OF JUNE 12, 2012 |
Compiled by: Research Division |
12-168 |
Amendment |
OGC, the Amendment 1) adds a distance
requirement of 1,000 feet from the centerline of a designated interstate
highway; and 2) requires a building permit application for structural review
to the Building Inspection Division with a copy to the Wireless
Communications Coordinator. |
12-193 |
Amendment |
OGC, the Amendment incorporates a
revised PUD written description, dated May 30, 2012, and a revised PUD site
plan, dated April 27, 2012 and adds the following conditions to the PUD: (1) The Subject Property shall be developed
in accordance with the Development Services Division Memorandum, dated April
26, 2012, or as otherwise approved by the Planning and Development
Department; (2) The maximum allowable number of restaurant seats in the
existing building, together with any optional additions, and the 1,200 square
foot hexagonal building combined shall not exceed 200 seats; (3) A ten foot
wide landscape buffer meeting the requirements of Section 656.1215(b), Zoning
Code, shall be installed and maintained between the southern edge of the
Hendricks Avenue entrance drive and the existing building located at 1468
Hendricks Avenue, Jacksonville, Florida, 32207 (Parcel RE# 080674-0010); (4)
There shall be no drive-through related uses or structures on the Subject
Property as a part of any building fronting Hendricks Avenue; (5) Development
shall occur only where indicated on the proposed site plan and shall not
exceed the square footage as shown on the plan for each respective area; (6)
The architectural features notated on the site plan are binding as shown; (7)
An equivalent quantity and size (or greater) of plant material that would
otherwise be required in the landscape buffer areas, and for which relief is
approved, shall be relocated to the plaza area. Landscape features and
pedestrian character of the plaza area as indicated on the site plan is
binding as shown or as otherwise approved by the Planning and Development
Department; (8) The Subject Property shall be developed and maintained in
accordance with the requirements of Part 12 (Landscape and Tree Protection
Regulations), Zoning Code, except as follows: • Sec. 656.1215(a)(1): Reduce the landscape buffer between vehicle
use area along Cedar Street from ten feet per linear feet of frontage/ five
feet minimum width required to zero feet per linear feet of frontage and zero
feet minimum width in conjunction with a thirty-six inch tall wall or
combination iron fence with 100% opaque landscape screen subject to the
review and approval of the Planning and Development Department. • Sec. 656.1215(a)(1): Reduce the landscape
buffer between vehicle use area along Naldo Avenue from ten feet per linear
feet of frontage/ five feet minimum width required to five feet per linear
feet of frontage and five feet minimum width. • Sec. 656.1215(a)(3): Relocate the trees otherwise
required along Cedar Street to the pedestrian plaza, in conjunction with a
thirty-six inch tall wall as indicated on Landscape Site Plan. • Sec. 656.1215(b)(1): Reduce the perimeter
landscape buffer area between vehicle use area and abutting property along
the north property boundary from five feet minimum width required to three
feet. • Sec. 656.1215(e): Increase the maximum width of the driveway access
to the adjoining property (Former City Hall) from 24 feet required to
approximately 122 feet as indicated on the site plan.• Section 656.1216(a):
Reduce the uncomplimentary land use buffer width along the north property
boundary from ten feet wide required to three feet wide. • Section
656.1216(a): Reduce the uncomplimentary land use buffer width along the west
property boundary from ten feet wide required to four feet wide;
(9) Adult Congregate Living Facilities shall be prohibited; (10) Animal
boarding shall be prohibited; (11) Truck loading and unloading docks in
association with products manufactured on the premises shall be permitted
only by minor modification; (12) Dancing
Entertainment Establishments shall be prohibited regardless of food service;
(13) Notwithstanding the prohibition on nightclubs, a dance floor and/or live
entertainment, in association with a restaurant which includes the retail
sale and service of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption, may be permitted
until 1 a.m.; and (14) The 10’
landscape buffer adjacent to the Existing South Jax City Hall building,
depicted on the site plan, dated April 27, 2012 shall either be deeded to the
