November 1, 2011

3:30 p.m.


City Council Conference Room A

Suite 425, City Hall

117 West Duval Street


Attendance:  Committee Chair Reggie Brown; Committee Members Lori Boyer, Ray Holt, Jim Love, and Don Redman; Dylan Reingold, Office of General Counsel; Lisa Sheppard, Gary Kresel, Stephen Smith, Sean Kelly, and Folks Huxford, Department of Planning and Development; Merriane Lahmeur and Rick Campbell, Office of City Council


The Committee Chair, Reggie Brown, called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. and asked Mr. Reingold to take everyone through the marked agenda containing the suggested committee actions.


Changes, additions, and comments concerning the agenda as marked included:

11-341 Withdrawal anticipated; request to be confirmed

11-518 Applicant requesting deferral for one cycle

11-584 Not sure if District Council Member ready to proceed

11-585 Proposed amendment revises legal description and acreage

11-621 Proposed amendment provisions to be clarified

11-622 Proposed amendment includes conditions, which will be modified

11-623 Proposed amendment includes conditions

11-624 Proposed amendment includes conditions

11-628 Mr. Reingold advised that C/M Boyer is working on this, and is requesting that this item     be deferred following continuation of the public hearing

11-637 Item ready for consideration; RCDPHS Committee has made its recommendation

11-646 The Chair has visited the site, and has reviewed such issues as parking, fencing, and          neighboring zoning and uses; he expressed a desire to be consistent and wants to         investigate similar situations; deferral to 01-04-12 is being proposed

11-661 It was noted that a public hearing is to be held on 11-08-11 at 5:00 p.m. in the Council        Chamber


As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:43 p.m.


Rick Campbell, Research Assistant/(904) 630-1679


Posted 11.02.11/9:30 a.m.