RESEARCH DIVISION




June 6, 2011

1:30 P.M.


City Council Conference Room A

Suite 425, City Hall

117 West Duval Street


Attendance:  Council Members Bishop (Chair); Steve Rohan, Dylan Reingold, Jason Teal, Office of General Counsel; Lisa Rinaman, Administration; Heather Norsworthy, Kyle Billy and Robert Campbell, Council Auditor’s Office; Bob Williams, Lin White, Public Works; Paul Crawford, JEDC; Attorney Brenda Ezell;  Fred Forbes, Environmental Compliance; Charles Appleby, Jessica Deal, Dave Shepler, Advanced Disposal Services Jacksonville; Celeste Hicks, Diane Smith, Scott Wilson, ECAs; Juliette Williams, Legislative Services; John J. Jackson, Council Research Division.


The Chair called the meeting to order at 1:31 p.m. and proceeded to review the agenda.


Lisa Rinaman announced that on Item #4, ORD 2011-164, re Duval County Courthouse Facilities Proj; Closing & Abandoning W. Monroe St, though JEDC Executive Director Ron Barton would not be at the meeting (out of town), the Deputy Director, Paul Crawford, would be at the meeting.


On Items #11, 12, & 13, ORDs 2011-292, Auth 3-Yr Extension to Existing Agreemt with Advanced Disposal Services Jacksonville; 2011-293, Auth 1st Amend to Existing Agreemt with Waste Pro of Florida; 2011-294, Auth 1st Amend to Existing Agreemt with Republic Services of Florida Limited Partnership, db/a Southland Waste Systems of Jacksonville, the Chair asked the question: what’s supposed to happen?  What was the Council’s role in this?  Kyle Billy would be at the Committee meeting to explain what the Council’s role is in the process; what’s in the Ordinance Code regarding the process.  Mr. Billy would provide the Council Auditor’s perspective; Fred Forbes would offer the Administration’s perspective; the haulers would have a representative to give their perspective.


On Item #17, ORD 2011-303, Closing & Abandoning an All Utilities Easemt at Req of George R. Knecht to allow Applicant to Build a Shed in NW Corner of his Propty in Spanish Oaks, the Real Estate Chief, Robert Williams, indicated that though the measure was marked for withdrawal on the Marked Agenda, he was wholly unaware of that status and recalled that at the last Council meeting, when the Council President mentioned that this item would be withdrawn, the applicant for the closure approached him (Mr. Williams) and indicated that it was not his wish that the bill be withdrawn.  The Chair asked Heather Norsworthy to touch base with the Council President’s office to obtain some clarification.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:40 p.m.


John J. Jackson, Council Research Division (904) 630-1729



Posted: 3:30 p.m.