City or an easement shall be conveyed over the 10’ landscape buffer to the
City, at the option of the City. |
12-203 |
Amendment |
Insert appointee names –
Walt Bussells, Adam Herbert, and Randle Shoemaker-Crump |
12-217 |
Amendment |
OGC, the Amendment adds the following conditions to the PUD: (1) The Subject Property shall be developed
in accordance with the Development Services Division Memorandum dated April
18, 2012, or as otherwise approved by the Planning and Development
Department; (2) The Subject Property
shall be allowed one externally illuminated, double faced, monument sign not
to exceed thirty square feet in area and ten feet in height; (3) The minimum
lot width shall be 100 feet, the minimum lot area shall be 2 ˝ acres and the maximum
lot coverage shall be 10%; (4)
Modification to the PUD shall be in accordance with Section 656.341(f)
of the Zoning Code; and (5) Prior to commencement of use and/or issuance of a
Certificate of Use (COU), all improvements on the Subject Property shall be
reviewed and permitted by the Development Services Division, Building
Inspection Division, Fire Marshall and the Duval County Health Department, in
addition to any other required approvals. |
12-218 |
Amendment |
OGC, the Amendment incorporates a revised PUD written description, dated June
5, 2012, and adds the following conditions to the PUD: (1) The Subject
Property shall be developed in accordance with the Development Services
Division Memorandum, dated April 18, 2012 and the Florida Department of
Transportation memorandum, dated April 24, 2012, or as otherwise approved by
the Planning and Development Department and the Florida Department of
Transportation; (2) A minimum setback of 15 feet and buffer standards in
Section 656.1216(b)(c) and (d) of the Zoning Code shall be provided where the
Subject Property is adjacent to a residential district; and (3) Permitted and permissible uses by
exception in the Commercial Community General-1 (CCG-1) Zoning District shall
be permitted with the grant of an exception. Uses requiring CCG-2 zoning are
prohibited. |
12-219 |
Amendment |
OGC, the Amendment incorporates a revised PUD written description, dated May
22, 2012, and adds the following conditions to the PUD: (1) The Subject
Property shall be developed in accordance with the Development Services
Division Memorandum, dated April 23, 2012, or as otherwise approved by the
Planning and Development Department; and (2) The location of any fence along
the northeast property line of 2902 Harvard Avenue shall not encroach beyond
the front plane of the adjacent house at 2906 Harvard Avenue. |
12-233 |
Amendment |
the list of RE numbers in the second “Whereas” clause. |
12-256 |
Amendment |
OGC, the Amendment adds the following conditions to the PUD: (1) The Subject
Property shall be developed in accordance with the Development Services
Division Memorandum dated April 23, 2012 or as otherwise approved by the
Planning and Development Department; (2) The Subject Property shall be
developed in accordance with the Jacksonville Design Guidelines and Best
Practices Handbook, Appendix D, 3.0 Automobile Dealerships, except for Design
Guideline D.3.3, subject to the review and approval by the Planning and
Development Department; (3) The storage area identified in Section II.A.2. of
the Written Description shall be enclosed with a six (6) foot high, 85%
opaque fence consisting of vinyl or wood composite; (4) Except for a
contiguous 120 linear foot section for the outside display of up to five
recreational vehicles, perimeter landscaping shall consist of a twenty-five
(25) foot wide landscape buffer adjacent to Rampart Road containing a three
(3) foot high berm, which shall contain a continuous hedge conforming to Part
12, Section 656.1215 of the Zoning Code, and one (1) tree with a four (4)
inch diameter breast height every twenty–five (25) feet of linear road
frontage. An uncomplimentary buffer
meeting the requirements of Section 656.1216 of the Zoning Code shall be
provided along the north and south property lines; (5) Visible outside
display of recreational vehicles abutting and facing Rampart Road and I-295
shall be limited to a maximum of five vehicles on Rampart Road and twenty
vehicles on I-295; (6) All sag lenses, drop lenses and convex lenses shall be
prohibited. Illumination levels at all property lines shall not exceed
one-half (0.5) foot candles (f.c.) when the building or parking areas are
located adjacent to residential areas, and shall not exceed one (1.0) f.c.
