CHERYL L. BROWN                                                                                                         117 WEST DUVAL STREET, SUITE 425

            DIRECTOR                                                                                                                                                                                 4TH FLOOR, CITY HALL

   OFFICE (904) 630-1452                                                                                                                                                          JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA  32202

     FAX (904) 630-2906                                                                                                                                                                                                              



Finance Committee Agenda Meeting Minutes

May 15, 2012

9:30 a.m.


Topic:  Finance Committee agenda meeting


Location:  Conference Room A, City Hall – St. James Building; 117 West Duval Street,

     Suite 425


In attendance:  Council Member Warren Jones (Chair), Greg Anderson, Matt Schellenberg, Stephen Joost (arr. 9:47), and Bill Gulliford (arr 9:51)


Janice Billy – Council Auditor’s Office; Peggy Sidman, Dylan Reingold and Cherry Shaw – Office of General Counsel; Lin White and John Jones – Public Works Department; Maxine Person and Russell Caffey – JSO; Jessica Deal – Mayor’s Office; James Richardson – Neighborhoods Department; Scott Trebatoski – Animal Care and Control; Vince Seibold – Environmental Quality Division; George Johnson – Fire and Rescue Department; Stan Johnson, BeLinda Peeples, Suzanne Warren and Rebekah Hager - ECAs; Jessica Stephens – Legislative Services Division; Jeff Clements – Council Research Division; Karen Bates – Duval Federal Credit Union; Tony Bates – Concerned Taxpayers of Duval County


Meeting Convened:  9:40 a.m.


Vice Chairman Jones convened the meeting and reviewed the Auditor’s marked agenda which included 8 items to be deferred, 16 items ready for action (1 for withdrawal) and 10 items for second reading and re-referral.


2012-128 (appropriating $125,000 from Old Kings Road Landfill mitigation account for purchase of park property on Hamilton Circle) – questions remain about the extent of wetlands; hopefully Council Member Brown will be present to discuss.


20121-202 (appropriating $9120 from various City Council accounts to pay for City Hall garage parking for council members) – the TEU Committee recommended withdrawal; if the bill is deferred in Finance then it will stay on the committee agenda as a “backup plan” in case the combined 202/215 substitute should fail.


2012-215 (amending the Ordinance Code to create $2 citizen parking for City Council and committee meetings and to provide 4-hour parking meters around City Hall) – a substitute was adopted by the TEU Committee, but then the motion to approve as substituted failed 2-4.


2012-260 (agreement with Clara White Mission for use of North Riverside Community Center) – Peggy Sidman said the marked agenda indicates a 20 year term, but she questions if it should be 15 years.


2012-272 (amended and restated cross-easement and termination agreement) – Council Member Boyer will have an amendment to offer either in Finance or later today in the LUZ Committee.


Council Member Joost arrived and said he will be present to discuss the Council parking ordinance (2012-202).  He also announced that he will be calling a Special Council Meeting at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday to vote on the override of the Mayor’s veto of 2012-299 (courthouse furniture purchase).  He wanted to avoid meeting prior to the Council meeting next Tuesday because of the election for Council officers prior to the Council meeting.


2012-274 (declaring Council’s support for installation of surveillance cameras in high crime areas) – the committee needs Council Member Brown to be present for discussion.  There will be questions about cost and location of cameras.  Maxine Person of the Sheriff’s Office said that the JSO has looked at various systems, some of which cost more than $1 million, depending on the quality of the system you buy.



Meeting Adjourned:  9:54 a.m.


Minutes:  Jeff Clements, Council Research Division

                 5.14.12   Posted 3:30 p.m.

Tapes:      Finance agenda meeting– LSD


Materials:   Auditor’s marked Finance agenda
