gate's expenditures and improvements


            22      back in 1986.


            23           And if you looked -- or as part of your


            24      package there are reports from your Planning


            25      Department and from the Regional Planning --






             1      what we all refer to as the Regional Planning


             2      Council, but is now the Regional Council, that


             3      established that indeed we have shown that it's


             4      insubstantial, that we're not generating any


             5      new traffic impacts that weren't mitigated


             6      before, back -- by Gate's original expenditures


             7      out there.


             8           I could go into a lot more detail, but I


             9      guess I'd rather be here to answer your


            10      questions, in the event that you have any,


            11      regarding this.


            12           We do have our traffic engineer here,


            13      Bernie O'Connor, as well as Drew Frick with


            14      Gate, so -- happy to any answer any questions.


            15           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Ha inline.


            16           Any questions from the committee?


            17           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            18           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Thank you, sir.


            19           MR. HA INLINE:  Thank you.


            20           THE CHAIRMAN:  Anyone else care to address


            21      the committee?


            22           AUDIENCE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            23           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Seeing no one,


            24      then, the public hearing is closed on 2011-206


            25      and 2011-207.






             1           MR. JOOST:  Move -206.


             2           MR. BISHOP:  Second.


             3           THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion to approve 2011-206


             4      by Mr. Joost, second by Mr. Bishop.


             5           Any discussion?


             6           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             7           THE CHAIRMAN:  If not, open the ballot,


             8      please, vote.


             9           (Committee ballot opened.)


            10           MR. CRESCIMBENI:  (Votes yea.)


            11           MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


            12           MR. BISHOP:  (Votes yea.)


            13           MR. D. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            14           MR. R. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            15           MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


            16           MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


            17           (Committee ballot closed.)


            18           MS. LAHMEUR:  Seven yeas, zero nays.


            19           THE CHAIRMAN:  By our action, you have


            20      approved item 10, 2011-206.


            21           Item 11, 2011-207.  We have an amendment


            22      on that.


            23           MR. JOOST:  Move the amendment.


            24           MR. D. BROWN:  Second.


            25           THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion on the amendment by






             1      Mr. Joost, second by Councilman Dick Brown.


             2           Discussion?


             3           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             4           THE CHAIRMAN:  If not, all those in favor,


             5      say yes.


             6           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Yes.


             7           THE CHAIRMAN:  Opposed, say no.


             8           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             9           THE CHAIRMAN:  By our action, you've


            10      adopted the amendment.


            11           MR. JOOST:  Move the bill as amended.


            12           MR. BISHOP:  Second.


            13           THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion on the bill as


            14      amended by Mr. Joost, second by Mr. Bishop.


            15           Discussion?


            16           MR. REDMAN:  (Indicating.)


            17           THE CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Redman.


            18           MR. REDMAN:  I'm sorry, but I need to


            19      declare ex-parte communication with Mr. Frick


            20      also.  I forgot that -- at the same time I


            21      talked with Mr. Ha inline.


            22           Thank you.


            23           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Redman.


            24           Any further discussion?


            25           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)






             1           THE CHAIRMAN:  We have a motion and


             2      second.


             3           If not, please open the ballot, vote.


             4           (Committee ballot opened.)


             5           MR. CRESCIMBENI:  (Votes yea.)


             6           MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


             7           MR. BISHOP:  (Votes yea.)


             8           MR. D. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


             9           MR. R. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            10           MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


            11           MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


            12           (Committee ballot closed.)


            13           MS. LAHMEUR:  Seven yeas, zero nays.


            14           THE CHAIRMAN:  By our action, you have


            15      approved item 11, 2011-207, as amended.


            16           Item 12, 2011-209.  Mr. Reingold gets to


            17      give the report on this one tonight.


            18           Mr. Reingold.


            19           MR. REINGOLD:  Good evening, everybody.


            20           It's not much of a report.  It's --


            21      essentially the resolution expresses the City's


            22      support for a -- Community Rehabilitation


            23      Center's desire to participate in the Florida


            24      Community Contribution Tax Credit Program.


            25           Essentially what Florida Statutes,






             1      Section 212.08, requires is that -- a proposal


             2      for such a tax credit requires that this entity


             3      obtain a resolution from the local government


             4      in which the property is located certifying


             5      that the project is consistent with local plans


             6      and regulations.


             7           As you have in your packet, Mr. Crofts --


             8      or with the bill is Mr. Crofts' memo describing


             9      how it's consistent with various different


            10      neighborhood action plans and the comprehensive


            11      plan, and there's an amendment on the bill.


