FAX (904) 630-2906
June 26, 2012
4:00 p.m.
Location: City Council Chamber, City Hall – St. James Building; 117 West Duval Street,
In attendance: Council Members Joost (President), Clark, Anderson, Gulliford, Jones, Love, Boyer, Bishop, Yarborough, Carter, Crescimbeni, Holt, Redman, Lumb and Brown
Also: Cindy Laquidara, Steve Rohan, Peggy Sidman and Dylan Reingold – Office of General Counsel; Kirk Sherman and Janice Billy – Council Auditor’s Office; Steve Cassada – Council Staff Services; Chris Hand and Jessica Deal - Mayor’s Office; Cheryl Brown – Council Secretary/Director; Dana Farris and Juliette Williams – Legislative Services Division; Jeff Clements – Council Research Division; Ronnie Belton – CFO; Paul Crawford and Joe Whitaker – JEDC; Connie Holt, Celeste Hicks, Ricky Anderson, Dan Macdonald, Kevin Kuzel and Audrey Braman – ECAs; Annette Hastings – Duval Tourist Development Council; Lin White – Public Works Department; Lisa Shepherd – Planning and Development Department; Sheriff John Rutherford and Maxine Person – Sheriff’s Office; Steve Patterson – Florida Times-Union; Joe Wilhelm – Financial News and Daily Record; Steve Diebenow, Paul Harden, T.R. Hainline, Ginger Soud, Richard Berry, Tony Bates
Meeting Convened: 4:08 p.m.
Council President Joost convened the meeting and asked the committee chairs to report their committee actions.
Rules Committee: Council Member Bishop reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting. Steve Rohan noted that 2012-203 (amending City Charter and appointing 3 new members to the Police and Fire Pension Fund board) will have a floor substitute.
TEU Committee: Council Member Anderson reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting. On 2012-153 (granting CON for Mulliniks Recycling) Council Member Brown stated that the developer wants a last minute change which has not been approved by the neighborhood. He will attempt to get the community’s approval prior to the meeting tonight; if not he requests that the bill be postponed on the Council agenda.
RCDPHS Committee: Council Member Gulliford reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting.
Finance Committee: Council Member Clarke reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting, noting that 2012-301 (tentative annual operating budget and tentative millage rate) failed by a vote of 2-5 in the committee. Mr. Clark clarified with Steve Diebenow representing the applicant for 2012-270 (economic redevelopment agreement with Hallmark Partners) that the Rules substitute contains all of the committee changes to the original bill and that the developer is in agreement with the substitute.
LUZ Committee: Assistant General Counsel Dylan Reingold reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting, noting that the applicant for 2012-257 and -258 (land use amendment and rezoning at San Jose Boulevard and Oak Bluff Lane) requests withdrawal of the bill rather than the committee’s recommendation of denial. 2012-326 and 2012-328 (rezonings on San Pablo Parkway) will have floor amendments)
2012-203 (amending City Charter and appointing 3 new members to the Police and Fire Pension Fund board): Council Member Crescimbeni said that he had talked with attorneys Cindy Laquidara, Steve Rohan, Peggy Sidman and John Germany and with outside counsel and has developed a floor amendment to the bill that will allow the Council to return to the bill’s original intent to amend the City Charter regarding the appointment method for one seat on the Police and Fire Pension Fund board of trustees and appointing 3 new members to the board. The charter amendment and appointment to the 5th seat that is the subject of the amendment will be made contingent upon receipt of a favorable opinion of the change from the Florida Division of Retirement. Cindy Laquidara pointed out that the bill will not become effective until the next Council meeting which will occur on July 24th after the Council’s summer break, which should be sufficient time to receive the response from Tallahassee.
Sheriff John Rutherford asked for emergency approval of 2012-401 (appropriation of $5.16 million in JSO budget savings to Banking Fund debt repayment and City budget deficit reduction). The Council Auditor cautioned that the proposed amount is a theoretical savings until the budget year is completed and urged the Council not to take up the bill as an emergency until it can be reviewed. President Joost asked the Sheriff to meet with the Council Auditor immediately following the agenda meeting.
Lisa Shepherd of the Planning and Development Department asked for emergency approval of resolution 2012-419 (authorizing the administration to pursue Jacksonville’s designation as a Preserve America Community).
Council Member Clark will propose a floor amendment for 2012-326 and -328 (rezonings on San Pablo Parkway) that incorporates the LUZ amendment and makes additional changes agreed to by the developer and the neighborhood.
Council Member Jones may ask to postpone consideration of 2012-331, -332 and -333 (land use amendment and rezonings on Forest Street and McCoy’s Creek Boulevard) after opening the public hearing. He will be in communication with the parties before the meeting to determine what action to take.
Council Member Holt said that the applicant wants to withdraw 2012-257 and-258 (land use amendment and rezoning on San Jose Boulevard at Oak Bluff Lane). Tarek Batteh representing the applicant stated that the property was sold last Friday and the new owner is not supportive of the changes. Council Member Boyer asked how an ownership change late in the approval process affects Council’s ability to act on the applications.
Meeting adjourned: 4:32 p.m.
Minutes: Jeff Clements, Council Research
6.26.12 Posted 5:30 p.m.
Tapes: Council agenda meeting – LSD
Materials: President’s agenda - LSD