FAX (904) 630-2906
April 24, 2012
4:00 p.m.
Location: City Council Chamber, City Hall – St. James Building; 117 West Duval Street,
In attendance: Council Members Joost (President), Bishop, Gulliford, Brown, Anderson, Boyer, Love, Yarborough, Jones, Crescimbeni, Redman, Schellenberg, Holt, Clark, Carter and Lumb
Also: Steve Rohan, Peggy Sidman and Dylan Reingold – Office of General Counsel; Kirk Sherman and Janice Billy – Council Auditor’s Office; Steve Cassada – Council Staff Services; Jessica Deal - Mayor’s Office; Dana Farris and Juliette Williams – Legislative Services Division; Lin White – Public Works Department; Jeff Clements – Council Research Division; James Nealis, Dan Mcdonald, Kevin Kuzel, Audrey Braman, BeLinda Peeples and Ricky Anderson – ECAs; Tony Bates and Connie Benham - Concerned Taxpayers; Steve Patterson – Florida Times-Union; Kevin Meerschaert – WJCT; Chris Warren - Chamber of Commerce; Emily Liska – Jacksonville Historical Society
Meeting Convened: 4:02 p.m.
Council President Joost convened the meeting and asked the committee chairs to report their committee actions.
Rules Committee: Council Member Bishop reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting.
TEU Committee: Council Member Anderson reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting.
RCDPHS Committee: Council Member Gulliford reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting.
Finance Committee: Council Member Clark reported that all actions have been previously covered.
LUZ Committee: Council Member Brown reviewed the actions of the committee from its meeting. Council Member Anderson requested that 2012-83 (rezoning on Lenoir Avenue ) be deferred for one cycle. Rick Morales, a neighbor of the rezoning site, told the Council that the applicant has already cleared the site and erected a fence in violation of the proposed conditions to the rezoning prior to Council approval of that rezoning. He requested that he be allowed to enter new evidence into the record and that the bill be re-referred to committee. Dylan Reingold stated that the Council could either: a) postpone the item tonight and advertise for another public hearing at City Council to hear the new evidence Mr. Morales is presenting; or b) re-refer the item to the LUZ Committee for another noticed public hearing and potential re-vote; or c) vote tonight as scheduled based on the record as it stood at the LUZ Committee with no additions.
Council Member Crescimbeni cautioned the Council about setting a precedent of allowing a party dissatisfied with an LUZ Committee recommendation to come to the Council on the night of a scheduled final vote with new evidence and a request for a new hearing. The Council could be opening Pandora’s Box by allowing a new delaying tactic to dissatisfied parties. Council Member Redman felt that Mr. Morales had his chance to make his case at the LUZ Committee and the Council should not consider a delay. He said that if the problem is that the applicant has started construction before the rezoning is granted, then have Code Enforcement cite that violation and stop the work. Council Member Brown was inclined to refer the matter back to LUZ to consider the new evidence. Charles Mann, representing the applicant, objected to the request for postponement. He said his client has started work in good faith after three public hearings and positive recommendations by the Planning Commission and LUZ Committee because the Sheriff’s Office, for whom this facility is being constructed, wants to start using the site by May 1. The Council will determine what course it wants to take in the meeting.
Deputy General Counsel Steve Rohan reported that the applicant for the solid waste CON in 2012-154 (AAction Recycling) requests withdrawal of the bill tonight, which would require a discharge from committee. Council Member Jones agreed with the withdrawal but suggested it be recommended in committee next week.
Council Member Clark requested that 2012-197 (naming the green space in front of the new courthouse) be taken up tonight. Council Member Boyer announced that she will have a floor amendment to the bill.
Jessica Deal of the Mayor’s Office requested an addition to the addendum of 2012-283 which would repeal Ordinance 2011-399 (amendments to General Employees’ Pension Plan).
President Joost announced that he had had ex parte communication earlier in the day with Rick Morales and Charles Mann with regard to rezoning ordinance 2012-83.
Meeting adjourned: 4:28 p.m.
Minutes: Jeff Clements, Council Research
4.24.12 Posted 5:30 p.m.
Tapes: Council agenda meeting – LSD
Materials: President’s agenda - LSD