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(Collective Bargaining Agreements)
September 27, 2012
4:00 p.m.
Location: City Council Chamber, 1st floor, City Hall – St. James Building; 117 West Duval Street
In attendance:
Council Members Bill Bishop (Chair), Greg Anderson, Lori Boyer, Reginald Brown, Doyle Carter, Richard Clark, John Crescimbeni, Kimberly Daniels, Johnny Gaffney, Bill Gulliford, Ray Holt, Warren Jones, Jim Love, Robin Lumb, Don Redman, Matt Schellenberg
Excused: Council
Members Stephen Joost, Denise Lee and Clay Yarborough
Also: Cindy Laquidara, Derrel Chatmon and Peggy Sidman – General Counsel’s office; Ronnie Belton – CFO; Chris Hand – Mayor’s Office; Maryanne Evans – Employee Services; Marty Senterfitt – Fire and Rescue Department; Jeff Clements – City Council Research Division, Dana Farris – Legislative Services Division; Randy Wyse – International Association of Fire Fighters Local 122; Nelson Cuba – Fraternal Order of Police
Meeting Convened: 10:02 a.m.
Derrel Chatmon of the General Counsel’s Office made a brief presentation outlining the substantive changes in the three collective bargaining agreements from the current contracts and answered questions from Council Members. The contracts provide for the continuation of the 2% pay reduction in effect for the last 2 years, no layoffs except for budgetary reasons, and provides for a re-opener for discussion of employee benefits, including pension benefits. Council Member Daniels read a list of Fire and Rescue Department units/personnel that will be eliminated or temporarily taken out of service as of October 1 with the start of the new fiscal year, including 1 hazardous materials unit, 1 technical services unit and 1 air supply unit, three health and safety officers and two field service officers, and the institution of “rolling brownouts” with stations being closed one day at a time.
In response to a question from Council Member Schellenberg, Mr. Chatmon said that the contracts do not address the heart/hypertension-related worker’s compensation issues that have been in the news lately. Contract negotiations began in January and the worker’s comp issue did not become apparent until July. It is something that could be negotiated if both parties agree. In response to a question from Council Member Crescimbeni, Mr. Chatmon indicated that salaries for Fire Department employees would go up by 2% for one day on September 30th, but then would revert to current levels on October 1st. Regarding layoffs, the Fire Department believes that with a combination of attrition (retirements and resignations) and the employees who are already committed to an exit date via participation in the DROP plan, the department will not need to lay off any employees and in fact will be doing more hiring to replace those leaving to keep a full staffing level. Council Member Carter expressed concern with the loss of institutional knowledge and experience as a wave of firefighters and officers retires in the next few years.
With regard to the re-opener for pension discussions, Mr. Chatmon stated that the contract requires the parties to return to the bargaining table for discussion of this issue by the end of 2012. Randy Wyse, President of the local chapter of the International Association of Fire Fighters stated that the union agrees to open discussion on pension issues, but only for facets that are not currently covered by the 30-year settlement agreement between the City and the Police and Fire Pension Fund. He noted that his union members had voted to approve the contract yesterday. In response to a question from Council Member Lumb, Fire Chief Marty Senterfitt stated that his department has sufficient resources in the FY12-13 budget to do the job that needs to be done. In response to a question from Council Member Gulliford, Chief Senterfitt stated that the contract does not restrict or impede the use of volunteer firefighters.
2012-593 – approved 16-0
2012-594 – approved 16-0
In response to a question from Council Member Lumb, Maryanne Evans of the Employee Services Department stated that the Jacksonville Supervisors Association covers first-line supervisors, not appointed officials.
2012-595 – approved 16-0
Council Member Daniels expressed concern that public safety is going to be compromised as of October 1 because of the reductions in service in the Fire and Rescue Department resulting from the FY12-13 budget cuts. Council Member Brown advocated finding additional funds to reallocate to the Fire Department by emergency Council action. Randy Wyse of the IAFF reiterated the service reductions mentioned earlier that will take place on October 1. Chief Senterfitt responded with an explanation of how the department intends to cover the functions that won’t be fully staffed by use of other personnel as necessary. The equipment will still be in service, it just won’t have a dedicated driver on duty at all times. The chief noted the difference between needs and wants, and said the new budget provides for the needs, albeit with additional work required of fewer staff.
Meeting adjourned: 11:06 a.m.
Minutes: Jeff Clements, Council Research Division
9.27.12 Posted: 5:00 p.m.
Tape: Special Council Meeting on 2012-593, -594 and -595
Legislative Services Division