            12           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Reingold.


            13           MR. JOOST:  Move the amendment.


            14           MR. R. BROWN:  Second.


            15           THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion on the amendment by


            16      Mr. Joost, second by Councilman Reggie Brown.


            17           Discussion on the amendment?


            18           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            19           THE CHAIRMAN:  If not, all those in favor,


            20      say yes.


            21           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Yes.


            22           THE CHAIRMAN:  Opposed, say no.


            23           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            24           THE CHAIRMAN:  By our action, you've


            25      adopted the amendment.






             1           MR. JOOST:  Move the bill as amended.


             2           MR. REDMAN:  Second.


             3           THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion on the bill as


             4      amended by Mr. Joost, second by Mr. Redman.


             5           Discussion?


             6           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             7           THE CHAIRMAN:  If not, open the ballot,


             8      please, vote.


             9           (Committee ballot opened.)


            10           MR. CRESCIMBENI:  (Votes yea.)


            11           MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


            12           MR. BISHOP:  (Votes yea.)


            13           MR. D. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            14           MR. R. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            15           MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


            16           MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


            17           (Committee ballot closed.)


            18           MS. LAHMEUR:  Seven yeas, zero nays.


            19           THE CHAIRMAN:  By our action, you have


            20      approved item 12, 2011-209, as amended.


            21           Turning to the top of page 5, item 13,


            22      2011-219, is deferred.


            23           Item 14, 2011-230.  Mr. Kelly.


            24           MR. KELLY:  Thank you.


            25           To the Chair and to the council members,






             1      ordinance 2011-230, this is the result of the


             2      settlement agreement between the City and the


             3      Environmental Protection Agency.  As a result


             4      of that agreement, the City was tasked with


             5      codifying in multiple sections of the municipal


             6      code the Ash Management Plan.  This bill


             7      provides for that in terms of guidance and


             8      consistency in land development with the Ash


             9      Management Plan.  Specifically, the sections


            10      being amended are the subdivision regulations


            11      and the building construction regulations under


            12      Chapter 320.


            13           The Department supports this.  We find it


            14      consistent with policies in the comprehensive


            15      plan, specifically Objective 12.4 as it relates


            16      to the Conservation Coastal Management Element


            17      that requires coordinating land use development


            18      with contamination and cleanup and


            19      investigation.


            20           The Department supports this and here for


            21      questions.


            22           THE CHAIRMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Kelly.


            23           Any questions from the committee?


            24           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            25           THE CHAIRMAN:  Ms. Nelson, did you have






             1      anything you wanted to add?


             2           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  No.


             3           THE CHAIRMAN:  No?


             4           AUDIENCE MEMBER:  (Shakes head.)


             5           THE CHAIRMAN:  She's shaking her head in


             6      the negative.


             7           All right.  We have a public hearing


             8      scheduled this evening.  The public hearing is


             9      open.


            10           Any speakers' cards?


            11           MS. DAVIS:  No.


            12           THE CHAIRMAN:  All right.  Having no


            13      speakers' cards, the public hearing is closed.


            14           We have a substitute on this bill.


            15           MR. JOOST:  Move the substitute.


            16           MR. BISHOP:  Second.


            17           THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion on the substitute by


            18      Mr. Joost, second by Mr. Bishop.


            19           Discussion on the sub?


            20           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            21           THE CHAIRMAN:  If not, all those in favor,


            22      say yes.


            23           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Yes.


            24           THE CHAIRMAN:  Opposed, say no.


            25           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)






             1           THE CHAIRMAN:  By your action, you've


             2      adopted the substitute.


             3           MR. BISHOP:  Move the bill as substituted.


             4           MR. JOOST:  Second.


             5           THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion on the bill as


             6      substituted by Mr. Bishop, second by Mr. Joost.


             7           Discussion?


             8           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             9           THE CHAIRMAN:  If not, open the ballot,


            10      please, vote.


            11           (Committee ballot opened.)


            12           MR. CRESCIMBENI:  (Votes yea.)


            13           MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


            14           MR. BISHOP:  (Votes yea.)


            15           MR. D. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            16           MR. R. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            17           MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


            18           MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


            19           (Committee ballot closed.)


            20           MS. LAHMEUR:  Seven yeas, zero nays.


            21           THE CHAIRMAN:  By our action, you have


            22      approved item -- you've approved the substitute


            23      to item 14, 2011-230.


            24           Everything else on page 5 -- 2011-241,


            25      -242, and -243 -- are read second, as is our --






             1      as is all the items on page 6, items 18, 19,


             2      20, 21, 22, and 23, and everything else on page


             3      7.