when abutting other non-residential properties. All lighting lamp sources
within parking and pedestrian areas shall be metal halide or compact
fluorescent. The maximum light pole height in all parking areas should not
exceed thirty feet (30’- 0”). An exterior lighting design plan for each
project, including a photometrics plan and pole and fixtures schedules shall
be submitted at the time of Verification of Substantial Compliance for review
and approval by the Planning and Development Department; (7) There shall be
no audio speakers or external P.A. system; (8) One internally illuminated
monument style sign, not to exceed 40 feet in height and 150 square feet in
area on each side shall be permitted along I-295 on the subject property. One
externally illuminated monument style sign, not to exceed 50 square feet in
area and 12 feet in height shall be permitted along Rampart Road. These signs
shall be spaced a minimum of 200 feet apart. Changing message devices are not
allowed on any sign facing Rampart Road. All other sign regulations in the
PUD Written Description remain; and (9) Bay doors shall not face toward a
public right of way. |
12-259 |
Amendment |
OGC, the Amendment denies the appeal and attaches findings of fact and
conclusions of law. |
12-264 |
Amendment |
OGC, the Amendment incorporates a revised PUD written description, dated June
5, 2012, incorporates the signage plan, dated May 21, 2012 and adds the
following condition to the PUD: (1) The Subject Property shall be developed
in accordance with the Development Services Division Memorandum, dated May
16, 2012, or as otherwise approved by the Planning and Development
Department.”; |
12-270 |
Substitute |
Performance Schedule from allowable “Technical Amendments”; restrict use of
City contributions to their allotted Phase; require Public Works to work with
the Developer to evaluate the cost of the Open Space and adjust the available
allocation accordingly; require Developer to provide signage of public access
to and availability of Open Space; add Order of Precedence clause to bill
stipulating that in the event of conflict between the agreement and the
Project Summary attached to the bill, the inconsistency in favor of the City
will prevail; incorporate a very specific site plan and program of uses for
the public open space component. |
12-272 |
Amendment |
Amends Exhibit A – Grant of Easement - to delete paragraph 2(b) and in
paragraph 3 to reduce the easement grant to the width of the driveway LUZ:
Per OGC, the amendment adopts the Finance amendment plus: 1) the developer
will grant an easement to the City over its portion of the driveway from
Cedar Street, 2) the developer will be required to grant a perpetual easement
over, or dedicate, the 10 foot landscape buffer, indicated on the site plan,
dated April 3, 2012, whichever is in the best interest of the City
considering the historic nature of the adjacent building, to the City; and 3)
the developer will no longer be required to provide an easement to the City
for three parking spots. |
12-285 |
Amendment |
future amendments to those technical in nature and with no City financial
obligation; specify this is a renewal of previous agreement and reference
previous Ordinances; attach revised on-file documents. |
12-290 |
Amendment |
Attach revised Exhibit 2 - amended RC. RCDPHS:
Attach Revised Exhibit 2 – amended RC; in the
text in Section 3 of the bill, add reference to “Jacksonville Children’s Commission”
re: in-kind match. |
12-297 |
Amendment |
Strikes appropriation of $4.26
million to JIA North Access Road project; appropriates $150,000 for a
feasibility study of the First Coast High School pool project, including
construction and maintenance costs and potential economic benefits. |
12-298 |
Amendment |
mid-year CIP amendment required detriment findings. |
12-347 12-348 |
Amendment Substitute |
Delete duplicative language from bill title F:
Delete duplicative language from bill title; remove and replace Exhibit 1
with Revised Exhibit 1 Attaches
3 exhibits and renames the portion of Duval Road from I-95 westerly to Airport
Road as Airport Road. |
Contact: Jeff Clements, Chief of Research (904) 630-1405 or