FAX (904) 630-2906
July 24, 2012
4:00 p.m.
Location: City Council Chamber, City Hall – St. James Building; 117 West Duval Street,
In attendance: Council Members Bishop (President), Anderson, Gulliford, Jones, Love, Boyer, Yarborough, Carter, Crescimbeni, Daniels, Holt, Joost, Redman, Lumb and Schellenberg
Also: Cindy Laquidara, Steve Rohan, Kristina Nelson and Dylan Reingold – Office of General Counsel; Kirk Sherman, Janice Billy and Phillip Peterson – Council Auditor’s Office; Steve Cassada – Council Staff Services; Jessica Deal - Mayor’s Office; Dana Farris and Juliette Williams – Legislative Services Division; Jeff Clements – Council Research Division; Paul Crawford and Joe Whitaker – JEDC; Connie Holt, Ricky Anderson, Dan Macdonald, Kevin Kuzel and James Nealis – ECAs; Lin White – Public Works Department; David Bauerlein – Florida Times-Union; David Chapman – Financial News and Daily Record; Scott Johnson and Jim Piggot – WJXT; Kevin Meerschaert – WJCT; T.R. Hainline, Tony Bates, Connie Benham, Alberta Hipps
Meeting Convened: 4:02 p.m.
Council President Bishop convened the meeting and asked the committee chairs to report their committee actions.
Rules Committee: Council Member Yarborough reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting.
TEU Committee: Council Member Anderson reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting. In response to a question about the relationship of 2012-297 and 2012-447 (both appropriations regarding the proposed JIA/Braddock future rail corridor study, Steve Rohan stated that 2012-447 had been drafted as an alternative means of accomplishing the rail corridor study funding should 2012-297 become bogged down by debate over the First Coast High School pool issue. If 2012-297 is acted upon, then Mr. Holt will withdraw 2012-447 as unnecessary.
PHS Committee: Council Member Daniels reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting. The committee will continue to follow up on a presentation it received from the Duval County Health Department about the recent tuberculosis outbreak in Jacksonville.
Finance Committee: Council Member Crescimbeni reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting. He will be offering a floor amendment on 2012-347 (economic incentive package for Novitas Solutions) that clarifies numerous provisions of the development agreement, to which Novitas is agreeable. Paul Crawford of the Office of Economic Development stated that the amendment does not delete the waiver of the requirement for the company to make a $10 million capital investment. Steve Rohan noted that the Finance amendment to 2012-297 removes the funding for a swimming pool feasibility study and instead directs the Parks and Recreation Department to prepare an RFP for a feasibility study.
RCD Committee: Council Member Carter reported that all of his committee’s items had been previously covered.
LUZ Committee: Council Member Boyer reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting. Council Member Love will be proposing a floor amendment on 2012-339 (amendment to parking requirements in Riverside/Avondale zoning overlay). Mrs. Boyer noted that the applicant for 2012-257 and -258 (land use change and rezoning on San Jose Boulevard) had requested withdrawal of these items but the LUZ Committee voted to deny the applications. Tarek Batteh representing the owner stated that ownership of the parcel has changed during the LUZ committee process and that the new owner wishes to have the bill withdrawn rather than denied if possible. The council will debate the request on the floor.
President Bishop announced that there would be an addendum of 2 items requested by Council Member Crescimbeni – a restoration of some funding to the Office of Economic Development removed by 2012-212 that is needed for immediate environmental remediation on the Shipyards property required by the Florida DEP and a proposed referendum on the composition of the Police and Fire Pension Fund board. Mr. Crescimbeni also asked for emergency action tonight on 2012-467 (resolution directing the General Counsel to initiate legal action to determine the eligibility of the Clerk of the Courts to run for another term given the Florida Supreme Court’s recent ruling upholding locally-imposed term limitations on constitutional officers).
Council Member Joost stated that he would offer a floor amendment to 2012-297 to require that the pool feasibility study also include a study of the impacts of the construction of a new competition-quality swimming pool on the operations of the current Cecil Commerce Center swimming pool.
Council Member Yarborough alerted the council to the request for emergency action on Ordinance 2012-466 which would move the LUZ Committee meeting of August 14th and the City Council meeting of November 6th to the next day in recognition of the conflict with the primary and general elections to be held on those days.
President Bishop stated that 2012-429 (adoption of a tentative millage rate and “rolled back” rate) will be taken up as an emergency in order to meet the August 4th deadline for reporting the rates to the Property Appraiser. Council Auditor Kirk Sherman will make a brief presentation about the TRIM notification process.
Meeting adjourned: 4:23 p.m.
Minutes: Jeff Clements, Council Research
7.24.12 Posted 5:30 p.m.
Tapes: Council agenda meeting – LSD
Materials: President’s agenda - LSD