             4           And I believe that concludes our agenda.


             5           Wait.  Mr. Reingold, did I miss something?


             6           MR. REINGOLD:  No, sir.  Actually, I


             7      missed something, but I'll be honest.


             8           2011-38, in all the excitement of the


             9      discussion of the withdrawal versus the


            10      denial --


            11           THE CHAIRMAN:  That was exciting, wasn't


            12      it?


            13           MR. REINGOLD:  -- I sort of lost track of


            14      the fact that -- since it is a request for a


            15      waiver of road frontage, we probably should


            16      have moved an amendment, which would have been


            17      to deny the waiver, and then move the bill as


            18      amended.  And so I know it's kind of semantics


            19      probably, but I would just recommend maybe that


            20      we reconsider that --


            21           MR. JOOST:  Move to reconsider.


            22           MR. REINGOLD:  -- and then --


            23           MR. HOLT:  Second.


            24           THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion to reconsider by


            25      Mr. Joost, second by Mr. Holt.






             1           Discussion?


             2           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             3           THE CHAIRMAN:  If not, all those in favor,


             4      say yes.


             5           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Yes.


             6           THE CHAIRMAN:  Opposed, say no.


             7           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             8           THE CHAIRMAN:  By our action, you've moved


             9      to reconsider item 4, 2011-38.


            10           MR. JOOST:  Move the amendment to deny.


            11           MR. REDMAN:  Second.


            12           THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion on the amendment to


            13      deny by Mr. Joost, second by Mr. Redman.


            14           Discussion on the amendment?


            15           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            16           THE CHAIRMAN:  All those in favor, say


            17      yes.


            18           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  Yes.


            19           THE CHAIRMAN:  Opposed, say no.


            20           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            21           THE CHAIRMAN:  By our action, you have


            22      approved the amendment.


            23           MR. JOOST:  Move the bill as amended.


            24           MR. HOLT:  Second.


            25           THE CHAIRMAN:  Motion on the bill as






             1      amended by Mr. Joost, second by Mr. Holt.


             2           Discussion?


             3           COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             4           THE CHAIRMAN:  If not, open the ballot,


             5      please, vote.


             6           (Committee ballot opened.)


             7           MR. CRESCIMBENI:  (Votes yea.)


             8           MR. HOLT:  (Votes yea.)


             9           MR. BISHOP:  (Votes yea.)


            10           MR. D. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            11           MR. R. BROWN:  (Votes yea.)


            12           MR. JOOST:  (Votes yea.)


            13           MR. REDMAN:  (Votes yea.)


            14           (Committee ballot closed.)


            15           MS. LAHMEUR:  Seven yeas, zero nays.


            16           THE CHAIRMAN:  By our action, you have


            17      approved item 4, 2011-38, as amended to deny.


            18           That just made it that much more exciting,


            19      Mr. Reingold.


            20           All right.  We have some folks in the


            21      audience.  Anybody here have any comments for


            22      the committee?


            23           AUDIENCE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


            24           THE CHAIRMAN:  You want to come down and


            25      ask us some questions or tell us a story or --






             1           AUDIENCE MEMBERS:  (No response.)


             2           THE CHAIRMAN:  Okay.


             3           All right.  If that's --


             4           (Inaudible discussion.)


             5           THE CHAIRMAN:  I don't know if they can


             6      see us.  I can barely see them.


             7           All right.  With that said, our next


             8      meeting will be Tuesday, May 17th.


             9           Thanks to all for being here tonight, and


            10      hopefully in two weeks we're going to have as


            11      short a meeting as possible because --


            12           MR. REDMAN:  It's Election Day.


            13           THE CHAIRMAN:  -- it's Election Day, that


            14      is correct, and some of us may have -- not all


            15      of us, but some of us may have some


            16      destinations to visit that night, and we'll


            17      have the makeup of our new City Council all put


            18      to bed by -- probably by this time.  Well, no,


            19      not quite by this time, but soon after this


            20      time in two weeks.


            21           All right.  Thank you all for being here.


            22           This meeting is adjourned.


            23           (The above proceedings were adjourned at


            24      5:41 p.m.)








             1                      CERTIFICATE




             3  STATE OF FLORIDA)


             4  COUNTY OF DUVAL )



                         I, Diane M. Tropia, Court Reporter,

             6  certify that I was authorized to and did

                stenographically report the foregoing proceedings

             7  and that the transcript is a true and complete

                record of my stenographic notes.




                          DATED this 8th day of May, 2011.



            11                   Diane M. Tropia



























